languidschizoid · 4 years
so i just discovered a new infodump heaven:
(It says it's for papers, but the creator of the site has said that it's about sharing all kinds of information - scientific papers, recipes, book summaries, whatever, as long as you cite your source)
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languidschizoid · 4 years
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languidschizoid · 4 years
Can I correct you on a small point?
Persistent Depressive Disorder includes both dysthymia (like you said, mild but long-term) and Chronic Major Depressive Disorder (more severe and also long-term)
It also includes "double depression" (not the official term but w/e) which is dysthymia with major depressive episodes
In case this info is useful to you (tw)
Persistent depressive disorder: Mild but long-term depression. Also called Dysthymia.
My experience with this:
After a while dysthymia begans to feel like nothing more than an inconvenience. You don’t feel so depressed you’re constantly crying and want to harm yourself, instead, all it is is just an inability to get motivated, inability to focus, inability to keep routines, constantly feeling fatigued and then hating yourself for being thay way.
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languidschizoid · 4 years
Hi, I'm making a post about autistics who require more support. I'm autistic, but don't need as much support as I am verbal. I saw you mention that you feel not seen by the autistic community. Could you tell me more about that?
links to writings from before . please to actually read before ask more questions . words are hard . take too much effort too much time please to not push the pixie to write more words if person not even going to read the words . ( this happen so so so much so frustrating . )
if these not answer question , please to ask again . have more words never posted . maybe help understand little bit better .
more specific question much easier for the pixie to answer .
smart autism people have very LOUD and HUGE voices . drown out silent voices when not even try . and . too many smart autism person do try to speak for ( over ) silent autism voices . nobody have time for communication with nonspeaking people .
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languidschizoid · 4 years
I agree
The R word comes from the old word for intellectual disability (mental R****dation)
Only people with intellectual disabilities should have a say over who uses it
My activity has been quite low lately. Not much going on to speak about besides one thing really. Please stop excusing the R word. I don’t care who you are. If you don’t have at least 1 neurological developmental disorder do not fucking use it. You wouldn’t excuse a straight, cisgender person using LGBT slurs, and you wouldn’t excuse a white person saying the N word so why are us disabled people different? I’m really sick of seeing it. Yeah I’ll use the word I’m autistic, have ADHD and tourette’s. Don’t deny me the use of that word just because I told you, a neurotypical person not to use it. People are dumb, and it’s infuriating.
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languidschizoid · 4 years
yeah, it can be difficult to find representation that fits you
I also don't know any autistic (or neurotypical) characters who are like me. Autism is so diverse, and representation so rare, that I think very few autistic people will be able to find a character just like them
A other thing make tay know my autism not same most tumblr people is all posts say them think people from shows and stuff am autistic and how come think am and me not care people do that but know autism way different to me cause the ones me know who them talk about just seem like regular people to tay them nothing like me never see think them autistic only tv show people ever see like me am Julia go on Sesame Street cause her not talk lot and her have stuff animal like me have my moose but her actual autistic just never ever see stuff like tay in other shows watch make feel more different sad
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languidschizoid · 4 years
I can't wrap my head around the idea that othet people's minds don't work this way
something that people really dont understand about ADHD is that we dont “jump from one idea to the next”
we have very fast, very associative minds that connect ideas. we have a train of thought, it just goes WAY faster than yours!
example: im thinking about dogs. that makes me think of pitbulls, which makes me think of an animal planet show i enjoy. the show connects to tv in general, which makes me think of my favorite cartoon. i associate my favorite cartoon with art and animation, and i wind up thinking about shading techniques.
TL;DR: having ADHD is kinda like playing a lifelong game of 7 Degrees of Kevin Bacon
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languidschizoid · 4 years
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americans get this through your fucking heads
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languidschizoid · 4 years
posts about ADHD have no business being 2k words some of us are unmedicated
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languidschizoid · 4 years
me connecting song lyrics to the plot of a daydream
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languidschizoid · 4 years
oh this is so weird, i do have madd and constantly create very elaborate situations in my head, but i also have aphantasia (5 to sometimes 4 on that chart) and can't really SEE any of it except in very slight blurs i can't hold onto very well, but it's like i FEEL like i've seen it happen and i still have the entire concept of the universe i've created, though when i try to draw anything from it i have a hard time. i think my brain has an easier time attaching to and creating audio than visuals
Is it ok to ask if you have aphantasia?
