I was having such a hard time on the most recent OMTOP chapter so I kinda said fuck it and skipped to the part where OP pulls a fucking suductress move and now I'm three pages in and down a whole new rabit hole.
I think I found out how to cure my writer's block this time around.
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I'm up to my shit again. (Kinda erotica. Not really.)
Megatronus the Gladiator; the scourge of Kaon; Champion of the ring is to be gifted as tribute to the newly minted Prime. Obviously upset by the news Megatronus fights the idea. Only days away from buying his freedom, being sold and owned by a Prime would skyrocket his worth to a point he could never pay back. Not to mention he doesn't want to end up like the glorified slaves Sentinel Prime owned. He suspects it's an attempt by the Kaon Senator to silence his speaches and it just might work.
This culminates in a failed escape attempt and an eventual collaring and complete shackling of Megatronus to be transported to Iacon to be presented to the Prime. He's deamed too dangerous to be let free in the Iacon Senator chambers so he's actually presented to the new Prime in chains. Megatronus can't actually judge the Prime's innital reaction but he's quickly brought to a private berth room; expected to do as Sentinel's Gladiators did.
Megatronus fights for a long while, but it's not until the night cycle before the Prime actually returns to his quarters. Megatronus' thrashing against his restraints is renewed, actually scared for the first time in a while. But all the Prime does is unchain all but his left servo (a safety precaution, he assures Megatronus) and hands the mech a well needed cube of energon.
Then, without much more explanation (infact, the Prime doesn't talk much at all) he forced Megatronus to lay still (where did this strength even come from?) He forced their pevic arrays together enough to transfer paint and then immediately pulls away, leaving Megatronus to spit and swear at him.
Then, he bends on a knee, offers a warriors blessing, and calls for the gladiator to be collected.
And Megatronus I'd transported back to Kaon; as if nothing happened. But now with a million years worth of debt.
Optimus comes around several times over the next year. Mostly public appearences and every time, their berth room routine continues. It's during one of these agressive/half fighting/ yelling matches that Optimus drops a data packet of Megatronus' speaches. (OP has a voice kinkkkkkk) It's the first time the Prime shows really any emotion and he's completely embarrassed.
Needless to say it's really awkward for Optimus after that and Magatronus finds the Prime super cute. They love each other. Have secret meetings. All that jazz.
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Going back
So idk how many of you actually read that weird Shockwave/Blurr thing with the vampire stuff but I wanna do a Multi work thing of it... Someday. (Okay so I've already started this project so it's just so people know what's coming up)
One where Megs is a miner who finds a injured Alt-less in the mines. Cue a cave in. (Megs/ Alt-less!OP)
Prowl is a cop who gets partnered with Jazz, the new rookie. To they're sent to investigate a new Alt-less sighting. Problem is? It's the cannibal that went after Blur. Jazz saves the day at the cost of his freedom. (Alt-Less!Jazz/Prowl)
Drift goes into heat and Ratchet learns first hand exactly what Alt-less breeding is like (Alt-less!Drift/Ratchet smut)
Rodimus tries his darned hardest to get Ultra Magnus to go into heat. Even taking on fights he shouldn't and getting himself in trouble. Turns out Magnus has been trying to get Rodimus to heat, and they both have to re- think some things in their relationship. (Alt-less! Rodimus/Alt-less! Ultra Magnus with smut) (my heat kink is showing I'm sorry)
Perceptor had a nice life before moving to I acon and getting stuck with a lab partner. It gets so much worse when he realizes Brainstorm is an Alt-less.
And I'm debating a few others.
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2 Thoughts (how do I even tag erotica now?)
Okay, so I’ve had these two kinda rummaging around for a bit. Both are super similar so that's why they’re in the same post. 
okay, number 1- 
So you know that whole fic thing where in a few transformer series people write these ‘Optimus and Megatron are secretly hate fragging each other’ fics? They were always so weird to me but the set up kinda works for this set up so I guess I like them now? I don’t know. Anyways. 
So maybe they’ve been fragging each other for a while now (I guess I’m using TFP here just because I’m familiar) despite the ongoing fighting on earth. The fighting has probably died down some now, but occasional squabbles over Energon mines break out. Either way, the two faction leaders have been fragging each other for a few months now and have fallen into somewhat of a routine. 
