larussoautofamily · 8 months
Email to @robby-l-keene
Hey buddy, sorry I spazzed. Lots going on lately at the office. I'm sure you've already heard anyway, but in case you haven't, here..
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Been a while... For a lot of things... But it'll be cool to see you again. Bring the kids if you want, bring your Mom, it's a family thing.
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larussoautofamily · 8 months
Shop Talk
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Declan Phieffer: Hey, man, what's up? *sits down at the bar* You said you wanted to talk before my next shift...?
Andy Morgan: Yeah, hang on a minute. *finishes mixing a drink and walks it down the bar*
DP: Hey, look, I just wanted to thank you again, for the job. Ms. Larusso said you had the final say.
AM: *wipes hands on bar towel and hangs it over his shoulder* Yeah, about that.
DP: *concerned* Whoa, what's wrong?
A: Look, like I told you when you first started, I've been working at Larusso Auto for more than ten years--
D: Yeah...
A: --and it's not just a job. They've been very good to me. They gave me a real chance, gave me a purpose again after I got out of the service.
D: *hesitantly nods (worried where this is going)* yeah, I've heard how hard it can be coming back...
A: It is, but that's not what this is about. To repay them--especially Ms. L--for everything, I've taken it as my duty to look out for not only the company, but her as well.
D: Well, yeah, of course! That's kinda what a security guard does...
A: I'm not just talking about during my shift.
D: Come on, Morgan, just spit it out. If I'm gonna be working there, I can't be walking on egg shells. If there's something I need to know, just tell me.
A: *sighs, crosses arms* Fine. Sheila told me that she was working on the planning for that retreat thing and that you might have been a bit...flirty. Not just with her, but with Ms L.
D: Oh, that.
A: Yeah, that.
D: Yeah, I probably was. But what's wrong with keeping the ladies you work with--or for, for that matter--happy and making them feel good?
A: Look, Sheila's a big girl and can handle her own. But if you haven't noticed yet, many of us--especially Sheila, Anoush, as well as myself--have been looking out specifically for Ms. L.
Well, she is the boss, right?
It goes deeper than that. There used to be a "Mr. Larusso".
Yeah....there was a divorce. It was a lot cleaner and quieter than it could have been, but Ms. L really did take it hard. They were together for 20 years, have an entire franchise of car dealerships, not to mention two kids under the age of 16. She's tried to keep it close to the vest...for the employees, for the public, as well as for her kids...you can imagine the ol gossip mill is not easy on her in this town. But when it's just me and her, alone on the night shift, I've seen the signs. I've driven her home and cleared the house many times, before leaving.
D: So, is that another official duty for the night shift, or just a seniority perk?
A: *glares, and softly yet sternly, clears the air* There's absolutely nothing going on between me and Ms. L, if that's what you're asking. I have the utmost respect for her, she's a good woman.
*leans back in his chair, defensively raising his hands* Hey, I was just asking. Wanted to know if there was anything *special* that I needed to know. You never know how much of the stories are true or not.
What stories?
You know, lonely divorcees in the valley. You're over here talking about "just you and her... Alone at night..."
*glare intensifies, until Declan drops it* But yes, there will be times that she will need to be driven, or the very least followed, home. Not every night, just if you notice that she's not her best, maybe a bit tired or maybe a bit scrambled. She's a ripe target for harm, especially alone at night. All we need is some jackass to hold her up for money, or worse, kidnap her and hold her for ransom.
Okay, yeah, that does sound more grounded and realistic. Sorry, about--
*brushes it off* Yeah, drop it. You're young yet, just don't let any of your fantasies get the better of you. You're there to do a job.
*Nods, with all sincerity* Yes, sir. *taps the bar and slides off his stool to leave*
*pulls towel from his shoulder and goes back to drying glasses* Oh, I do need to give you a head's up though.
*stops abruptly and hangs back, hesitantly* About...?
Ms. L has been seeing a guy.
Normally, I wouldn't say anything. It's none of our business. He's a good guy...mostly...and he does treat her well. But....
But what?
Well, one, there was a big long history with him and...Mr. Larusso.
Oh, okay. Is Mr. Larusso going to be around a lot?
No, not really. He hasn't been around for a while, actually. I honestly don't even know if he knows that Ms. L is with Lawrence.
Okay, then why--
Well, I said Ms. L took the divorce hard--
--and then ends up with Lawrence, her ex husband's arch enemy--
Wait, what?!
*sighs, and puts the dry glass up* yeah, it's a long story. Be around long enough and you'll get the details, just don't talk to @jerseysanswertogodamongidiots about it, he's still not all that cooled down about it. He and Lawrence tend to get into..."arguments", whenever they're in the same room.
Wait...Louie Laru--he's her--
Cousin-in-law, yeah. Don't try to think about it. Things have been a bit crazy the last couple years. Ever since Lawrence's car came in to get serviced, in fact. I was working that night, I should know.
Wow, okay!
So anything I should know about this Lawrence guy, if he turns up at night?
Like I said, he's more or less a good guy. He's not much of a talker, but I can tell, he's crazy about Ms. L and would do just about anything for her, but--
But... What?
There is a bit of an age gap, he's about *squints* 10 years her senior, and well--
Morgan, come on, well what? Is he some rich mafioso or something? Does he have a mob of goons, ready to pounce on me if I make a pass on Ms. L or something?
Nnnooooo. Just--let me put it this way....you kinda look a lot like he did when he was your age.
Ahhhh. So, probably shouldn't be trying to flirt with the Boss for brownie points, got it! *tilts head and salutes with two fingers*
Yeah, and the big drama between him and Mr. Larusso goes way back to their high school karate tournament, so--
Wait, what?! You're warning me about a guy that's still going on about his high school karate days?!
Hey, I know you're too young to remember, hell, I'm almost too young, but back in the 80s karate here in the valley, was like football in Texas.
*chuckles* Texas, huh? That's funny. So, you're saying that Ms. L has hooked up with the Valley's answer to Al Bundy?!
*rolls eyes and goes back to drying glasses* well, both made the finals and there's been an argument for the last 30 years about if the win was legal or not.
Okay, since you said Ms. L kids are under 16, I don't think I have to worry, about getting my head bashed in by a wall, railing or a door.
Very funny.
Hey, I heard you, no brownie point flirting, okay? I think I'm good now. Anything else? Gotta grab some grub before my shift.
Yeah, Lawrence won't be around every night. He's got his own business a couple hours away, so he only comes into town every couple weeks. Just wanted to let you know what you're walking into.
Copy that, boss.
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larussoautofamily · 8 months
Annual Company Retreat Announcement
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Attention all Larusso Auto Group employees....
As most of you know, our yearly retreat is coming up soon and this year we're going all out!
Everyone and their families are invited to join us at the wonderful resort and campgrounds up in the San Bernardino mountains.
There'll be many festivities including separate volleyball and football games, contests for all ages and many more...
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@everyonesfavoritegoldenboy @dr-ali-mills @robby-l-keene
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