lanedalton · 4 years
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lanedalton · 4 years
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@LGDalton: Rocketman premier. Congrats to all the cast and crew, I have a feeling it will be phenomenal.

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lanedalton · 4 years
Your Man - Josh Turner
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lanedalton · 4 years
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@LGDalton: Spending the day with this little cutie 😍😎💕 @jayceelynd

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lanedalton · 4 years
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lanedalton · 4 years
“Glad we’re on the same page.” she smiles, then at his question she releases a soft laugh. “If I were interviewing boyfriends, I’d be inviting them out for coffee and pulling some moves.” she jokes. “I’m feeding my curiosity about relationships, that’s all. Though, I feel like someone could put this information to good use for– like, statistics. See who’s more likely to be attracted to similar humor-based partners. Some people don’t care for that, which I respect. If it helps someone not feel alone in their preference, I think it’s useful.”
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“Likewise” he nodded. Giving her a chuckle of his own at her next response. “Yeah, i guess that would make more sense wouldn’t it?” he nodded. Hell, this was Kingsboro, people here did all sorts of weird shit. So could she really blame him for asking if that was in fact what she was doing? “Oh yeah, definitely. I think if people actually took more time to get to know one another instead of jumping right into bed. This information could definitely be useful” he agreed. “So, how’s it going so far? Are you getting the answers you expected or... Am I all alone at the shallow end of the humor pool?” he joked.
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lanedalton · 4 years
Satisfied with the girls remarks of her marking him, and him coming around the bar to grab her, guiding her to the dance floor. Placing her left hand on the back of his neck, then placing the hand they were holding rested between their bodies, against his chest. “I’ll always be up to dancing with you, Cowboy.” she tilted her head back and kissed him, humming against his lips as she felt his body move with hers to the song ‘Love you like I used to’ by Russel Dickerson came on. Staring up into his eyes as she listened to the words as he spun her around, as if their bodies became one. “I’ve miss this, so much..” she choked, with a soft smile. Her tiny fingers playing at the nape of his neck. 
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Lane never really paid much attention to the woman flirting with him at the bar. He had been there done that with that whole scenario and that was what led him to having Levi in the first place. One night stands didn’t always end up lasting for only one night, and Lane knew that all too well. Besides, this was his place of work. His own establishment. So, he always tried to be as professional as possible. As he swayed with Jaycee and spun her around the dance floor he looked down at her with a smile. “I’ve missed it too, darlin. Dancing with you was always once of my most favorite things to do” he said honestly. Bringing her closer to kiss her lips before leaning his forehead to hers and continuing to sway with her,
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lanedalton · 4 years
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Thoughts on Lane and Jaycee?
I HAVEN’T REALLY made up my mind yet, honestly. like, honestly, i had no idea who he was up until recently -- when i saw them at the reception at first i thought it was a clean shaven allister cheating on ellie. but . . . i can’t say they don’t look promising, and i do love that jaycee’s moving on -- so i’ll keep an eye out for them. 
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( @lanedalton, @jayceelynd )
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lanedalton · 4 years
“I can’t really say I’m much of the going out type compared to somebody my age, but I have heard good things about this place so that’s why I decided to check it out,” she spoke as she finished her shot, trying to think of what she was going to order next. Maybe it would be best if it was just a water, she could finish that before having another round. Aurora really didn’t want to have a hangover the next morning, she wanted to be productive. “Has business been good since you opened? It’s pretty packed tonight so I take that as a good sign.”
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“That’s alright. We offer a whole variety of things other than drinking here. You could play pool, darts, sing karaoke, or maybe even ride the mechanical bull” he suggested with a smile. “I’m really glad to hear you’ve heard good things though. That makes me really happy.” He leaned against the bar and nodded his head at her next question as he took a look around the place. “Yeah, actually it’’s been really good. I have no complaints. It’s definitely more packed tonight than it has been in a while. So, yeah. That’s always a good sign.”
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lanedalton · 4 years
“No need to say sorry, it’s not your fault,” she shook her head in disagreement. Nobody could truly tell someone’s actual intentions when they were interacting with someone. They could look completely innocent on the outside, after all. Perhaps Aurora should have been more careful and read the man a bit more before agreeing to drink and partake in conversation with him. She wasn’t really good with those sorts of things, still working on her social awkwardness. “Besides that stupid man, my night has been going pretty well. How long have you been working here?” she asked. 
