sweettoothforhire · 4 years
» make believe
starter for @fortuitousflowers
The days and nights were slow in this illusory beach. He wonders when they’ll return to their bodies, if this really wasn’t their bodies... 
Having his demands be answered was convenient. He wanted ice cream? Bam! Ice cream. Lollipops? Here you go sir. Candies? Have a bowl! His needs were provided without much effort from him. And maybe that was the problem. Having nothing to do apart from enjoying himself made him entertain more selfish thoughts lately. It did very little good to the conflict at the back of his brain, but every now and then, he lets the thought play out. If he was going to stay in Make Believe Beach, he might as well enjoy it.
Come mid-afternoon, he heads back near the ocean with the intent to relax, maybe tan his back this time around to even it out. He packed a blanket and some snacks, all he needed was a spot-- ah.
By herself, relaxed and engrossed over yet another book was the Knight of Flowers. He’s already smiling even if she’s not doing anything. He slaps himself for it, shaking his head to wash out the automatic-like response. That was weird. It’s the heat, maybe.
“Stumbles.” He’s already sitting down, basket of snacks placed down as he invites himself in, “Scoot over, I don’t have a blanket.” Where did his own blanket go? He threw it behind him, of course. Her own blanket can fit the two of them just fine.
He lets out a loud yawn and stretches out his arms, the time for a siesta upon him. Last time he slept in the beach, he ended up burnt with a teddy bear tan on his chest. Never again. He plops both arms down, one resting just behind Sumia. He scoots closer and takes a curious peak at what she’s reading, the side of his head now resting on her shoulders. I’m just sleepy, he thinks idly, pushing other notions away as he gets comfortable, “What’re ya readin’?”
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elysofnir · 4 years
Fruity Headcanons | Accepting
Hah........ I’ll separate these by question because there’s some stuff to unpack. 
CW: Body image and hints of sexual harassment
How comfortable is my muse in their body?
We’re starting off strong I see... So, a recurring theme, in older FE games that I’ve noticed, is sexual harassment and misogyny as a whole. In FE8, while I don’t remember it specifically stating what brigands and the like (generally from Grado) do to women, but there are some heavy implications that treatment is reflective of these themes—treating and talking about them as if they were “prizes to be bought and sold” so to speak. Tana, as I’m writing her from Ephraim’s route where she gets kidnapped twice, pretty much goes through this (and of course, is out of that situation). It’s pretty apparent from how reactive she is at General Gheb’s little “interrogation” suggestion and his comments about how lustful he is towards women. 
On that note, I don’t think I could completely say she has body image issues, but she’s made more aware of some of the more leering eyes of Magvel and I guess everywhere. Based off her Heroes art and alt, even her in game art, she’s kind of busty and isn’t naive enough to not notice looks that she might receive. So, while it’s not enough for her to be insecure, it’s enough to be feel at least a little conscious about.
How do they feel about their height, weight, strength, and body type?
Height, weight, and body type are either addressed in the previous question, or she feels rather neutral about. Strength, however is something Tana is more conscious about. 
In Frelia, at least in the noble/royal circle, misogyny isn’t very prevalent, in fact, it hosts strong women who are on par with the men and basing off of Innes and King Hayden, they’re well aware of that. (Know your place boys- skdlgjdsf Kidding) In Tana’s case, she is a fledgling knight who, of course, got the training that the others did, but is newer to the battlefield at the beginning of the war. It’s shown in her supports that she’s doubted and this (rightfully so) frustrates her. She’s frustrated not only by their lack of support, but also because she’s a little unsure if she should even be out on the battlefield so when everyone, even yourself, is telling you that you can’t do something, it takes a toll on self-esteem. Luckily though, Eirika reminds her that she has a right to be there and others do too, to an extent, and she has enough willpower and determination to succeed and pull her weight. 
I also wanted to add, that according to other people’s experience, if trained right, she becomes one of your more powerful and useful units (especially given high speed, health, and luck growths) so I like to think of it as a “I will show you” kind of moment. 
