lalcne-blog · 6 years
( @witchtrivls -- finny -- said, ❝ several bad choices have lead me to this moment ❞ )
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          CARYS LOOKED AROUND, wanting to make sure finny was talking to her before actually speaking. she’d been fairly quiet since vista had brought her back from the forest, not wanting to overstep her bounds, but she knew there was definitely something off ( at least in the realm of love ), and she wanted to at least pay them back for the kindness they’d shown her. ❝ um, what type of bad choices ?? what moment ?? ❞ she asked quietly.
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( @witchtrivls -- luna -- said, ❝ if you know me and my debilitating fear of bears , this is my worst nightmare ❞ )
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          POPPY LET OUT a quiet giggle, hidden behind her hand. ❝ i think he’s cute, ❞ she said, vaguely gesturing in the direction of the bear beneath the tree she was currently perched in. ❝ he won’t harm us, we can just pop in and out as we please. besides, if worst comes to worst, we can just ask fox for help. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( @witchtrivls -- anaise -- said, ❝ i’m so glad that’s over let’s go eat taco bell ❞ )
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          VALLIS HAD TO agree. as much as he didn’t mind his job, it could be difficult sometimes. some people just didn’t want to die, and he couldn’t say he was the most calming presence to be around during the grieving process. this was just his nine to five job, really. ❝ me too, though which one do you want to go to ?? why is it only queensland that has taco bells. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( @witchtrivls -- scout -- said, ❝ i keep forgetting there’s ghosts in here ❞ )
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          FAWN DIDN’T LOOK up from where she was sorting her vegetables, packing them away for the afternoon’s deliveries. this was just an average day in the life of fawn meadows. ❝ i don’t know how many times i have to say it, scout, but there are no ghosts here. never have been, never will be. ❞ hopefully.
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( @witchtrivls -- betta -- said, ❝ i should not feel confident in the face of any man ❞ )
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          FOX BLINKED ONCE, then twice, then three times. ❝ ...but, isn’t it good to feel confident ?? it’s a good feeling, right ?? ❞ he tilted his head to the side, trying to make sense of what his sister was saying. was he missing something ?? probably. that was usually the case.
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( @witchtrivls​ -- alula -- said, ❝ because i’m a masochist ❞ )
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          SAPPHIRA ROLLED HER eyes, leaning against her throne. ❝ if you were truly a masochist, you wouldn’t be here. ❞ she gestured at the night order’s throne room, empty save for the two of them at this moment in time. ❝ we’re all sadists here. ❞ a pause. ❝ for the most part. ❞ sometimes sheridan’s tomfoolery could be considered otherwise.
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
sentences from the youtube series  ,  buzzfeed unsolved .  primarily taken from season 5′s supernatural investigations .
“ it doesn’t matter because you’re dead ”
“ it’s not impressive  ,  no one’s impressed ”
“ the spot of your death is now a lovely gift shop ”
“ as god as my witness  ,  he snapped him in half ”
“ i seriously want you to throw something right at my face ”
“ you can live in the cave ”
“ i’m a big fan of your name ”
“ the fact that you steal  ,  that’s really funny to me ”
“ that’s the greatest thing to steal  :  a man’s joy ”
“ because i’m a masochist ”
“ i’m going to regret this ”
“ i’ve lost the ability to feel ”
“ they’re gonna fucking murder you ”
“ the way you shushed me was quite rude ”
“ cowards  ,  all of you ”
“ i’m strange and off putting ”
“ i should not feel confident in the face of any man ”
“ here you are  ,  smiling in the face of the devil ”
“ i hate bats ”
“ bats sometimes carry rabies and that’s a thing i’m afraid of ”
“ not today devil birds  ,  not today ”
“ i think i’m blacking out right now ”
“ i don’t think i’m going to remember this moment ”
“ i think i’m gonna cry ”
“ i keep forgetting there’s ghosts in here ”
“ if you know me and my debilitating fear of bears  ,  this is my worst nightmare ”
“ i’m standing on an altar alone ”
“ maybe you’ll wake up in the middle of the night and eat your cat ”
“ i’m so glad that’s over let’s go eat taco bell ”
“ were you making horse noises ? ”
“ in case any of you needed a reminder this place is a twisting nightmare ”
“ there’s a good chance i’m gonna fart in here ”
“ well this is horrifying ”
“ let’s do each other a favor and not show ourselves to each other ”
“ if you could do me a big solid and not do anything that would be sublime ”
“ this is just as horrifying as i thought it would be ”
“ you talk to hide from the silence ”
“ do i look like the kind of man who could give advice ? ”
“ several bad choices have lead me to this moment ”
“ let’s play look at the ceiling tiles !  1 , 2 , 3 , 4 … ”
“ i just wanna know if you think they have belly buttons ”
“ i did meet some of the most insufferable people but they also met me ”
“ if it sounds like a duck and walks like a duck ”
lilith nerezza – saber vanille – illumia farryn – dusk wyvern – rentaro akiyama – orion lumus – xavier bane – elinora knox – titania vela – veron isla – lynx aincrad – edmund tien -- carys lovett -- corvus lyra -- sapphira tempest -- sheridan fell -- fox maddigan -- poppy clover -- river zale -- tanith huang -- elvira rain -- bridgette dupont -- fawn meadows -- rylan bastille -- vallis florent -- madoka aura
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ pompeii )
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        ⌜ ONCE ILLUMIA APPEARED to be ready, pompeii hummed and began walking in the direction of downtown. she had just been to destinations yesterday, but nothing ever stopped her from getting coffee as much as she possibly could. ❝ really ?? i’m in there all the time. it’s really cute and they have delicious, i think you’ll like it !! ❞ she smiled over at her friend. ❝ as for you not having been out in a while, we’ll have to change that !! life is absolutely no fun if you don’t go out every once in a while !! ❞ ⌟
