latte-ella · 1 day
Did some bubble studies :)
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latte-ella · 10 days
KILL 🗣️💥💥😈🔥🔥🗣️🗣️‼️‼️
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Just fanart of that one demon looking Solarisapien Sugo designed, now Panda owns her
Lowkey wanted to create a comic about her managing to summon Nur and they duke it out but I'm not motivated to do that anymore, so maybe next time lololol
Anyways goodnight faggots 💤
(I'm LGBT don't worry lol)
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latte-ella · 20 days
Poogle Oogle Analysis 1/2
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I made this creature a while ago, this will be one of many species relating to Andrepeth Amori. This will be into two parts; between the wild and domesticated Poogle Oogles :) Have fun reading!
Poogle Oogles (or Oogles/Poogles) are small mammals and reside within groups of Poogle Oogles, formally referred to as a Gnat of Gawks or Gnat for short. These groups have at least 12 but can far exceed that with no clear limit. Their life expectancy on average is quite low, only 1-2 years and mainly inhabit the deciduous forests of Andrepeth Amori.
IMPORTANT- All wild Oogles appear the same, regardless of gender.
- Fur: Poogle Oogles naturally have thick and fluffy pink fur covering the entirety of their body. The fur is long enough to completely encase them to a point their actual body cannot be seen. Their face is a lighter pink in comparison to the rest of their fur and closely resembles the shape of a heart.
- Eyes: Their eyes remain unblinking and wide, hence the origin of their name. Their eyes are solitary and remain in place for the entirety of their lives. Poogles eyes are always black but retain a sort of ‘sparkle’ when looking into them.
- Skin: The skin itself is very soft and a pale cream or pink. Beneath all that fur, there are small flat sacks resembling a deep violet or purple.
- Legs: Poogles have extremely short legs that are not visible at any angle, other than if their belly is exposed to the sky. They are petite, pointy stubs with no significant features. Due to the fur’s length, it completely hides their legs, leading them to become sort of skittering clouds when walking.
- Mouth/Teeth/Throat: Their mouth will remain as a permanent smile, agape or not. The entirety of their mouth and teeth are black (but due to stylistic choices, I prefer to draw the interior of the mouth white). From the naked eye, the teeth will appear to not be there, that is because Poogle Oogles do not have teeth on their upper or lower jaws but instead pharyngeal jaws and teeth that lines the sides of their throat. These teeth are small and thin, but are quite jagged and sharp. They do not have a tongue either.
- Coeur Antlers: These are the sort of ‘horns’ to the Poogle Oogle, stacked on top of each other in a group of three as it is sorted from largest to smallest top to bottom. They are quite shiny and sparkly as well.
- Orb: This is a shiny sphere attached to a thin appendage they can control entirely, which has the tendency to create a sort of swirl as the Poogle develops. It tested to be made from the same properties of the coeur antlers. The orb is biolumiscent and expels a pale pink light.
- Tail: Poogle Oogle’s grow fluffy tails, twisting into a small swirl around the tip of the tail :)
- Ears: They have no visible ears.
- Nose: At the very surface of their skin, resting right above the mouth, lies two incredibly small holes that is functions as a nose. It’s not visible due to how small the holes are.
Properties and Functions:
- Fur: Their fur is quite luscious, being best described as soft, silky, and lightweight. The fur acts a barrier between them and potential predators as the fur is reported to have a foul taste. It also protects them during the colder seasons, as the fur will grow to become much denser and larger to keep them warm.
- Eyes: Poogle Oogles vision is actually quite poor due to the fact they are born slightly crossed eyed and their cornea’s being much denser and translucent rather than transparent. Their cornea’s are slick and hydrophobic, causing infiltrates, object or liquid, to slip off quite easily. If they are damaged, this runs the risk of permanent damage and in some cases, is able to blind the Poogle. From their perspective, it’s extremely blurry and only capable of viewing blobs of colors. However, they are not completely lost and familiar colors, such as a gnat will incline them to gravitate towards them. Despite that, their eyes are extremely good at picking up movement, no matter how insignificant it is. Even at a distance where they cannot comprehend specific details, they can tell if something or someone is moving. They do indeed have eyelids but those are only utilized when sleeping.
