landofthelotophagi · 5 years
Assignment #1 of Start with This http://www.nightvalepresents.com/startwiththis
1 hour writing sketch, posted unedited after 1 hour is complete.
"Look at you, sitting here drinking coffee like a psychopath." A body slid into the seat across from here, and Alice looked up into a familiar smiling face. Was it cliche to say she did a double take? It felt like she did a double take, and a small smile slid into place to match the warm feeling rising through her.
"It's hot chocolate, actually."
"Oh, hot chocolate! I take it back! Perfectly normal to be doing nothing but drinking hot chocolate in a coffee shop. You're not even wearing headphones, you crazy."
Was this flirting? Alice has been replaying the minute long interaction in the post office for the past week, trying to determine if it had been flirting back then. Now Post Office Girl was sitting in front of her, and she was beginning to think it was. She...she could flirt. Right? Alice was perfectly capable of flirting. It was normal and she could do the normal thing.
"I've found that cute girls from the post office don't normally stop and chat with people wearing headphones." See? Perfectly good flirting.
"Do you try to pick up girls from the post office often?" There was a laugh in P.O.G.'s words, and Alice ducked her head looking at the disintegrating whipped cream on her hot chocolate. At the chapstick marks on the lip of the mug.
"No," Alive said, speaking as if not to frighten the drink in her hand. "I don't. I don't normally do...things."
"Like drinking hot chocolate alone in a coffee shop?" If Alice had gotten shy in that moment, P.O.G. took it in stride, for which Alice was grateful. No, sitting alone in coffee shops was something she did frequently, though normally she had a book in front of her. Today her book sat closed at her side. Would it be weird if this girl knew Alice had been thinking about their interaction a week earlier? About a smile and the way that smile formed around the word "lovely?" Had anyone ever called her lovely before? Not...not like that. Not while in yoga pants and a hoodie, running errands. Had P.O.G been teasing? It didn't sound like teasing. It hadn't….felt like tessing.
God, how starved for attention was she that one stupid word, one short interaction could dominate her thoughts for days? And here she was now. Was she sure P.O.G. was real? Maybe she should pinch herself.
"I'm Evelyn, by the way," said Post Office Girl, as if breaking silences was the most natural thing for her in the world. "Evie."
"Alice," said Alice. And if it was a little too quick, well at least P.O.G. … Evie. Evie's smile was back at full wattage. "I'm Alice."
"Alice," repeated Evie, and Alice loved the way her name rolled off her tongue, like she was tasting it.
"Yeah." Such an inadequate response, and Alice found the silence returning.
"Well," Evie said, pushing up from the table. "Gotta run! It was lovely seeing you again, Alice." After a slight hesitation, she started toward the door. 
"Wait," Alice whispered. What had just happened? Shed just been talking to P.O.G… Evie, and now she was sitting alone. It never went this way in her head. In her head, she was charming and funny and P.O.G hung on her words and beamed at her, and maybe even kissed her. But this wasn't her head and now, put out by her silence, Evie was leaving. 
"Evie," Alice said, chair scraping against the floor, drawing annoyed glances from a study group not fair away. "Wait!"
Evie turned around, eyebrows raised as Alice caught up to her.
"I...um. I don't want to be one of those creepy people." The confusion on Evie's face made Alice continue in a rush. "I don't want to be that person who knows where the pretty girl she likes works and just shows up to buy stamps she doesnt need so that she'll smile at her and have to be nice to her because shes at work, but ultimately it's just creepy." Alice paused for breath, not sure if that cleared anything up. 
"I only needed one stamp." Alice added, breathless, becoming aware that she'd captured the attention of more than just Evie and the study group. She could almost forget all those eyes when Evie's mouth quirked up into a smirk.
"I think you should give me your number. Then, when I contact you, you'll know for certain there was no creeperness involved."
"O...ok." Alice turned and rummaged through her bag until fingers brushed against an old Sharpie. She'd recently purged the hoard receipts that normally lived there and after a moment of panic, she reached out and scrawled her number on the cardboard ring of Evie's coffee. Pausing, she then followed the number with a quick A. underneath the line of numbers. Just in case.
Pulling back, Alice met Evie's warm brown eyes and smiled. They grinned at each other until a hurried patron pushed past them, entering the shop.
"I do have to be going," Evie said, turning toward the door.
"Hope to see you soon," she said, raising her cup, where Alice's number stood out, bold against the paper. 
Alice gave a quick nod, and Evie left the shop with a chuckle. Did it sound knowing to Alice? Did it really matter if it did?
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landofthelotophagi · 6 years
Ohey, I remembered my password! Now let’s see if I can actually reblog the thing. How to even tumblr? Did I do the thing?
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They’re done whooo
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landofthelotophagi · 9 years
Here, here! 
Paying Customers...
Anyone who thinks being a “paying customer” of something means you get free license to insult and trash owners and employees…is wrong.  Anyone who thinks it means you can stalk people, find their personal information (and even if it’s on a public social media account, it is STILL personal information) and plaster it everywhere with the intention of making it very, very public–to this person’s detriment….is wrong. 
Taking someone’s personal information from one place and posting it in another place without their permission, with the express purpose of making them look bad does not make you a hero.  It is wrong and it makes you look like a slimy, disgusting excuse of a Human being.