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“I guess you’re right. We can’t always keep all the creeps out” he smiled. Thankful she wasn’t in anyway angry with him for having those type of people in his establishment. He watched her take her shot and he poured her another, pushing it in her direction with a smile. “That’s good, I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself” he nodded. “I actually just opened this place about six months ago or so. I’ve been working here ever since.”
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lanedalton · 4 years
“You’ve got a good point there.” Jess pockets her phone, looking at him and smiles again, rocking on the heels of her feet. “It’s kind of like the turtle and the hare story, innit? Slow and steady wins the race. Not that trying to find someone should be a race– gosh, that’d be so nerve-wrecking. I don’t think that’d make me want to date anybody, no matter how cute the guy is.”
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”Yeah, it’s exactly like that. But, you’re right. I wouldn’t wanna date someone if it were a race either. Too much drama in that shit” he said honestly. “So, what’s this poll for anyway? You aren’t like trying to interview boyfriends are you? You’re much too pretty for that.”
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lanedalton · 4 years
Putting the metal straw into her drink, taking a long sip with her eyes locked on him. A single brow arched at his question, but first she wasn’t about to be rude. “Thank you, Cowboy” Winking at him, as she leaned closer if possible with a bar between them. “All by my lonesome, self.” she playfully pouted at him. Of course she came to see him, and his bar.. But he was the bonus. It drove her crazy how easy it still was with Lane, how is he real she wondered. Using her pointer finger for him to lean closer to her, looking over at the girls at the end of the bar that were still drooling over him. Smirking at them, before she kissed his cheek, leaving her read lips printed brightly there for the buckle bunnies to see. “Now, they can leave you alone and see you’re spoken for as soon as you can get someone to cover you and dance with me.” she winked before taking another sip. 
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Lane grinned as he leaned over the bar to let her kiss his cheek. He loved how she always wanted to show off that he was hers, and vice versa.”Oh yeah, they can definitely see” he nodded. Turning his head to peck her lips softly before pulling the towel from his shoulder and placing it on the bar. “I think I can manage a dance right now. If you think you’re up to it?” He walked around the bar and grabbed her hand pulling her from the stool and leading her out to the dance floor.
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lanedalton · 4 years
What are your top 4 to-go items?
“This question is a bit vague. But, I suppose I’ll go with... My cell phone, my car, a bottle of whiskey, and a laptop.”
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0 notes
lanedalton · 4 years
You know Jaycee is only using you right? Because she is still in love with Roman.
“Sure, whatever you say Nonnie.”
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@jayceelynd @romanbeckett
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lanedalton · 4 years
@LGDalton: Remember to always be yourself while you’re out here making noise.

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lanedalton · 4 years
You Make It Easy - Jason Aldean
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lanedalton · 4 years
DISCORD THREAD FEATURING: Lane Dalton & Jaycee Lynd ( @jayceelynd )
MENTIONS: Break up mentions.
WHEN: June 20th
DESCRIPTION: .Jaycee goes over to Lane’s apartment after he invites her over to catch up.
Jaycee. She never in a million years knew Lane was back in New York, and with his son Levi. Something she admittedly was jealous that another woman gave him a baby. Jaycee always thought that they’d end up married at one point, so of course she will always love Lane. Following his journey as a dad from afar she warmed up that he was happy with his little guy. He really seemed to be an amazing father. Not even able to stop herself she wanted to see him, knowing he was so close. Should they meet in a public setting? Probably.. But did Jaycee ever play by the rules? No, she sure didn’t. Her cowboy was back and she missed confiding into him. Rather it’s friendship or something else at some point. Deciding on putting on a pair of dancers shorts, silk and laced spaghetti strap shirt then threw a hoodie on. Slipping her tanned feet into her sandals, she was out the door with her phone and keys. Not living far from her she decided to walk, it was a pretty night for the city and it felt nice to have some fresh air. Seeing someone slip out of his building she decided to slip in behind him and go right up to his floor. Her nerves were getting the best of her as she nervously walked up to his door, her breathing deep while her face flushed. Calm your shit Jaycee, it’s just Lane. Jaycee instantly looked up as the door opened, and she smiled a soft shy smile. There he was, beautiful as ever. “Cowboy” she smirked before standing on her tippy toes and hugging him, closing her eyes as she made a fist in his shirt. Needing a hug for so many reason right now, she just leaned into him. Pulling back, she cleared her throat. “Sorry.. it’s been a shitty few days and I’ve really needed a hug like that.” She said embarrassed.