- Skin: There are small sacks resembling flat marbles at the surface of the skin. The texture can be best described as rubbery but smooth. They eject long, thin thorns when they detect the Poogle is being tampered with, as the sacks have an abundance of nerves. A telltale sign of this is an unnatural or unexpected touch to the fur and/or skin. This is an autonomic ability. These small sacks are filled with a venom containing a neurotoxin. This venom is administered when the Oogle’s thorns pierce the flesh of the attacker. This neurotoxin attacks the nervous system, weakening the muscles and bodily functions and used to paralyze their attackers. (Anonocons stabbed by their thorns report feeling fatigued and confused before the paralysis set in) It is not deadly, it only works to temporarily restrain their attacker. The neurotoxin works extremely quickly, in approximately 3 minutes but can work faster if there is a higher dosage.
- Legs: Poogle Oogles are much faster than they appear, their light fur allows them to move with surprising agility and speed.
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- Mouth/Teeth/Throat: Their pharyngeal jaws can extend and retract out their mouth to clamp onto their prey. They are sharp and dig deep into flesh, and are quite durable and strong. Once they clamp onto their prey, it’s very difficult to get them off as they lock their jaws. Poogle bites are not uncommon in Andrepeth Amori. They have a slimy, gray saliva that they use to assist in sliding the food down their throat.
- Coeur Antlers: Coeur Antlers expel crimson spores that when inhaled, causing an increase in oxytocin and dopamine. These spores are used primarily for mating within their own species, alerting a fellow Oogle of their sexual desire. These can be expelled by both female and male Poogles. Breeding can come at any time, but it is mostly done during the aftermath of a cold season, with the cold, their numbers will decrease, thus done to replenish the population. But sex during the warmer days is out the question, as a way to sort of prepare for the oncoming loss in the gnat.
- Orb: This sphere can glow to the Oogle’s will. It mostly serves to lure potential prey to their demise, but can also be used to see better within the dark. Seeing a herd of glowing Poogles is not uncommon on Andrepeth Amori.
- Tail: Just a cute little attachment :)
- Ears: Poogle Oogles have no visible nor external ears. Oogles are essentially deaf, but they do have a method of sensing sound. Similar to snakes, they possess a manipulated columella, a small bone connected to the jaw bone, enabling them to sense and feel vibrations. This ability is vital for their survival as the footsteps of their prey notifies them of their location, allowing them to escape from potential predators. This skill is quite impressive and known to be extremely sensitive, the slightest shift, air or by ground, allows them to pinpoint exactly where you are.
- Nose: Contrary to it being nearly unviewable, Poogle Oogles can distinct scents from one another very well, even at a distance, they can pick up on particular odors. This is also vital for their survival, as injured animals are often a target of becoming ambushed once their scent is picked up. Not only that, but Poogles release a scent unique to their own species that only they can smell, a useful ability to make sure the Gnat stays together.
Magical properties:
Poogle Oogles are one of many animas that use magic on Andrepeth Amori, but this ability is limited to only one purpose; leaping and jumping. Their legs don’t allow them to naturally jump on their own, so they use a bit of sorcery to do so. Jumping is primarily used to ambush their prey by landing on their back or by gaining altitude to escape predators or dire situations. This is mainly done through summoning invisible trampolines that launch them into the air and allow them to sort of bounce around or travel to high places.
Diet/Hunting Habits:
Poogle Oogles are carnivorous creatures, but are capable of eating certain fruits or vegetation, but in no way take up a significant portion of their diet. They hunt during sunset and capture prey in Gnat of 20-25 Poogles via the glow of their Orb as a deceptive tactic. Once the prey is close enough, the others will pounce, many will attack via ground and or by jumping onto the prey’s back. It is then that they will clamp their jaws onto their flesh and by then, their prey is entirely swarmed.
