lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
could someone please help i have been using the differin daily benzoyl peroxide cleanser but it makes me acne worse and whatever i put on my skin i keep getting more breakouts
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submitted by /u/Fearless_Fudge_4251 [link] [comments]
from Acne https://ift.tt/wKpyn3j
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Isotretinoin online?
I’ve had acne my whole life and the only treatment that has worked was isotretinoin. I was on it for 6 months (30mg) and finished my regimen about a year ago. Since then my acne has gotten worse and is back to how it was before the iso. I want to go back on isotretinoin but I get anxiety going to the dermatologist plus it is expensive for me. I’ve been looking into purchasing isotretenoin online because you don’t need a rx but I’m nervous about the quality/safety of it. I already know that it is effective for me and I didn’t have any serious side effects, so I don’t feel like I necessarily need to be monitored by a doctor. Please let me know what you guys think about what I should do.
submitted by /u/Illustrious-Floor-77 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/an1OkQP
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Do you guys have any tips or advice about my acne?
submitted by /u/No_Earth_8634 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/8hTjD4t
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
WORTH THE HYPE? Doxycycline
Hey guys!! My derm prescribed me doxy and I’m a little nervous to take it bc of the whole gut stuff but I’m going to start taking a probiotic with it. When did you guys take it and when did you start seeing results with your acne (if you even did)? What foods did you avoid when eating it? Is there any weird side effects you guys had?
submitted by /u/collkaidic23 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/oPc5Iy4
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
When I tell you I think I've tried every wash and moisturize...
My skin is oily but can also be dry some days...it's very acne prone and sensitive and my pores can get clogged very easily. I've seen derms and I just feel like nothing works to sooth my skin and make it just look healthy and clear. I don't have cystic acne but I do still breakout at 35 and a few years ago I began to get what I think is dermatitis near/around my mouth which comes and goes (dont know what causes it)... I'm pretty sure I don't do with with Niacinamide, fatty alcohols, or dimethicone...and Vanicream made my skin irritated LOL..Any product suggestions or just suggestions in general?? Thanks in advance!
submitted by /u/GinaVB1234 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/5Ax9h2M
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Hey can facials with carbon peeling help remove PIE, or do i need some specific products?
submitted by /u/bigpapilocsta221 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/x0yQzrs
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Urgent Help needed with pores/ texture/ change in skin type?
I used to have really dry skin, i literally never broke out, and never had visible pores. Last year, all of a sudden i broke out with a lot of closed comedones like tiny bumps on my forehead and cheek (maybe because of biotin or hormonal changes). over the past few months, i've managed to get rid of most of the bumps with AHA's and extractions. However, my skin type has completely changed and gotten decently oily and i have visibly large pores near my nose and on my forehead, and a lot of texture. moreover, my hair has also started getting greasy a lot lot quicker than before, i have even consulted dermatologists and it's taken such a bad toll on my confidence, i have spent countless hours on researching ways to get my pores back to normal/ make them less visible and even out the texture. Does anyone have literally any recommendations on products/ treatments (open to spending literally how much ever) that could help with this? opinions on microneedling / lasers for pores and texture/ chemical peels?
submitted by /u/thisis4444times4 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/aNSFjOl
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Any one have any luck clearing acne with an acne soap instead of wash? I've always heard, soap is bad for your facial skin, but honestly no washes have ever worked that great for me..thanks!
submitted by /u/GinaVB1234 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/A6Irqep
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
What can I do to get rid of these red acne marks? Have had them for 5months.
submitted by /u/Desperate_Guard_9196 [link] [comments]
from Acne https://ift.tt/fcD0Ylw
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
how do I clear up chest acne?
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submitted by /u/Wakinghourly666 [link] [comments]
from Acne https://ift.tt/ZvNA2cF
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Why does my cerave lotion started to burn?
I started using aklief, i put it on 30 min after mosturizing, the thing is my lotion started stinging for a few seconds after i put it on? Then it passes but i don't think it should be normal. I've started nine days ago and it was fine until a few days ago, my face is kinda dry and peels after i wake up, but it's not too bad, in the morning i wash my face with water and put sunscreen, i noticed also that if i mosturize with cerave in the morning it doesn't sting? Could it be because in the evening i wash with cerave oil cleanser and it dries the skin more? I also use avene thermal water before putting the lotion as i did before starting aklief, maybe my skin is too sensitive now? Should i stop aklief for a few days?
submitted by /u/rainbow2812 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/4mdKq68
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
apointment with dermatologist on monday for persisten mild acne - skin just cleared up post period what to do?
