lashesandtwirls · 7 years
oh and if you think all that yoonmin and taekook fic with each other as side pairings, with namjin and hobi barely mentioned is just a small problem...It’s interesting that the large vocal part of the fandom focused on maknae line and yoongi, and reduce namjoon, jin and hobi to terrible stereotypes are the ones that spend their days reading this fic that sidelines or stereotypes or actually fully erases those three members (I’ve lost count of the times i’ve read the tag “oops sorry namjoon/jin/hoseok didn’t make it into this one, sorry, lol” in yoonmin/taekook fics).  Of course after reading it for so long it’s how they start to treat and see the real guys, how they talk about them on twitter, how they make their biased inaccurate videos on youtube with 100,000s of views disguised as ‘introductions’ to bts (squishy min yoongi’s channel is the worst offender of no jams stereotyping for namjoon, jin and hobi, and for minimizing the relationships between members that aren’t the cursed ym/tk/nmjn trinity).
...and lol to all of you if you think YOONGI is the hyung line member that is bffs and always hanging out with the maknae line (as your 30000 fics make out), that hyung is actually Jin.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
11 times out of 10 when a fanfic has the three ships of Yoonmin, Namjin and Taekook in it, that fic is gonna be terrible and a mess of no jams/youtube army stereotypes
just like
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wtf with the princesseomma bullshit for jin???
Like, those ships separately can have good fic, but once you start combining them in sideships for each other it turns into a mess.
And when are namjin shippers gonna get that yoonmin and taekook shippers don’t even really ship namjin, they just stick them together in fic to put namjoon and jin somewhere and clog up the namjin tag on ao3. Go look at the tag.  it looks like there’s 1000s of fics for namjin on there.  Nope, it’s only like 25% (if that, and it seems to keep dropping) that actually have namjin as the primary pairing.
Namjin’s supposed to be such a popular ship that apparently everyone default ships (lol) but the truth is there is more primary-ship yoonseok, yoonjin, yoonkook, vmin fics to read than namjin. (I did a quick check on ao3, on the completed fics for each of those pairings.  For the first page of the namjin tag, only 5 of the 20 fics on the 1st page had them as the primary pairing.  yoonseok tag had 11 of the first 20 as primary, yoonjin tag had 13 of the first 20, yoonkook tag had 14, vmin tag had 12) and all within a similar span of time (only 1-3 days)...  
My guess is while there are a lot of namjin shippers, the majority are just yoonmin and taekook shippers that have namjin as a tertiary ship, so it looks like the ship is huge and popular. But going by the amount of namjin content, it’s actually way down the list of people that have it as their main ship.  (keep an eye on namseok, taejin and jihope, they are rising and having content created more than namjin right now too).
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
sorry but this just sounds like you’re taking advantage of some extreme antis using death threats so you can guilt people into not attacking shaladin ships.
“if you try to force unmoderated fandom spaces to become what you want them to be, you are almost guaranteed to implicitly condone and encourage harassment and/or threats directed at anyone who disagrees with you.“
Maybe it’s because you’re too narrowly focused on whatever agenda is, but if people didn’t try to moderate fandom spaces that spn-blindfold would still be active and writing sexually explicit rpf fics about the spn actors with each others extremely underage children.  You can read about that here 
or when larry shippers were being extremely misogynist in their fics about real women in their lives, and complete hatred of louis’ son... or having him grow up and sleeping with Harry.  Fandom needed to moderate that.
So, sorry, but you’re as problematic as those antis tbh if this is the stance you’re trying to take.
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After everything that’s gone down recently in the VLD fandom I’ve seen antis, especially klance-shipping people who consider themselves anti-shaladin, expressing that they don’t condone harassment but also want to make fandom a ‘safe space for minors’ or stop the shipping of ships they believe harmful.
Unfortunately for these antis, they cannot both stop shipping/prevent the creation of potentially harmful content and also condemn harassment and threats.
This is part of why anti-shipping circles both benefit from and silently invite abusive and toxic behavior in the name of their cause. By demanding/requiring that others change their behavior on sites where antis have no moderating authority, they create loopholes for and/or implicitly approve of action taken to force people to comply with anti-shipper demands. this silent approval gives antis unspoken permission to exaggerate, lie, and create scaremonger material about anything or anyone they disapprove of or want to silence. It also gives abusers in the anti ranks an overlooked ‘blind spot’ from which they are allowed to harass, defame, dogpile, threaten, blackmail, doxx, suicide bait, and assault people who don’t change in response to anti demands.
giving up the belief in or expectation of the right to force others to do what you want doesn’t mean that you can’t continue to say why you hate a ship or kink or whatever. You can still make an honest effort to convince others that your way of thinking is best. But it does mean that you have to actually be honest instead of exaggerating or lying to scare people, and you have to be responsible in how you frame your arguments. You have to allow others to disagree with you, even if you think that’s dangerous or ‘evil’, and you have to explicitly and repeatedly state that you don’t approve of people using your cause as an excuse to harass or threaten others.