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          ILLUMIA KNEW THAT pompeii was right -- she needed to get out once in a while. there was nothing to be gained from sulking around her room and the library, and it was good to be reminded of that, even if she felt slightly annoyed with herself for not coming to that realisation sooner. ❝ i do like cute things, and i don’t think i’ve eaten anything really sweet in a while. ❞ it was a little embarrassing, but she could feel her mouth watering. her stomach rumbled and she gave a nervous laugh. ❝ oops. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ viveca )
        .。×:*♔ ⌜ ❛ your heartbeat’s really loud. ❜ @lalcne | elinora. ⌟
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        ⌜ AT THE SUDDEN remark, a subtle, confused frown came to viveca’s lips and she slowly placed her hand over her heart, pausing when she felt her heart pounding against her ribcage. she’d been dead for so long, no more than just a lost spirit stuck in a river, that she sometimes forgot that she now had a heartbeat, even if it wasn’t necessarily hers. ❝ oh … is it ?? i hadn’t noticed. i’m not sure why. ❞ she said, hardly bothering to look up from her notes.❝ maybe my heart is nervous about something that my brain doesn’t know about yet. or i’m having a heart attack. that’s possible, too. ❞ she hummed nonchalantly. ❝ if i drop dead right now, make sure to get circe to revive me. i have this test to ace. ❞ she tapped her pen against her paper without so much as tearing her eyes away from the words in smudged ink upon it. ⌟
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          ELINORA RAISED HER eyebrows at the dismissive response. she knew that hearts could be strange sometimes ( both physically and metaphorically ), but not being aware of how loud your heart is beating ?? that was weird. perhaps it was just a side-effect of viveca’s species, a drawback. or perhaps it wasn’t considered a drawback at all, depending on how you looked at it. ❝ i don’t think that’s how the human body works, even if we’re not completely human. ❞ faeries were similar to humans in a lot of ways when it came to biology, but even they had their major differences. ❝ what ?? dying would be the perfect reason to get out of a test. don’t waste that opportunity. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ zinnia )
       .。×:*♔ ⌜ ❛ [ puts feet on the other’s lap ] ❜ @lalcne | lily. ⌟
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        ⌜ ZINNIA SIMPLY LEANED back against the cushion of the sofa, sinking a bit further into it as she aimlessly poked at one of lily’s feet. ❝ comfy ?? ❞ she asked and, though it came across as a somewhat sarcastic question due to her snarky nature. It was a genuine question. ❝ where’s sian ?? i would have thought you two would take movie night as an opportunity to cuddle for two hours without a care in the world. ❞ she hummed and glanced at lily, one eyebrow raised. ⌟
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          LILY’S FOOT TWITCHED as it was poked, but she still didn’t move it off. ❝ yes, very -- and sian’s busy, otherwise i would absolutely be cuddling with her right now. i’ll just cuddle with her later. ❞ she said, making herself even more comfortable. ❝ besides, i’m allowed to hang out with other people, too !! i have a lot of affection to give. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ marcel )
      .。×:*♔ ⌜ ❛ what are you doing up? come to bed. ❜ @lalcne | illumia. ⌟
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        ⌜ MARCEL SAT BY the window in the common room that overlooked the downtown area, a cup of hot tea in one hand and the other tracing shapes along the windowsill. at the sudden voice, he tore his gaze away from the few lights that remained on all night and looked to illumia instead. a soft, warm smile came to his lips. ❝ oh, i couldn’t sleep, is all, ❞ he hummed, sipping at his tea. ❝ i like to make tea and look out at the town when i can’t sleep. it’s peaceful, i think … sorry if i woke you up, illumia. ❞ ⌟
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          ILLUMIA COULD RELATE. she’d been feeling that way quite a bit, and tonight was no exception. rather than insisting he return to bed, she simply sat beside him and followed his gaze out the window. ❝ you didn’t wake me up, i couldn’t sleep either. getting up to investigate just gave me something to do, ❞ she said with a small smile. ❝ though i guess that makes me a hypocrite. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ eloise )
       .。×:*♔ ⌜ ❛ i don’t mind sharing the blankets with you. ❜ @lalcne​ | veron. ⌟
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        ⌜ ELOISE’S LIPS PARTED in a small gasp of surprise as she looked to veron from her spot on the floor. she hugged her teddy close to her and buried her face in its fur. ❝ oh, are you sure, veron ?? are you absolutely, positively, most one hundred and ten percent sure ?? ❞ she asks, words muffled by the fuzz of her stuffie. ❝ i don’t want to steal any bit of blanket from you, after all, because then you might grow oh, so resentful at me for using the blankets when you didn’t really want me to and you might get mad at me and hate me and — oh !! i don’t know if i could bear that !! ❞ she drops her teddy into her lap and places her hands on either side of her face to squish her cheeks together. ⌟
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          REALLY, VERON JUST felt guilty leaving eloise on the floor while he was comfortable on the couch in a cocoon of blankets, but he didn’t mind sharing with her. she was nicer than most of the people in his class, at least in his opinion, even if she tended to ramble on. ❝ i’m sure, eloise. i’m not going to hate you, even if you did steal the blankets from me. i’d just steal them right back and that’d be the end of it, ❞ he said with a shrug.