So a couple of years ago i was on acutane which helped tons with my acne. I still get mild acne that randomly flares up and decided to ask a derm for something topical to treat it and booked an appointment for monday. However i booked the appointment a week a week and a half ago when my skin had broken out a few days before but then my skin randomly decided to clear up in record time (why foes this never happen before an event?) and now i am afraid my derm cant see the problem and i am lowkey panicing. I know my acne is one the milder side (hence why i want something topical and it maneged to clear up in about a week but ugh i dunno if i should just cancel my appointment or what)
submitted by /u/Top_Specialist_1871 [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/rK26hgV
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
For the longest time, I've been using the Cerave hydrating facial cleaser. When I first started using it, I kinda felt like it wasn't really cleaning my face as much as I liked, but my acne started to gradually go away so I didn't question it that much. About a month ago my acne started to come back, so I immediately set up an appointment with my derm so I could get some suggestions on what I should do. I brought up that I haven't tried using benzoyl peroxide since I started using differin, and she suggested the Cerave acne foaming cream cleanser. I'm not even joking when I say that this cleanser has already made drastic improvements to my skin in just 4 days! Fast results are something I like, but I know that I need to keep my excitement down and not get ahead of myself. Since this cleanser has done so well for my skin, I was wondering if anyone would suggest me completely drop the hydrating cleanser and use something else. I've heard about the SA renewing cleanser and that it has done people good but I wanted to see what other options I might have. If any of you could leave some suggestions for me, I'd be very grateful. Thank you in advance! I'm also gonna put my routine down below so it's easier to understand how I'm doing things for right now.
Morning: Cerave hydrating cleanser Differin gel 0.1% Cerave moisturizer Neutrogena 30SPF sunscreen
Night: Cerave acne foaming cream cleanser Moisturizer Curology (4% azelaic acid, 1% Clindamycin, 0.25% zinc pyrithione)
submitted by /u/hueinator [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/KMFNTtJ
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
[product question] Started using Vichy salicylic acid cleanser for 1 week and got a breakout on my chin, forehead and cheeks. is this purging? how long will it take to go away? i feel ugly and hopeless.
submitted by /u/rosevanillablueberry [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/yxYneOC
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Just wanted to share this progress!
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submitted by /u/fruithound [link] [comments]
from Acne https://ift.tt/QGhqUCl
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Should I continue to get microneedling done?
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Hey guys!
My dermatologist recommended me to get microneedling done for my post inflammatory erythema (red spots) and textured acne scars. I've had 3 sessions done but I don't see any big results yet. The last session was about a month ago. Maybe my expectations were too high because I've seen other people with huge results after only one session. From what I understood my dermatologist didn't go very deep with the needles because my skin is insanely sensitive and prone to rosacea and it could do more harm than good. I'm supposed to get another 3 sessions done after the summer but honestly I'm not sure if I should continue to spend my money on it. Has anyone had the same experience with this procedure? Should I just be more patient for the results to show? Also, do you have any product recommendations that helped you get rid of these stubborn red marks? They're driving me insane because they're visible even if I wear foundation. It doesn't help that I occasionally get a couple of pimples here and there and they always leave another red mark. I'll insert before/after 3 sessions pics for reference.
submitted by /u/trueshalloner [link] [comments]
from Acne https://ift.tt/b6c0wCO
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lanasbiggestfan · 2 years
Tretinoin 0.015% Niacinamade 4% Azelaic Acid 4%
For context I am using this combination via a online prescription, comes in a singular tube. A common side effect of tret seems to be redness with how strong it is, hence my curiosity… Considering it causes irritation, is it still safe to use on face with acne scars. Will it worsen my acne scars or eventually heal them along with my acne? What is everyone’s experience with it?
I’m just worried it might only make the scars worse. (Surface discolouration kinda acne scars)
submitted by /u/AcrylicPink [link] [comments] from Acne https://ift.tt/QKuVgHv
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