lareinacordelia · 4 years
( @bluebloodedpride )
     Never has Cordelia seen the mess hall this busy. Across the long tables where knights, faculty, and students dine together are dishes upon dishes, all lined up for a free taste and if the Goddess blessed them with culinary ingenuity, perhaps even a chance to be judged by the Head Chef. It was an exciting cultural exchange masked behind a competition. Cordelia would have joined if it wasn’t more enticing to simply explore what the others had to offer and have a taste of it herself.
      She’s tasted one dish so far: an excellent spin on seafood with an abundance of spices and citrus. She was delighted to know this was found locally, and despite her limited knowledge in the kitchen, she tried to snag the recipe at least. Maybe when she has enough free time she can gather some of the local produce and try it out herself.
      The next dish that grabbed her attention belonged to someone familiar. Not so long ago she witnessed a cardinal sin in the kitchen, and if what she’s seeing right now is the product of it... she’d rather close her eyes and walk away. Her knowledge isn’t shared by all, however, and she sees one man approach curiously. Cordelia immediately puts herself in between, arms stretched out to block the path and the view, ❝ I won’t recommend eyeing that dish--! ❞ Her voice came out too alarmed, a trail of sweat running down the side of her face. She’d hate to speak ill of a friend, but...  ❝ I saw the chef put a bag of sugar in their sauce. For your sake, please do not touch his food. ❞  
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
» new heights
( gerome ):
“…I’d rather not have more of her attention.” I’m already receiving enough that I can handle. And somehow, it frightens him to think of Severa ‘giving him more credit’. He can only fear what kind of words she’d say with that colorful vocabulary of hers. He shudders and keeps her attention back at Guinevere, I’m not shuddering because of you, I apologize.
He listens to the instructions given next and accepts the reins, nodding along for each.That should be easy enough. “I’ve placed reins on creatures other than Minerva before.” He’s not lazy. He was a useful soldier around the Shepherd’s Camp, even more so as a student with lesser duties. She faces Guinevere with a softer expression as Cordelia’s steps grow fainter and fainter. 
It’s strange. He always hated the idea of having another mount that wasn’t Minerva. It didn’t feel right. Even if at one point in his life he contemplated releasing her to set her free and have a better life, he would have given up on flight altogether. Yet, as he places a hand over the winged horse’s nose and she lowers her head for him and responds as sweetly and kindly as an old friend… he’s left wondering. Was he simply afraid he wouldn’t be able to bond with another creature or he truly wanted to be selfless with Minerva? Minerva was all he had left of his mother. It wasn’t him that trained her, that raised her… he simply carried over his mother’s legacy.
A new bond, however, with a creature he looks after from the start, there’s an appeal to it. Be it a wyvern, a griffon, or even a pegasi. As he carefully puts on Guinevere’s necessary equipment, Gerome resolves himself to stick with this for the time being. A new focus for himself, while never forgetting his roots, and continue aiming to be a better flier. The appeal to gain new perspective with a different kind of mount is enticing to him at the moment, especially when your mentor is the Cordelia. If he goes through with this for the next few weeks, even months…. maybe then he’d stop thinking he’s keeping Minerva from being free. He’d still care for her, but she won’t be bound and stuck with him. Maybe she’ll even have a family of her own. And in time, a wyvern of her own…   
“You’ve been with Cordelia for a long time, haven’t you? Have you ever thought of retiring?” He expects no answer that he can understand, but he converses anyway, speaking as he worked. Once done, he starts to guide Guinevere out. 
“Will we be flying today?” He doesn’t intend to sound impatient, but it was a question he needed answered to prepare himself. “And if so, would I simply fly with you, or–” He turns to Guinevere, reins still held. “I won’t have qualms for either. I’d never trust a beginner to fly Minerva.” 
     The wait is longer than Cordelia anticipated, and for a moment she wondered if Gerome actually struggled in putting on the reins on Guinevere. She waits patiently outside, trust placed on the wyvern rider, and as the minutes passed and he comes out with Guinevere fully equipped to fly, she realized she worried over nothing. Perhaps they truly were bonding like she wanted.  
      ❝ Good work, Gerome. I trust Guinevere wasn’t being difficult? ❞ She greets them both with a small smile as they walk out, Guinevere looking ready to give this man his first lesson in the skies. Her neighs break the silence in the early morning, and Cordelia simply strokes her mane to calm her eagerness before looking back at her student.
