larryspecificrecs · 6 years
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Now that my baby (laptop) is back, I’ve found this again. This was based on the one @louche-laid-back-glory made.
So, are you a shipper or a tinhat?
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larryspecificrecs · 6 years
*someone posts selfie* wow they’re kinda attracti—
*remembers teenagers are on this site*
*checks op’s bio, they’re a minor*
what a sweet kid…a cute bean… you deserve only good things…be happy and safe little muffin… I wonder if I could pull off that eyeliner…
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larryspecificrecs · 6 years
Let’s Talk About Crabs and Buckets.
If you put a single crab into a bucket, it will climb out and escape from becoming someone’s dinner.  If you put a whole bunch of crabs in a bucket, however, the crabs in the bottom of the bucket will pull the crabs at the top of the bucket back down if they try to escape. Instead of allowing some or all of the crabs to survive, the group of crabs will ensure that every single one of them ends up on a plate. 
This same phenomenon is seen in human communities, where it has become known - appropriately - as crab bucket mentality. From the outside, these crab bucket communities might look like support groups, or places to get feedback and advice. But in reality, they are black holes - these are communities where people go to tear each other down, and to actively be torn down in return. Instead of lifting each other up, these communities burrow further and further into their buckets, until everyone is too bitter and broken to ever climb out.  And you might be part of a crab bucket community without even knowing it.  Some online communities are obvious crab-buckets. The so-called “incel” community might be the most obvious example; these are angry young men who tell each other over and over again that they are worthless, unattractive, and that they will never be loved. Lonely teenagers enter the incel community to talk about how frustrated and insecure they are after dealing with romantic rejection, and they quickly find themselves pushed toward hopelessness, violent misogyny and suicidal fantasies. Likewise, the “pro-anorexia” and “thinspo” communities are crab buckets, where members encourage each other to adapt more and more extreme disordered eating, and often invite other members to make cruel comments about their bodies and food journals. Insecure young women (and some men) go to these communities because they want to like their bodies more, and end up weighed down with self-hatred. 
But not every crab bucket is obvious. 
Although there are lots of wonderful and supportive spaces online for LGBTQ+ people, the internet is also littered with LGBTQ+ crab buckets - especially for trans people. Some trans communities are almost entirely dedicated to discouraging and criticizing other trans people for not “passing”; these communities will pore over each others’ pictures, pointing out lingering masculine or feminine features, comparing each other to “a man in a dress”, or outright convincing each other that there is no point in transitioning, as they have no hope of ever “passing”. Anxious trans or questioning people join these groups to navigate a very difficult time in their lives, only to have their own insecurities magnified and distorted.  Communities and feedback circles for writers and artists can also be crab buckets. Again, while there are wonderful and supportive spaces available, there are also toxic black holes out there, masquerading as genuine communities. I’ve belonged to writers’ groups where every single piece of writing was viciously torn to shreds, no matter how promising it might have seemed, and there were constant discussions about how ‘pointless’ it was to try to get published. Members were so insecure about not “making it” that they frantically tried to crush the hopes and dreams of anyone who might be competition. Instead of producing better writing, these kinds of groups eventually produce no writing at all. 
Activist communities are often crab buckets. On the surface, people join activism communities to lift each other up and feel less alone in their cause; in reality, however, many activist communities have underlying cultures of suspicion, gossip, and hostility. Members gleefully comb through each other’s posts and content carefully, constantly looking for any small mistake or out-of-context comment that will allow them to declare that someone is “trash” or “cancelled”. People join these causes to fight back against their own feelings of powerlessness, and often report developing anxiety, depression and panic attacks as a result. 
The list of crab bucket communities goes on. Any kind of group can become a crab bucket group under the right conditions; just because a community is created by and for a marginalized identity, it doesn’t mean that that community is actually safe for that identity. As humans, we like to band together in groups to accomplish large goals and feel less alone… but sometimes, we turn those groups into echo chambers for our own toxic ideas, and try to drag as many people as we can down into our buckets of despair with us. 
If you’re in a group that you suspect might be getting a little crabby, it’s probably time to leave. Turning a whole group around by yourself is an enormous and thankless task, and it’s not one that I’d wish on anybody. Once a group of people have formed a collective identity around proving why they’re all worthless or fat or problematic, it’s hard to turn that ship around, and any attempts to do it might be met with hostility. It’s okay to give up on toxic communities, and look for healthy ones that build you up instead of tearing you down. 