How important is being attractive to them?
This is the easiest question to answer and I touched on it a little in the physical appearance HC post, but beyond having a reputation and image to upkeep, appearance isn’t so much a priority as say... strength and prowess. Also, as an addendum to my previous answers, her experience is even more of a reason to not give two pegasus plops about what anyone thinks. 
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lareinacordelia · 4 years
( @fortuitousflowers )
      ❝ I didn’t think they would be this easy to acquire... would it truly be alright for us to wear these? ❞ Cordelia bites her lower lip and raises the black jacket she’s yet to try on. In the safety of Sumia’s room, the two Ylissean Pegasus Knights seemingly go back in time, defying the years that pass and returning to a time that passed them by too quickly. Cordelia never considered herself a troublemaker, but she does wonder what it would have felt like if her adolescence were spent simply enjoying her youth instead of training to be the ideal knight. 
     ❝ I do admit, the cloth is comfortable. Easy to move in, too. ❞ She puts the jacket down and stares at the mirror. The white long sleeved shirt hugs into her body, with enough leeway for her to move around with ease. The skirt follows her movement as she swings her hip to inspect herself in the mirror. The tights complimented the whole look and as she looks at her own reflection, her own smile was hard to conceal. 
     Time has been kind to her. She doesn’t look too old, she admits to herself internally.
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
Hello! I would like to keep Sumia as a flying instructor but change her alignment from Golden Deer to unaffiliated. Thank you!
To honor the pursuit of their own ideals, or perhaps inspired by the bonds forged with teachers and friends, Sumia has decided to change affiliations.
Sumia is now a member of the Unaffiliated Faculty! The Masterlist has been updated to reflect this change.
- Mod Rai
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darklingdragon · 4 years
seal of approval
continued from here @fortuitousflowers
Eyes alight with a childish excitement at being able to learn more about the world outside what she knew. (This, of course, being some sort of place outside of what anyone knew, she could tell, but to dwell on fear would lead to her just fretting too much.) So Myrrh gave the seal a cheerful wave, though knowing it wouldn’t be able to do so in return.
“Wow! That... is very cool.” She glanced at the professor with a look of mild admiration. How did people know so much? She was older than them and hardly knew anything. Always an opportunity to learn. “You’re right...! It has a very cute face!”
There was a sense of disappointment - she’d like to play with and pat it and be its friend but it would be sad if she took it away from the ocean. So only a gaze from afar. And yet...
“Have you seen any interesting things here? I, um found this earlier....” She holds up a tiny, twisted shell. “And thought there might be someone living inside but it was empty...”
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jehannandancer · 4 years
» an early morning encounter
During one of the missions outside of the monastery that Tethys volunteered to assist, the Jehannan dancer finds herself awake too early into the morning. The sun hasn’t risen yet, and most people were still asleep. Save for those that kept watch, she assumes, eyes adjusting after freshly waking up.
She feels rested enough and couldn’t find it in herself to go back to sleep... They should be departing after breakfast, and from then on, another arduous journey on horseback. It will be some time until she can stretch her legs freely and move about.
And it is with that reason that she feels now was the perfect time to ‘exercise’. Enjoy the freedom while it lasts before she’s forced to stay in one position for a long period of time.
She exits her tent and finds a quiet spot in the camp. It wasn’t too hard-- most were still asleep. Once she does, she begins, foot arched and heel touching the ground, an arm extended above as if reaching for the dark skies.
It starts off slow, but eventually, she kicks off.  
She never tires of this feeling, no matter how many times she does feels it. Her braid whips around her waist, bracelets letting out a slight jingle, as she moves along the music in her head, a clear rhythm followed, her feat continuously moving. Every time her body twists, and for each time her heel strikes a different part of the ground, Tethys is filled with elation, enjoying herself in her self-indulgent performance.
It felt like such a short moment, but even so, sweat starts trickling down her neck, her routine nearing its end. After a single twist, she leaps from the ground, only to land on her left foot. Quickly, she raises her right leg upward, balance now solely on her left left as she attempts a vertical split. She arches her back and bends her right knee, toes almost touching the back of her head.
