latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Dicen llama al 911 A La Policía Local 703-834-4444 Y Al Hospital Alexandria Hospital No Y No Tengo Interés De Recibir Ayuda De Estos Descriminadores Criminales Ellos Son Los Únicos Responsables De Todo Mi Trauma Si Prefiero Morir Solo Dentro De esta Gran Soledad Encerrado En Una Jaula Como Un Animal No Tampoco quiero Ver Ningún Policía Para Que Para Que Me Maltraten Y me Pongan Casos Falsos Para Que Para Que Los Doctores Se Burlen De Mi Y Me Griten Diciéndome Que Tengo Business Sexuales Para Que Los Oficiales Digan Amigo Hizo 4 Depósitos De 20 Mil Dolares Queriéndome Acusar De Fraude Cuando Aquí La Víctima Soy Yo SI Los Doctores Me Hicieron Algo Muy Doloroso Por No Querer Orinar Me Metieron Una Mangera Dentro Del Agujero Del Pene Que Eso Como Me Dolió Y Gritaba Del Dolor Ese Día Lo Tengo Presente Como Un Trauma Más Las Autoridades Saven Muy Bien De Lo Que Hablo Y Callan No No Tengo Problemas Mentales O Si Bien Son Traumaticos Estoy Cansado De Que Me Graben Sin Mi Consentimiento Y Venderme En Todos Los Medios Claro Tird Party Es Un Medio Del Gobierno Para Generar Dinero Even Grup Beyonce Y Todas las plataformas Facebook Twitter MySpace likely like Samsung MetroPcs Apple Google Chrome OS Android Tmovil Telecom Microsoft Snapchat wassapp YouTube verizon Comcast infinity Cox MBC Univicion telémundo ect No Quiero Ver A Nadie Mucho Menus Un Puto Policia
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Indianapolis Star Journalists Behind Award-Winning “Out of Balance” Investigation Are Being Featured in New Netflix Documentary “Athlete A”
IndyStar journalists and the gymnasts who survived USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar's abuse tell the story of the investigation that led to Nassar’s sentencing in film on Netflix.
A new documentary, “Athlete A,” released on Netflix today features the award-winning investigative work of journalists at The Indianapolis Star, part of the USA TODAY NETWORK and owned by Gannett Co., Inc, for the 2016-18 “Out of Balance” series that exposed widespread sexual abuses within USA Gymnastics, including by longtime women’s team doctor Larry Nassar. The investigation revealed that USA Gymnastics had for years adhered to a policy of not routinely alerting authorities to allegations of sexual abuse.
Reporters Marisa Kwiatkowski, Tim Evans and Mark Alesia, as well as investigations editor Steve Berta and visual journalist Robert Scheer, pursued the investigation for more than a year, with the first installment of the “Out of Balance” series published in August 2016. Their work helped prompt more than 500 women to come forward to accuse Nassar of sexual abuse under the guise of medical care. In “Athlete A,” the IndyStar team and gymnasts who survived Nassar's abuse tell the story of the local reporting that revealed a national scandal and helped bring justice.
The groundbreaking investigation had far-reaching and lasting impact. Nassar was sentenced to up to 175 years in prison, USAG's longtime president, Steve Penny, resigned and was charged with evidence tampering in October 2018, and bipartisan federal legislation to prevent amateur athletes from being abused was signed into law.
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The investigative series has earned several awards and recognition for its impact, including the Missouri Honor Medal for Distinguished Service in Journalism, a national Investigative Reporters and Editors medal, the O'Brien Fellowship Award for Impact in Public Service Journalism by the American Society of News Editors, and Adweek's Hot List “Story of the Year” in 2018.
“The ‘Out of Balance’ investigation’s far-reaching impact is a testament to the importance and power of local journalism. This documentary brings to life both the incredible courage of Larry Nassar’s abuse survivors and the tenacity of our journalists who pursued every angle, every lead of this story to expose not only Nassar but a massive institutional cover up at USA Gymnastics that enabled the abuse,” said
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Instrucciones para el Formulario 1040-NR(SP) (2021)
Declaración de Impuestos sobre los Ingresos de Extranjeros No Residentes de los Estados Unidos
Las secciones a las cuales se hace referencia abajo corresponden al Código Federal de Impuestos Internos a menos que se indique de otra manera.
Instrucciones para el Formulario 1040-NR(SP) - Material Introductorio
¡Todos presentan el nuevo Formulario 1040-NR(SP)! Éste es un gráfico del Formulario 1040-NR(SP) y el Anexo OI con el signo de más que lo vincula a los nuevos Anexos A y NEC y los Anexos 1 a 3 del Formulario 1040(SP). El texto dice Use el formulario principal y el Anexo OI más sólo los anexos que sean adecuados para usted.
Consejos Útiles sobre el Formulario 1040-NR(SP)
Las líneas del Formulario 1040-NR(SP) están organizadas para que, en la mayoría de los casos, correspondan a las mismas partidas tributarias que las líneas del Formulario 1040(SP) y 1040-SR(SP) de 2021.
 También puede necesitar los tres anexos del Formulario 1040(SP): Anexo 1 (Formulario 1040(SP)), Ingreso Adicional y Ajustes al Ingreso; Anexo 2 (Formulario 1040(SP)), Impuestos Adicionales; y el Anexo 3 (Formulario 1040(SP)), Créditos y Pagos Adicionales.
 Tendrá que completar las partidas correspondientes en el Anexo OI (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)) e incluir ese anexo con su Formulario 1040-NR(SP).