It’s okay to climb out of the bucket. 
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
I wanted to leave this whole thing alone, but I need to say a few things about it because it’s really getting under my skin that there are people who are actively acting as apologists for this person who is still silencing a child and garnering sympathy.
Regardless of whether she lied about her age or not, that is not an excuse.  Do you know what abusers say when they get caught being sexually inappropriate with a child?  “I didn’t know how old she/he was.”  That does not negate nor excuse the fact that it happened.  The victim is not on trial here.
The victim shows behavior consistent with children who are being abused.  Their first inclination is to try to protect their abuser and, any time they’ve spoken out, they were silenced and shamed.  Yet again, as soon as the abuser began to post, the victim went into hiding.  Why?  Because they’re afraid.  They’re afraid and they received death threats over this. 
The abuser is claiming that by defending herself, that she is not silencing the victim. What a fat load of absolute bull shit that is.  They make themselves out to be the victim and post screen caps after their claims that show no proof that they weren’t sexually inappropriate with a child.  What it’s proven to me and anyone else who has been sexually abused as a child is a lot of behavior that shows fear on the victim’s part and intimidation/manipulation on the part of the abuser.
Another thing abusers do when they’ve been caught is what?  Deny, deny, deny.  “I didn’t know how old she was”, “It never happened”, etc.  Of course she’s going to deny it.  It’s what abusers do best, right along with trying to come out looking like the victim themselves and I’m seeing a lot of people playing right into that hand.
Lastly, I want those of you who are sympathizing on the side of the abuser to ask yourself this one question:  What if this woman was a man?  What if this woman, who didn’t know the age of the child, who thinks that it’s better to speak sexually with a fifteen year old and write smut with a fifteen year old than a thirteen year old, were a male figure who was writing smut and speaking sexually to a child?  Keep in mind that there is no remorse shown.  There was no apology made.  There was immediate defensiveness and a rush to garner sympathy on all ends. What if a man had done that?  What if a man had immediately  silenced their accuser, who is still a child,  without one shred of decency anywhere?
Lastly, if you side with this woman and are making excuses for her, I’m going to ask that you unfollow me.  I realize I don’t post here much, but do us both a favor and hit that unfollow button because I don’t want to be associated with you in any way.
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
Full text: here
child grooming in the one direction fandom.
hello. this is a post made anonymously about my experience within the one direction fandom. i’ve put the details under the cut for trigger warnings. please feel free to add your own experiences, and reblog if you feel comfortable with it; this is an issue people need to know about, especially young fans/minors on tumblr.
trigger warnings: child abuse, pedophilia, underage sex mentions
Keep reading
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
Hello lovely !!! Do you know any criminal AU fics?🙈
Hi @pinklipharry​ :) Here are all I can find, hope they are to your liking!
by @harrys : Crime AU
by @larrieslibrary : crime
by @nostainofaredwine : Crime
by @nottooldforthisship​ : Crime fics
by @writing-about-larry : Crime AU | Criminal Louis
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
Fandometrics In Depth: Shipping
Shipping is one of Tumblr’s favorite hobbies, drawing hundreds of millions of engagements each year. On Tumblr, shipping exists in many forms: fan art, fan fiction, manipulated GIFs and videos, and roleplay, just to name a few. It’s a common practice no matter what fandom you’re in—from television shows and movies to K-pop and video games. On Tumblr, the most popular type is slash—ships comprised of two male characters. Out of the top 150, 95 (63%) were guy/guy love.
We grabbed the top 30 ships from 2013—2016. 2013—2015 were ranked by reblogs alone. 2016 and 2017 are ranked by their Trending Score. This includes volume of searches, original posts, and likes in addition to reblogs. We’ve sorted the source content behind each year’s top ships below.
TV | 40%
Music | 40%
Anime | 10%
Celebrities | 6.67%
K-Pop | 3.33%
2013’s most reblogged ships were predominantly slash (76.67%). The remaining 23.33% were all heterosexual (het) ships—there were no femslash ships in the top 30 that year.
The most reblogged ship of the year was from an anime: MakoHaru (Nanase Haruka and Tachibana Makoto, Free! series).
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TV | 40%
Anime | 20%
Music | 13.33%
Celebrities | 10%
Movies | 10%
Web Celebrities | 6.67%
Though slash (66.67%) and het ships (26.67%) comprised most of the list in 2014, femslash ships (6.67%) made their debut.