She locks her breath in her chest, not a single sign of trembling in sight as she stays in her pose for a good few seconds. 
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shydancer · 4 years
🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 [ A chain of flowers woven together is sent to Olivia. A folded up note is attached. It reads: ] Happy birthday, Olivia! I thought of you when I picked these... They're beautiful, and pink! Maybe they'll match one of your costumes? Some flowers are like dances; they're fleeting, so you have to enjoy them in the moment. A performance might end and the petals might wilt, but the memories last much longer. I hope you make lots of good ones this year, and that we make even more together!
“Hm? Oh, what’s this?”
Pink flowers, neatly woven and strung together into a hollow ring, hangs on the knob of her door, a small note poking out from in between a few of the stems and petals. Olivia pulled back some of the flowers, gentle so as not to undo the intricate braid - she felt her heart might shatter if she did - and pulled out the note.
Pink traced the words written across the paper, her curious expression switching to one of gratitude as she reached the end of the message. She had temporarily forgotten it was her own birthday (after all, what was a sense of time when traveling worlds) and couldn’t hold back the growing warmth in her chest. To think that someone would go through the trouble of sending her a gift; the thought made tears start to prick at the corner of her eyes. After reading it over a couple more times she tucked the memo into one of the bands around her arm and placed the flower crown on her head. 
A light shade of pink dusted across her face, slightly embarrassed by the attention she might draw from wearing flowers on her head, but determined to wear them in appreciation of the sender. Though no name was written at the end of the note the dancer had her own speculations as to who the sender might be. Note tucked and crown carefully placed, Olivia turned and headed in the direction of the beach.
Hehe, time to go show Sumia her lovely gift.
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forlornwyvernrider · 4 years
💐💐💐💐💐 A bundle of carnations, in light red and white, are left for Gerome. A note reads: Dearest Gerome, Happy birthday! I heard white carnations will bring you good luck. Do any grow in Valm? I never got the chance to ask your mother when we travelled together. Well, either way, try your best at your studies! If you need help with anything, don’t hesitate to call on me. Signed, Professor Delmirev. (Kidding! You can call me Professor Sumia. ( ◠ ◡ ◠ ) )
The day was ending and it had been eventful, to say the least. He’s... overwhelmed, happy, and overall, grateful to have known such thoughtful people -- even Severa.
When he comes back to his room late in the evening, arms full of gifts and boxes stacked together, he didn’t expect for there to be more. He puts the boxes down and picks up the flowers and the note that came along with it. He should have guessed it came from the her. The floral readings isn’t something he believes in nor cares much about, but he knows her fondness of it from what he recalls from both childhood memories and Cynthia’s stories.
The flowers he favored among others wouldn’t have survived for long, let alone thrive in this environment, but he has an appreciation for them still. They smelled fresh and gave some life and color to his otherwise dull room. 
The note he reads right after, short but sweet like the one that wrote him (she’s right around the same height as her daughter, now that he thinks back on it...)
Professor Delmirev. 
Calling her that felt odd, and it made him imagine a mortifying future with Cynthia as a professor, too. Professor Sumia would do.
He’s been taking lessons with Cordelia both as a fighter and in flying with pegasi, and while there was without a doubt she’s amazing at what she does, Gerome is found wondering what kind of input Sumia could give him. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too bad to allot more time into studying flying with the winged horses... 
He puts the note away, now left with gifts, thoughts of home, and curious questions about what he should do moving forward. The night was young, he had time to think. He looks at his window side where the bundle of carnations rested, and sighs with content. 
On a normal day, he’d stay awake until much later. Tonight, after all that’s happened, perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to just rest.
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ceaselessblade · 4 years
Battle Theme: Etrian Odyssey IV Super Arrange Version: Unrest - The End of Raging Winds
Battle Intro: “It’s a pleasure to spar with you, lady Sumia.” 
Victory: “I don’t have much practice with pegasi, but good to know that I’m not a slouch at flying in general.”