PRECAUCIÓN: Existe el Anexo A (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)) y el Anexo A (Formulario 1040)). No use el Anexo A (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)) con el Formulario 1040(SP) o Formulario 1040-SR(SP). Use el Anexo A (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)) sólo con el Formulario 1040-NR(SP). Si usa el Anexo A con el Formulario 1040(SP) o 1040-SR(SP), use el Anexo A (Formulario 1040).
 Aunque tenga que presentar el Formulario 1040-NR(SP) y el Anexo OI (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)), quizás no necesite presentar los Anexos 1 a 3 (Formulario 1040(SP)), o el Anexo A (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)) y el Anexo NEC (Formulario 1040-NR(SP)). Sin embargo, si su declaración es más complicada (por ejemplo, usted reclama ciertas deducciones o créditos o adeuda impuestos adicionales, o tiene ingresos no directamente relacionados con una ocupación o negocio de los Estados Unidos), usted tendrá que completar uno o más de los anexos. A continuación aparece una guía general sobre el (los) anexo(s) que tiene que presentar basado en sus circunstancias. Vea las instrucciones para los anexos, más adelante, para más información. Si usted presenta su declaración electrónicamente, por lo general, no notará muchos de los cambios y el programa de computadora (software) que usted use, por lo general, determinará cuáles anexos necesita.
 Necesitará las Instrucciones para el Formulario 1040(SP). A lo largo de estas instrucciones, será dirigido a las Instrucciones para el Formulario 1040(SP) (también conocidas como las Instrucciones para los Formularios 1040(SP) y 1040-SR(SP)) para obtener detalles sobre cómo completar una línea. Pero, en la mayoría de los casos, tendrá que decidir si tiene que tomar en cuenta las excepciones al aplicar esas instrucciones. Las excepciones específicas para cada línea se enumeran bajo las instrucciones de la línea. Algunas de las excepciones mencionadas repetidamente en las instrucciones de la línea se encuentran a continuación.
Un extranjero no residente que presente un Formulario 1040-NR(SP) no puede elegir el estado civil de Casado que presenta una declaración conjunta o de Cabeza de familia.
Ciertos beneficios tributarios (tales como el crédito tributario por hijos, el crédito por otros dependientes y el crédito tributario adicional por hijos, así como crédito tributario de prima de seguro médico para dependientes) sólo están disponibles en su totalidad para los residentes de Canadá y México y, de forma limitada, para los residentes de India y Corea del Sur. Estos beneficios tributarios no pueden ser reclamados por otros extranjeros no residentes.
Hay ciertos formularios utilizados por los declarantes del Formulario 1040(SP) y el Formulario 1040-SR(SP) que NO son utilizados por los declarantes del Formulario 1040-NR(SP): por ejemplo, el Formulario 2555, el Formulario 965 y el Anexo K-1 (Formulario 1120-S), todos en inglés.
Las instrucciones para caudales hereditarios y fideicomisos en el formulario principal pueden, en ciertos casos, alinearse más con las Instrucciones para el Formulario 1041, U.S. Income Tax Return for Estates and Trusts (Declaración del impuesto sobre el ingreso para herencias y de fideicomisos de los Estados Unidos), en inglés, que con las Instrucciones para el Formulario 1040(SP) que son para individuos/personas físicas. Si presenta una declaración para un caudal hereditario o fideicomiso de un extranjero no residente, aún tendrá que seguir las Instrucciones para el Anexo NEC, más adelante, si el caudal hereditario o fideicomiso tiene ingresos no directamente relacionados con una ocupación o negocio de los Estados Unidos. Además, puede haber beneficios tributarios e inclusiones de ingreso en el Formulario 1041 que no aplican a un caudal hereditario o fideicomiso de un extranjero no residente.
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Perforando la tierra 🌎
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
En MCT Abogados, contamos con un departamento de reclamaciones de deudas e impagados. Nuestros abogados especializados reclamaciones civiles, le atenderán, asesorarán y ayudarán para recuperar el dinero que le deben presentando una demanda civil, llevando su caso ante los Tribunales o alcanzando una solución de forma extrajudicial.
¿Qué es una demanda?
Regulada en el artículo 399 de la Ley de enjuiciamiento civil, las demandas civiles son aquellos documentos que redactados por un abogado se presentan en los Juzgados para iniciar los procesos judiciales.
Deben contener al menos la identificación de la persona que demanda, de la persona o personas demandadas, lo que se pide del Juez, los hechos de lo que ha ocurrido, y los fundamentos de hecho y de derecho de la petición. También se habrán de acompañar todos los documentos que sostenga esa pretensión.
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Hancom Office Editor License

Hancom Inc. or subject developer reserves the copyrights and intellectual property rights for all programs and adjuncts included in Hancom Office Editor. These rights are protected by the Copyright Act of Korea and international copyright treaties.
You may not alter, modify or reproduce the included data files or documents without the prior written consent of Hancom Inc. Hancom Inc. does not guarantee fitness of the functions included in the Software to the user's particular requirements or needs, and is not liable for any and all outcomes derived from the use of the Software.
All programs, data files, information booklets and content of the documents included in Hancom Office Editor are protected by the Copyright Act of Korea and international copyright treaties. All programs, data and documents included in Hancom Office Editor may not be resold after modifications or alternations for any purpose.
