lanaphernelia · 1 year
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He is soo babygirl here!!!!
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
I don't think we talk enough about this
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
Sherlock: Liam
Mycroft: Al
William/Albert: MiSTeR hOLmeS
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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They have such ‘you can’t sit with us’ vibes here and I love them for it.
Sorry Lestrade, only two members allowed in the genius club and it’s already full up.
Better luck, next time. ☺️
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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What crime lord pussy does to a mf
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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Sherly serving cunt as he crashes an MI6 meeting after spending the past few years pretending to be dead when instead he was off gallivanting in New York with Liam ✨
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
Love him
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He deserves all the love in the world
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
I’m back to reading the manga from the start and just —
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This face William makes has me weak. Villain who? Lord of Crime where? No, no, you’ve made a mistake. This is a pure hearted Angel who must be protected at all costs.
I would be first in line to fall for his bullshit 🙋🏼‍♀️
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
William sin duda tiene el don de la palabra. En dos oraciones que son técnicamente una propuesta de matrimonio, hay más peso del que se da a ver.
"Compartir juntos nuestras preocupaciones", es esa connotación de estar juntos en las buenas y en las malas. Sherlock pasó de soportar el peso de estar solos en Nueva York, trabajando para los dos, para que cuando William regrese a la vida le pida: Todo lo que te moleste, dímelo. Juntos, llevaremos la carga.
No solamente Sherlock ayudó a William a sanar, sino también William fue el apoyo emocional que ayudó a Sherlock a madurar. Y mejorar esos aspectos negativos que tenía en su personalidad.
William aún lidia con la culpa y depresión, pero Sherlock sigue allí, a su lado tal como la promesa.
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Ahora, la 2da frase que siento que es un poco más fuerte es: Vivamos juntos.
Podemos tomarlo a la palabra y que ambos compartan una misma casa, pero obviamente es más allá de eso.
El «vivir juntos» es también «morir juntos». En pocas palabras, William decide morir si Sherlock lo hace. Y da peso a sus acciones de apenas salir del hospital para ir a rescatar a Sherlock en Vermissa. Si William no fuese llegado a tiempo y algo le ocurre a Sherlock, William también podría haberse quitado la vida.
Es una frase muy profunda lo que dice William en esa promesa y Sherlock lo comparte. Y lo que es más, también lo ha hecho.
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Decidió morir con William el día del Problema final porque no quería dejarlo solo.
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Dos frases que definen a la perfección al Sherliam y que es perfectamente mutuo.
«Si desapareces de este mundo, lo haré contigo»
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
*Holmes Week*
Sherlock: Mycky, it's true love. Liam finds my mind fascinating and my quirks endearing.
Mycroft *mockingly*: Yes, Sherly, nothing says "happily ever after" like constant experiments exploding in the kitchen.
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
i should nOT BE tuRNED ON BY THAT 
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
*In New York*
William: Is something burning? Sherlock: My burning love for you of course! William: … Sherlock: … Sherlock: And the kitchen is on fire… again
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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Yes, punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
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lanaphernelia · 1 year
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SHERLOCK: The bullet they just dug out of the wall’s from a hand gun. Kill shot over that distance from that kind of a weapon – that’s a crack shot you’re looking for, but not just a marksman; a fighter. His hands couldn’t have shaken at all, so clearly he’s acclimatised to violence. He didn’t fire until I was in immediate danger, though, so strong moral principle. You’re looking for a man probably with a history of military service … (While he’s talking, he turns his head to look around the area and sees John standing some distance away behind the police tape.) SHERLOCK: … and nerves of steel … Actually, do you know what? Ignore me. LESTRADE: Sorry? SHERLOCK: Ignore all of that. It’s just the, er, the shock talking. (He starts to walk towards John.) LESTRADE: Where’re you going? SHERLOCK: I just need to talk about the- the rent. +
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