lamescmu · 2 years
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“When the Invoked Devastation came upon the Baklunish, their own magi brought down the Rain of Colorless Fire in a last terrible curse, and this so affected the Suloise Empire as to cause it to become the Sea of Dust.”  The Twin Cataclysms ended the long Baklunish-Suloise Wars in mere moments, scattered the survivors of both empires, and reshaped the map of the Flanaess.  The exact nature of these magics have been debated for a thousand years.  (Erol Otus illus and quote from The World of Greyhawk by Gary Gygax, TSR, original folio version 1980)  Previously
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lamescmu · 2 years
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Player tip: If you enter a new location and the DM mentions a well, always – always – look down the well first (looks like Kevin Siembieda, from “The Well-Wasters & Water Whips,” Judges Guild Journal 21, June-July 1980)
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lamescmu · 2 years
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lamescmu · 3 years
not hard to find
not hard to find by Mark Nockleby 20210521_121831
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lamescmu · 5 years
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lame scmu is lame 20190719.
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lamescmu · 5 years
called it in again
called it in again by nocklebeast Via Flickr: but I don't think they picked it up, again. 20190222.
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lamescmu · 5 years
a different pattern this time?  (nope just lame)
a different patter this time? (nope just lame) by nocklebeast
yeah, phoned it in, but they didn't do anything. lame.
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lamescmu · 6 years
two weeks in a row by nocklebeast Via Flickr: phoned this one in
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lamescmu · 6 years
lamescmu is lame for me and all of my neighbors
lamescmu is lame for me and all of my neighbors by nocklebeast
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lamescmu · 6 years
me and all of my neighbors by lamescmu
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lamescmu · 6 years
lame scmu is lame
lame scmu is lame by lamescmu nearest object 400 feet away
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lamescmu · 7 years
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The one link that doesn't work on the SCMU/Santa Cruz Online Biller website is the "customer service" link. Attention inside-City residential customers: households that average 2.25 CCF from December - April (with the highest month removed from the average) will qualify for the Low Water User Sewer Rate. How low can you go?
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lamescmu · 8 years
lamescmu is lame
lamescmu is lame by nocklebeast
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lamescmu · 9 years
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A New Year. A tweak on an oldish strategery. Just leave the empty garbage and green cycling cans in the street, so maybe the recycling guy will notice the blue recycling cans in the street and not drive by them. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nocklebeast/16052900947/ Success!
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lamescmu · 10 years
2 feet makes all the difference
12 feet from the curb, recycling and garbage gets collected.
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lamescmu · 10 years
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Operation Fool SCMU a success! Thursday pickup! https://www.flickr.com/photos/nocklebeast/15595368089/
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lamescmu · 10 years
around the corner with last week's recycling
20141112. 7pm
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