Types of fonts included in Hancom Office Editor and copyright holders
Font nameFont file nameCopyright holderHCR BatangHANBatang.ttfHancom Inc.HCR Batang BHANBatangB.ttfHancom Inc.HCR Batang ExtHANBatangExt.ttfHancom Inc.HCR DotumHANDotum.ttfHancom Inc.HCR Dotum BHANDotumB.ttfHancom Inc.HCR Dotum ExtHANDotumExt.ttfHancom Inc.CentSchbook BTENCSCH.TTFBitstreamGoudyOlSt BTENGDOS.TTFBitstreamHaansoft BatangHBATANG.TTFHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.Haansoft DotumHDOTUM.TTFHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.HYgtrEHYGTRE.TTFHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.GulimGulim.ttfHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.GulimChegulimche.ttfHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.GungsuhGungsuh.ttfHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.BatangChebatangche.ttfHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.DotumChedotumche.ttfHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.HYHeadLine MH2HDRM.TTFHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.HYwulBHYWULB.TTFHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.HyhwpEQHYHWPEQ.TTFHanyang Information and Telecommunication Co., Ltd.Ahn2006-Lahn_l.ttfSang-Su AhnHaan Baekje BHANBaekB.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan Somang MHANSomaM.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan SymbolHaan Symbol.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan WebHaan Web.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan Wing2Haan Wing2.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan Wing3Haan Wing3.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan WingsHaan Wings.ttfvYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan YGodic 240HANYGO24.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan YHead BHANYheadB.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan YHead LHANYheadL.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.Haan YHead MHANYheadM.ttfYoon Design Research Center Co., Ltd.
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ICU-Nonrestrictive Open Source License
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Copyright 2009 by Oran Agra and Mickey Gabel
Google Android Open Source Project (Google gallery)
Copyright © 2009 Android Open Source Project
RSA Data Security, Inc. MD4 Message-Digest Algorithm
Copyright © 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All rights reserved.
MPL 1.1
Copyright © Guido Draheim
Skia Graphics
New BSD License
Copyright © 2011 Google Inc.
Apache License, Version 2.0
The Apache Software Foundation
Apache License, Version 2.0
MIT License V2
The Apache Software Foundation
Apache License, Version 2.0
The Apache Software Foundation
Google Data APIs
Apache License, Version 2.0
MIT License V2
Google Inc.
Apache License, Version 2.0
The Apache Software Foundation
Apache License, Version 2.0
Google Inc.
Apache License, Version 2.0
Please refer to http://opensource.samsung.com/ to download MPL license source codes.
Open License
An open license grants a permanent user license for only the contracted version of the product from the time of purchases. Therefore, an open license does not grant the user a license for any new versions of the product released after the time of purchase. If you wish to use a new version, you are required to purchase the open license for the subject version.
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'Home Edition' is a product intended to be installed and used for home-use only, and cannot be used anywhere else. It cannot be used for business purposes (for profit) by individual businesses, corporations or organizations.
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Hancom Inc. grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferrable license to install and use the software program and bytecode version of the software, including documents and updates related to Hancom Office Editor (Hancom Office Editor is maintained only in Korean and English) (hereinafter referred to as the Software), developed by Hancom Inc., for the purposes limited to those specified in this electronic document.
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Restricted rights apply to the Software licensed in this Agreement. Restrictions specified in sub-clause (c)(1)(ii) of Rights in Technical Data and Computer clause in Department of Defense contract DFARS(48 CFR 252.227-7013), sub-clauses (c)(1) and (2) of Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights in FAR (48 CFR 52.227-19) for the Federal government, NASA case in clause 18-52.227-86(d) of NASA Supplement to FAR or chapters related to similar organizations applies to any and all use, reproduction or disclosure by the U.S. government or any individuals or entities that represent the U.S. Government.
For any inquiries regarding the user license, copyright and ownership mentioned in this agreement, please contact Hancom Inc. by email at ([email protected]).
Copyright 2014. Hancom Inc. All rights reserved.
Hancom Inc.
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
D'Angelo Garcia (@dangelodv)
Check out D'Angelo Garcia on Twitter.
