lashesandlight · 9 years
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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{ — ♛ queued ; }
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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♡ fashioonmakeup.blogspot.com.br ♡
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lashesandlight · 9 years
Depending on who you were talking to, or the time of the day, the basement of the 104th Studio was either the sex dungeon or the torture chamber. Regardless, screams of 'fuck!' and 'suck my dick!' was common to hear even up on the second or third floor. There was a lot of audio editing on the days the gamers were recording.
Coming down the stairs, Historia waved at Eren as she passed and headed toward Ymir's office, giving it a light knock.
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Historia smiled up at Ymir, trying to keep her eyes from roaming her friend's rather lean frame. Since the video of hers went up, the blonde noticed how often she stared at Ymir during their recording. Of course, Ymir was unbelievably gorgeous (as was most of the 104th YT group), but there was something about the brunette.
"Oh? I hope I don't need a lot of skill!" She laughed a little and ducked into Ymir's office. It wasn't that different from her own. Decorated differently, and had padded walls, but all in all familiar. "Any hints or are you throwing me into this blind?"
Ymir didn’t feel right throwing Historia into a challenging game. At the same time, she wasn’t up for doing a round of stupid games on websites designed for “girls” or whatever. Those were trash and she didn’t need to turn Historia off from gaming. Apparently, Historia didn’t game as was - not really a surprise but still disappointing to hear - and Ymir wanted to change that. Was a horror game the best idea? Probably not. She just wouldn’t tell Historia what to expect to make things funnier.
A little mean, yes. Ymir didn’t care. Reactions were always funny, and Ymir had tried to play the game before. It was simple: she’d get Historia to control the mouse and Ymir would use the keyboard keys. 
Or vice verse. It didn’t matter.
Hearing a knock on her door to her little “office” off the main play area for the gamers, Ymir stood up. It was odd for the basement to get visitors, aside from Mikasa bringing Eren tea and trying to make sure he wasn’t dying, so Ymir couldn’t help but be a little surprise. Even if she was expecting someone.
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"Hey," Ymir leaned against the door, running a hand through her bangs as she tried to look laid-back and cool. In reality, she looked a little grouchier than she intended yet with a smile. And tired. "So, I’ve got a fun game planned for today."
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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Ms. Makeup Addict
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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lashesandlight · 9 years
"No offense, but I did better at fourteen with orange foundation and a Wet n' Wild quad." She laughed a little, leaning back from the mirror.
Folding her legs up in her chair comfortably, Historia blinked a few times as she stalled. Had Ymir called her beautiful? Without make up on? Her eyebrows came together in confusion. That had been a first. She heard it from her viewers who had never seen her without make up (until this video went up), and when she wore make up, but never with a clean face. 
Slowly, her cheeks went pink as the compliment settled in and the sweet spoken blonde was speechless. "Thank you," said Historia after a moment. "I guess not, but I don't have flawless skin and cute freckles to hide behind like you."
Historia went back to wiping off the make up, trying to refrain from rubbing her eye area too much because it caused wrinkles. "Oh? I'm not very good at gaming but I appreciate you giving me a shot at it!" She smiled warmly, finally getting the eyeliner ring off her skin. "What day do you think you want to film? I have a collab with Sasha and make up testing for Annie Tuesday and Thursday, but the rest of the week I'm free to do it."
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Looking around, she grabbed a piece of scratch paper and a pen, scribbling down her number. "Just text me whenever-- I'm hardly without my phone so I'll get back to you pretty quick!" The blonde passed it over, waving at the brunette. "Thank you for making me Barbie photo ready today. I had a lot of fun."
Ymir Does My Make Up | lashesandlight
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lashesandlight · 9 years
Historia raised her hands without saying a word with a cheeky smile. Ymir was going to have no help. And apparently, Ymir had no idea what she was doing as she grabbed loose powder foundation. At least it wasn't her loose high light. She would end up looking like a ghost-- which would have been funny too.
Once it was wiped on her face, the blonde could feel a nice little deposit of it on the crevasse of her lips. Tapping Ymir's leg, she pursed her lips and blew the cloud of powder in her face before giggling so hard she nearly toppled out of her rolly chair. Her face went bright red from a lack of air and being bent over laughing.
Ymir went on with the video, giving absolutely bullshit instructions. Yes, mascara could totally be used to fill in your eyebrows-- given it was the right color. However, bright purple mascara definitely wasn't the color of Historia's very blonde eyebrows. Also a unibrow had come to exist in the few minutes she worked on Historia's face. Add on one perfectly lined eye, a black eye, an attempt at a smokey eye, and a red lipstick that made her look a lot like Miranda Sings, Historia was done.
"Yep! And this is a great look if you're going out on a date-- or even for prom! Don't you think Ymir?" Historia winked at her friend before leaning toward the camera and giving the best shots of her face that she could. In all honesty, she looked ridiculous. "Thank you guys for watching! If you want to subscribe to Ymir, there's a link down below. She puts out really awesome gaming content that makes me a little jealous that I don't know the first thing about gaming!"
