laprincesacristina · 5 years
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The Lovers of Valdaro, discovered by archaeologists at a tomb in San Giorgio near Mantua, Italy. The couple have been holding one another for 6,000 years.
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
“No one ever truly comes to know, honor, or worship God without being changed in the process.”
James Montgomery Boice
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
“Don’t just read the Bible. The devil knows the Bible by heart. He used it against Jesus. Rather, linger in God’s word, love the truth, and plead with him to open the eyes of your heart.”
— John Piper
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
never trade God for this world, you’ll regret it.
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
“In the long run, the sharpest weapon of all is a kind and gentle spirit.”
— Anne Frank, The Diary of Anne Frank (via wnq-anonymous)
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
“A true and faithful Christian does not make holy living an accidental thing. It is his great concern. As the business of the soldier is to fight, so the business of the Christian is to be like Christ.”
— Jonathan Edwards
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
When your hair is wavy/curly sometimes there is a fine line between “messy romantic waves” and “evil witch who lives in the woods.”
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laprincesacristina · 6 years
Okay but I still don’t understand how people can look at the Bible, even the books of Judges and all the prophets, and not see God’s love. Like… it’s there y’all are just ignoring it, God doesn’t want to send deathly judgement on his people, He loves them and gives them chance after chance to come back to Him. Y’all just want excuses to say God isn’t loving and patient and glory-filled and perfect and amazing so you have an excuse to sin
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