follow me on Instagram @dangelodv https://twitter.com/dangelodv?s=20&t=4R4ry2SdsRCtQUbJeR_qMQ
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
<?xml-stylesheet href="/css/scv.css"?> -->
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<pubDate>26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</pubDate>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia</title>
<description>Recent updates from the Supreme Court of Virginia.</description>
<title>Court of Appeals of Virginia Docket</title>
<description>Dockets for upcoming En Banc hearings and Writ and Merit panels.</description>
<pubDate>25 Apr 2022 16:30 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">25 Apr 2022 16:30 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Writ Panel Docket</title>
<description>Information Regarding Petitions for Appeal Docketed for a Writ Panel Hearing</description>
<pubDate>06 Apr 2022 13:35 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">06 Apr 2022 13:35 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Unpublished Orders</title>
<description>Unpublished orders for cases that were argued before the full court are posted to this page. Click on a case name to bring up further information about that appeal.</description>
<pubDate>31 Mar 2022 16:30 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">31 Mar 2022 16:30 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Opinions</title>
<description>Opinions are issued by the Court on Thursdays when available.</description>
<pubDate>14 Apr 2022 12:25 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">14 Apr 2022 12:25 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Audio Recordings</title>
<description>Audio recordings of oral arguments made before the full Court during session since 1/7/14 are posted below. Recordings will be posted at the end of each week that the Court is in session.</description>
<pubDate>20 Apr 2022 18:50 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">20 Apr 2022 18:50 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Session Schedule</title>
<description>Order of cases per session.</description>
<pubDate>20 Apr 2022 19:20 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">20 Apr 2022 19:20 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Argument Docket</title>
<description>Argument Docket information regarding pending appeals that have been granted.</description>
<pubDate>06 Apr 2022 13:35 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">06 Apr 2022 13:35 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Calendar</title>
<description>Schedule of when the court is in session and holding Writ Panels.</description>
<pubDate>26 Apr 2021 16:30:00 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">26 Apr 2021 16:30:00 GMT</guid>
<title>Court of Appeals of Virginia Unpublished Opinions</title>
<description>Opinions not designated by the Court as having precedential value or as otherwise having significance for the law or legal system. Opinions are issued every Tuesday.</description>
<pubDate>26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</guid>
<title>Court of Appeals of Virginia Published Opinions</title>
<description>Opinions designated by the Court as having precedential value or as otherwise having significance for the law or legal system. Opinions are issued every Tuesday.</description>
<pubDate>26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</guid>
<title>Court of Appeals of Virginia Recordings of Oral Arguments</title>
<description>Audio/video recordings of oral arguments made before the Court during sessions since 5/20/14.</description>
<pubDate>19 Apr 2022 20:30 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">19 Apr 2022 20:30 GMT</guid>
<title>Supreme Court of Virginia Appeals Granted</title>
<description>Appeals granted by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Appeals are removed from this list after decisions are issued by the court.</description>
<pubDate>26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">26 Apr 2022 14:15 GMT</guid>
<title>Court of Appeals of Virginia Schedule</title>
<description>Schedule showing dates and locations for En Banc hearings, Writ and Merit panels.</description>
<pubDate>18 Oct 2021 12:45 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">18 Oct 2021 12:45 GMT</guid>
<title>Amendments to the Rules of Court</title>
<description>Amendments recently made to the Rules of Court.</description>
<pubDate>20 Apr 2022 19:30 GMT</pubDate>
<guid isPermaLink="false">20 Apr 2022 19:30 GMT</guid>
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
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Your use of our content may be acceptable under principles of fair use (or other similar concepts in other countries). Fair use is a concept under copyright law in the U.S. that, generally speaking, permits you to use a copyrighted work in certain ways without obtaining a license from the copyright holder. Google can’t tell you if your use of this content would be fair use. You may wish to obtain your own legal advice.
Personalizing your map
You may annotate our maps with additional information – like points, lines, or labels. In fact, many of our tools have built-in features that make it easy to do just that. For example, Google My Maps lets you draw lines and shapes on a Google map. We also offer a Styling Wizard and a cloud-based styling tool that allow you to edit the colors of individual map components (for example, changing water to purple), as well as toggle visibility for each component (for example, making roads invisible).
If neither of those fit your needs, you may export an image from Google Earth or Earth Studio, or capture a screenshot from Google Maps, to add custom labels or graphics using third-party software.
While we encourage annotations, you must not significantly alter how Google Maps, Google Earth, Earth Studio, or Street View would look online. For example, you’re not allowed to make any changes to the colors of the product interface or remove attribution.
For Google Earth and Earth Studio content, you’re not allowed to significantly alter our imagery without providing clear context that it’s a simulation, projection, or fictional content.
Use of trademarks
Our trademarks are our valuable assets, and we want to make sure our users and partners use them correctly. These trademarks include the Google Earth word mark, Google Maps word mark, Google Earth logo, Google Maps logo, Google Maps red pin element, Street View word mark, Street View icon, Pegman word mark, the Pegman logo, Local Guides icon, and the Plus Codes logo.
You may use our trademarks to accurately refer to our products or services, as long as such references are appropriate and consistent with our trademark guidelines. You may only use approved versions of our marks, and you must follow all of the general trademark usage guidelines, the Google Maps Platform Terms of Service, and the Street View Trusted badge usage guidelines. The trademark usage guidelines apply even to marks that were previously (but are no longer) used in connection with our products.
Refer to our brand elements guidelines for more information about using our icons, logos, and names.
Google Maps
You may print Google Maps content for non-commercial or personal use (for example, a map with directions). In all uses where you’ll distribute printed materials that include the content, first be sure to read the general guidelines above, especially with regard to fair use and attribution.
Even if your use isn’t covered by fair use or some other doctrine, you can still use our content without submitting a request as long as you follow these guidelines. Note that we’re not able to grant exceptions to these rules.
Inside of books, including textbooks (up to 5k copies)
Periodicals (Newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.)
Business documents such as company reports, proposals, presentations, etc.
Supplemental navigational use in printed promotional materials, such as business cards, pamphlets, handouts, flyers, etc. (up to 5k copies)
Example: A local dentist’s office using a small map at the bottom of a mail ad to show where it’s located
Print links to a Google Maps location, such as with short links or QR codes
Inside of books (more than 5k copies), or as cover art for a book
Used as the core part of printed navigational material (for example, tour books or guide books).
Consumer & retail goods or packaging (t-shirts, beach towels, shower curtains, mugs, posters, stationery, etc.)
Primary or creative use in printed promotional or advertising materials:
Example: A full-page magazine ad for a car company using a Google Maps screenshot to show how far the car can travel
Web and apps
If you simply need to embed a Google map on your website, you don’t need our permission. You’re also welcome to link to Google Maps with text or a button on your website, such as “View on Google Maps” or “Open with Google Maps.”
If you need more integrated uses of our products for commercial use, we have multiple APIs available through Google Maps Platform to help you build and embed custom maps for your website or mobile app. When using these APIs, certain restrictions may apply.