I've heard similar things from people (i.e. one person) who had both madd and aphantasia
But yeah, every neuronarrator daydreams differently
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languidschizoid · 4 years
me getting confused by the hundreds of plotlines in my paracosm that contradict each other:
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languidschizoid · 4 years
Neuronarrator ask meme
Answer the questions yourself, or do it with the help of your followers. 💚
A neuronarrator version, because no one else seem to have done it (from what I've seen), and I think it'd do some good to make one of these. For the fun of it, and it may even result in some good advice for some! And remember to only answer questions you're comfortable answering to!!
1. Who was your first ever para? (If you still remember)
2. Do you have any verits?
3. How many paras do you have, and if too many, how many of them are your frequently go-toes?
4. How many paracosms do you have?
5. Who is your favorite para?
6. What are your triggers?
7. What keeps you from daydreaming?
8. Approximately how many hours a day do you daydream?
9. What's your favorite scenario to daydream?
10. What's your least favorite scenario to daydream?
11. Is your daydreaming immersive or maladaptive?
12. How do you keep yourself from daydreaming?
13. What activities do you like to do (besides daydreaming)
14. What activities would you like to do (besides daydreaming)
15. If there are any activities you would like to do, do you have any plans to do them? (If they're outdoor activities, I hope you're not planning it to do it in the middle of this epidemic. Take care of your health first and foremost!)
16. Are your daydreams easily influenced by events in the real world?
17. How do you daydream? Do they follow any certain patterns? Does it follow a certain plotline, does it jump between paracosms or change between one random scenario to another etc..?
18. Have your daydreaming ever been maladaptive (If your daydreaming is immersive)
19. Are you happy? (I sure hope you are, and it's important to be asked this question once in a while, especially when you feel like you need to daydream to cope!)
20. Can I rant to you about my daydream experience? Whether it be about my struggles, upsides, paras, verits or paracosms?
21. Do you put past or current trauma into your daydreams as a way to cope?
22. Are any of your paras poc/queer?
23. Who's your most mischievous para?
24. Who's your most dangerous para?
25. Who's your kindest para?
26. Who's your most dumbassTM para?
27. Who's your most wholesome para?
28. What Hogwarts/Ilvermorny house would your paras have?
29. What Greek/Roman/Norse godly parent would your paras have?
30. What's your paras personality types? E.g.. INTP, 8w9 etc
32. What's your paras ethnicity?
34. Are some or all your paras bilingual, and in which case which languages do they speak?
35. Do your paras believe in any religion? Fictional or real?
36. What kind of creatures exist in your paracosms?
37. Are any of your paras disabled or neurodivergent in any way?
38. Would you kill for your paras?
39. When's your paras birthday, and what zodiac sign do they have?
40. Are your paras from any specific t.v. show, book, literature or other?
41. Do you make mv's with your paras in them when you daydream to music?
42. Have you ever recovered a para from the past, or lost a para that's been very dear to you, but you still remember?
43. Are your paras in a relationship or single?
44. When did your daydreaming become immersive/maladaptive
45. Do your paras know that they are paras, or that you exist? Or both?
46. What moral alignment would you put your paras in?
47. What species are your paras?
48. What kind of activities does your paras like to do?
49. What's the overall personality of your paras?
50. What subjects in school did your paras like most, and which ones did they hate?/Which subjects were easy, and which ones were hard.
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languidschizoid · 4 years
when talking about people from my daydreams as a group, i always refer to them as "paras"
But if i talk about one person in particular who is neither very important to me or the story, nor someone i spent a lot of time creating/someone without an actual backstory, i tend to just call them a character
Anyone else not call paras they don't like 'paras'? Para is such a positive word for me so anyone in my daydreams who is a bad guy I just don't refer to as a para. If anyone else does this do you want to coin a term?
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languidschizoid · 4 years
and i am again reminded of why i usually avoid the actuallymadd tag
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languidschizoid · 4 years
a bit of both
for most of my life ive had a parame though, and a paraself until i was ~12
The concept of not daydreaming from a 1st person perspective a majority of the time is new to me
do y'all experience your daydreams from 1st or 3rd person perspective?? or a bit of both?
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languidschizoid · 4 years
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As frustrating as MADD is... I could not imagine being on the other side of the population. I can literally conjure up an entire universe and some people can’t even picture an apple
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