jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
SCMU Craiova reuseste prima victorie din Liga Nationala dupa succesul din Europa ..
SCMU Craiova reuseste prima victorie din Liga Nationala dupa succesul din Europa ..
SCMU Craiova a reușit să obțină primul succes stagional în Liga Națională de Baschet Masculin la capătul unui joc extrem de disputat cu CSM Miercurea Ciuc. Jucatorii echipei SCMU Craiova s-au impus cu 78-76 datorită unui coș înscris de Dimitrije Nikolic. Oboseala meciurilor din cupele europene si-a spus cuvantul în campionat. Băieții lui Vitaly Stepanovski au fost de nerecunoscut și puțin a…
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yuuana · 1 year
Music Monday #227: EXO - Cream Soda release: July 2023 genre: Kpop
I had something else entirely planned for today, especially since I usually like to let new videos sit for a day or three (and several viewings by me) before I even think of doing a feature. Plus I am already so far behind (this is the third of the three MVs EXO has released in relation to EXIST and my new music playlist on YT is still well north of 200 entries), but ... it's EXO. So buckle in and let's go.
One of the things you notice pretty fast is the way Cream Soda continues the tradition of EXO title tracks being Hard Mode for karaoke with all that falsetto. Those high notes are mad high - there's not too many outside of EXO who could hit all those notes that cleanly while dancing any choreo, let alone that active a choreo - so I suspect this isn't going to be going onto very many boy group's list of covers they want to do. Maybe on aspirational lists, but yeah. Dance covers will no doubt abound because they always do (not for nothing EXO is called Korea's national boy group), but vocal covers not so much.
As for the lyrics themselves ... oh boy. It's funny, I was listening to a podcast ep from the start of the year where it came up that a lot of pop music is love songs, whether that's happy in love or melancholy for lost over or something else, in part because of this perception that we all know what love is. Whatever our specific thoughts about it, we have thoughts about love and can relate to some extent, making those songs more broadly accessible than, say, a song about working on a fishing boat. Many (most? nearly all?) of EXO's biggest hits fall into this very broad category, so no surprise this one does, too. The lyrics are written in a way to provide plausible deniability for how sexual, but you can only sell that so far when you're talking about cream like this song does.
Given the two pre-release MVs included Kai, I'm curious what happened that this one doesn't, outside of his name on a place card. I suppose even with knowing when he was going to be enlisting, there was only so much they could cram into his schedule, between EXO and his solo music and then his fashion label commitments. And so we start the long two years of Kai's service and not seeing him while he works in the civil service.
But that aside, the video is quite the collection of call backs to earlier MVs - Lotto is probably the most obvious, but I'm also seeing callbacks to Monster, Ko Ko Bop, and Obsession. There might be more, but doing a rewatch of all of EXO's previous MVs to check would take too long, so for now we'll leave it at that and note that this could have interesting implications for EXO's lore ... if weren't stuck at a crossroads of wondering what is even going on with the SMCU lore-verse. For various reasons, I'd already paused trying to speculate on SCMU lore because it wasn't clear it was even still a thing and to be honest, this far along, I was almost half hoping we might be getting a reboot on EXO's lore, which has been a steaming mess since 2015 (I love the guys and the lore they've had has its compelling parts, but as a writer, I'm fully aware that it's a mess that could take a couple novels worth of storytelling to fill out and put straight again). Coupled with the two pre-release MVs, best guess is that EXO is still working with the same lore and like with Don't Fight the Feeling, there's some sense that Cream Soda is also pre-Obsession, but other than that? I've got some thoughts, some theories, but nothing really that settled. Compared to some other groups with ongoing lore, EXO leaves a lot more open to interpretation, for better and for worse. I'm going to need a few more viewings before I feel any degree of confidence in trying to kitbash things together into a coherent whole.
All in all, Cream Soda manages to both surprise and be completely what one might expect from EXO, a balance not every group can manage. This one's definitely going into the playlists going forward. And maybe even one of its very own?
EXIST is out now for sale at all the usual suspects, both digital and physical, and for streaming on all major services. I look forward to EXO adding music show performances (and wins) and can't wait to see who all they net for dance challenge exchanges. SHINee seems the low-hanging fruit, but other than that there are many, many, many possibilities and the dancer in me wants to see them all. XD
Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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misterjauthor · 2 years
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“YOU can do this, Michael.” I stared at my reflection in the car’s rearview mirror. “Damn it, you’re almost thirty. You can do college with a bunch—”
A young man passed behind the car, pushing a hand truck loaded with boxes of personal crap. His muscular body filled out the t-shirt with ‘SCMU’ printed on the chest.
“—hot, barely legal guys.” I exited the car.
The guy’s sweat shorts hugged his tight backside.
I bit my lower lip but stopped and looked around to see if others noticed.