If you’d like to use our content in a digital advertisement, please first review the general guidelines, especially with regard to attribution. Any use of Google Maps in digital advertisements must not significantly alter how the products and imagery would look online. See Personalizing your map for specifics.
Television and film
If you’re using Google Maps for film or television (including streaming services) – for example, if an actor uses Google Maps on a phone, or an interview subject demonstrates how they used Google Maps in their research – you should submit your project for approval according to the guidelines on the Entertainment and Media page.
Online video
If you’re using Google Maps content in an online video (e.g. YouTube) primarily for educational, instructional, recreational, or entertainment purposes, you don’t need to request permission – but you must still follow our general guidelines and attribute properly.
If you’re using Google Maps in an online video advertisement or for promotional purposes (e.g. a real estate company showing where rental properties are available), submit your project for approval according to the guidelines on the Entertainment and Media page. Only standard Google Maps imagery may be used for this purpose, since Satellite View imagery falls under the same commercial restrictions as Google Earth.
Google Earth
Google Earth or Earth Studio can be used for purposes such as research, education, film and nonprofit use without needing permission.
All content created from Google Earth or Earth Studio must always be properly attributed.
Google Earth content may not be used for any commercial or promotional purposes.
You may print Google Earth content for non-commercial or personal use, with some restrictions as noted below. In all uses where you’ll distribute printed materials that include the content, first be sure to read the general guidelines above, especially with regard to fair use and attribution.
As long as you follow these guidelines, you don’t need to submit a request. Note that we’re not able to grant exceptions to these rules.
Inside of books, including textbooks (up to 5k copies)
Periodicals (Newspapers, magazines, journals, etc.)
Business documents such as company reports, proposals, presentations, etc.
Inside of books (more than 5k copies), or as cover art for a book
Used as the core part of printed navigational material (for example, tour books or guide books).
Consumer & retail goods or packaging (t-shirts, beach towels, shower curtains, mugs, posters, stationery, etc.)
Used in printed advertisements or promotional materials of any kind (flyers, pamphlets, magazines ads, etc.)
Web and apps
Google Earth may not be embedded online or in apps. However, you’re welcome to export and use a handful of static images, with proper attribution, for non-commercial purposes such as news, blogs, educational, recreational, or instructional use.
You may not use Google Earth imagery on the web for any commercial or promotional purposes, such as, but not limited to:
Real estate listings or company profiles
Construction site locations
Website header or social media banner images
Digital advertisements
You may not use output, or use third party tools to capture output, from Google Earth, Google Earth Pro, or Earth Studio to reconstruct 3D models or create similar content, or to create other content, products, or services that may violate our Terms of Service.
For gaming purposes, you may be interested in Google Maps Platform gaming services to create immersive, real-world games with millions of customizable 3D structures, up-to-date global data, and seamless integration with Unity.
Television, film, and online video
You may use Google Earth and Earth Studio content for news broadcasts, television shows, films, documentaries, music videos, and any educational purposes. You don’t need to submit a request, but you must follow all guidelines on this page and in related resources, especially with regard to on-screen attribution. Google Earth content can never be used without attribution.
Before using Google Earth or Earth Studio, review our License Terms and Terms of Service. We also ask that you register your usage here – we love seeing creative uses of Google Earth and appreciate the insights you share.
This license to use Google Earth and Earth Studio content applies to all types of film regardless of platform (and technology) distributed on, but doesn’t extend to content distributed from or to these territories.
You may not use Google Earth or Earth Studio content (or Google Maps satellite view imagery) for promotional films, advertisements or commercials. This includes anything used specifically to sell or promote a product, business, or organization. For example, this includes uses such as, but not limited to:
A real estate company showing where their properties are located in a comp
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
eCase eComplaint
0 notes
latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Suicidio para calmar todo este dolor
Al el cementerio llevare todo mi dolor
me siento muy hagotado y esta maldita depresión que me consume este trauma que me invade y el silencio aterrador que me invade el mundo me odio pero yo los amo es sierto tengo ganas de morir y cometer suicidio ya de una ves tantas horas de desvelo para mantenerme protegido porque no quiero morir pero me estoy muriendo en silencio todas las organizaciones de derechos humanos como civiles y gobierno federal como el fbi la dea el servicio de migración interpol ice la cia gobiernos globales univicion telémundo mbc y todos los medios de telecomunicaciones radios prensa iditoriales Facebook MySpace likely like Samsung MetroPcs Apple Google Chrome OS Android Google maps Bing Yahoo ticktok Snapchat wassapp YouTube verizon Comcast infinity Tmovil Twitter CNN Flickr spring at&t Cox y muchas empresas globales mantienen el silencio oh dios mio dame fuerzas para seguir de pie que este dolor es tan fuerte que como me duele el alma porque solo de recordar como los hospitales me an abusado y me an acusado de actos que no eh cometido pero paciente espero en ti mi rey Jesús a ti nadie te amo y el mundo te despresio como siento ese gran dolor que tu sentías en tu corazón yo también lo siento pero tu tienes poder y yo no tengo ese poder yo soy débil con sentimientos muy heridos y sensibles uber life y muchas plataformas esta bien morire tranquilo y me iré en paz la mejor idea para este dolor es intento de suicidio un día después de muerto espero que se aga justicia mi verdad siempre fue sincera mi único delito es consumir sustancias la comunidad GLBT me disecciona eeoc human rights no existen por amor al dinero me dejaron morir en agonía y como sufro que dolor más grande
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
Ir al contenidoMapsStreet View
Fuentes de las fotografías
Las fotos de Street View proceden de dos fuentes: Google y nuestros colaboradores.
