lara-eats-the-rich · 22 days
yall with adhd or autism or such ever just get…. bored. like so Painfully bored. like its not “oh hehe i was so bored and i made this” to flex or “oh im so bored bc i have nothing to do” but like a “i am physically incapable of ending this horrible understimulation with any activity i might attempt” and its genuinely fucking painful
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lara-eats-the-rich · 22 days
Someone in 1999: What year is it?
Someone else in 1999: It's 1999
Me in 2000: Well That Aged Like Milk!!!
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lara-eats-the-rich · 22 days
I was made to tackle someone to the floor and rip out flesh with my teeth but instead i work customer service for some reason
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lara-eats-the-rich · 5 months
Putting on a good face
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lara-eats-the-rich · 5 months
No better feeling in the world than when your pet comes to hang out with you 💙
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lara-eats-the-rich · 5 months
[CW: Mentions of violence, gore, sex? I guess?]
So uh, a friend of mine told me that I desperately needed to make an account here, so here I am. Name’s Lara, and I’m a shapeshifter. Been one for 6 or 7 years now. I won’t really go into how that all happened – kinda ashamed of it, made a pact with some demon or whatever and am now cursed with only being able to sate my hunger by eating human flesh – not particularly pleasant to most people, I imagine, but I make do.
There’s plenty of not-so-great people out there that won’t be missed, ya know? Corrupt people, I mean. I’m not some monster who goes and eats innocent people off the street. It’s more fun anyway to lure in some corrupt asshole only to tell them that their actions have consequences.
Fun. Yeah. It’s uh, really fun, actually. Like, really fun. Half the reason I became a shapeshifter in the first place was because of the fun of playing a character, if that makes sense. I could pretend to be literally anyone. The other half of the reason is because I hated who I had to be. Course, I didn’t expect the whole curse thing when I asked that “doctor” for the medicine. Only after starting the treatment did they tell me about the whole eating people thing. Wasn’t too pleased about that, as you can imagine – they only revealed themselves as a demon or something when I tried to kill them. Scared the shit out of me. Haven’t seen them since.
You’d think that whole situation doesn’t lend itself much to making friends, but there’s communities for everything, it turns out. I’m not even the only shapeshifter. Far from it, actually. I mean, the “hating who I had to be” thing isn’t uncommon either – I did label myself as trans for a while, but not anymore. I’m not limited to one look, one person, one form - so much for ‘basic biology’, eh?
Actually, I know a gal who’s got much stronger shapeshifting stuff than me. We’re really good friends, actually. She’s trans, too, but spends most of her time in her actual body, even if she could get to exactly where she wants to be with a snap of her fingers. It’s kinda remarkable, actually. She says it’s because she doesn’t know how she’ll end up looking anyway. That’s pretty brave of her, I think.
As far as I know, she got into the whole shapeshifting thing because of a demon, too. I mean, they call themselves a demon, or a goddess, or a demon-goddess, so it’s not strictly the same thing. Amy’s not even cursed by it or anything. Lucky bitch. The ‘goddess’, as she calls them, apparently granted her the shapeshifting stuff because – get this – she wants Amy to be her heir. Yeah. So now she and the goddess have the same abilities. Supposedly she’s the goddess of chaos and change or something, but I’ve never heard of her. Their abilities even extend to other people, too. They make these little symbols, or gestures, or something with their hands and then they can just… change anyone. Amy, because she’s a nice person, only does it with willing participants – I’ll get into those later – but the goddess just does in on whoever she feels like, and calls it divine retribution, funnily enough.
I think I used to know her in school, actually. Weird coincidence, I guess. Course, we were both different people, metaphorically and literally. That was long before any of the transform-y things. It’s not that we were even friends, particularly. Well, we are now, of course, but we just didn’t really talk. I guess it took both of us to become the ‘real’ us before we actually got close to each other.
I mean, we’re not like that with each other. Found out pretty quickly after trying to uhh… “lure” in some food that I’m not really into sex. Or romance, particularly, either. So I guess I’m aro-ace. I just use it to get closer to my food so I can… you know. It’s got me in some pretty funny scenarios, looking back. Like, several times I’ve lured in a guy who ends up wanting me to give him head, only for me to literally eat his dick. I mean, it’s not that simple, of course, I won’t just go straight in for it, but I’m not interested in pleasuring the other people aside from just tricking them. That’s the fun bit.
Stuff like that is kinda the worst part about the eating people thing, though. But I have figured out some nice little ways around the actually yucky bits. You know, like the stomach, and uhh… lower bits. I’ve found that I can make some sort of chemical that basically causes all of that to get expelled from the body before I actually eat the targets. I don’t wanna deal with all the yucky stuff.
The process of getting rid of it all is kinda gross unfortunately – I usually bump into them “accidentally” and give them a little prick of the chemicals, then over the course of a week they sorta… throw up all of the bits I won’t eat. Not pleasant for them, sure, but its all turned into sludge anyway so it’s not like its recognisable to anyone. After that they feel perfectly fine, as if nothing happened. Not really sure if they can actually live properly after that, not having a digestive system and all. At least, by the time I give them that little injection I’ve already decided that they’re the target anyway.
There’s also another chemical I have that clots a lot of their blood where I bite them – I guess it’s a venom of sorts, which is kinda cool. Stops a lot of the major bleeding. Makes it so I don’t have to clean up too much. I’ve kinda gotten used to it, as you can tell. I used to put a lot of time into not leaving a trace behind, especially before the chemical stuff, but Amy and the goddess gave me all sorts of ideas that really help out so much. Shame I can’t share a meal with them. I mean, I guess I can, but I don’t get any sustenance from regular food. Still tastes good, though.
Jeez, I’ve really typed a lot, haven’t I? Maybe I’ll wrap it up for now. I’ll probably write some of my experiences down with the whole hunting thing sometime if anyone wants to read it. I guess its sorta incriminating, but it’s not like I can be arrested or something. I can probably escape from anywhere. That’s an odd thought, isn’t it? Anyway yeah, bad-guy-eating stories coming soon, I suppose. Or maybe let me know if there’s something you want to ask me? I’m open to that.
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