 2014’s top ship was Destiel (Dean Winchester and Castiel, Supernatural). Though the ship is not canon (yet), the 200th episode “Fan Fiction” paid homage to it.
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TV | 43.33%
Anime | 23.33%
Music | 13.33%
Web celebrities | 13.33%
Movie | 3.33%
Celebrities | 3.33%
In 2015, femslash numbers also doubled, representing 13.33% of the ships. Slash accounted for 60%, het just 26.67%.
2015 was a big year for Larry shippers—Larry Stylinson (Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles, One Direction) reached No. 1.
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TV | 50%
Movies | 20%
Anime | 13.33%
Web celebrities | 6.67%
Music | 3.33%
K-Pop | 3.33%
Video games | 3.33%
Slash ships began to take a dip (56.67%) in 2016, while het ships grew (36.67%) and femslash decreased (6.67%).
Despite femslash’s waning popularity, 2016 marked the first year a f/f ship not only cracked the top five, but hit #1. Clexa (Clarke Griffin and Commander Lexa, The 100) was embroiled in controversy when Commander Lexa was shot by a stray bullet and killed immediately after her and Clarke’s relationship was consummated. Her death launched a critical look at the “Bury Your Gays” trope by journalists and fans alike, and the argument that LGBTQ+ fans deserved better than the storylines given to them.
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2017 (thus far)
TV | 50%
Anime | 13.33%
K-Pop | 13.33%
Music | 6.67%
Movies | 6.67%
Web celebrities | 6.67%
Video games | 6.67%
In the first half of 2017, slash has continued to hold over half the conversation (56.67%). Het ships and f/f ships are starting to equal out at 26.67% and 16.67%, respectively.
This year’s top ship so far? Klance (Keith and Lance, Voltron: Legendary Defender). Since we launched the weekly ship list on May 1st, Klance has been No. 1 seven times.
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Further reading
Some great resources where you can learn even more about shipping and fandom:
Fansplaning (@fansplaining) is a biweekly podcast about fan culture that encourages thinking about fandom critically. We suggest “Shipping and Activism, Slash: The Movie”,  and the two parter on race in fandom (part 1, part 2).
The Organization for Transformative Works (@transformativeworks) is a non-profit organization run by fans dedicated to the preservation of fan works. Their projects include the fanfiction site Archive of Our Own, the Fanlore wiki, and the peer-reviewed journal Transformative Works and Cultures.
Destination Toast (@destinationtoast) has spent the past few years working with fandom and fic data. You can find all of her research, along with reblogs of posts created by others in different fandoms, on her side blog, ToastyStats (@toastystats).
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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“Harry Styles, son of Anne Styles, Furniture shop owner–” Simon introduces.
“Twenty-eight, 5’11”, educated, renowned pastry chef, mummy issues, likes working out and expensive clothes–” Louis cuts.
“You came prepared!” Simon rubs his hands together. “They told me you were good!“
“Don’t act so surprised. I always come prepared. Tell me what I don’t know about the target. What is his problem? What makes him tick? Why isn’t his fiancé the perfect match?”
Simon sighs and opens another file.
“Liam Payne.” Simon points at the picture of a smiley crinkly eyed guy with a handsome, friendly face. “Heir of a diamond empire.” Louis examines Payne’s picture. He doesn’t look like a prick. Then again, they rarely do. “You have ten days to break up their engagement.”
Fool’s gold by @tvshows-addict
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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Fool’s Gold by @tvshows-addict
Pairing: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Rating:  Explicit
Word count:  55K 
Status: Complete !!!!
Leaflet for Over Again Inc.
“In relationships, there are three types of people: those who are happy, those who are unhappy but accept it and deal, those who are unhappy and in denial.
Handling this last category is our job: we are professional couple breakers.
To reach our goal, we use all means necessary.”
Or the Arnacoeur AU in which Harry is scheduled to be married to Liam in 10 days and Harry’s mother hires Louis and his team to break them up.
Poster by the wonderful @melmanpur
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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                     I’m On the Hunt Now (I’m After You) 
by AFangirlFantasy Words: 56k
Omegas haven’t been able to shift into their wolves for two hundred years. That is, until Louis Tomlinson changes everything.