     ❝ We will. You’ve been flying all your life, but never with a pegasus, I assume? ❞ Even now she can’t imagine the masked rider choosing any other mount that isn’t his dear Minerva. There’s no shame in attachments, even she had those... there comes a point when one needed to see beyond what they’re used to, and Cordelia hoped to impart that knowledge on Gerome.  
     ❝ You’re not wrong. I’d never trust a beginner to fly Guinevere. ❞ Cordelia chortled, the sentiment shared but he seemed to have forgotten: ❝ You’re no beginner in flying, Gerome. And there is no better way to show you how different a pegasi and a wyvern are than to experience it yourself. Worry not, I’ll be right behind you should anything run amok. ❞
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 !( spar )
( gaius )​:
“You ready, ‘delia? I’m comin’ at ya!” Hype up the crowd, hype up himself, and as the cheers come, so does he. Leave it to Miss Prodigy to let him move first and observe. Ha! Let’s see how that fairs for ya…
He holds the lance in one hand as he would a sword, ready to strike as he dashes forward. To expect an easy hit on Cordelia was crazy, but what he lacks in lance skills, he makes up with speed. He keeps his eyes on her torso, and arms mindful of every moment she makes. Getting hit would hurt like a bitch even if it was just with training lances, so he needs to act and hit first.
Distance now closed, the former thief of Ylisse sets aside his usual dry remarks and teasing and focuses. He makes quick successive jabs to her torso, hits weaker from being one-handed and from the weight, but just as fast as if he was using a smaller weapon. It’s after the third jab when he takes a quick leap back to faint escaping, only to clutch the lance with both hands and slam it downwards with an overhead swing.
     It’s his speed that she gauges first and foremost, the thief still the swift swordsman she met all those years back. An ally that contested backgrounds, surprising loyalty, and an uncontested expertise in his field. Cordelia knew not to underestimate him amidst all his jokes and mocking, even as he wields the lance like a rapier.
     Her hold on her lance is low but firm, each jab sent her way blocked with the top of her lance, the wooden pole slowly chipped away by the pointed end of Gaius’ training lance. He’s relentless, she observes, movement matching his, years of experience on the field alarmed at the feint. 
     ❝ You’re fooling no one! ❞ Cordelia shouts as she blocks his sudden slam. She shifted her grip to support the center of the lance, hands shaking as the impact came down. It wasn’t the strongest she’s blocked, but the speed of it gave her little room to brace for it better. He expected him to be fast, but that swing had more force than she anticipated, the tremor enough to numb her hands as she blocked and pushed him away. He got stronger.
     Despite the surprise, his mistake was going for power when he was meant for speed. Now it was her turn to strike. Overhead swings left too much openings and she intended to make full use of it. She spun her lance to the side and threw herself forward, refusing to give him a moment to react. He’s not the only one that can move swiftly. She goes for a downward sweep to his legs, meant to trip and disable, then threaten him with a lance to his chest should he fall down.
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲
( ignatz )​:
Oh Goddess, he screwed up.
The painting he had been working on is now finished and safely hidden away in his room; though he knows it’s not quite right of him to do, he nevertheless could not help but feel pride as he gazed at it. It must be his new best work.
Did he do it? Yeah.
What did it cost? Everything.
For the last couple days Ignatz has been running ragged, desperately making up for all the time he spent - wasted - on the painting. When inspiration hit him with an unusually strong force, he allowed himself for the first time ever to spend a little more time on his art than perhaps he should, and sweet Seiros does he have regrets now. He has an essay to write, and one assignment freshly finished at the cost of some sleep with one more still to go, and he should also go train soon because his form with his bow has not been the best and his sword training has been neglected completely in the past three days (Felix would kill him if he were in Blue Lions, but even though he’s not the Professor will probably do it anyway), and he’s probably still forgetting something.
Some knight material he is. Maybe his father’s right.
The lectures today went okay at least, with a well written test, though it was partially due to him giving up breakfast time to prepare to the best of his ability. And oh dear, he’s feeling it now. The doctor has told him time and time again, you cannot afford to constantly skip meals like that, and then he just goes and does his thing anyway.
And his organism is having none of it anymore it seems, as his vision gets blurry and all it takes is a small irregularity in the floor for his legs to suddenly give out. Ignatz lets out a gasp, his mind awakened back into the brutal reality far too late - but just as he’s about to fall unceremoniously to the ground, a pair of hands catches him just in time to prevent it.