Nuestro contenido
El contenido propiedad de Google se atribuye a Street View o a Google Maps. Desenfocamos automáticamente las caras y las matrículas de nuestras imágenes.
Detalles de la política
Contenido de colaboradores
El contenido que aportan los usuarios se muestra acompañado de sus nombres de cuenta, en los que se puede hacer clic o un toque. En algunos casos, también se incluyen sus fotos de perfil.
Detalles de la política
Como te ofrecemos Street View
Nuestros ingenieros trabajan mucho para compartir las imágenes de Street View. A continuación, te mostramos lo que hace nuestro equipo para poner Street View a tu disposición.
Mostrar la imagen correcta
El tiempo que tardan los tres láseres del coche en reflejarse en las superficies nos indica la distancia a la que se encuentran los edificios u objetos y, así, podemos crear modelos 3D. Cuando te desplazas a una zona lejana de la imagen, el modelo 3D determina la mejor panorámica que puede mostrarte de ese lugar.
Capturar las imágenes
Primero, tenemos que circular con los vehículos y fotografiar los lugares que vamos a mostrar en Street View. Para determinar cuándo y dónde podemos obtener las mejores imágenes, prestamos suma atención a numerosos factores, como el clima o la densidad de población de diversas zonas.
Alinear las imágenes
Para relacionar cada imagen con su ubicación geográfica en el mapa, combinamos las señales de los sensores del coche que registran las coordenadas GPS, la velocidad y la dirección, lo que nos permite reconstruir las rutas exactas que recorre e incluso inclinar y realinear las imágenes según convenga.
Descubre el mundo que te rodea en 360°. Ver galería
A donde vamos
Los coches de Street View recorren muchos países para ofrecerte imágenes con las que mejorar tu experiencia y descubrir el mundo que te rodea. Echa un vistazo a la lista de países que estamos recorriendo en coche o a pie.
United States
Región Distrito Hora
Alabama Madison, Limestone, Jackson, Morgan, Marshall, Dekalb, Elmore, Autauga, Lowndes, Montgomery, Macon, Bullock, Pike, Crenshaw, Butler 01/2022 - 12/2022
Arizona Maricopa, Pinal, Pima 01/2022 - 12/2022
Florida Walton, Washington, Holmes, Bay, Gulf, Liberty, Franklin, Wakulla, Leon, Gasden, Orange, Kissimmee, Seminole, Duval, Clay, Saint Johns, Nassau 01/2022 - 12/2022
Georgia Fulton, Douglas, Cobb, Cherokee, Paulding, Dekalb, Gwinnett, Rockdale, Henry, Clayton 01/2022 - 12/2022
Louisiana Caddo, Bossier, Webster, Claiborne, Bienville, Red River, De Soto, Jackson, Winn, St. Bernard, Plaquemines, Jefferson, LaFourche, St. Charles, Orleans 01/2022 - 12/2022
Oklahoma Oklahoma, Cleveland, Lincoln, Tulsa, Wagoner, Okmulgee 01/2022 - 12/2022
South Carolina Richland, Sumter, Calhoun, Lexington 01/2022 - 12/2022
Tennessee Knox, Jefferson, Grainger, Union, Anderson, Rane, Loudon 01/2022 - 12/2022
Texas Houston, Trinity, Polk, Angelina, Anderson, Leon, Madison, Walker, Caldwell, Comal, Guadalupe, Hays, Travis, Williamson, Dallas, Ellis, Johnson, Hood, Tarrant, Rockwall, Rains, VanZandt, Denton, Collin, Hunt 01/2022 - 12/2022
Utah Salt lake, Utah, Wasatch, Davis, Morgan, Summit 01/2022 - 12/2022
Kentucky Jefferson, Bulitt, Nelson, Spencer, Anderson, Mercer, Boyle, Lincoln, Casey, Russell, Wayne, Adair, Cumberland, Metcalfe, Green, Taylor, Marion, Washington, Nelson, Hardin, Larue, Hart, Barren, Allen, Warren, Edmonson, Grayson, Breckinridge, Meade, Hanckck, Daviess, McLean, Muhlenberg, Ohio, Todd, Christian, Trigg, Lyon, Caldwell, Webster, Union, Marshall, Ballard, McCracken 01/2022 - 12/2022
Missouri Greene, Webster, Dallas, Polk, Cedar, Dade, Lawrence, Barry, Stone, Taney, Ozark, Douglas, Wright, Laclede 01/2022 - 12/2022
Wyoming Albany, Big Horn, Campbell, Carbon, Converse, Crook, Fremont, Goshen, Hot Springs, Johnson, Laramie, Lincoln, Natrona, Niobrara, Park, Platte, Sheridan, Sublette, Sweetwater, Teton, Uinta, Washakie, Weston, 01/2022 - 12/2022
Montana Beaverhead, Big Horn, Blaine, Broadwater, Carbon, Carter, Cascade, Chouteau, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Deer Lodge, Fallon, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Garfield, Glacier, Golden Valley, Granite, Hill, Jefferson, Judith Basin, Lake, Lewis and Clark, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Missoula, Musselshell, Park, Petroleum, Phillips, Pondera, Powder River, Powell, Prairie, Ravalli, Richland, Roosevelt, Rosebud, Sanders, Sheridan, Silver Bow, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, Teton, Toole, Treasure, Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux, Yellowstone, 01/2022 - 12/2022