Or…an AU where Alpha Harry and Omega Louis have a lot more than falling in love to deal with after The Mating Ceremony.
I finally posted my new ABO story!!!! Check it out!!! :) :) :) 
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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In My Place by kassio (@fakedeepplantjerker)
Summary: Prince Louis has it all. He’s wealthy, privileged, famous, and handsome, with a loving family and a world of opportunities. There’s only one problem: he isn’t actually the queen’s son.
Harry and Niall Horan don’t have much, but they have a dream: to win the X Factor and achieve something more than their normal middle-class life.
Two dreams collide and two very different paths come together when Louis requests to meet with Harry after seeing him on the X Factor.
Harry/Louis | 97k words | Explicit | Complete | read here
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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My Lights Stay Up, But Your City Sleeps by PearlyDewdrops (108k)
Harry breaks into his own smile, scrunching his nose when he glances back up, meeting Louis’ eyes, his stiff posture loosening. They stare for a beat, Harry’s smile dwindling. “So… you’re okay with it? That it can’t go anywhere?”
Louis nods easily. “We’re on the same page. Promise.” He holds out his pinkie to prove it, mind hazy and giddy from alcohol. Harry’s dimples appear in each cheek as he holds out his own, their pinkies intertwining. “We’re just two people who like each other, have fun together, and who may or may not kiss and… stuff.” He grins, wild adrenaline pumping through to his fingertips.
Harry sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, lowering his flushed gaze to the floor.
“Just don’t go falling in love with me, and it’ll be fine,” Louis smirks.
Or Louis has trouble sleeping, Harry has a habit of wrapping himself around Louis during the nights, and a mutual agreement to engage in a fun and simple thing quickly turns into something perhaps not so fun, and certainly not simple.
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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Harry and Louis meet at a book club. Life and fiction have their parallels.  One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve | Thirteen | Fourteen | Fifteen
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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This is what happens when you talk about 1D and Jurassic World for five hours at a mall. 
A collab between invisibleinnocence and ashleyrguillory
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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Just a Walk in the Park by dr_celestial_sexyface, madeuplovesong 
pairings: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, (PAST) Liam Payne/Louis Tomlinson 
wordcount: 107,147 (so far)
warnings: graphic deciptions of violence, (very) minor character death, dinosaurs
It’s 2015, the first time dinosaurs walked the earth in over 65 million years. The multi-billion dollar company, Twist Corporations, is planning a summer opening for their world changing attraction, “Jurassic Park”.
They take an interest in the history making duo of Dr. Louis Tomlinson, a stubborn paleontologist, and his partner, paleobotanist Dr. Liam Payne, giving them the chance of a lifetime to work for the new theme park. Louis is apprehensive, but Liam has a “gut feeling” that it will change their lives. He isn’t wrong.
Featuring Niall as the top engineer to get the park up and running, Zayn as the raptor expert, and Harry as the grandson of one of the most influential men in the world.
Prologue • Ch.1 • Ch. 2 • Ch. 3 • Ch.4 • Ch. 5 • Ch. 6 • Ch. 7 • Epilogue part 1 • Epilogue part 2 
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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Among the Humans
Part Three of a gothic, modern day vampire romance between a young, newly born vampire named Louis Tomlinson, and his 800 year old vampire Soulmate, Harry Styles. Featuring Zayn Malik, vampire king of Louisiana, Liam Payne, Alpha of the Southern Werewolf Pack, and Niall Horan, Liam’s omega mate.
There’s always a struggle before a fairytale ending.
Thank you so much for all of the patience while I finished this last part! I hope it’s exciting and worth the wait. Thank you most of all to @nsfwtomlinson for his usual support and love and virtual slaps in the face so i could finish this :)
Part One // Part Two // Part Three
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larryspecificrecs · 7 years
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Among the Humans
Part Two of a gothic, modern day vampire romance between a young, newly born vampire named Louis Tomlinson, and his 800 year old vampire, gentleman, Soulmate Harry Styles. Featuring Zayn Malik, vampire king of Louisiana, Liam Payne, Alpha of the Southern Werewolf Pack, and Niall Horan, Liam’s omega mate.
Adjusting to becoming a creature of the night would be harder if Louis didn’t have his Harry.
Thank you to @pass-the-pencil for saving my ass with the gifs! And thank you as always to @nsfwtomlinson for loving and supporting me and keeping me sane :)
Read Part Two here
Part One
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