As he’s straightened up and his body agrees to cooperate again for just a bit longer, he sighs in relief before looking at his savior. A pair of dark red eyes, full of concern, is scanning him. Long hair of the same color is the woman’s most distinguishable feature; Ignatz doesn’t know her name, but recalls having seen this face among the knights before. She’s probably one of them.
Wait, did she ask him something?
“Oh– um… I’m fine. I think”, he utters unsurely, slowly letting go of her arms, standing once again on his own. Has he got it? Looks like it. Hopefully. Enough at least to show some manners, he thinks as he offers the knight a smile and a light bow. “Thank you for the assistance. I, uh… did not plan my time well recently, and… yeah, I’m a bit tired today.” He sighs. He might need to sit down in a moment. He hesitates as she poses the questions, but as he looks up at her again… She doesn’t seem like someone who would mock him, and he knows he’s not the best liar, so he relents. “… Yeah, I actually haven’t eaten yet today. I’m sorry, I know it’s stupid, I just… didn’t have time.”
     She worries over him when he moved away, afraid he might faint the moment he moves. Thankfully there’s still some strength left in him, politeness still offered. A bit tired is certainly an understatement based on what she’s seeing.
     ❝ Nonsense. The only one you should apologize to is yourself. ❞ Cordelia has seen soldiers, especially a fledglings, overexert themselves after being overwhelmed by the responsibility, a sense of duty, and their personal goals. The students of Garreg Mach all came here to train themselves for the future, and she’s sure they all bear an immense weight on their shoulders. 
     She offers a sympathetic smile to the young man, ❝ There’s an easy to solution to this: eat. I know what can pick you right back up. Please, join me for a quick meal before you return to your duties. Exhausting yourself will only produce poor results. ❞ Eggs are high in protein and easy to prepare. There should be some fresh supply of salmon... As for something to drink, perhaps some fruit juice...
     ❝ I know it might be daunting to dine with a stranger, so perhaps some introductions is in order. My name is Cordelia. ❞ She places a hand by her chest and bows lightly, formalities given but the concern in her tone never disappears. ❝ You’ll have to forgive me for prying and being so insistent. My daughter’s around your age and if I saw her on the verge of collapsing-- well, naturally I would worry. It’s easy feel pressured at your age, but pacing and self-care is still important. ❞
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
( sumia )​:
          It’s not as if people haven’t called Sumia a “romantic” before. In fact, she could count herself among the ranks. But to have it said so plainly still caused a light pink to color her cheeks. Codelia was so cool and level-headed; she didn’t bother with silly things like flower fortunes, daydreaming, or reading volume after volume of novels. No, she was focused, precise, intelligent… They made a wonderful contrast to each other: the perfect team. But Sumia wondered if her silliness got on her nerves sometimes.
          “Hehe, don’t tease me, Cordy~” But then she went one, speaking of hair braids and going into the cafeteria, where people would see them! Sumia’s blush grew hotter with each word. Was… was Cordelia being serious?! Everything about her causal smile implied that she was! 
          “I mean it, don’t tease me!” Instead of pulling away, Sumia gently flopped her forehead onto Cordelia’s shoulder, hiding her face. “That would be so embarrassing! I haven’t worn braids since I was a little girl…” That was kind of the point though, wasn’t it? To remember what it felt like to be carefree, innocent… her own actual age. She and Cordelia may have been professors here, but they weren’t so old. Maybe… Taking a deep breath, Sumia pulled away and looked again at herself in the mirror. 
          “Alright,” she finally agreed. “I don’t know about going among the students, but…” Sumia turned to her and grinned. “You can do my hair, if you promise you’ll let me do yours after.” She didn’t wait for agreement. Sumia knew that either way, Cordelia would never go back on her word, even if it was /technically/ Sumia’s word.
          A giggle rose up as she practically skipped toward the bed. Flopping onto it, she folded her legs criss-cross, settling into a pose that many young girls have found themselves in during sleepovers. Sumia pulled at the various clips and accessories that helped keep her hair in place, her light brown tresses falling in waves and curling a little at the ends. She ran her fingers through the strands and loosened them up in preparation. 
          “I haven’t had my hair done by someone else like this in a while… I’m in your capable hands now, Cordy!”
      Sumia’s embarrassment might work against what Cordelia planned just now. She’d understand if she’d rather play it safe and not get themselves caught, but a small part of her wish for that experience they never had the privilege to get. It might be a fake one and a far cry from the youthful carefree spirit of those who walked into adolescence without their burdens, but at least, they can try and pretend it was the same. ❝ I’ve seen many people wear braids no matter the age. It will suit you, Sumia. I’m sure. ❞ She insists, already imagining the other woman with two braids with flowers adorning them.