West Virginia Barbour, Berkeley, Boone, Braxton, Brooke, Cabell, Calhoun, Clay, Doddridge, Fayette, Gilmer, Grant, Greenbrier, Hampshire, Hancock, Hardy, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Kanawha, Lewis, Lincoln, Logan, Major General, Marion, Marshall, Mason, McDowell, Mercer, Mineral, Mingo, Mingo leader, Monongalia, Monroe, Morgan, Nicholas, Ohio, Pendleton, Pleasants, Pocahontas, Preston, Putnam, Raleigh, Randolph, Ritchie, Roane, Summers, Taylor, Tucker, Tyler, Upshur, Wayne, Webster, Wetzel, Wirt, Wood, Wyoming, 01/2022 - 12/2022
Idaho Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Boise, Bonner, Bonneville, Boundary, Butte, Camas, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Clearwater, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gem, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Jerome, Kootenai, Latah, Lemhi, Lewis, Lincoln, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton, Twin Falls, Valley, Washington, 01/2022 - 12/2022
North Dakota Adams, Barnes, Benson, Billings, Bottineau, Bowman, Burke, Burleigh, Cass, Cavalier, Dickey, Divide, Dunn, Eddy, Emmons, Foster, Golden Valley, Grand Forks, Grant, Griggs, Hettinger, Kidder, LaMoure, Logan, McHenry, McIntosh, McKenzie, McLean, Mercer, Morton, Mountrail, Nelson, Oliver, Pembina, Pierce, Ramsey, Ransom, Renville, Richland, Rolette, Sargent, Sheridan, Sioux, Slope, Stark, Steele, Stutsman, Towner, Traill, Walsh, Ward, Wells, Williams, 01/2022 - 12/2022
South Dakota Aurora, Beadle, Bennett, Bon Homme, Brookings, Brown, Brule, Buffalo, Butte, Campbell, Charles Mix, Clark, Clay, Codington, Corson, Custer, Davison, Day, Deuel, Dewey, Douglas, Edmunds, Fall River, Faulk, Grant, Gregory, Haakon, Hamlin, Hand, Hanson, Harding, Hughes, Hutchinson, Hyde, Jackson, Jerauld, Jones, Kingsbury, Lake, Lawrence, Lincoln, Lyman, Marshall, McCook, McPherson, Meade, Mellette, Miner, Minnehaha, Moody, Oglala Lakota, Pennington, Perkins, Potter, Roberts, Sanborn, Spink, Stanley, Sully, Todd, Tripp, Turner, Union, Walworth, Yankton, Ziebach, 01/2022 - 12/2022
Nevada Clark, Carson City, Douglas, Churchill, Eureka, Lander 01/2022 - 12/2022
California Alameda County, Alpine County, Amador County, Butte County, Calaveras County, Colusa County, Contra Costa County, Del Norte County, El Dorado County, Fresno County, Glenn County, Humboldt County, Imperial County, Inyo County, Kern County, Kings County, Lake County, Lassen County, Los Angeles County, Madera County, Marin County, Mariposa County, Mendocino County, Merced County, Modoc County, Mono County, Monterey County, Napa County, Nevada County, Orange County, Placer County, Plumas County, Riverside County, Sacramento County, San Benito County, San Bernardino County, San Diego County, San Francisco, San Joaquin County, San Luis Obispo County, San Mateo County, Santa Barbara County, Santa Clara County, Santa Cruz County, Shasta County, Sierra County, Siskiyou County, Solano County, Sonoma County, Stanislaus County, Sutter County, Tehama County, Trinity County, Tulare County, Tuolumne County, Ventura County, Yolo County, Yuba County, 01/2022 - 12/2022
Arkansas Pulaski, Saline, Perry, Conway, Faulkner, White, Lonoke, Prairie, Jefferson 01/2022 - 12/2022
Colorado Colorado Springs, Teller, Park, Lake, Eagle, Summit, Clear Creek, Jefferson, Douglas, El Paso, Elbert, Arapahoe, Denver, Adams, Boulder, Gilpin, Weld, Larimer 01/2022 - 12/2022
Indiana Marion, Johnson, Shelby, Hancock, Madision, Hamilton, Tipton, Boone, Hendricks, Morgan, Putnam, Montgomery, Brown, Monroe, Bartholomew, Washington, Lawrence, Greene, Clay, Orange 01/2022 - 12/2022
Iowa Dallas, Polk, Madison, Warren, Marion, Jasper, Mahaska, Powesheik, Iowa, Johnson, Linn, Benton, Blackhawk, Marshall, Story 01/2022 - 12/2022
North Carolina New Hanover, Pender, Brunswick, Columbus, Onslow, Halifax, Edgecombe, Nash, Wilson, Franklin, Wake, Johnston 01/2022 - 12/2022
Kansas Johnson, Douglas, Franklin, Miami, Linn, Anderson, Coffey, Osage, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Lyon, Chase, Leavenworth, Jefferson 01/2022 - 12/2022
New Mexico Bernalillo, Sandoval, Santa Fe, Torrance, Valencia, Cibola 01/2022 - 12/2022
Virginia New Kent, Sussex, Hanover, Caroline, Essex, King and Queen, Gloucester, York, King William, Buckingham, Halifax, Patrick, Grayson, Scott, Dickenson, Page 01/2022 - 12/2022
Washington DC DC 01/2022 - 12/2022
Delaware New Castle, Kent, Sussex 01/2022 - 12/2022
Illinois Jersey, Madison, Macoupin, Saint Claire, Champaign, Ford, Piatt, Douglas, Peoria, Lake, Cook, Will, Grundy, Kendall, Kane, DuPage, DeKab, La Salle, Lee 01/2022 - 12/2022