Oogles have been reported to tear apart the flesh of their prey and consume them whilst they are still alive. There have been multiple instances of them pulling off their skin and burrowing inside the flesh to consume the organs. All of their prey is guaranteed to be decimated and left in a heap of bones or hardly recognizable. If the Oogles venom poisons their prey, the Gnat are not affected.
Gnat Relationship:
They value their species very much and rely on each other for survival, so there is no distinct social hierarchy in the species. Every Oogle you’ll see out in the wild is guaranteed to have a gnat nearby, but in very rare instances, can be separated by their group - mainly during weather crises. Poogle Oogles are very protective and territorial of their species and do whatever it takes to survive if it means the rest can survive. This comes to dire consequences at times as phenomenons such as cannibalism as a last resort if has become rash. Compared to other species, such as bumblebees, they will not kick out their own kind, but will eat them instead.
Reproduction and Growth stages:
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When female and male intercourse occur between Oogles, a bae (or baby Poogle Oogle) will be born. A bae’s growth is never fluidly consistent with the species and based solely on the conditions of the environment they were born within and how well fed they were. If the food flow and care was consistent, a Poogle will grow healthily, but never at the same rate as others, even within their own nest. A Poogle is much more likely to die premature or stillborn if born during colder seasons or poor living conditions, it’s especially worse if the mother is not taken care of well enough.
On average, a mother will produce at least 5 baes for each litter they produce, but can exceed that, with the highest reporting to be 11. A pregnant Poogle will externally appear the same but their behaviors will differ, as she becomes much more susceptible to fatigue. Her and her mating partner will begin to prepare the nest for their children. The mother will stay in the nest for the majority of her pregnancy and the male partner will take priority over themselves to feed the female Oogle. On average, the female Oogle will give birth to two batches in her entire lifetime. There are 3 stages that an Oogle has in its lifetime - infant, adolescent, and adult.
Infancy - at this stage, a Poogle has a short layer of fuzz for fur, no antlers, no teeth and a very short orb. They are blind, have a heightened sense of smell, have their eyes closed, have a much harder time hearing and cannot walk. A bae’s cries can alert fellow prey and thus, the nursing Oogle are greatly protected by the Gnat and are given priority over anyone else. If a threat manages to break way into the nest, the two parents will place their young into their mouths and quickly flee. Mother Poogle Oogles will sing by a series of low purrs and hums to soothe and bond with their young. Despite their poor hearing, that is all they can properly hear. Fathers are also entirely present in their children’s lives and will go as far as to perform regurgitation if there is no sufficient food source. Mothers chew the food for their young into a paste before spitting it back up for her children to swallow; her saliva allows the food to slide down the infants throat as their own has not been developed. This is a required process as this runs the risk of the bae choking.
Adolescent - Their eyes have opened and will remain as such. Their antlers have begun to sprout, but are much more susceptible to damage and are much more skittish around the hint of danger. The adolescent is now capable of walking, but even this ability is a bit limited, so the young ride on the backs of their mothers and fathers until they learn to do it on their own properly. At this stage, a parenting Poogle is reported to be much more dangerous and hostile, known for snapping at Anonocons that get too close to them or their nests.
Adult - This is the stage they are most often witnessed to be on, their orb, antlers and fur has grown out entirely. At this stage, the Oogle no longer needs its parents and are free to leave the nest to create their own.
Elder? - Not an official stage, but long living Oogles (3+ years) have been observed to have been nearly blind, have poorer hearing, and the agility they once had as an adult is much worse. Once this is noticed by the Gnat, the Poogle Oogle cannibalise the ‘Elder Oogle’ as a way to savor resource for the inevitable colder seasons.