After opening the back seat, I grabbed a big military duffel bag and slung it over my shoulder.
Big corrugated boxes remained inside.
Using my hips, I pushed the door closed. I’ll just come back for the rest later after seeing my dorm room. I pressed the key fob to lock the car before heading for the dorm.
Young men appeared everywhere. Some walked alone, and some strolled with friends. Some wore tight shirts, and some displayed the jock muscles on their shirtless torsos.
I’m definitely in an all-male university. How can a guy like me keep it together while surrounded by virile, horny college guys?
When I reached the dorm’s entrance, I looked up.
The modern building stood about ten floors high and occupied almost the entire block. Its double glass doors kept swinging open from the constant flow of students.
I went up the steps.
A beefy Latino with glasses stood at the entrance, adjusting the stack of boxes in his arms.
“Let me get that, man.” I pushed the doors and held them open for the guy to step through.
 The brown-haired guy stood at five-eleven and had a large frame, just like me. His muscles looked trained for sports. 
Mine, not so much. I have them only for aesthetic reasons.
“Thanks, man.” He flashed his white teeth before going on his way.
“You’re…welcome.” I stared at the young man’s round butt. Damn, look at that.
“Bro, you’re blocking the way,” a guy said.
I snapped out of it and made my way to the reception, weaving through the crowd of students hauling their stuff left and right.
Six people lined up at the check-in counter.   
A long banner hung above the reception. It reads, ‘Welcome to Worthington Hall, students!’ Below, ‘San Carlos Men’s University.’
I fell in line and waited for my turn.
When the student in front of me finished checking in, the guy behind the counter asked, “Could you excuse me for a sec? I’ll just call the other RA to check you in. I really need to pee.”
“Sure, no problem.”
The counter guy walked to the door in the back room and pushed it slightly open. “Hey, Bobby. Could you take over the counter? I’m about to burst.”
“Yeah, Dan. I’ll be right out,” a deep masculine voice said from inside.
“He’s on his way out.” The guy hurried out of the booth.
The wooden door creaked open. A large bear of a guy with buzz-cut red hair and stubble came out. He looked like one of those rugby players.
Fucking hell. This RA is so fucking hot.
“Hi, I’m Bobby. How can I help you?” His tight polo shirt hugged his massive chest and tree trunk arms. 
I wish I was his shirt.
“Excuse me?”
After picking my jaw from the floor, I said, “Sorry. My name is Michael Greco. I’m here to move into my dorm room.”
“Oh, you’re a student. Wait.” He picked up a clipboard and flipped through the pages.
My eyes kept staring at his big biceps.
He tapped the board with a pale finger. “Yeah, Greco. You’re that twenty-nine-year-old freshman.”
“Yep, that’s me.” I gave him an uncomfortable smile.
“No, man. Don’t take it the wrong way. It’s nice to have someone seven years older than me staying here. You’ll be like the big brother of everyone in the building.” Bobby handed over some forms.
“Oh, god, I hope not,” I said while signing the papers. “Having one handful little brother is already enough for me, thank you very much.”
The RA laughed as he collected the signed forms. “As a little brother myself, I know what you mean.”
You call yourself little? I snickered.
He gave me a key card. “You’re in room 502, right across from mine. You can come and hang out with me anytime.”

THREE weeks later…
“Hey, Bobby.” I knocked on room 501. “Why is your big-boobed girlfriend outside your room?”
Three of our neighbors opened their doors and poked their heads out. One guy whispered, “Where?”
I turned to them and chuckled. “It’s a joke, you horn dogs.”
Disappointed sighs filled the hallway as they went back inside their rooms.
The RA’s door opened. “Dumbass. My girlfriend’s not visiting until next week.”
Bobby stood in nothing but a white towel around his waist. A heavy mat of red hair covered his barrel chest while water droplets clung to his pale skin.
I tore my eyes away before my young friend noticed my eyes going to his bulge. Lifting the plastic bag of burritos, I said, “I’m paying up for last night’s bet.”
“Come on in.” He opened the door wider and let me through. 
I stepped inside and put the plastic bag on his kitchen table.
“That’s three in a row.” He went to open the fridge.
Light from the inside highlighted the front of his towel. It almost made the thin material see-through, showing a soft fat dick underneath it.
My shorts tightened from the sudden rush of blood to my dick. I sat on the chair facing away from him to keep the effect of his near-nakedness on me under control.
“Your wallet will thank you if you just admit I’m better at Overstrike than you.”
“Don’t get cocky, asshole. You just have a lucky streak. I’ll kick your ass in the rematch later.” I unwrapped a burrito and took a bite.
Bobby stood next to me and placed a couple of water bottles on the table. As he grabbed his food out of the plastic bag, his bulge hung inches away from reach.