Minnesota Houston, Fillmore, Mower, Freeborn, Faribault, Martin, Jackson, Novles, Rock, Pipestone, Murray, Cottonwood, Watonwan, Blue Earth, Waseca, Steele, Dodge, Olmsted, Winona, Wabasha, Goodhue, Rice, Le Sueur, Nicollet, Brown, Redwood, Lyon, Lincoln, Yellow Medicine, Renville, Sibley, McLeod, Carver, Scott, Dakota, Washinton, Ramsey, Hennepin, Wright, Meeker, Kandiyohi, Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Big Stone, Traverse, Stevens, Pope, Stearns, Sherburne, Anoka, Chisago, Pine, Kanabec, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Todd, Douglas, Grant, Traverse 01/2022 - 12/2022
Mississippi Hinds, Copiah, Simpson, Rankin, Madision, Yazoo 01/2022 - 12/2022
Nebraska Douglas, Dodge, Saunders, Butler, Polk, Nance, Platte, Boone, Madison, Colfax, Dodge, Washington, Burt, Cuming, Stanton, Madison, Antelope, Pierce, Wayne, Thurston, Dakota, Dixon, Cedar, Knox 01/2022 - 12/2022
Oregon Clackamas County, Multnomah County, Washington County 01/2022 - 12/2022
Wisconsin Kenosha, Racine, Waukesha, Milwaukee, Dodge, Washington, Qzaukee, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, Calumet, Manitowoc, Brown, Dutagamie 01/2022 - 12/2022
Alaska Anchorage, Fairbanks, Denali, Matanuska-Susitna, Chugach, Kenai Peninsula 01/2022 - 12/2022
Maine York, Cumberland, Sagadahoc, Androscoggin, Oxford, Kennebec, Lincoln, Knox, Waldo 01/2022 - 12/2022
Washington Spokane, Lincoln, Mason, Thurston, Pierce, King, Kitsap, Snohomish, Lewis, Cowlitz 01/2022 - 12/2022
Connecticut Newhaven, Fairfield, Litchfield, Hartford, Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham 01/2022 - 12/2022
Maryland Somerset, Worcester, Wicomico, Dorchester, Talbot, Caroline, Queen Anne's, Kent, Cecil, Harford, Baltimore, Baltimore City, Anne Arundel, Calvert, St. Mary's, Charles, Prince George's, Montgomery, Howard, Carroll, Frederick, Washington, Allegany, Garrett 01/2022 - 12/2022
Massachusetts Barnstable, Plymouth, Bristol, Norfolk, Suffolk, Middlesex, Essex, Worcester, Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, Berkshire, Dukes, Nantucket 01/2022 - 12/2022
Michigan Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph, Branch, Hillsdale, Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Washtenaw, Jackson, Calhoun, Kalamazoo, Van Buren, Allegan, Barry, Eaton, Ingham, Livingston, Oakland, Macomb, St. Claire, Genesee, Shiawassee, Clinton, Ionia, Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Newaygo, Mecosta, Isabella, Midland 01/2022 - 12/2022
New Jersey Cape May, Cumberland, Salem, Atlantic, Cloucester, Camden, Burlington, Ocean, Monmouth, Mercer, Middlesex, Union, Somerset, Hunterdon, Union, Essex, Hudson, Bergen, Passaic, Morris, Warren, Sussex 01/2022 - 12/2022
New York Richmond, Kings, Queens, New York, Bronx, Rockland, Westchester, Suffolk, Putnam, Orange, Sullivan, Ulster, Dutchess, Columbia, Greene,Albany, Schoharie, Schenectady, Saratoga, Rensselaer, Washington, Warren, Madison, Monroe, Erie, Long Island 01/2022 - 12/2022
Ohio Lawrence, Ross, Greene, Miami, Mercer, Putnam, Seneca, Medina, Tuscarawas, Belmont, Noble, Licking, Ashtabula 01/2022 - 12/2022
Pennsylvania Delaware, Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Berks, Lancaster, York, Lebanon, Dauphin, Schuylkill, Lehigh, Northhampton, Adams, Venango, Clarion, Jefferson, Indiana, Armstrong, Butler, Allegheny, Westmoreland 01/2022 - 12/2022
Por motivos ajenos a nuestra voluntad (clima, carreteras cerradas, etc.), es posible que nuestros coches no operen o se produzcan pequeñas variaciones. Asimismo, ten en cuenta que, cuando se indica una determinada ciudad, normalmente se incluyen las localidades de los alrededores.
Donde hemos estado
Las zonas azules del mapa muestran dónde está disponible Street View. Amplíalo para ver más detalles o consulta este contenido en nuestros sitios web y aplicaciones.
Usa dos dedos para mover el mapa
Combinaciones de teclas
Datos del mapa ©2022
Condiciones del Servicio
La flota de Street View de Google
Descubre nuestra flota de Street View.
Moto de nieve de Street View
Nos pareció que sería divertido llevar las cámaras de Street View a las pistas de esquí. Con algunos tablones y cinta adhesiva instalamos el dispositivo de Street View en una moto de nieve y estuvimos algunos fines de semana grabando en la montaña. Para proteger las unidades de disco adicionales del frío extremo, las guardábamos envueltas en chaquetas de esquí. Ahora, los aficionados a las caminatas con raquetas de nieve y los practicantes de esquí y snowboard pueden explorar la estación Whistler Blackcomb y el terreno montañoso y nevado que comparte con otros complejos de los alrededores.
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