As mentioned before, mother Oogles are capable of singing, but this is possible with all Oogles and is a method of both communication and greeting within the Gnat. When within the Gnat is when these sounds are most likely to be heard, especially when huddled together. But these are also sounds they make individual.
As a method of creating community and socialization reported by many researcher’s is the infrequent chance of a Gnat to congregate and heightened their purring into warbles, shrieks, and trills. Although the sounds on their own is rather adorable, these are sounds that have never been reported to be heard before other than during these phenomenons. Researchers dub these as ‘conventions’ due to their acts of togetherness and conversation to an extent. For reasons yet to be discovered, these events only occur during the night and at random intervals of the year. The shrieks can be quite terrifying to surrounding animals and many traveling Anonocons have reported witnessing these events. There is a common superstition that many travelers report; their shriek is directed toward the night sky and many scientists and researchers theorize they are practicing a method worship. Who or what that is directed at is unknown.
The tail will slowly sway when they spot potential, unrecognized movement, defaulting on their normally upright, stiff stance. This is meant to alert their fellow Poogles there is something or someone nearby moving, allowing them time to be on the defense if attacked. This swaying can increase to the equivalent of wagging; thumping. Their tail will begin rapidly move up and down, softly hitting the ground with their tail. This occurs when the Poogle experiences an increase of happiness or pleasure, such as the birth of a litter, but mainly during intercourse and once orgasm has been reached.
Poogle Oogles sleep immediately after their final hunt during a sunset. By the time they have finished eating, nighttime would fall and the Gnat would seek a shaded, dark place of the forest to sleep. The Poogle Oogles will huddle tightly together and got to sleep :3
Impact on Andrepeth Amori:
Anonocons often consider wild Poogle Oogles more as an annoying pest than their domesticated counterparts. Although it is well documented fact that Oogles can be quite dangerous, they aren’t taken very seriously and being pricked by one can be easily dealt with. A wild Oogle making its way onto the busy streets is uncommon but not rare for Patrollers designated to keep such animals off the road. Their reputation is due to their large litters of baes, many have been reported Oogles being born en masse in a nearby forest, only for a hoard of them to raid the meat market and clean the entire stock - these opinions stem from the infuriated butchers and sellers who have to occasionally deal with their entire supply of goods being eaten in a matter of minutes. Down the line of their existence, Poogle Oogles have been domesticated and classified as exotic pets primarily owned by the rich.
This caused a lot of socioeconomic tension as although the domesticated Poogle Oogles present no harm to the butchers, seeing one is enough to make them mad. The rich are quite inconsiderate and are openly smug about their pets, some even proudly displaying them whilst in the meat market. Although butchers usually hold their tongue and bear it, there are few that go out of their way to target Poogles and will kill them, domesticated or not, if they manage to wrangle their way into their things or property.
They cannot swim. Any Poogle who accidentally slips into a body of water and cannot escape is a guaranteed death for them. How they manage to maintain their skin and fur’s cleanliness is called into question - that is through rain.
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latte-ella · 1 month
Bet 🗣️
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Solarisapien mention 🗣️🗣️🗣️
Im bored,,,, Gime ur ocs and I'll draw it! (You can suggest in the ask feature thingy or in the replies)
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latte-ella · 1 month
Welp seems that Cougar has turned a new leaf...
Props to him I guess
L cougar moment
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For the record, I am black.
Now these aren't my usual type of posts but just let me rant on my shit cuz this genuinely pissed me off.
Now I'm sure everyone and their mother heard of the drama between CougarMcDowell, how he prioritized making inappropriate content rather than the next update for the Tabi mod, which is now cancelled. I needn't give you an introduction but if you're really curious, do your own research.
This post is targeted at Cougar himself as I have a few choice words I need to get across to him, even if he never sees this, I just wanna get this off my chest.
Now drama in the FNF community is nothing short of new, neither is a mod getting cancelled (hell I worked on one that was cancelled, I'll show y'all my work another time) but the circumstances that led to the Tabi mod being cancelled pisses me off so much, as if it could've been easily avoided.