Defeat: “Atch-- need more practice. Wanna go again?”
Taunt: “That tickles. I thought we were done with the warm-up?”
Reacting to Taunt: “Sure, give it your best shot.” 
Tie: “Whoah there! That was close-- are you alright? I uh, think I’m fine too, but do you want to give it a break?"
Perfect Victory: “...Well, that was a tragedy of mishaps. Are you alright, Sumia?”
Final Finisher: “You know, pegasi aren’t actually all that heavy. Which means I can do --THIS.” 
Assist: "One from the air, and one below? They’re done for!”
Your Muse Down During Assist: “... Sumia! I can’t catch up! Slow down! Sumia?!”
Using Item on Your Muse: “This shoudn’t be too heavy, right?”
Healing/Buffing Your Muse: “Your horse is looking pretty tired, Sumia. Here, take these.”
Tag-Team Special: “These pinions were tempered in steel! Let’s trample them!”
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venalier · 4 years
          no longer was she the pretty and pathetic girl who sat, chin in hand, dreaming impossible fantasies through the narrow panes of a windowsill. no longer would she play the role of a false wonder woman to an invisible figurehead, only to be told to hide when danger encroached. no longer would she do nothing more than pray and pin blind hope to her parents’ turned backs as they left again, plaster a brave smile over fears ( please mother, father, come back, you can do it— ) because no one expected her to cry.
          a stack of crates topples as the blade of an axe rips a long stripe through the sheeting of the tent, and her head ducks to the incoming shrill whistle of an arrow volley that pierces through what remains of the structure. she squints against the discolored flare of a spell flashing by outside, brightening the interior in pallid yellow, snatching up her naginata, and braces herself against the rattling BOOM of its impact nearby. pushing aside the shredded flap, she’s greeted by a camp already deep embroiled in a desperate fight. there’s so much more red than there is gold; in the next row of tents, an alliance swordsman spins, dead, to the ground as a spear is wrenched from his stomach.
          the magic that had flown past earlier had come from a mage standing further down in the chaos, electricity beginning to crackle through his hand again. she can’t see what — or who — he had been aiming for in the smoke that’s billowed into this area of the encampment, but that doesn’t matter.
          ❝ hyaah! ❞
caeldori attacks the mage! ( 14 , 3 )  /  mage S : 12 HP
          the abruptness of her charge startles him enough for her to land a blow, blade of her naginata slicing through robes and firmer flesh. keeping a light-footed stance, she leaps back at the telltale crackle of gathering thunder, twisting as a white-blinding funnel of thoron snaps wide past her.
mage S misses caeldori! ( 6 )  /  caeldori : 15 HP
                                                   ❝ you’ll have to try harder than that! ❞
next » @lareinacordelia
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displaced-tactician · 4 years
Morgan’s Tome Entry for Sumia. Still Accepting.
(Please recognize most of this is written in a code she made back in her original timeline. Part may be written in the past, and some in the present depending on the character. This is the translation not what a character would read.)
Shared History: Sumia’s marriage to Mr. King. Dude Chrom wasn’t a surprise to anyone Father told me. Due to their close friendships I ended up spending much of my time, well spent, much of my time with their children, Lucina and Cynthia. Sumia always seemed interested in me in the same way an... aunt I suppose would. She helped me learn to read, taught me some baking techniques that I simply could not replicate (note page 139 has a great recipe if I find anyone who knows how to bake), and would read all of our fortunes with flowers whenever we asked. Though as the war got worse, she was sent on more and more missions.
Addendum: The Garreg Mach version of her seems to be extremely similar. Though I can safely assume the romantic details may be quite different compared to my home. They seem more familiar with a “female” Father as well.
Pros: Kind, diligent, and over all motherly. In many ways, Sumia is a lot like a family member to me. Similar to Mr Dude King. I heard her combat prowess was near second to none. Her skill on a Pegasus was a sight to behold. Her coordination, her speed, and her ferocity to protect those she loved.
Addendum: She feels quite similar here still. 