     The proposition she agreed to immediately, grin mirrored in response, ❝ It’s only fair we do a bit of a trade. Although mine is far more dull, you have absolute freedom once I’m done braiding yours. ❞ She maintains her appearance very well, or so remarks on her say. A knight needed to be the beacon of hope and she believed she needed to be more than just a pawn in a way. She had to fill in the shoes of an ideal person everyone can look up to and depend on. Proper grooming was the least strenuous of the duties she placed on herself to keep up appearance.
     Cordelia walks over by the bedside, kneeling just behind Sumia. Her fingers comb through the soft browns and admiring how it curled and waved so beautifully. ❝ I’ll try not to disappoint. ❞ She remarks as she begins, hair parted equally into two, and then into short segments of threes. Her fingers moved automatically, each pull and tug gentle but it secured all the folds she needed to make. 
     ❝ Do you have flowers or small clips I can put on your hair? It will compliment you. ❞ 
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
» peguwus
( sumia )​​:
( gaius )​​:
starter for: @fortuitousflowers @lareinacordelia
Mission Task Board: Spring is here, and so are baby pegasi! The pegasus foals are equal parts playful and skittish on their spindly legs, and they need to be trained to be groomed and led early. Their wings are too soft and downy to fly yet, but they’re still cute! [ Flying +1 ]
Spring… bah. Spring made him sneeze a lot. A bad nose meant you don’t get to enjoy food as much… so Gaius had to be extra careful not to get any sniffles. Stay away from any allergy triggering areas, maintain social distancing– at least, that was the plan until he got his hands tied with ‘duties’. One ear pulled by the the Mother Hen, heart pulled by the Mother of Pegasi, Gaius found himself in between the pegasi the Ylissean besties. Sometimes, when it’s just the both of them and they’re not in the middle of a damn war, the two looked like giddy school girls when they’re together. He’s like that third friend to balance out their mushy sweetness– all while eating actual sweets.
He bumps Sumia, hip to hip, keeping it casual, discussions meant for another time saved for later. For now, this would do. “Psst, Stumbles. I thought you already came here with like, a hoard of these buggers, why’s there a bunch mo– ouch, OI!” One of those said buggers bit his hand just as he tried to offer it a sugar cube. The hell’s their problem?! He’s being generous! He retreats his hand and puts himself behind Sumia, bitten hand waved around as if it will actually heal it. Spoiler alert: it doesn’t.
“Keep that one away from me, ‘delia, I swear to Seiros its out for blood!” He points at the culprit, eyes squinting as they meet eye to eye. You don’t want my sugar cubes? FINE. Defiantly, he threw the cube to his mouth and ate it for himself. That’ll show em.
          Ah, Spring~ Sumia could never get tired of it. The flowers, the colors, and of course, the baby pegasi! She loved all the little creatures who were born unto the earth this lovely season, but the pegasi were, admittedly, the cutest. (Sumia could not budge on this opinion, no matter how much she tried to force herself to be unbiased.) So, what was better than training them and grooming them? Training and grooming them with friends, of course! Cordelia was a no brainer, obviously, but this time around, even Gaius came along! 
          “Huh?” She stumbled a bit when he bumped into her and blinked. “Well, yes. A lot of the pegasi that most organizations use are bred…” Wait. Did he… not know where the baby pegasi came from? Oh. Oh goodness. Sumia pressed her lips together and looked to Cordelia for assistance, but it seemed that this task would be solely up to her this time. Gulp. Okay, okay. This should be easy! It was good practice for when she’d have to say the same for her students!
          “So, in the spring, there… Oh, maybe I should start a little earlier? You see, it takes them almost a whole year to carry–” Sumia was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t even notice as Gaius was bitten and fled behind behind her… That is, until she felt Cordelia’s stare on them. Blinking, Sumia glanced up at her, tilting her head to the side. 
          “Is something…. wrong?” She followed her gaze and blinked at Gaius. “Oh! You’re hurt! Hehe, don’t worry. Cordelia is one of the best nurses I know! She took care of me a lot when we were younger~” A fond smile touched her face. “Remember, Cordy? I scraped my knee that one time, and I was so upset you needed to carry me back to the captain!” In the moment they thought her tears would never stop, but now, Sumia couldn’t stop giggling at the memory. 