Now for context, CougarMcDowell is pretty infamous for his softcore porn-esque thumbnails and subjects he and other people voice act in rather suggestive comics or drawings. Thing is, he voices Tabi in the OG mod and even in the updated version (the one with better visuals and voice acting). Tomsky gave Cougar ownership of Tabi and asked him to take good care of him essentially, whilst still harboring a lot of care, as did a lot of people in the fandom did.
And what did he do? Make shit like this.
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A lot of these are comics that I've seen and to be honest, I couldn't help but have a sour taste in my mouth each time. Literally in the last image, Ayana is nude bro 💀
But the only reason why I kept going back was for stuff like this. The non-raunchy and overally sexual thumbnails.
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These thumbnails are flashy, fun, and colorful and have done a stellar job at catching my eye. I watched them and adored them because it didn't try to be something it wasn't. It also wasn't uncomfortably sexual, like why TF is Nikusa or Ayana always going some devious shit to Tabi? He looks violated in almost every one of them. Innuendo is one thing, seeing straight up porn on my YT recommendations is not.
Cougar, not EVERYTHING needs to be sexual.
If you wanna make a suggestive comic dub, fine, but don't advertise towards minors 💀. Content farming is known to be directed at children and what would you know, I've been getting your comics recommended to me ever since I was 15.
And even your team expressed to prioritize the mod instead of your channel and you managed to do the complete opposite. You didn't communicate and made it difficult to work with. Your job as a director is to help your team and work through their problems together, cuz that's how a team works.
When I watched your stuff, in my mind, I knew this shit was weird but I continued to make excuses but now that people are actually starting to point out this shit was weird, I'm confident enough to put together my opinion on you and your content.
Cougar, you're a wonderful voice actor and your role as Tabi was incredibly inspirational and impactful on not only me but others too. Even on your channel, I could tell you had skill, but even then, you're seriously holding yourself back.
I know this post is pretty messy, I just wanna throw up my thoughts a bit cuz this has been stewing and building up for days and I just needed an outlet. Anyways back to our scheduled programming, see y'all later 🤜🤛
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latte-ella · 1 month
L cougar moment
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For the record, I am black.
Now these aren't my usual type of posts but just let me rant on my shit cuz this genuinely pissed me off.
Now I'm sure everyone and their mother heard of the drama between CougarMcDowell, how he prioritized making inappropriate content rather than the next update for the Tabi mod, which is now cancelled. I needn't give you an introduction but if you're really curious, do your own research.
This post is targeted at Cougar himself as I have a few choice words I need to get across to him, even if he never sees this, I just wanna get this off my chest.
Now drama in the FNF community is nothing short of new, neither is a mod getting cancelled (hell I worked on one that was cancelled, I'll show y'all my work another time) but the circumstances that led to the Tabi mod being cancelled pisses me off so much, as if it could've been easily avoided.
Now for context, CougarMcDowell is pretty infamous for his softcore porn-esque thumbnails and subjects he and other people voice act in rather suggestive comics or drawings. Thing is, he voices Tabi in the OG mod and even in the updated version (the one with better visuals and voice acting). Homisky gave Cougar ownership of Tabi and asked him to take good care of him essentially, whilst still harboring a lot of care, as did a lot of people in the fandom did.
And what did he do? Make shit like this.
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A lot of these are comics that I've seen and to be honest, I couldn't help but have a sour taste in my mouth each time. Literally in the last image, Ayana is nude bro 💀
But the only reason why I kept going back was for stuff like this. The non-raunchy and overally sexual thumbnails.
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These thumbnails are flashy, fun, and colorful and have done a stellar job at catching my eye. I watched them and adored them because it didn't try to be something it wasn't. It also wasn't uncomfortably sexual, like why TF is Nikusa or Ayana always going some devious shit to Tabi? He looks violated in almost every one of them. Innuendo is one thing, seeing straight up porn on my YT recommendations is not.