Lane. Lane was honestly surprised to hear from Jaycee. It had been so long since the last time the two had spoken, but he missed her. So hearing from her was definitely nice. Even if she did seem a bit depressed and not really herself. Immediately inviting her over, he began to clean up his place a bit. There were baby toys and clothes all over, and he wanted it to look a least a bit decent. When she knocked on the door he instantly pulled it open and smiled brightly at her. She was just as cute and sexy as she always had been. “Beau” he greeted, pulling her into his arms. He hugged her tightly as she stood on her top toes and he breathed in her sweet scent. “You don’t have to be sorry. Please, come in.” He stepped to the side to allow her in and he closed the door behind her. “You want something to drink or anything! I got beer, wine, whiskey!”
Jaycee. Walking in, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, softly smiling at him. He did still smell the same, the same scent she would smell every once in awhile and think of him. “Whiskey on the rocks, please.” She said softly as she took in his house. Definitely a lot different then the last time they were together. This time there were toys in areas, and it didn’t bother her. It was just different than his rodeo gear laying around. Jaycee followed him and watched him make a drink, admiring his build. He seemed bigger than she remembered, and she enjoyed the view.
Lane. When Jaycee asked for a whiskey on the rocks he couldn’t help but smile. She was still the same girl he had always known. Hard liquor and a sweet smile. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of whiskey placing it into the counter. Then grabbing two glasses and filling them with ice before pouring them both a drink. Sliding her glass over to her he leaned against the counter and brought his own glass to his lips. “So, what have you been up to? Besides breaking rips and breaking hearts” he asked. Finally taking a sip and licking his lips clean thereafter.
Jaycee. Leaning over the counter caused her to slightly be on her toes, she smirked. Fumbling with her glass before taking a slow sip, enjoying the familiar burn. “More like getting my heart broke..” she nodded her head as her finger tips traced the glasses. “Guess that’ll happen when your boyfriend you’re in an open relationship with, falls in love with a friend you go years back with.” She sighed before taking a bigger drink, then licking her full lips. Studying him as she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth as she wondered what he’d been up to. “What about you? I mean besides being super dad now..” there was still a hint of jealousy in her tone and she hated it.
Lane. hearing Jaycee say she had gotten her heart broken, and how. It made him sad. She deserved so much better than that. She was one of the best people he had ever known in his entire life, and here she was hurting, again. “I’m sorry, Jace. I hope you know you didn’t deserve any of that and that, those guys must be stupid to do something like that too you.” He took another sip of his drink and shrugged his shoulders with a slight chuckle. “I wouldn’t go saying super dad. It’s been tough. But, I’ve got my own bar now and I’ve been picking up shifts over at the cove and at the ranch upstate. Basically just keeping myself busy, as always.”
Jaycee. He knew her better, than anyone. Of course he knew she was repeating her mother’s words in her head. “You know, I’m never going to be lovable.” She scuffed in laughter as she joked about her own mother’s words before taking a drink. “You know, it takes a man to step up like you have. So don’t sell yourself short, you’re doing amazing.” She smiled over at him, tracing the top of her glass with her pointer finger, standing up strait to stretch her neck and back. Her body always aches when she went without dancing or exercise, and to be honest she hasn’t been so polite to her body lately. “Still gotta make time for just yourself, always.. I mean I would go crazy if I didn’t have my quiet time, I love being busy. But I have to balance it I’ll burn out, fast.” Taking in his kitchen and noticed the little things on his fridge, she was guessing Levi did. Walking up to the fridge with the glass pressed to her lips, smiling. “These are precious..” she said quietly.
Lane. “That’s not true. You are very lovable, Jaycee. I would know” he said honestly. Giving her a smile at her next words. “I try my best. It’s not always easy. But like you said.. balance is very important” he nodded. Standing straight up and leaning back on the counter behind him, he watched her walk around and check out the drawings on the fridge. “Yeah” he chuckled softly. “I think I might have another artist on my hands.”
Jaycee. Smiling into her cup as she took a sip of her whiskey. Sucking on an ice cube at his words before chewing on it slowly. Tracing the fingertips over the small hand prints, and had a sad smile. Wondering if she’d ever be able to create a child with someone. Share that love for a child, together. “Well..” she cleared her throat to calm her nerves, licking her lips. “Can have enough artists, now can we?” She looked up at him. Her back leaned against the fridge in an area not covered in art, eyeing him. “Is he asleep?” She asked him quietly, letting her eyes roam over his figure. How strong his body was, and thinking of how firm he was against her tiny frame in their hug. Wishing to be held again, god she was needy and pathetic right now.