fandom is on twitter and tumblr right now, and these sites are unmoderated and uncontrollable. Almost all of us dislike it. But when there are no moderators, you can only moderate your own space via blocking and muting. And to facilitate that, creators should tag and properly flag the work they share on twitter and tumblr (and any other viral sharing site.) asking people to tag to help you moderate your space is appropriate. Blocking people who don’t comply with your request is also appropriate. But you can’t ask people to stop creating content you want to avoid altogether. That’s inappropriate and invasive.
and if you can’t handle fandom on twitter and/or tumblr because of this, that’s okay! Join a discord of like-minded people! Make an amino app space! You are absolutely allowed to - and should - curate your fandom experience to make you happy. And if you’re concerned that unmoderated fandom will hurt or mislead fandom newcomers, you have every right to extend a hand in honest offer to help them curate their spaces too (HONEST being the key word here).
but if you try to force unmoderated fandom spaces to become what you want them to be, you are almost guaranteed to implicitly condone and encourage harassment and/or threats directed at anyone who disagrees with you.
be careful of what you encourage, even if you don’t mean to encourage it. (And this goes for shippers and anti-antis, too. We can all end up encouraging harassment if we’re not careful to be kind.)
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Hey @snezhnyyangel   I tagged the other ships because that yoonmin video (which has over 10,000 views and the majority of the many comments agree with what’s in it) states as fact that friendships like Yoongi and Hoseok’s, or Jimin and Jungkook’s are mostly artificial and created by bighit to hide the ‘fact’ that yoonmin is ‘real’.
And no, you may be brainwashed by the weird ‘yoomin is real’ cult, but not every other bts ship has those kind of shippers.  I’ll agree that some of the more popular ones have tinhatters, but nothing to the degree that yoonmin has been lately on youtube.  As we’ve gotten more and more hours of bangtan content and seen that yoongi and jimin are actually closer to other members, yoonmin shippers have gotten especially desperate to prove they’re real but suffering because of bighit.
Yoongi and Jimin have ALWAYS been closer to other members.  They have a close relationship as well, but are closer with others.  It’s always been this way.  But early on Yoongi was popular and Jimin was popular and fandom latched onto them together and overexaggerated all of their moments while downplaying the moments Yoongi and Jimin had with other members.  And now we have the mess we do where yoonmin shippers act like they’re real, make bangtan ‘intro’ vids about individual members for new army that depicts yoonmin as the closest and most special relationship for Yoongi and jimin.  It’s not.  They are close with everyone.  Jimin has always been closer to Tae.  Closer to Jungkook.  Yoongi has straight out said he’s closer to Hoseok, closer to Jin.  Hell, when asked in a sbspopasia interview he said if he had to date any member in bangtan it would be Jin.
so that’s why I tagged the other ships.  Because yoonmin shippers are discrediting them as made up by bighit because yoonmin is real but might look too ‘gay’ so they don’t want anybody to know.  Even though Jikook and vmin have much more emotional and physical moments that could be construed as more ‘gay’ than any yoonmin moment.  That jikook are together nearly all the time.  That vmin are so emotionally connected and supportive they cry in bathroom’s together.  Even though Yoongi and Hoseok are truly close and have their fun ‘sope’ ship name they made themselves.  That Yoongi said he’d date Jin (guess bighit doesn’t care if Yoongi and Jin seem ‘gay’), chose to be roommates for many years and will often be by each other’s side...but those friendships are all reduced to fake for the sake of yoonmin.
That’s why I tagged those ships.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
New Army:  Hey how come Yoonmin isn’t as close as fanfic and youtube fanvids have led us to believe and both Yoongi and Jimin actually seem to have closer relationships with other members?