Cougar, not EVERYTHING needs to be sexual.
If you wanna make a suggestive comic dub, fine, but don't advertise towards minors 💀. Content farming is known to be directed at children and what would you know, I've been getting your comics recommended to me ever since I was 15.
And even your team expressed to prioritize the mod instead of your channel and you managed to do the complete opposite. You didn't communicate and made it difficult to work with. Your job as a director is to help your team and work through their problems together, cuz that's how a team works.
When I watched your stuff, in my mind, I knew this shit was weird but I continued to make excuses but now that people are actually starting to point out this shit was weird, I'm confident enough to put together my opinion on you and your content.
Cougar, you're a wonderful voice actor and your role as Tabi was incredibly inspirational and impactful on not only me but others too. Even on your channel, I could tell you had skill, but even then, you're seriously holding yourself back.
I know this post is pretty messy, I just wanna throw up my thoughts a bit cuz this has been stewing and building up for days and I just needed an outlet. Anyways back to our scheduled programming, see y'all later 🤜🤛
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latte-ella · 1 month
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*kicks down door* guys holy FUCK
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latte-ella · 2 months
ALDRYX BABY BOY ARE YOU ALRIGHT???!!??!!! (⁠´⁠ε⁠`⁠ ⁠)
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latte-ella · 2 months
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I updated Atlas's Toyhouse page and you can read it here! I gotta smooth out Orion's lore before I can get into his and vice versa, just have a nice time reading the article for me, yea 🥰
Thanks for reading y'all (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥
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latte-ella · 2 months
Loinshurst v.s. Loinhurst
Lake Loinhurst is a lake used mainly for endurance training, regardless of who you will be in your adulthood, every Anonocon will have to endure the conditions of Lake Loinhurst within their youth.
The lake itself is rather supernatural compared to any other bodies of water on Andrepeth Amori; regular Anonocons are repelled by the water, making it a hard surface they are capable of walking on but cannot interact with. The disciples are the only ones capable of interacting and swimming within the lake itself, but this is highly restricted due to Loinhurst's nature.
Walking upon Loinhurst is not easy however, as the gravity drastically changes when on the surface and gradually, the pressure will become more and more intense. Training on the lake typically consists of sparring matches, balance, and endurance to how much one can stand the force of the lake before falling.
Loinshurst is the phenomenon where the lake Lake Loinhurst and the lake possess the exact dimension within the astral realm switch places. Whenever this happens, the slightest glance at the surface of the lake will place the viewer under a spell, compelling them to stare. They can no longer look away and if not interrupted from exterior disturbances (covering their eyes works best for breaking the spell), their physical and spiritual form will be transported into the astral realm. Once arriving, escape is unlikely but not impossible.
If one were to manage to escape the astral realm in time for Loinshurst to not have ended, they will be ostracized from their failure and be cast out.
Btw this is all still a WIP, along with my other world building posts, I'm still cooking, I just gotta take some time to create a solid universe.
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latte-ella · 2 months
Decided to redesign Cita's princess outfit and made some lore along the way, so stay along wontcha? :3
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Cita is the princess within Andrepeth Amori, a distant planet, and the next in line to become queen after her mother. Fashion typically on the planet is consistent with several layers of robes, tunics or just multiple articles of clothing. The same applies to royalty, but the fabrics are much better in terms of quality, along with adorning jewelry and fine accessories.
The finest of jewelry is applied to necklaces, bracelets, and, earrings. Circlets are this universe's ring and they function much differently on Andrepeth Amori than it does on earth. Rather than being placed on the fingers, it is placed upon the horns of the Anonocons, the inhabiting species of Andrepeth Amori.