Lane. Lanes eyes stayed on Jaycee as she leaned her back against the fridge. Crossing his arms over his chest, unintentionally flashing the defined muscles in his arms as he took another drink. “That we sure can’t” he agreed. A genuine smile spreading across his features as he nodded to her next question. “Of course he is” he answered just to be clear. He uncrossed his arms and took a few steps toward her placing his glass down onto the counter. His hand rested on the fridge beside her head as he stood in front of her looking down at her. His other hand grabbing her drink and placing it down beside his. “I’ve missed you” he confessed. Leaning down and pressing his lips to hers as his hand found the side of her neck.
Jaycee. Oh he knew what he was doing, crossing those arms of his, watching him watch her in the same stare she was giving him. Nodding her head as he said Levi was asleep, enjoying his smirk. Jaycee watched him as he leaned in front of her, taking her drink to set it on the cabinet. Lips parting as she listened to him confess that he’s missed her. Humming against his lips as she kissed him back, he tiny hands sliding up his chest before wrapping her arms over his shoulders. “I missed you too.” She whispered against his lips before nibbling on his bottom lip, letting the tip of her tongue run under his top lip. Leaning back she looked up into his eyes as she leaned back in to kiss him deeper. Chills running through her body as she felt like it’d been far too long since she tasted his beautiful lips.
Lane. Kissing Jaycee felt the same way it always had. Like nothing had ever changed between the two of them, even though so much obviously had. She leaned back breaking the kiss to look up at him and he wondered for a moment if maybe he had crossed a line. But before he could say anything, she was kissing him again. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he moved his hands to lift her up. Her legs wrapping around his waist as he turned them around and pushed everything on the counter to the floor.  Setting her down on the counter top and pressing himself between her legs with a him as his hands moved to grab her face. He had missed this so much, and he wanted to savor the moment for as long as he could.
Jaycee. Her breathing coming in gasps as he picked her up, and setting her down after he pushed everything off onto the floor. Pulling him closer to her if possible as she kissed him back with so much need for him. Lane always knew what Jaycee needed or liked, and he was amazing at giving her what she needed. “Lane..” she moaned against his lips, looking up into his beautiful blue eyes, pulling her swollen bottom lip between her teeth as she pulled his shirt up over his head. An appreciative groan escaping her lips as she ran her hands over every definition of his muscles. Watching them contract under her delicate touch. Taking her hoodie off, throwing it wherever his shirt landed. Her straps on her silky laced spaghetti strap shirt definitely showed how hard her nipples were only to tell him how wet she was for him. Scraping her teeth over his stubble jawline before she made her way back to his lips as if she hadn’t just tasted them.
Lane. Helping her get her hoodie off after she removed his shirt, he leaned down to kiss her shoulder. Letting his tongue trace up the curve of her neck before she scrapped her teeth against his skin. God, she was perfection. She knew just how to get him going and she waisted no time in doing so. He kissed her again once their lips reconnected, this time more passionately. As he picked her up again and carried her to the living room. Laying her down onto the couch as he stood over her and worked on getting his pants undone. Licking his lips with anticipation as he watched her.
Jaycee. Everything Lane was going, was diving here fucking crazy. Moans of anticipating his next move, his teeth on her skin. Not letting her lips leave his as she was lost in the deeper passionate kiss, pouting up at him as he laid her down on the couch. Roaming her hazel eyes over his beautiful body, as he took his pants off. Leaning up she took her top off along with her bottoms, leaving her completely naked for him. Her hands running down her chest to circle her nipple, biting her bottom lip. “Come here..” she whispered with need and desire for him. Watching him as her hand slipped between her legs, as she began to massage her clit, letting her legs open for him to see. Dripping wet with need for him as she continued to pleasure her aching pussy for him. How can he be so fucking beautiful and sexy at the same time. Lane was one hundred percent all fucking man, and she missed him, his taste an addiction in itself. “Please..” she raised her hips greedily.
Lane. Watching her undress herself he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. She was so sexy laying there naked and touching herself only for him. He kneeled down at the edge of the couch and grabbed her wrist to pull her hand away from herself. Replacing his immediately with his tongue as he tasted her. Teasing her only for a moment before sucking her clit between his lips and spreading her open with his fingers. His tongue soon flicking its way to her opening and pushing into her as he hummed with satisfaction at the way she tasted. His other hand replacing his tongue on her clit as his arms wrapped tightly around her legs.