Cons: Her single minded protectiveness became an issue for her later on. Riskier missions brought her home harmed more and more frequently. This stressed out her children quite a bit. Albeit Father does not seem to doubt her abilities and keeps assigning her to these missions. I believe Father is making some grave mistakes with her assignments.
Addendum: I don’t like this feeling. The persistent, caring, and some what curious nature of Garreg Mach’s Sumia feels vaguely familiar. Much more so than any other parent I’ve met besides Father and Chrom. I’d rather she be different than what I’ve explained here. In many ways, amnesia is a blessing where I do not have to remember what I’ve lost. In some ways, I feel great.... regret? Fear? I’m not sure... And I would rather not have those memories fully explored.
Tactical Benefits: Her clearest benefit is on the field. Fast, strong, charismatic, and brave. She’s a knight in shining armor to many other individuals on the field. I believe Father may be utilizing these benefits too much without properly giving her support, but he assures me it’s fine.
Death: Reports indicate Sumia’s death to be later on in the war against the Risen. Father mentioned an “unfortunate accident” where she was shot out of the sky, fleeing towards enemy grounds. When questioning him further, he refused to give me more information. Then told me to give Lucina and Cynthia their space and to leave them alone.
Addendum: I may be able to understand Gaius and Kellam being aligned somewhat to the enemy, but Sumia doesn’t quite make sense? Father seems to have glossed over this significantly more from what my previous writing implies.
Legacy: Her children, Lucina and Cynthia.
Lingering Questions:
Something still doesn’t seem right about Father’s reactions. It makes more sense than the other reactions to the other parents but it seems detached. Should I have tried being there for Lucina and Cynthia?
Notes on Lucina’s and Cynthia’s page clearly have more recent interactions, though strangely enough there doesn’t seem to be many connections between Sumia’s final moments and Father and I going to visit the two. 
Is it wise to get to know this new Sumia?
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sweettoothforhire · 4 years
» wouldn’t it be nice
For @fortuitousflowers cause her inbox is a dum dum
🔥 🌙 - He can't remember much from what happened, but the feeling was there. The dread from getting imprisoned again, the desperation to get out - to get everybody out - and the want to just... live. The rest of they day came by so fast. All he did was hide from the sun and chow down on popsicles. Come nightfall, he went out of his hiding spot to go to the bonfire to toast some marshmallows but sees Sumia first. Unlike most of them, she seemed to be enjoying herself easily.
There was some music present. A bit of cheer amidst confusion and return to their ‘norm’. Some people thought they were dreaming, some like him we’re plain confused.
He’s not a killjoy. She wasn’t in that strange time with the rest of them, and he doesn’t want to drag her there even through just a story. If anything... he’s just glad they all made it. He’s not so sure about Stumbles. She probably thinks this was just a dream or if she experienced something similar herself. Only one way to find out-- 
He sneaks behind her, and quickly spins her around, holding her by the waists, “Got ya!” 
Up close, he gets to have a good look at her. No injuries. No trauma hidden behind smiles -- unlike her daughter. She seemed very much like the Stumbles he last saw a few days ago. Maybe it was the exhaustion from being on the brink of exhaustion -- and even death -- over the last couple of days, or the relief that everything was favorable again, but he wanted to hug her and just... collapse. Probably be out of commission for the next few days and be a vegetable. He’s tired of thinking too much. Tired of worrying. Usually, all he had to worry about was his own hide, not other people’s. He wanted to tell her all about what happened, how her daughter’s probably grieving about Cat Eyes, how he didn’t do much of a good job at keeping her safe...
He doesn’t, but he does squeeze her a bit, a small smile akin more to his usual smirk, “No use standin’ around looking lost. Wanna dance?”