Horn jewelry is strictly a sign of marriage and not an accessory to be taken lightly, if one were to desire to wear accessories on their horns, it would be a sort of fabric wrap or small article, perhaps some beads of rare jewels if you're rich enough but that's it to prevent confusion. Another bit of the culture of marriage itself is a veil; typical opaque but can be translucent, this is worn only by female Anonocons and is used to cover an area of their body before and after marriage; where it is up to the female to decide however but it is required. This can be ears, eyes, face, horns, hands, tails, etc.
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Fashion in Andrepeth Amori for men and women isn't very significant, men may wear skirts or robes or the sort that mimic the structure of female clothing. Andrepeth Amori is fairly female oriented, so men may be stuck with often feminine clothing. But they have their options; the bare chest isn't considered taboo, rather entirely acceptable at Andrepeth, but some sort of leg covering is. This makes walking around with bare breasts or pectorals out entirely acceptable. Along with that, men have longer robes and skirts than females and accessorize much more than them.
Either way this was pretty interesting to do, can't wait to do more world building >:0
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latte-ella · 2 months
What inclined me to remember her was the fact I drew some casual fits for her (which I also plan to do for my other olarisapien characters, thank you uwu💥)
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Well uh-
I forgot to post this but here it is! This is Sabeless, my Solarisapien OC. I actually made her before Orion and Atlas, so there ya go :0
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Funni slime lady. I wrote a whole ass toyhouse page for her and it completed so have fun reading that :)
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latte-ella · 2 months
Well uh-
I forgot to post this but here it is! This is Sabeless, my Solarisapien OC. I actually made her before Orion and Atlas, so there ya go :0
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Funni slime lady. I wrote a whole ass toyhouse page for her and it completed so have fun reading that :)
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latte-ella · 2 months
I made two more Solarisapien OCS for no fucking reason other than I'm dumb
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They serve no purpose other than kinda being some silly guys I made on a whim. These are just their concepts and I have yet to make their refs, although it'll be pretty loose and casual :P (at least hopefully)
Of course y'all know me, these fellas have them some LOREEEEE that I'm willing to share...only problem is that it isn't fully decided yet. I'm cooking, I promise, just give it some time. Their backstories are pretty interesting, despite it being in the drafts ok bye-bye
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latte-ella · 2 months
This could not be any more incorrect for me 😭
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Brother I shit myself when I talk to people and hope they don't find me weird 💀
which andromeda are you?
i made it i made the quiz!!!
@alex-dontknow @taterswithranch @hoodiehydra @shippin-my-sanses @k1rameki @flurriethefox @woody-dave @irenefandomsfan
there are 7 possible results you could get so if a question has 7 options each character gets 1. anyone who can correctly match each character(s) to their option in any question gets a bonus cookie 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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latte-ella · 2 months
Murder ragdoll 🎎
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This is Patsy Joan, a connoisseur in murder and fun! What could possibly go wrong?
I finna change up her design a little but this is just my display of her since I think she has a lot of potential to be a cool character
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latte-ella · 2 months
My b I'll change the tag then lmao 🤷‍♀️
Tears laced with cyanide burned as he was ignited into an unfaltering rage, flames growing and blooming in tandem to his grief. As he let out a mighty, despair-filled roar, the flames reached its climax, a stark white plastering his body, countering the deep skin he possessed.
His leader gazed upon him thoughtfully and placed his hand upon his shoulder, his eyes remaining a permanent scowl but a considerate one at best. "Stand down, soldier. I will deal with this myself." He hummed. His voice was the only thing that could quell his rage and despite it being a clear command, it had a purpose that served more than to achieve what they were created for.
Cavaderva blinked, the scalding heat wearing off, finally allowing the tears to stream from his eyes and down his face. Nur cocked an eyebrow, it wasn't in their programming to cry, let alone feel emotion, but perhaps living in this new, lively environment had changed something inside of him.
It was likely something in all of them that changed, as Nur began to feel the threads of sympathy stitch its way into his core.
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Nur is @sugarratio1 character and Cavaderva is mine :P
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