Jaycee. Jesus Christ, he always devoured her when he tasted her. As if he craved her taste on his tongue. “Lane.” She gasped as her fingers went into his hair, making a fist as she watched him. Slightly rocking her hips at the pleasure that was rocking her body. Her hands leaving his, to make fists into her own hair, back arching off of the couch as her tiny frame trembles under his touch. “Fuck.. I missed you so much..” she cried out as she greedily fought against the tight grip he had around her legs, holding her in place. The stubble, blissfully scraping against her sensitive folds as her pussy fed him with more of her need for him.
Lane. the way she tasted was so fucking sweet, he couldn’t ever get enough of her. Holding her in place as he rolled his tongue between her folds and vigorously rubbed her clit with his thumb. Looking up at her with piercing blue eyes, he watched her come undone under his touch. Sucking her juices into his mouth as he hummed against her. Wanting to make her cum before flipping her over onto her knees.
Jaycee. her body was still riveted with the aftershocks of coming all over his tongue. Lane flipping her over, she laid her head down to keep her ass up in the air. Swaying her ass, being a little shit she’s always been. No words were needed when her body spoke louder than the screams he’d be fucking out of her. Glistening, smooth and warmth waiting for what he was to do next, looking up at him behind her, biting her bottom lip in anticipation. God he was a god in himself, powerful and so fucking manly. A soft groan escaping her lips as she patiently waited for him, completely foggy brained from the lust and whiskey.
Lane. Taking in the vision of her laying there with her ass up in the air, he licked his lips. Her little wiggle coaxing him to draw his arm back and give her ass a stinging slap. “So fucking sexy” he hissed. His hand grabbing tightly to her ass cheek as he   teased her slit with the tip of his cock. God, she was so wet, and certainly ready for him. Her body practically begging for him to enter her. Lining himself up with her entrance he pushed in deep. Rolling his hips into her core before thrusting in and out of her aggressively. Bottoming out on her as he leaned over her back and wrapped his arm firmly around her waist.
Jaycee. ”unnff..” she hissed as he slapped her ass hard, before he roughly squeezed her ass. Jaycee clawed at the cushion of his couch as he sunk so deeply within her velvety walls. “Lane!” She gasped out in pleasure, making fists into the cushions with his powerful thrusts. Her hips and ass being the only part of her tiny body not touching the couch as he bottomed out, with each thrust. Letting her leg slips off the side of his couch to give him better access, using that as leverage to slam her ass back into him, meeting each thrust for thrust. “Oh.. god..” she cried out, as the head of his cock roughly and quickly brushed over her g spot over and over. Her breathing shallow as she loved his weight against her, trying to not cum. Not yet. It had been too long to be over yet.
Lane. Jaycee was so fucking tight around his girth as he continued to thrust into her. Slapping her ass every so often for added vibration. She may have looked innocent but she could be very naughty and he absolutely loved that about her. It turned him on so much. The way she slammed back against him as he rolled his hips deep and hard into her g-spot. “I wanna make you cum so hard baby” he rasped through rugged moans. Letting his weight press into her as she cried out with pleasure. “You gonna cum for daddy!” he edge on. Bringing his hand to her neck to pull her head back with a firm squeeze as he kissed her lips roughly.
Jaycee. ”Fuckkk!” She screamed into the couch as his entire body weight was pressed into her, he was so fucking deep she was sure she was going cross eyed. Lane knew she’d trust him with anything in the past and that still stood true to this day, her breathing was labored as kissed him back. “Mm, make me cum daddy.” She moaned against his lips as her walls tightened around his girth, beginning to quiver waiting for release. Her body tightening and shaking with need to release. “Please, daddy..” she whimpered, arching her ass up to grind back into him, fucking herself on his cock being greedy.
Lane. Being so deep inside her drove him wild. Especially when she pushed back  on him grinding her hips against him begging for more. He slid his free hand beneath her and began to rub her clit slow at first. His hips once against thrusting in and out of her and a quickly increasing pace. “You’re such a good girl” he breathed out through deep moans. His hand now aggressively fondling her clit as he tightened the other around her neck and began drilling in and out of her at full force. “Fuck yeah... cum for me baby. I wanna feel you all around me.”
