lanyard09 · 11 months
Cuz she hates that she loves so hard
Like a disease
It's left her with all these scars
No one can see
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lanyard09 · 11 months
Friends to Lovers
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lanyard09 · 1 year
The long pause between her confession felt endless. So many what if’s circled, her own demons telling her that she was a fool. He would not accept her love. She felt saddened, heart falling harder and harder into a primal abyss of unsureness.
Lori felt his fingers go into hair, a soothing gesture he had always done. She was forced to look upwards and there he was kissing her, eyes closing in the moment. This..was not was she expected. Nothing in her own mind nor heart prepared for this kind of kiss. He kissed her as if too many emotions needed to tell at once. She enjoyed it, melting into it, savoring this moment that she feared would be like the last time.
She did it. She told him her feelings and now….she was….being lifted. The sheer strength of him always surprised her. He never used it on her, always helping with lifting jobs. But this was a push to a wall as her mind seemed to blank at his kiss. This was new and it surprised her. He was reacting passionately. Lori could feel his body rubbing against hers and it made her moan at the contact.
When he pulled back with that slight wince, she took in the longest breath she could but ended up panting to steady her heartbeat. His eyes shot right through her. She felt like she was in a trance when he spoke. Hot tears fell as he told her of his feelings, mirroring her own for him. Her heated forehead felt cool when he touched his to hers. He needed to go; to stop this moment in time.
Option 1:Sweet
At first, she laughed at his joke, knowing with that look in his eyes that he wasn’t bluffing.
She nodded at him, smiling so brightly, “I can’t believe you love me back. I feel like I’m in a dream.”
Lori’s hand touches near his wound, “I understand. I do, believe me. I don’t want you hurting yourself anymore than you have. I know we have time but I don’t want you to go.” She was battling herself, her selfishness and her selflessness. “You gotta call me when you get home. No ifs, ands, or buts. I have to know you are safe. And well..” She got shy for a moment, blushing slightly, “I gotta know if this was real or all in my head.”
Option 2: Sassy
The tears gave way to laughter, and Lori leaned against him only slightly. Her smile was contagious, hurting her cheeks at how happy she was. But her eyebrow shot up with a wicked smile, “Oh? Is that a promise or a threat?”
She kissed his cheek then down his neck. Her hands started playing around his shell, taking more of the textures in. “You could rest on my bed, let me pamper you for a moment.” Her leg was moving to wrap around one of his as she lowered her voice.
Lori was being a bit selfish, but she didn’t want the dream she was having of Raph to cease. This was the best one yet. “Come on Raph. Stay with me” she said in the softest voice as she leaned into him more. “Let me tell you why I love you so much.”
Popped into my mind cuz I’ve been rereading the prompts with Nightwatcher and thinking how She would be the one to break the barrier of friend to more.
Crossing the Line
Another night of being a semi nurse to Raph had Lori all over his body. Back of his neck, a gash at his forearm and one on his knee. The first two were done as she fumed silently at him. She knew he was protecting others and doing what he felt was right for the innocent. But he didn’t seem to care for his own safety.
She kept looking at him as he sat on one of her kitchen chairs, her kneeling to get to his knee better. He always talked to her during these sessions, helped her concentrate on him and not the blood or wound. It felt normal again.
The tension had been there for months now. Ever since he kissed her after a guy hadn’t treated her well. They kept a distance from each other, feeling like any touch was burning them. She had gone back to treating him the same as before the kiss but her eyes constantly watched him more so than normal. She missed his touches, rare as they were before. They hung out but it always felt suffocating. The what ifs circling them as they watched a movie side by side but never touching.
The distance had her made her do more thinking than normal. What was he to her? She knew he was a close friend. Hell she had loved him for so long she knew it was one sided. Or so she had thought. The whole night after the kiss, she had almost called him, finger hovering over his name over and over. She hadn’t but she should have.
Her home wasn’t right without his presence and since he was always so busy it had been a bit since he came to her. Thus this was the first night they had talked for more than a few hours. He came to her and it almost made her cry. She didn’t want to lose her friend but she had to do something with these feelings she had for him. She had to tell him or show him.
Raph had finished his reason for being gashed up so bad. Stupid punks thinking they could steal from an old man’s family business. She admired him and his morals. But then she had to roll her eyes. Raph was once again saying he was sorry for doing to this to her and he should have gone home. Lori’s hands stopped and looked up at him. When had he leaned down? She swallowed harshly before speaking in a calm voice, one that would make him understand, “Raphael. You are more than welcome into my home. You know that. We are “she bit her lip at the next word, “friends.”
He opened his mouth and Lori shook her head at him, “No. Listen, I’ve missed you since the whole kiss incident.” His eyes had widened. “I wanted to call you about your day when you don’t come over. We haven’t talked in what felt like ages, like we use to. We hang out and yet there isn’t any fun. I don’t want to lose you. But things have to be said.” She took a strong breath and kept his eyes locked with hers, “something needs to be done.”
Pushing up, she moved swiftly, letting her lips rest against his. It wasn’t forceful? It was cautious, like she thought HE would break on her.
She pulled back, letting her green eyes meet his, “I have feelings for you, more than friends, Raph. I don’t want to lose you but I’m going to stop lying to myself. Hell. I love you Raphael. Nightwatcher, scales and all.”
This was it. No turning back, she stayed there, gently leaning on his legs that she had pushed up on, hovering near his face. Lori might have just ended her dearest relationship and that scared her immensely.
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((This was touching, beautiful, emotional. I love it. I can totally see them having these kinds of issues. These moments where they are both too afraid to move forward and one finally breaking. It was gorgeous. I can easily see Lori breaking first every time because Raph, no matter what incarnation, is a stubborn butt.))
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lanyard09 · 1 year
Saw the newest TMNT movie. They finally show actual Teenage boys being teenage boys. Not that I don’t love my Bayverse boys but it was nice seeing them be actual teenagers.
Very cute and it made me cackle in fun laughter
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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Maybe I was imagining Leo's aggressive twerking a little too aggressively...
Anyways, first post after a few reblogs.
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lanyard09 · 1 year
did the dumb ways to die trend with the grumps :)
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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“I heard we can just throw things against the wall”
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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lanyard09 · 1 year
My favorite thing in the whole wide world is when a frustrated person expresses they're frustration in a very calm way and the other person vigorously and loudly defends their own actions. Take this example.
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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lanyard09 · 1 year
I'm sure no one came up with this idea so I'll say it
If you were a baby like the turtles will take care of you in their own way (Raph, Leo, mikey, Donnie) each of them has their own method of taking care of you baby 😊👶
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lanyard09 · 1 year
Dan: "Oh ok then..."
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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lanyard09 · 1 year
“Darling, you deserve it all. You deserve love and peace and magic and joy dancing in your eyes. You deserve hearty, deep-belly laughter and the right to let those tears fall and water the soil. You deserve freedom and goodness and company and days of bliss and quiet too. You deserve you happy and healed and content and open. So keep going, darling. Keep going. Go realise into being the life you deserve.”
— Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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lanyard09 · 1 year
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