          “Here, let me get the special treats while she fixes you up~” She turned to her bag, rummaging through it. “You’ll have more luck with these than sugar cubes.”
up next: @lareinacordelia
     Cordelia felt responsible for being Gaius along. He owes her, she’s sure. They had a battle some moon ago, when the warmth of the sun was rare, and winter was upon them. Now, it was spring, but she’s sure she wasn’t here for the previous year... It must have been a dream. Dream or not, he agree to come after some pestering, and now the chance to entice him further with flying is upon her. She’s sure with Sumia by her side, she can push her agenda more successfully.
     What she didn’t account for was Gaius, for all his charm with the women, cannot even feed a pegasu. Under her breath, as Sumia tries to explain how they can be bred and Gaius gets bitten right on the hand, Cordelia mutters with a shake of a head, ❝ Pegasi are not horses you can bribe with sugar cubes... ❞ This will be an interestingly long day...
      ❝ That’s a bit of an exaggeration-- although I do have some first-aid knowledge... ❞ Sumia’s smile was enough to remove the disappointment in her tone completely, a small smile sent to her way. ❝ Phila always said I shouldn’t spoil you too often, but how can I resist when you look like you’re so close to crying? It certainly made for useful experiences. ❞ Laughter follows, not to insult, but simply of mirth as she recalls simpler days. Days when they still had Phila, even.
     As for the cowering man behind her... ❝ You should be more gentle with the little ones. They’re not trained yet and prone to impulses without much thought, Gaius. They can sense intent. If you belittle them like this, it won’t just be this little one that bites you. ❞ She shakes her head as she approaches Gaius, a small medicine kit always on her person just in case of emergencies. This was hardly one, but Naga knows how fragile the thief was underneath all that sugar. ❝ Let me take a look at your hand, come on now. ❞
     The bite wasn’t too hard, thankfully. A bite from a pegasi can be dangerous and can even break the ones and tear through flesh much harsher than most animals. It bruised the back of his hand but at most, it will only make moving his thumb and pointing finger hurt for a while. Disinfecting and wrapping it up should be good for now. ❝ Don’t move too much, hold on... ❞
                → @sweettoothforhire​
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
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’ I would die to protect him ’ - Cordelia
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
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FEH + red  ❤
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐝𝐮𝐭𝐲
( @disinclinedknight )
     Even before acquiring knowledge of having a child of her own in the distant future, Cordelia already felt like a mother, not to her own child, but her fellow soldiers. Among the Shepherds, she made sure to ensure everyone was doing their duties while caring for themselves. From their hair, to their meals, to their training routine... everything needed to be taken into account.
     Such habits carried over even as she journeyed far beyond Ylisse. As she heads towards the training grounds, she eyes a bespectacled individual with the clearest signs of exhaustion on his face. There’s a lack of color there, and he seems... displeased. As to why, Cordelia has no clue. He's also walking briskly, almost as if he’s running. The students in Garreg Mach all seem to be dedicated to their studies-- a fine example for future leaders, yet one cannot ignore the physical and mental strain responsibilities can give them. Cordelia is already walking towards the boy, ready to inquire if he’s alright when he stumbles right in front of her.
     ❝ Heavens. Are you alright?! ❞ Her reflexes are fast, she tried to catch him before he meets the ground. It would have been painful given he’s wearing glasses.... She straightens him up immediately and gives him a better look, not surprised as she confirms her speculations, and if anything, she’s simply even more curious as to what he’s been doing to look so exhausted. ❝ You poor child. You look just about ready to collapse! Did you forget to eat? Drink? ❞
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 !( spar )
( gaius )​:
“Right, right… Of course you don’t…” He hides his laughter, but is amused at the light stutter. Using the Blue card never gets old, he he. It’s a shame she quickly recovered, he could have pushed her buttons some more. Turns out she already has an agenda in mind. He should have retreated when he can.
“Eager to show off? Ha… I’m guessing I’m the unlucky volunteer then.” He can only wonder why she always seemed like she wanted to prove herself. There’s nothing left to prove. She’s drop dead gorgeous. She’s hella strong. She’s even more efficient. And guys – except for the one she actually likes – are lining up for her. He can never understand folk like her.
What he does know is a chance when he sees it. If he’s going to end up getting wiped by the prodigy herself, he might as well make the most out of it. “Tell ya what, since I’m the nicest guy around, I’ll help ya out~ I’ll take a nice serving of cheesecake as a thank you when we’re done. Deal? Deal.”