Jaycee. Fucking Christ, he was driving her fucking crazy. Every time he drilled into her, the air was pushed from her lungs taking her breath. The tightening around her neck, restricting her air flow even more. “Oh, fuck.. I-I’m coming.” She shook and trembled hard, and if you didn’t know Jaycee you’d think she was in the middle of a seizure as she came around his cock. Lane knew exactly what he was doing to bring her far over the edge, with his rough callused hand working over her clit and the blissful pounding thrusts.  “Lane.” She cried out as her juices flowed from her tight pussy. Gasping and moaning loudly as she swore her orgasm kept intensifying.
Lane. hearing her moans and screams of pleasure was so fucking sexy. He thrived in knowing just how good he was making her feel. Which was only clarified even more when her pussy clenched around him and her body started shaking out of control. It was enough to send him reeling right over the edge. “Fuck yeah, baby. Cum for daddy” he moaned. His own release shooting out of him deep and warm into her core. His entire body tensing with pleasure as he pushed his rolling hips  into her as deep as he could. “Oh shiiiit” he growled. Feeling her cum for a second time around his throbbing cock.
Jaycee. Jaycee comes undone around his cock again as she feels him, filling her with his hot cum. “Fuck.. So much fucking cum!” She cried out as her body jerked, with after shocks. Her breathing was coming out in powerful huffs, trying to catch her breath. “Mmm” she licked her lips as her pussy was still being greedy, milking him of every drop he had to give. Her body was limp, just how it always was after they fooled around. A soft familiar satisfied smile spread over her lips, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. “So fucking good.” Jaycee grabbed his hand that was around her neck loosely into her small hand and kissed his hand softly before pulling him to lay completely on top of her. She needed his weight on her, with his arms tightly around her. Still trembling, as her breathing started to finally slow down. “I swear I didn’t come here for this, but I’m so not regretting it.” She giggled softly, snuggling her cheek into his hand. Missing the feel of his rough working hands against her soft cheek. “I don’t want to move, or for you to move..” she said softly, almost in a whisper. But she knew eventually cries would come from upstairs and he’d have to get up. And she’d have to go back to real life of figuring life out again. “Oh, god Lane.. Please don’t think that I’m using you.” Jaycee was noticeably upset in thinking he’d think she just used him for her needs. “I’m a damn mess right now, but I want you in my life no matter what happens. I hope you believe me. I just need to work on me..” she slowly turned around, groaning with a hiss as he pulled out to snuggle into him. Her fingers softly playing with his chest hair. “Don’t go back to Nashville, okay?” She asked looking up into his blue eyes, letting the tip of her fingers trace his lips. “Please..”
Lane. Being with Jaycee felt just as good as it always had. It was like they could perfectly fall right back into rhythm as if nothing has changed between them at all. He laid down mostly on top of her as she pulled him down beside her. His length still deep in her core as he laid behind her on the couch, holding her as if she belonged to him. “I don’t wanna move either” he admitted with a foggy chuckle. He wanted to lay there on the couch with her for as long as he possibly could. When she started to get noticeably upset, he pulled out of her and wrapped his arms around her again. She was facing him now and he was shaking his head as he stroked her hair. “I don’t feel that way at all. I know this isn’t why you came here, and that you have other things going on. But I also know we have a deep connection that neither one of us can ever resist. I’m not going anywhere, okay?” He smiled softly as she traced his lips with her fingertips and kissed them softly. “I’m just glad I could be a good distraction for you. Get you out of that pretty little head of yours for a bit. You deserve to feel good, and I’m always happy to help.”
Jaycee. Jaycees hand looked so small against his cheek, as it slid up caressing it so softly. Her thumb slowly sliding side to side as she listened to him, her eyes watering as she nodded her head. “I am so thankful for you, and that you’re still in my life.” He was right, they never could resist one another, and that at times could cause issues. But Jaycee just needed him, and he knew her as if she was pulled from his own body. Resting her thigh over his hip, she scooted further into him. Holding onto him tightly as tears ran from her eyes, silently as she listened to his heartbeat. Breathing in a shaker breath she looked up at him, nuzzling her nose over his before kissing him softly. Lips pulling and massaging his, taking her time this time. The softest hum flowing from her throat into his mouth. Softly her tongue ran over his lips, as if asking for permission to taste him again. His chest hair coarse against her sensitive hardened nipples, causing her to moan while she tried to get closer to him. “I missed you so much.” Breathing out a soft whimpering whisper against his lips.
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