I wanted to tear the towel off him and suck the dick I’ve always wanted since I became friends with the guy.
He took a big bite. “Is this the same as last time?”
“Yeah. But, man, put on some clothes. Can’t you see I’m eating here? I don’t want a side of dong with my meal.”
“Hey, it’s my room.” Mouth full, he set the burrito on the table and walked toward his closet. “I can walk around in whatever I want, even naked.”
I’ll never leave your room if you do.
The 6’1” Irish-American opened his closet before peeling the towel off, revealing a cut dick and bulbous balls covered in full red bush.
I swallowed in surprise and choked on a piece of burrito, making me cough.
He started to step toward me in complete nakedness. “You okay, man?”
But I put a hand up while drinking from the water bottle. “I’m good. I just didn’t chew the food properly before swallowing.”
Bobby retreated and resumed drying himself, bending over to reach his calves. His hairy pink hole winked in greeting.
Oh, please. Can I eat that, too?
Dick swinging between his legs, the resident assistant rummaged through his closet for boxer briefs and put them on. “If you want, I could ask my girlfriend to bring one of his friends next week.”
I shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
The giant bear strutted back to the table. “I’ll ask to bring a thicc one. I know you like those.”
“Can’t you at least put on a shirt? I’m starting to feel overdressed here.”
Bobby pulled one of the chairs next to me and sat. “Nope. I’m proud to show off my sexy body.” He winked and took another bite of his burrito.
I made him see my rolling eyes and took a big bite to keep from saying something I would regret.
Ugh! Why did this hot guy have to be straight? 
He leaned his elbows on the table and opened his legs wider. As he scrolled through his phone, his knees touched mine and stayed there.
The skin-to-skin connection sent jolts of electricity straight to my crotch. My underwear strained to contain my erection.
I bolted off my chair and went straight for the bathroom.
“Wait. Is it the burrito? Smells okay to me.”
Reaching inside my shorts, I adjusted myself and waited for the hard-on to go down.
“Hey, Michael. Stop jerking off. I’m going to kick your ass again at Overstrike.”
To be continued...
The complete story is available on Amazon and Smashwords.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Dog 'Accidentally' Gets an X-Ray at Airport TSA
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/SCmu
Dog 'Accidentally' Gets an X-Ray at Airport TSA
One jet-setting dog took a wild ride before even hitting the runway. A pooch traveling with its owner was “accidentally” sent through the TSA X-ray machine at Dane County Regional Airport in Madison, Wisconsin. A dog was accidentally sent through the X-ray @MSN_Airport this week. When traveling with any animal, notify your airline & know […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/SCmu #DogNews
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nmrdude · 2 years
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#alphaqium (at Science Cafe' SCMU) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkuzAFVJ9xd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stireazileiuk · 2 years
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SCMU Craiova s-a calificat în finala pentru grupele FIBA Europe Cup
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dme-tv1 · 7 years
Jumpman x Tell me again Edited by #dm3tv #music #video #musicvideo #indieartist #rap #scmusicscenesupport #scmusicscene #scmu #atl
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lamescmu · 6 years
two weeks in a row by nocklebeast Via Flickr: phoned this one in
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dae-platform · 3 years
Applications are open for the 6th Batch of the TEVTA Internship Program Under Strategic Communication & Media Unit (SCMU)
Applications are open for the 6th Batch of the TEVTA Internship Program Under Strategic Communication & Media Unit (SCMU)
Applications are open for the 6th Batch of the TEVTA Internship Program Under Strategic Communication & Media Unit (SCMU)Apply Now!Submit your Detailed Resume & Portfolio at [email protected] Date to Apply: 07th February 2022 اسٹریٹجک کمیونیکیشن اینڈ میڈیا یونٹ (SCMU) کے تحت TEVTA انٹرنشپ پروگرام کے 6ویں بیچ کے لیے درخواستیں کھلی ہوئی ہیں۔اب لگائیں!اپنا تفصیلی ریزیومے اور پورٹ…
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
SCMU Craiova, a treia victorie şi este lider în grupa H din FIBA Europe Cup
SCMU Craiova, a treia victorie şi este lider în grupa H din FIBA Europe Cup
SCMU Craiova a învins miercuri, pe teren propriu, formaţia suedeză Norrkoping Dolphins, scor 77-63 (37-32), în etapa a III-a din grupa H a FIBA Europe Cup. SCMU Craiova este lider neînvins, cu 6 puncte. Jucatorii echipei SCMU Craiova au dominat prima secvență a întâlnirii și conduceau după primele 10 minute de joc cu 25-11. Formaţia suedeză a răspuns în actul doi și au strâns scorul la două…
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smartseo4you · 4 years
Volei masculin – Divizia A1. Alexandru Orest Rață, suceveanul care se descurcă admirabil la campioana României, Arcada Galați
New Post has been published on https://reporterliber.ro/volei-masculin-divizia-a1-alexandru-orest-rata-suceveanul-care-se-descurca-admirabil-la-campioana-romaniei-arcada-galati/
Volei masculin – Divizia A1. Alexandru Orest Rață, suceveanul care se descurcă admirabil la campioana României, Arcada Galați
La începutul acestui sezon competițional suceveanul Alexandru Orest Rață a trecut de la Unirea Dej la campioana României Arcada Galați. Jucător foarte tânăr și talentat, de braț stâng, voleibalistul sucevean a reușit să facă față la un nivel deosebit în primul eșalon valoric.