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ adhira )
        .。×:*♔ ⌜ ❛ you’re cold. come here. ❜ @lalcne​ | edmund. ⌟
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        ⌜ ADHIRA HAD BEEN so focused that she had neither noticed the biting chill to the air nor the rows of goosebumps that it sent running along her skin. she supposed she had just grown used to the cold, numb to it, which probably wasn’t necessarily a good thing, but she figured it was fine for just a bit longer. ❝ huh ?? oh, no, it’s fine, edmund, really. ❞ she ran a hand through her blue-silver hair before crossing her arms. ❝ i’m not too cold, i promise. i didn’t even realise until you mentioned it, actually. ❞ ⌟
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          PERHAPS EDMUND JUST wasn’t a fan of the cold ( there had been too many cold nights as a child, he thought, and so he preferred to stay as warm as he could ), so he hated seeing others cold themselves. ❝ oh, sorry, i shouldn’t have brought it up. i just have an extra jacket if you want. ❞ he raised the article of clothing, letting it dangle as he held it by the collar.
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ sia )
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『 SIA BRIGHTENED WHEN SHE TOOK the compliment, enjoying the simplicity of being able to give a little kindness like that. ❝ You’re welcome !! You know the whole thing about how laughter is the gateway to a person’s heart ?? I think that’s, like, super relevant right now, not to get all sappy with you or anything like that. It’s really absolutely adorable !! ❞ 』
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          ILLUMIA HAD TO admit that she hadn’t properly laughed in a while, and perhaps that was part of the reason she hadn’t been feeling great. laughter was the best medicine, after all. ❝ i think there are multiple gateways to a person’s heart. laughter and humour is just one of them. ❞ others were kindness, loyaly, and love, just to name a few. ❝ i don’t know if i’ve ever thought of my laugh as adorable, though. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ amelie )
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『 AMELIE BEAMED BEFORE BLINKING, TILTING her head curiously as a cat would. ❝ You see, I’m kind of like a magpie, I see something pretty, I have to acknowledge it. Depending on what it is, I might even just steal it, ❞ she crooned before smiling brightly. ❝ I won’t steal you entirely. I just would like to know where you got your jacket from. It’d look magnificent on my best baby boy and I feel I haven’t pampered him enough. ❞ 』
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          SABER WAS TEMPTED to scrunch his nose at the mention of magpies ( one bad run-in with one when he was a child had scarred him for life ), but managed to stop himself. ❝ i don’t think i’d want to be stolen at all. being half-stolen sounds a lot more painful, ❞ he said with a small smile. ❝ oh, it was hand-made by a tailor in hyacinth, i’m sure she’d be able to do something for him. ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ odie )
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『 THE ABSENCE OF FEAR LED to strange behaviours and that was most prevalent in the way Odie conducted himself around ridiculous classmates such as Rentaro. He tilted his head curiously before shaking his head, imitating the way that Rentaro’s hair fell. ❝ That sounded very intimidating, yes. Can you make it sound more like a threat next time ?? ❞ he asked, already reaching out to touch him again. 』
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          IT SEEMED THAT most of rentaro’s classmates were used to how he was nowadays, and even after all these years, he still didn’t know how he felt about that. regardless, it was something he would have to live with. he clicked his tongue as he moved to slap the hand away again, harder this time. ❝ no fucking point when it goes in one ear and out the other. is there even a brain in that mop head of yours ?? ❞
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lalcne-blog · 6 years
( ♔ xavier )
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『 SIA WAS LIKE A CURIOUS dolphin, always poking her nose into other people’s business. She considered herself affable enough to make friends out of such situations but she could never say for sure. Maybe that’s why she’d bug those more recluse, explosive, or downright mean. ❝ If you sprinkled a little water on them, then anything you’d have to say about them would be irrelevant. Of course, I wouldn’t suggest it unless you like the feeling of scales — Anyway, this is all irrelevant !! Whatchu up to ??~ ❞ 』
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          XAVIER WAS USED to his classmates’ antics by now, and really, this was one of the tamest. this, he could deal with. when she mentioned water, he looked at her feet again, as though just staring at them could turn them into fins. ❝ i don’t know, you could just as easily slap me with your tail. either way, it’d probably hurt, ❞ he said, raising his book so she could see the cover. ❝ just reading. what i’m always doing, really. ❞
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