He looks around for a lance of his own. He’s not the best lancer in the world, but he’ll manage. “Oi! Lend me a lance, yeah? Time to give our dear newcomer an initiation!” There’s a bit of complaints at first, insisting they should be the one in his position, but he eventually gets a weapon. He twirls his lance around some, a bit of flair and huzzah to overcompensate for lack of skill. “Alright, Knight of Ylisse. I’ll show ya how different it is in Fodlan~” Says the man who’s only been here for a few months.
     ❝ I didn’t mean now...! It’s not a matter of showing off but simply proving what I am capable of doing. ❞ He’s severely mistaken. The last thing she wanted is a repeat of being labeled a prodigy, at the same time, she refuses to be considered incapable. She comes from a different land and has only arrived. While she vehemently disagrees about their opinion about her looks, those that consider her beautiful seem to only judge her for just that, being beautiful. She intends to prove she’s every bit of a knight as every other person here. It required careful planning and the right timing; Gaius was just quick to pull the trigger.
     ❝ You’ll do anything for something sweet, won’t you? Hold on just a minute-- Gaius, wait-- Gaius! ❞ There he goes. Cordelia is left burying a hand on her face as Gaius went around looking for a lance, the deal already closed. If this is how he’ll play, then she’ll just have to adjust her plan. The confidence he wears now seems to come from his title. She admits, she’s curious how far he has come since their time together with the Shepherds.  
     Murmurs are ignored, and the knight of Ylisse starts doing some stretches while her opponent fetches a lance. He must be overly confident if he chose her favored weapon instead of his own. No matter. The result will be the same either way. ❝ Very well then, Knight of Fodlan. ❞ It was strange to say so towards a former ally, but alas. This is where his loyalty now lies. She walks around him, gauging if his decision to choose a lance isn’t baseless. The twirling was obviously for show, but she’s seen worse. In the end, Cordelia simply smiles and pauses a few feet in front of Gaius, lance at the ready.  ❝ Let us begin. ❞
     She doesn’t move first, choosing to gauge his current skill before sticking to a plan. He’s fast, that much she’s certain of. But what of his lance skills?
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
( sumia )​​:
          Deep down Sumia knew that Cordelia would never reject one of her gifts. (Unless it was a fortune reading, of course.) Still, she watched with bated breath and waited for reaction. When her best friend’s face lit up, Sumia finally giggled. It wasn’t even out of relief like it would be with someone else. Just pure happiness; joy to finally share this moment with someone who she cared so much about.
          It was honestly long overdue. Lanyards were tricker than they looked… 
          “I’m so glad, Cordy! I feel stronger when you’re by my side.” Not only for battles, either. Cordelia was an inspiration. They might’ve had playful rivalries when they were younger, but it wasn’t in the spirit of wanting to outdo each other. Sumia knew she’d never reach Cordelia’s genius. The pool of people who could even attempt was so small to begin with. But, knowing that Cordelia was cheering Sumia on made her want to be better. To never give up. Because even if she couldn’t be the one to surpass her, she always wanted to be the one behind her, just a few steps away.
          Sumia reached up and rested her hand on top of Cordelia’s. Turning to the mirror, she smiled at their reflections. There was no doubt a promise made between them long ago, an unspoken vow. Still, it felt nice to have something physical to celebrate that with. It might have been a bond forged in blood, but Sumia firmly believed in the possibilities that it would’ve been the same even if things were different. Their souls were just like that. 
          “This way we can always be with each other, even when we’re apart.”
     ❝ You say the sweetest things over something so simple... you’re truly a romantic, aren’t you? ❞ She laughs heartily to hide her flustered cheeks, truthfully grateful her new chapter in this foreign land is not without people she can trust and be comfortable with. The books Sumia finds herself absorbed in are mostly fiction, stories that will never happen, and yet, being around her made Cordelia think otherwise. 
      The knight smiles as she looks at both of their reflections. It felt silly being in these uniforms, and it can only get sillier from here. She’s not the most daring individual, and she can blame the delight she currently feels from the gift, but Cordelia feels inclined to... test the limits of their guise and their youthful appearance. ❝ Let me braid your hair, Sumia. I always wondered if tying one’s hair into two ponytails truly made one look younger than they look. What more if its two braids? Perhaps a few flowers here and there... ❞
     She’s already twisting a finger around Sumia’s light brown hair, an image of her in poofy braids adorned with flowers simply too adorable and hard to pass on even if the idea she’s about to propose gets rejected, ❝ And then, perhaps we can get something quick to eat in the Great Hall? I saw some students indulging themselves with peach sorbet... It will be exhilarating to see if we can get away with it and blend among them. ❞ There’s a student that looks like her, or so she’s seen. It wouldn’t be too far-fetched! Their only enemy is their own self-consciousness. 