Yoonmin shippers:
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Lol taejinchronicles lying about tae planning jin's birthday party. Jin today wrote in fancafe that he was the one who did it himself. That blog is delusional and desperate to prove taejin is real. NO BTS SHIP IS REAL.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Hey ARMY can we stop allowing blogs like @taejinchronicles to think it’s okay to post stuff like they do???  The taejin tag is full of them posting their evidences/analysis/ramblings of how taejin is truly real.  They often reduce the other friendships and moments as being pushed by bighit as marketing ploys.  Seriously.  We don’t want this kind of delusional behavior to exist and grow in our fandom.  And they’re getting notes on their posts so it’s really time to shut this kind of stuff down.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
God you yoonmin shippers are delusional. You do realise that Yoongi wanted Jimin to wear his clothes so they wouldn't get stretched out. It's why he brought up that Jimin is the closest in size to him. So are jikook married because Jungkook got Jimin's rose and they were even holding hands during the clothes posing? Or are 2seok now married because Jin called out j-hope's name before he threw that rose? Or are vmon married because they didn't even need to throw the rose to be partners? Just stop it. You guys take stuff out of context and it wouldn't be so annoying except you are tagging BTS on twitter with your delusions, writing it in the comments of vlive and for some reason in the yt comments for mic drop. No BTS ship is real so stop spreading your delusion in places that BTS may actually see.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Hey @lushliliyanna you are part of the reason why this fandom is really starting to hate namjin shippers and turn against the namjin ship (even though it is a good ship)
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Namjin shippers stop hijacking other ships posts, stop assuming everybody in this fandom thinks namjin is a default established ship.  We don’t.  We’re all freaking annoyed with you.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
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Jimin and Taehyung even talked about their stargazing together during Bon Voyage.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Jimin said that he and Taehyung went and looked out at the stars every night they were in Hawaii. The true soulmates of BTS.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Lol namjin shippers with their mass delusion that everybody approves of namjin and they're the most peaceful ship with no ship wars.. That's because you obnoxious shippers ignore and drown out every other Namjoon and Jin ship. You hijack posts, you make comments on youtube...how many times have one of you annoying people seen a comment under a vid or pic of Namjoon or Jin having a moment with a other member that is literally "Namjoon's gonna be jealous, that's his wife" or "Jin's gonna claim his man". You do it all the damn time. Guess what. Most of the fandom doesn't ship Namjin. They just put them together so much because the two major BTS ships just paired them 'because' or it gets Namjoon or Jin out of the way in their ships. Most of the fandom is freaking annoyed that you keep up the princess/eomma/wife Jin bullshit. We're annoyed because only annoying shippers keeps alive the namjin as the parents of bangtan crap. The members have said many times the roles of bts and they've never had Namjin as the parents. They've said at various times namseok as parents, yoonseok as grandparents, yoonjin as the parents...never namjin. So just look outside of your usual places and you're gonna find a lot of annoyed and/or vague posts and tweets about how namjin shippers are the worst and ruined what is actually a good ship. (And for your info the actual non-problematic and non-hated ships are namseok and yoonseok...pretty much any Hobi ship)
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
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This is what annoying Yoonmin shippers decided to add to a cute yoonjin centric tweet. Fuck you yoonmin shippers. NONE OF THE SHIPS ARE REAL. NOBODY OWNS YOONGI. HE IS HIS OWN MAN. Let ships have their own stuff and stop getting pressed when something is made reminding you the other members are close and have their own relationships. And since you delusional people don't seem to get it YOONMIN IS NOT REAL
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
@softkissjimin proving one of the main reasons I hate yoonmin shippers
Look at this mess
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Let’s ignore that Yoongi was only making fun of Jimin’s dad’s flowers and that this photo is not at all iconic. Oh and Yoongi’s never proposing to Jimin you delusional shipper.  
But let’s focus on the “I hate everyone” bullshit.  Yoonmin shippers do this all the time...using old and wrong stereotypes in their imaginary ship.  You weirdos thrive on cool, cold Yoongi/bad boy Yoongi.
Guess what?  The real Yoongi doesn’t have everyone.  He’s one of the most caring and kind people that loves so many people.  Monsta X talked about how he bought them flowers and put it in bighit’s name for their comeback.  Heechul talked about how Yoongi bought him shoes.  Suran talked about how he helped her through depression.
Yoongi doesn’t hate people.
Sorry the real Yoongi doesn’t fit with the characterisation of your ship.
You yoonmin shippers are the worst.
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Ugh Yoonmin shippers saying Yoongi was looking lovingly at Jimin before the fireworks go off... Except they deliberately only use one fancam for their gifs and proof vids because EVERY SINGLE OTHER fancam shows Yoongi was actually looking at Jungkook
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So tired of Yoonmin shippers making up yoonmin moments and taking away from the other relationships in BTS.  This is why yoonmin has such a large fandom despite having way less moments than that fandom makes out.  It’s what larry fandom did -- deliberately manipulating moments and making out they had less moments with other members.
It’s even more like larry because there were more yoonmin moments early on but they have dramatically dropped off over the years.  But the fandom acts like they haven’t or truly believe the delusional theory that they’re real and bighit are forcing them apart -- EXACTLY LIKE THE DELUSIONAL LARRY SHIPPERS BELIEVE. 
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Jikook alone together on holiday in Japan
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lashesandtwirls · 7 years
Suddenly wondering if BTS go out of their way to praise Jimin, not to actually praise him but to keep quiet all his psychotic fans.  Is that why he’s been less dissed than the others?  All of BTS know they have to.  I don’t know if it’s just his stans that are this rude to other members or maknae line stans in general.  Maknae line stans (most often Jungkook and Jimin stans) always seem to be the ones saying rude and inappropriate things in replies to BTS tweets.  Jimin didn’t seem to know that if he said something like that on-air his fans would attack, but Jin did, which seems to show Jimin hasn’t gotten that kind of hate from other members’ fans, even though he has dissed multiple members. Jimin and Jungkook are such kind, sweet people but so many of their fans are hateful garbage dumpsters.
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