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You might want to look at our 1.5 Million fan page on Facebook: LGBT News
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American Horror Story: 1984  |  9x06 promo
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Bad feelings happen all the time, deal with that
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Fucking deep
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Hospital For Souls // Bring Me The Horizon
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Stringerti le mani
con le quali hai appena finito
di accarezzarmi
e sussurrare:
— eleonora civiero
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Sometimes the rain makes a rainbow
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Via @WeHeartIt
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“Ci sono estati che ci porteremo addosso per sempre, estati che ricorderemo, estati che sogneremo di vivere ancora.”
Cit. L’estate addosso
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I can’t remember the meaning of being alive
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My future wife. I want to follow her around with my camera, capturing every curve of her body, every freckle, at every time of the day. I want to take a million pictures together like every perfect tumblr couple and actually BE that in love with one another. I want to bring her breakfast in bed. I want to snuggle up to her after and relax our morning away with laughter and touch and lazy naps. I want to look at her at 11:00pm and suggest ice cream, and the keys are already in her hand. I want to hold her hand and never question whether it’s okay, no matter where we are. I want us to record everything- our love notes, our adventures, our running makeup after a hard day. I want to bring her coffee and a sandwich when she’s having a long day at work. I want to leave her notes on her windshield… and in her glovebox, her makeup bag, her sock drawer, her glasses case… anywhere. Just to make her heart smile. I want us to find so much joy in life outside of one another but still call each other home. I want to not see one another for a few days because we’re both so damn busy with our professional lives- but I want to miss her endlessly while we’re apart. I want to sit with her in a coffee shop in silence, absorbed in our books. I want to be slightly less absorbed than she is so I can still sneak glances at that beautiful, oblivious face. I want us to feel and be secure and safe no matter the distance between us because we trust and believe in our relationship. I want my family to love us together so much that they invite HER family over sometimes, too. I want to spend hours getting to know her family. I want to cook for her. Bake for her. Light the candles for her. I want to be her rock, and I want her to be mine. I want her to make mistakes, because that means she’s human (but don’t try and convince me she isn’t an angel). I want to lay in bed talking about the world until we fall asleep in each other’s arms. I want her to challenge me. I want to spend weekends in the woods and weekdays in pillow forts. I want to hike mountains with this girl. I want to marry her and have children with her. I want to love her so hard I’ll question whether I’m crazy. And after long, hard days- because there undoubtedly will be days like that- I want to look at her and not for a single moment wish I was anywhere else, with anyone else. I want to look at her and choose her every day, in every moment. I want to never, ever stop choosing her.
You’re out there somewhere. And I know I’m the luckiest girl alive just knowing I’ll get to love you forever someday.
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Happy 2018 Christmas
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Star Wars AU where everything is the same except everyone is wearing a Christmas hat
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Mallory: May I get you anything to drink, Michael?
Michael: The tears of our enemies, wrenched from their bodies as their bones are crushed.
Mallory: I have jasmine tea.
Michael: Ohh, jasmine. Yes, please.
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I’m so tired that I can’t tell if I need a good nap or a few shots of tequila.
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Some tips for an easy life
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