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
» new heights
( gerome )​:
“You’re earlier.” It might not be intentional, but it reflects poorly on him– from his perspective anyway. Next time, he’ll just come much sooner. If there was a next time.
When she mentioned introducing someone, he should have guessed it was the month. Perhaps it was the earliness of the day, but he immediately thought of her daughter and grimaced. Given her pride, he wouldn’t be too surprised if she suddenly changed her mind and wanted to join in these lessons just to prove a point. Thankfully, when they entered the stables, it wasn’t red that greets him, but white.
He’s not unfamiliar with pegasi, or other winged mounts for the matter. There were griffons, too. The latter a mount he even tried to tame back in Valm. He admits both pegasi and griffons are fantastic creatures in their own right, it’s just… wyverns are just better. 
“I’ll be in your care.” He hasn’t earned Guinevere’s trust yet, so he stands by as rider and pegasus greet each other before he steps forward and takes out an apple. Minerva adored these as treats, and he’s seen the other mounts favor them as well.
     Guinevere reaches for the offered treat, happy to have her breakfast be something sweet. Cordelia chuckles, amused as she recounts a few words spoken about the wyvern rider, ❝ You know how to treat a lady. My daughter should give you more credit. ❞
     The time for pleasantries has ended, and it’s time to give Gerome his first lesson. As Guinevere eats the apple from Gerome’s hand, Cordelia fetched the reins for her steed and handed it over to the student, ❝ Shall we begin then? Place the reins on her and guide her out of the stables. Guinevere is obedient as she is swift. Even so, you’ll need to learn how to care for her on the ground before you fly up. I don’t believe I need to tell you this, but a bond between a mount and rider is important. A single gift isn’t enough to earn her trust~ ❞ 
     In the meantime, Cordelia would be walking out of the stables, leaving the two on their own. It wasn’t a difficult job unless one intentionally did anything to hurt Guinevere or simply didn’t know how to put on the reins on a horse. She has confidence he’ll be able to do it easily enough.
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
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Cordelia’s artwork from FEH’s Summer Banner.
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
Distrust’s Wings [vs Tomyris]
( tibarn )​:
It’s over, huh.
Before he even gets himself off the ground, Tibarn watches as the group scores the last couple hits required to finally force Tomyris into submission, before Byleth finishes her off.
They’re done.
He lets out a cry of victory in their direction, to congratulate the team on a job well done, before unshifting and sitting down on the ground, breathing heavily.
Funnily enough, getting wounded the way he did while transformed doesn’t result in his clothes getting torn up. There’s just blood all over his back. It hurts. And his wings are a mess. Hopefully he exchanges feathers soon.
“Good job, you guys.” He half says, half groans, while forcing himself onto his feet.
… Now his question remains, still fresh in his h;; ead as he looks upon the fallen form of the giant wyvern, still confusing, still unanswered.
What did any of this have to do with trust?
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 !( spar )
( gaius )​:
Of all people he’d end up working alongside with again, it just had to be the strict one.
When word of a beautiful new recruit joining their ranks came along, Gaius was one of those interested. He appreciates a pretty face every now and then, he just didn’t expect to know who that person was. Long, red hair, and just as red eyes, Blue’s most loyal knight showed up for their morning training, bright and ready, like she always did back in the day.
He heard whispers here and there of some folk eager to see what she’s capable of, some thinking she’s just a pretty face, others already singing her praises from bias alone. Gaius wanted to laugh at them, but he didn’t want to be tied with her immediately. He’d get bombarded with questions and requests. That was too bothersome.
If he minded his own business, maybe she wont–
– nevermind.
“Well ain’t ya a sight for sore eyes. Fancy seeing you here, ‘delia.” He turns to greet her with a lazy wave, “Don’t worry, I bathed today.” He had to clarify that last bit immediately, just in case she goes full on mama hen over him again. He’s not opposed to good ol’ pampering, but getting babied  in front of their co-workers? He’d be a laughing stock for sure.
“Not gonna lie, didn’t expect to see ya here. Finally got tired of hovering over Blue?” He teased, just a bit. “You have plenty of options here. Folks are already asking around about ya. Put the charm down a notch, why don’t ya?”