Deși joacă pe același post cu cel mai bun jucător de la formația dunăreană, Lars Klapwijk, sportivul descoperit și pregătit la LPS Suceava de Tudor Orășanu, demonstrează că are valoare. La ultimul meci de campionat, cel cu U Cluj, suceveanul a avut o prestație de excepție reușind 12 puncte, cele mai multe pentru gălățeni.
De altfel, în clasamentul eficienței în atac din Divizia A1 de volei masculin, Alexandru Orest Rață ocupă locul VI după trei stranieri și  doi veterani români.
Clasamentul Diviziei A1 (m)
Arcada Galați – 43 puncte (16 m)
SCM Zalău – 37 puncte (15 m)
SCMU Craiova – 35 puncte (15 m)
Steaua – 34 puncte (16 m)
Dinamo – 32 puncte (16 m)
Unirea Dej – 26 puncte (16 m)
„U” Cluj – 16 puncte (16 m)
Știința București – 13 puncte (15 m)
Explorări Baia Mare – 12 puncte (15 m)
UV Timișoara – 7 puncte (15 m)
CSU Brașov – 0 puncte (15 m)
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xomki · 8 years
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"Dziś grało mi się dobrze. Szkoda, że nie udało się nam zgarnąć pełnej puli, ale przeciwnik na pewno był z wysokiej półki. Pokazał to w poprzednich meczach, choćby zgarniając komplet punktów w Rzeszowie, gdzie my dostaliśmy dosyć mocno. Było ciężko, szkoda straconego punktu, ale wygraliśmy i to się liczy. Czas jest moim sprzymierzeńcem. Z drugiej strony, gdy wychodzę na boisko, to już nie mam się co tłumaczyć, tylko muszę prezentować to, co w danej chwili umiem najlepiej. Dziś udało mi się pomóc drużynie w zwycięstwie, mam nadzieję, że w kolejnych meczach będzie podobnie. Niespodziewana porażka (z SCMU Craiova) mocno skomplikowała naszą sytuację. Na szczęście wciąż wszystko jest w naszych rękach. Zobaczymy, na jakim poziomie zagramy w najbliższą środę, ja myślę, że na równie wysokim. Ja cenię Jastrzębski Węgiel bardziej, niż zespół z Rumunii, mimo iż tam przegraliśmy. Zobaczymy. Na dzień dzisiejszy Skra jest na tyle mocna, by wygrać z Jastrzębskim Węglem. Każdy mecz to odrębna historia. Mam nadzieję, że ta w naszym wykonaniu w kolejnych meczach będzie fajna." Bartosz Kurek dla Polsatu sport.
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stireazileiuk · 3 years
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SCMU Craiova şi CSO Voluntari vor disputa finala Cupei României la baschet masculin. Spectacol şi suspans în Final Four-ul din Bănie
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curtashiism · 8 years
I dont’ fuckign care what you want of fucking call me. FJvking call me af tnapshibe or whatever gthe fuckign fuck yu want to fuckigneg call me.  But the fucking isntat you brign ym fuckgin niece into it oyu are fuckging scmu and I hop you fjking die in a fuckging fire you fucking asshoel pieces of shit. How fucking dar eyou brign afucking fivce year old into oyur fuckgin argument?
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lamescmu · 6 years
lamescmu is lame for me and all of my neighbors
lamescmu is lame for me and all of my neighbors by nocklebeast
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jurnaldeoltenia · 2 years
O noua seara europeana in Polivalenta ! SCMU Craiova vs Norrkoping Dolphins, in FIBA Europe Cup
O noua seara europeana in Polivalenta ! SCMU Craiova vs Norrkoping Dolphins, in FIBA Europe Cup
O nouă seară europeană de baschet în Sala Polivalentă, miercuri, de la ora 19, când SCMU Craiova întâlneşte formaţia suedeză Norrkoping Dolphins, în etapa a treia a grupelor FIBA Europe Cup. SCMU Craiova a întrecut aşteptările la prima apariţie europeană din istorie, reuşind nu numai să acceadă în faza grupelor, după turneul de calificare din Lituania, ci să aibă şi un start remarcabil în grupe,…
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