The blonde twisted back and forth as she thought of a question for her audience. "Question of the day: What is one make up mistake that you've made in your past that you look back on now and cringe? As always, you have a piece of my heart and I’ll see all you lovely people in my next video! Love you, bye!” She did her signature outro, and let Ymir say her goodbyes before hitting the button to shut off her camera and reaching for a make up wipe.
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"Time to go back and redo my face again-- anything is better than my naked face," she laughed at her own self-depricating joke. "You done filming for today or are you putting more time in?" She asked, rubbing the wipe across her eyebrows to remove the purple from them.
Ymir Does My Make Up | lashesandlight
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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lashesandlight · 9 years
Historia wasn't going to help Ymir with anything. She would go in during editing and put in what Ymir used on her face, but she simply shrugged. "Dunno, Ymir the Great, you have to figure that out for yourself!" She sassed.
She didn't expect Ymir to slather it on her face though the next moment. A quiet squeak came from her as she shut her eyes tight. The product was really cold when it wasn't on a brush and she had little warning. At least that was one less brush to clean later. Historia might as well have started her own make up brush cleaning line with how much she used the MAC brush cleaner. 
A giggle escaped as the concealer warmed up and Ymir rubbed the liquid on her face rather roughly. "Oh-- yep-- that's exactly where that's supposed to go everyone."
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The blonde leaned in toward the camera, turning her face back and forth a few times. "No blending, concentrated right in the center of your nose and cheeks to really clog those pores!" Hopefully no one would take her seriously.
There was definitely going to be a warning at the end of the video.
"Just think of it as a poreless primer. It'll only get better from here!" Historia snickered and sat back down, taking the concealer from Ymir's hand. "What next, oh wonderful make up guru?"
Ymir Does My Make Up | lashesandlight
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lashesandlight · 9 years
It had barely been a week, four days since he had even moved into the 104th House. Jean hadn't quite adapted to the time zone change and forgotten to change all his watches. Yeah, he was the guy with watches. Lame. He was wondering around the house. It was advised to meet the other house members. As he walked about, he came to a door- he had no idea she was recording, when he knocked on the door and opened it. "Uh-! Hello.. I'm Jean... Oh!" She was recording. Well shit! ~Ridinguptochallenges
       ♔—;The sound of the door opening made Historia look up from swatching the matte lipstick on her arm, finding a man in the doorway. It was no big deal, she could edit the interruption out later. Grabbing the remote, she hit pause on recording and turned around with a bright, friendly smile.
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"Hi Jean!" She greeted, getting up to walk over to the new co-worker and extended her hand. "It's nice to finally meet you! I'm Historia! What brings you by?"
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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Ms. Makeup Addict
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lashesandlight · 9 years
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Ms. Makeup Addict
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lashesandlight · 9 years
Historia puffed out her cheeks at Ymir threatening to put the mascara wand in her ear. Oh, that was not even close to sanitary-- "Can we not? That just doesn't sound like an appealing mess to clean up later. But you aren't far off from using lipstick as an eye shadow. Coral lipstick on my skin tone cancels out the dark circles under my eyes." She said, matter-of-factly. Of course, no one ever believed her when she said it.
Hey, when you're in a bind and you've left your concealer at home, you use what you have.
Oh, this was going to be a wonderful mess to edit later--
Sticking her tongue out at Ymir, Historia picked up her remote. "Or, y'know, you can invest in a nifty little camera remote so you're not constantly reaching over your camera and knocking it over." She waved it in her hand. "Just wanna make sure you have some idea what you're doing is all."
The blonde sat up higher in her seat, pulling her hair up a top her head so it was out of the way, minus a piece that she never could get to tie back. "Ready?"
Hitting the button, she waited for the light to come on and waved at the camera. “Hello my lovely family! I hope all is well in your corner of this world we share!" She squeaked out before gesturing to Ymir. "Meet one of my new friends, Ymir Langner! She runs the totally awesome gaming channel called Ymirandnow. Ymir, say hi!"
She waited for Ymir to do her little intro, putting her remote down. "Now, you all might notice I'm just a little naked compared to how you normally see me! This is actually the first time I'm appearing on this channel without a stitch of make up because... well... In order to get this freckled cutie on here, I had to agree to let her do my make up!"
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A slight blush formed on her cheeks, but she did her best to deflect it with tucking her hair behind her ear. "Unlike Bertholdt, Ymir isn't a pro and has limited experience with make up so I'm excited to see what she does with my face! Hopefully nothing too terrifying!"
Handing Ymir a cup of brushes for just about everything she could ever want them for, Historia released a deep breath. "Ready when you are--"
Ymir Does My Make Up | lashesandlight
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