So Megatron comms Optimus one night basically all “I’m horny and frustrated, lets fuck,” To which Optimus kinda just “Meh, not tonight thanks.”
which is all fine and good, not everyone is in the mood all of the time. Things get kinda complicated when Optimus ‘Isn’t in the mood’ for several weeks. 
Megatron gets kinda annoyed, his stress relief is gone and he’s kinda upset about it. So he sets up a stupid little trap in one of the mines to get Optimus alone to actually ask him about it (At this point Optimus won’t even answer him) and everything goes according to plan. 
When he confronts Optimus alone the Prime is kinda awkward about it, shuffling his feet and avoiding the topic. Eventually, Megatron gets it out of him that the last few time the Prime felt like Megatron wasn’t giving enough back sexually in return. So he’s just kinda become uninterested, he didn’t even finish the last two times and Megatron didn’t seem to notice. 
So Megatron being his idiot self- throws a fit at the idea he hasn’t given enough back and storms off angrily, calling their whole agreement off and returning back to the nemesis. But after a while, he kinda thinks on it and feels sorta bad? Like he was kinda selfish the last while and probably could have done more for the Prime. 
they make up somehow, porn ensues. oral. Praise kink. Overall good stuff
Idea 2- 
Going with the “Optimus and Megatron become leaders of a new era” trope this one is a little less based on the pure sexual and going into a bit of fluff. 
So Megatron and Optimus have been together for a while by now, bonded for some time and peace basically reigns. There are still problems with reconstruction but both sides have stopped fighting at least. Megatron is really happy, finally having Optimus right where he wants him. He tries so hard to be good, culling back his violent tendencies so Prime won't get upset with him.
They're bonded but really have only started interfacing recently and though Megatron is really into it Optimus isn't as responsive, often zoning out or losing interest halfway through. He thinks it's part of his stocism for a while, trying to take into account how the matrix still controls him.
This continues for a bit and more and more it feels like interface is a chore for Optimus, to the point Megatron becomes frustrated with it. He gets increasingly and increasingly more agressive when they interface (not violent).
It's one time when he smacks Optimus' aft or runs his claws hard enough down his side to deal paint that the Prime offers an enthusiastic response.
Megatron stops, somewhat concerned that something is wrong. Optimus begs him to continue, saying that he was waiting for the point when Megatron would stop treating him like glass and shyly admits that he always loved how strong Megatron was, and that ecmver since peace he's thought that Megatron has lost his spark.
Megatron, not to be looked down on, starts back up in full force. Cue rough sex. Maybe some light d/s themes.
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IM SO GLAD YIURE BACK!! i was so worried they wouldnt give you back this account!! Welcome back to hell
Ahh!! Thank you so much! I have about 7 drafts ready to post already! (I wanted to post them when they could bee seen lol) so at least expect content sometime today!
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If someone wants to help with writing and art maybe I'll do the coding.
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thats all thanks for listening
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Told ya I’m being Productive ;)
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Insomnia is back. I have a class in 6 hours and have yet to sleep. I’ve decided to be productive!
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The fall of Rodion. It's 3 am.
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Rp thing!!
I'm going to try RP-ing for the first time in forever!
If you want to rp (NSFW or not) message me!
(yes. This is mainly a way to procrastinate. But also I kinda just miss it.)
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With jazz's betray and nowhere to run team Prime has to fight. But even from the other side of the Decepticon front Optimus manages to send help, even while someone is sending help to him.
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Here’s 18,000 words (2 chapter updates and 2 new stories)
One More Time Mechanic 
Rip Your Heart Out (Blurr/Shockwave Alt-less)
The Left Side of the Lab (Perceptor/Brainstorm alt-less)
Have a merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
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My new favourite OMTOP line
A joined, ::No:: rang over the coms with a dispassion only capable of those so purely done with a situation that the prospect of a spontaneous thunderstorm sounded more like a chore than a miracle.
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yo for those who can still see me
I’m not dead I promise. Finals just ended last week and I’m working really really hard on a giant Christmas post (I’m at a total of what now? 17,500 words over what i’m planning to post, the goal is 25,000 so we’ll see)
We’re almost there!
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I’m compiling what i can find of CrashBoomBanger’s audio that i can and downloading the files!
If you have any of the posts saved send them my way and I’ll see how much i can  preserve before they get flagged down the line
Please send this around and hopefully I can compile what i can, If people want me to send them the files from there I am more than willing to
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