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exaltbound · 4 years
nicknames: zero, none! it is what it says on the packaging. plain old sawyer, that’s me.
zodiac: aries, earth tiger
height: 181 cm ( or 5′11 for your non metrics )
timezone: EST
listening to: the “unofficial” tower of god soundtrack. judging by my dash, its good to know that we’re all weebs in this family.
last movie i saw: the handmaiden, i think? last series i watched is easier to remember. it was… dimension 20 big little crimes. i’ve also been listening to the witcher books. spoiler, they’re good.
last thing i googled: blue red texture
average amount of sleep: 4-7 hours
what i’m wearing: t-shirt
dream job: i am currently getting my licensure and masters of education, but the “dream” is to teach at the collegiate level one day. for that though you need a masters in your subject area and a doctorate if you wanna be marketable, so until i have money i shall enjoy my time as a high school lit teacher 👏
dream trip: ICELAND. OR australia would also be pretty great too. it might be basic but seeing the reefs before they die has always been a goal of mine. going to cambodia would be pretty high on my list.
favorite food: anything i can put a spoonful of red pepper powder on. so… mostly curries. i guess. bonus if their base is coconut milk.
play any instruments: violin & flute… mostly violin. marching band was an experience.
eye color: blue
hair color: brown
languages: english. also semi-fluent in french.
most iconic song: tha mi sgìth is both my comfort food and a bop. i am a passionate medieval studies enthusiast don’t @me
random fact about me: i can recite both old and middle english in a very good accent yet choose to play dnd with a bad italian one go figure.
reason for my url: he becomes the exalt… one could say he is… exalt bound. its so unoriginal that i even found out someone already used this url for chrom? they deactivated awhile ago, leaving a perfectly good starter unused in their tags. like a heathen.
tagging: @sweettoothforhire @fortuitousflowers @shydancer and anyone who wants to or doesn’t want to. sorry if any of you already put it on another account too. i’m just here to party, ignore me.
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dearmissmaribelle · 4 years
𝓈𝓅𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝑒𝒶( 𝕥𝕖𝕒 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 )
( @fortuitousflowers​ )
    ❝ It is most fortunate to find a familiar face in a place I least expected ; ah, but our dear Exalt is here, is he not? I should not be too surprised to find one of his most loyal knights to follow him. ❞ Maribelle made no effort to conceal her intent to tease. She saw no purpose in it. It was fact that the Exalt Chrom was a charming man. Once upon, even she fell for the charms of their esteemed leader. She chuckled at the memory and promptly took a sip of the tea she prepared for today’s conversation. There before the two Ylissean women are warm cups containing one of Fodlan’s very own Almond Blend, and on the side, a generous amount of heart-shaped cookies.
     The nutty aroma is the first to greet her senses at the first sip and Maribelle took a moment to appreciate the different flavors: black tea, almond, and milk. Warm and comforting-- a perfect brew for the cold winter.
Tumblr media
    ❝ That aside, I do believe the role of an instructor suits you. Your knowledge with pegasi are incomparable and never ceases to amaze-- I cannot say it is the same for the other professors, however... ❞ Maribelle closes her eyes and puts down her cup. The delighted and content expression from earlier disappears, replaced by a disapproving scowl. ❝ Did you know? There is a pirate among the teaching staff! Perhaps his unique traits is what makes him valuable? I have never seen a man with wings before but it does not make up for his origins. Pirates teaching nobles...  How absurd! ❞
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theofficersacademy · 4 years
Hello! May I reserve Severa from Fire Emblem: Awakening?
Severa has been reserved!
You have one week (9/8) to submit your blog and application to the Masterlist. Thank you for your reserve!
- Mod Ree
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darklingdragon · 4 years
The edge of the water ebbed in and out at her feet as she crouched near the edge, squinting out over the gentle rolling of the waves.  The best way to distract herself was to find something to focus on so she looked out, as if searching for something. She’d been holed up in the woods most of her life, so what she may have been looking for was beyond knowing, but still she looked. 
Myrrh’s patience was rewarded - not too far from where she was looking, something poked out of the water. It was grey-ish and sort of round and, she thought, had a very cute face. Standing from where she was crouching, she glanced around.
“P-professor!” She skid across the wet sand to where she had seen the woman last, pointing out towards the water. “Look at that! I’m not... sure what it is, but it’s cool!”
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