     There he is, in the flesh, ever the carefree rogue. The remark on bathing is met with a hearty laugh, and she swears for a moment she hears whispers from around them. She promptly ignores them. ❝ That may be so, but your hair is as messy as ever. When time allows, I’ll be more than happy to trim them again. The ladies you so easily charm will certainly appreciate the extra flair. ❞
     A light blush dusts her cheeks at the mention of ‘Blue’. Lucky is the rogue that dare teased an armed knight when she could so easily thrust her lance in his gut... he lives another day, too many witnesses around to pull this off cleanly. ❝ N-nonsense! I’m afraid I don’t know know what you’re talking about. ❞ 
     She clears her throat and calms down, thoughts of their Exalt tucked at the back of her mind. ❝ I see you still have a way with words... I hope you’ve answered inquiries about me humbly. ❞ None of the talks about prodigies and natural talents. She’ll show her worth herself, let her skills do the talking. ❝ I’d like to start fresh and prove myself by my own means, not through a sponsor. ❞ 
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
» new heights
( gerome )​:
starter for @lareinacordelia
Cordelia’s not… impossible like her daughter. She doesn’t repetitively insult him, his mask, his existence… 
Sparring with her was… an honor, in a way. She’s known in Ylisse for a reason. Gerome saw it as a chance to improve as a warrior and she graciously accepts when time permits. He refuses to call her Aunt, but he respects her enough to give some thought in her inputs. He ignored her compliments about his improvements with a lance. Taking advantage of the reach of a weapon is nothing new to him. If anything, the lance is just a lighter poleaxe. He remained humble with the lance all throughout their rare sparring sessions, and it became a part of his norm in the monastery. A strangely calming one at that…
Until she started speaking nonsense.
You’ll make an excellent pegasus knight.
She insisted even if he scoffed at the idea. At least she had one thing in common with her daughter, barring the red hair: they were both persistent. He rejected her offer to train her multiple times. Potential this. Potential that. Baah– now he wished she did insult him so he wouldn’t feel too horrible if he snapped at her. The rejection continued for weeks… 
Until he finally gives in.
He arrives in the stables early in the morning before most people were still up and the sun has yet to rise. He’s had very little sleep, but he’s awake and ready. After greeting Minerva at the wyvern stalls, he proceeds to the pegasi where the red haired knight stood by. He was sure he left the dormitories earlier than their agreed time, yet here she was. “…good morning.”
    To be the youngest recruit among Ylisse’s Pegasus Knights meant more than just honor and glory. It meant she’s always been the student, never the mentor. She soaked in all their wisdom and skills until she became the woman that she is today.
    As the years passed, the need to take on the mantle of those that came before her grew imminent to pass down their knowledge and her own. They were strict, and so is she. Standards were set for a reason and it seemed cold, yet necessary. To be a Pegasus Knight meant more than just learning how to ride such magnificent steeds. Respect must be given and earned, expertise in the right weapons must be observed. Above all else, there needs to be commitment.
    All this she finds in the wyvern rider her daughter begrudgingly insists isn’t her friend but their interactions say otherwise. He’s an honest young man, younger than her only by a few years but her perception of the future kids’ age grew distorted when she recalls one of them is her daughter. She thinks of them as children while respecting their individual skills and capabilities. This is why when Gerome gave in to her simple request to show him the ropes, she was ecstatic.
    Her own daughter refused to ride in the skies with her for reasons she’s yet to uncover. Perhaps with enough encouragement from her peers, she’ll realize what she can achieve if she were to open up to the idea of flying. Until such a time comes, she’ll start with Gerome. He’ll be her first student, his potential too great to remain unnoticed.
    ❝ You’re early. Good morning, Gerome. ❞ He arrives quietly and slightly ahead of their agreed time. She greets him back with a small smile, energy already in full capacity despite how early it was. Not a moment is wasted after the student arrives, and the mentor makes her way inside the stables as she talks, ❝ There’s someone I’d like you to meet officially. I’m sure you’ve met her before, but now’s a good time for proper introductions. ❞
    Inside waits a beautiful mare of lush white coat and mane, with an even whiter set of wings, almost as pure as snow. Cordelia smiles wider. She reaches for the pegasus’ neck, gently petting it. ❝ Gerome, this is Guinevere. Guinevere, Gerome. You’ll be working alongside each other starting today. ❞  
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
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Cordelia - Fire Emblem Warriors
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