That kind of behavior is unethical and it is revolting.  And frankly, it’s the kind of stuff that comes back to bite you in the butt whether you believe in Divine retribution or Karma.  Because seriously, that is nasty.
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landofthelotophagi · 10 years
The Gaslight Prophecy: Chapter One Draft
Chapter One
The girls had been missing for three days. Tamara’s mother was finally starting to worry. Lily’s parents were officially out of their minds. For three days Ryan “Rye” Jackson had kept mum as their parents interrogated him. They knew he was hiding something, no matter how many times he told them he didn’t care what his ex-girlfriend was doing.
It probably would have been more convincing if Tamara hadn’t been hanging out all summer.
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landofthelotophagi · 10 years
BlueCanary1 #10548
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We’ve set up a raffle on FR if anyone is interested c:
Some kinda cool prizes (we think so anyway :D) including:
Several level 25 dragons
Armour and silk sets
Nature, Water and Wind sprites
Smoke Scroll
4000 food point packs
Tickets are 1k or 2 gems each or there are plenty of ways of getting free tickets.
Reblog with your FR username and ID# for a free ticket c:
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landofthelotophagi · 11 years
The bookstore didn't look like a bookstore. In hindsight, the boy couldn't have told anyone what it looked like if not a bookstore, but the boy was convinced that if it had looked like a bookstore, he would not have entered it at all. This line of thinking was not likely to be challenged. It was unlikely the boy would share his day's exploits, but as he considered the book he had not quite paid for from the not quite bookstore, he found the need to explain rising.
It wasn't as if he'd never stolen things before. The boy rather enjoyed the nervous high of leaving a store with something unpaid for. He knew it was wrong, but in those fleeting moments where freedom and disaster were both equal possibilities, he found the morals of the situation much less important than the overwhelming exhilaration that anything could happen. It was never so much about the candy bar or the small trinket. They were nothing special and merely a means to an end.
The book had been something else entirely.
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landofthelotophagi · 11 years
You're a beautiful person full of kindness who never ceases to bring joy into my life, and anyone who is willing to tell you that just being you is worthless truly doesn't understand the simple pleasure of just talking to you. You will never be worthless. You are a beautiful human being, and I love you. 
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So, I know this amazing person. I won’t name names, but I want you all to know how incredible she is. She is brilliant and smart and funny beyond belief. She is fun to hang out with and chat with. She is insanely creative and has loads of artistic talent. She is sweet, and kind and one of...
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landofthelotophagi · 11 years
Cats (don't) Always Land on Their Feet
 The Looking Glass shattered. Murmured voices seemed to fill the air in a buzzing that created a disorienting effect on the listener. Of course, his thoughts were generally disorienting, and though it had been a long time since he'd experienced this particular sensation, it returned to him with the familiarity of an old lover. A welcome stirring indeed. A familiar grin settled on his lips, and he wondered absently at how long it had been missing and what that odd noise filled the air actually was. The trees were angry and the air was probably angry too, so perhaps he should be angry. Yes, this plan was a good one, and as he leaped down from the tree limb where he'd been gracefully perched, he was determined to find out what exactly they were all so angry about.
 His first thought as he fell was something along the lines of how fun it was to be angry, and how happy it made him. The second thought was on how he rather enjoyed falling, though surely the ground should have been under his feet by now, which was followed quickly by the third, in which he examined his newly acquired position on the ground, quite convinced that this was not the way in which he was supposed to be interacting with it. This made him grin all the more, a delighted chortle filling the air. He must have been in that tree longer than he realized if his movements were so stiff and protesting, and as he lay sprawled at the base of the tree, he took a moment to be pleased at the fact that he was alone. It was embarrassing. Cats always landed on their feet, after all. 
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landofthelotophagi · 11 years
An Introduction for a Larger Project
 We can feel the magic that runs through our land as our roots grow deeper and stronger. There were times we used to be able to access it, but this has not been the case for centuries, and the nature of the magic has drastically changed. Despite this change still the magic runs, and things still are. We are, even as our world is not. You do not understand, we can see it in your eyes. Would you like us to tell you a story? We will be brief as we know your attention span is not what it used to be. You see, you rarely exist anymore. None of the inhabitants of this world do. But of course, you would not know about that either. We know, though. We are the silent observers. We hold your memories. But let us tell you a story, and maybe you may have a moment of clarity before it vanishes again.
 Once upon a time, there was a spark of an idea. Most stories begin this way, the spark of inspiration lighting life into a course of action that could not have existed otherwise. It is like this with all action, and should not come as a shock to you. Once upon a time there was a spark of an idea, and though it took a bit for this spark to catch fire in the imagination of the dreamer, a thought came of it. A very simple thought. A thought that changed the course of history and cast an entire world into sleep and made time itself stand still.
 Why do we have a queen?
 It seems rather harmless, doesn't it? We can see it in your face that you are less than impressed. We trees know, though. We understand. We hold your history, and your memories, and we realize the importance of this one thought, this one little question. The biggest revolutions are began with the simplest questionings, and the grandest ideas always start out with the smallest of sparks. But of course you have no interest in this, and would rather hear of revolutions. Is this where the story is leading? The question is written clearly across your face. The answer, little flower, is yes.
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