lansingcenter-blog · 5 years
Lansing Center
Lansing is Michigan's state capital. Go to the Michigan Historical Center in downtown Lansing. These connected buildings house the Archives, the State Library and the Historical Museum. The museum has interesting displays beginning with the dawn of the Native Americans to the present days. One of the interesting facts was the surveyor's layout of the grids of Michigan, which President Jefferson ordered. There are baseline and meridian roads, which were the starting point for the surveyors. Find about the great war between Ohio and Michigan. No one was injured. Rumor has it that one chicken died. The war lasted for a few weeks. One day the men from Ohio would fire their guns. The next day the men from Michigan would do the same. This went on and on. The results of this conflagration was that Michigan got the Upper Peninsula, while Ohio got a sliver of land which is now Toledo. Who got the best deal? At that time it was Ohio. Later on, the tables shifted.
The state capital in Lansing was built on a budget and came in under it (mirabile dictu). The building is built with native woods, especially pine, and stone and bricks. Everything else is painted to give the illusion of marble, walnut and other precious building materials. 
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