laughablefics · 2 years
Mother of the Year
Pairing - Steve Harrington x Reader
Word count: 1,840
In which you don’t give Steve Harrington a break in teasing him how he’s viewed as the overprotective mother on the group of kids nonstop. His final string has been pulled, and it does not end good for you.
This is a tickle fic. Please do not read if that’s not your thing.
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“You see, I can’t, because I promised I’d pick up the kids right after school.”
You lift up your wrist, seeing the watch nearing close to 3 o’clock. Whether he was just giving them a ride home, or because they asked him to give them a ride somewhere else after school knowing their own parents won’t, he will be missing movie night at Robin’s place.
“Right now we’re going to head to the store to pick up a few snacks. We won’t start the movie until night falls, you can still make it.” You reasoned, because when you go back to the group without Steve tagging along behind, Robin’s gonna have a field day when she finds out why.
You’re starting to as well, finding Steve be the new parental figure to the kids almost amusing. Too hard to not tease the poor guy who’s likely heard enough.
“Oooo, Yeah, no.” Steve says, fiddling the car keys in his hands. “It’s best I stick around with them so they won’t do any dumb shit, y’know?”
Whatever the kids were gonna be up to in fifteen minutes, you didn’t want to know. If it has Steve concerned, it gave away it’s probably no good. If you thought about it more, anything they do got Steve watching them like a hawk’s eye.
“Alright then. Make sure to give them motherly smooches on the cheek when they’re out for me, kay?” You grinned, waving goodbye as Steve flips you off before climbing into the car.
First string pulled.
You rip your eyes away from the Wolverine comic, looking to see Dustin carrying a heavy firework box covered with about fifty warning labels in black bold font. Clearly trying to catch the right peoples attention who knows what they’re doing when handling these bad boys.
“Can we?” Is all Dustin says to you, trailing your eyes to the box and back to him once more. You see Lucas trying to plead a yes from you with his gaze, Max behind the two of them with crossed arms, looking like she doesn’t have anything better to do.
“Is that all you guys came here to do? Snoop around my basement until you mistake something dangerous as a toy?” You scoff, but they all shared blank looks before shrugging.
“Yes or no?” Dustin asked again, but you nudged your head to Steve who’s sprawled on the couch watching Full House. “Go ask mom.”
Dustin rolls his eyes before making his way over, poking the side of Steve’s head with the box to gain his attention. “What?” Steve looks up at the three, turning the volume down a little.
“Can we light all of these outside?” Lucas points to the door that leads to the backyard.
“Specifically all at once.” Dustin adds.
Steve takes a single glance at the box then immediately shakes his head.
“No no, NO. Unless you kids like getting set on fire, why even bother asking me?” Steve snatches the box out of Dustin’s hands, standing up to put it back where they found it.
“Because Y/N told us to go ask mom.” Max said simply, causing you to silently giggle when you caught Steve quickly stopping to turn his direction towards you to hand the nastiest glare in his books.
Second string pulled.
“Give me your palm.” You place yours upright on the table, Steve’s resting on top as he seems a bit doubtful. Your new knowledge on palm reading was thanks to the morning newspaper, a journalist writing a small story of Hawkin’s opinions around the subject. Is it real? Is it fake and scammer fuel? You didn’t really care, you wanted to give it a go regardless.
“You know this stuff is fake, right?” Steve said but you shushed him, tracing his palm lines gently with closed eyes. You sense the suspicion in him, and honestly you had your own doubts too. You’re far from knowing what the hell you’re doing, not having a clue this existed until a few hours ago. The way you managed to convince Steve you practiced palm reading for a good couple of years baffled you.
Entertaining, even. This would be fun, you felt like you could make him truly believe you know what his future ahead of him holds in store.
You stopped the tracing. “You will pursue your dreams very soon, Steve. I see you doing what you love the most.”
Steve was practically on the edge of his seat. “And that is..?”
You put a bit of pressure on his palm, pretending to search deeper for the answer. To get a good view on his many dreams you claim you know so well.
“Daycare. Your dream job is Daycare.” You manage to answer in a serious tone, but the thin line of your lips to suppress a laugh is getting harder and harder by the growing silence.
Final string pulled.
You hear the chair legs skid across the floor, finally opening your eyes to see Steve rounding the table to leer down at you. You barely flinch, but you’d be lying if you say he didn’t look a little bit intimidating.
“What? Don’t like the answer? Maybe it’s not true, you see my palm reading can be a bit rusty— HEY!” You audibly shout from surprise when Steve tossed you over on his shoulder effortlessly.
“Steheve! What are you doing?” You giggled nervously, but grunted a bit when he dropped you on the soft cushions of the couch. He sat comfortably on your waist, grabbing one of your hands to trace his nails on your own palm lines, sending a ticklish sensation.
“Hmm, the future is telling me you’re gonna regret your words real soon. How, you might ask? Let me show an example.”
“That’s not how palm reading wor— eeEEHAHA!” Fast squeezes on your hips ripped a couple snorts from you, bringing a hand to cover the blush swarming on your warm cheeks.
This isn’t fair, you thought. First thing he does is go straight to your worst spot of all time? Doesn’t even go slow first either?
This is Steve Harrington, he never goes slow. Also noticing he’s a bit bothered you fooled him into believing you had the gift of seeing into the future, a drop of mercy won’t be shown anytime soon.
A minute goes by with those thumbs still drilling harshly onto your hips, never letting up so you can suck in the sweet air. You couldn’t believe you already felt tears sliding down your face, Steve choosing to ignore them.
“PLEHEASE! SOMEWHERE ELSE! GEHET OFF!” Bucking him off was out of the question, your strength compared to his was laughable. Putting more weight on his knees to become heavier nailed your coffin shut.
“Oh yeah? Give me one good reason why I should.” Steve asked, not a hint of sympathy showing in his tone. Although, he did stop in case you seriously thought you had a good reason to change spots. He’ll play fair, but it comes back to him to decide if he agrees or not.
“It’s my wohorst spot, Steve. I can’t hahandle it..” why bother pleading your case when this is seen as your punishment for never letting him breathe with all the mom jokes. Of course this isn’t the first time you both had tickle fights, but it barely lasted more than forty seconds before you two pulled yourselves together.
However, did you ever experience an understandably angry Steve ruthlessly tickling you to pieces? No, but now you have the right to say it’s terrifying.
Steve tsked, confident you had a much better excuse up your sleeve to get out of this situation. “That just makes me want to stay longer.”
Fingers finding your hip bones once more, rubbing small circles which you learned drives you completely insane. The death grip on his wrists to stop his swift movements did you no justice, and obviously not the weak punches aimed at his chest either.
You felt like you entered the gates of heaven when those wiggly fingers eventually left your hips alone, blessing your lungs with a whiff of air. “Have we learned anything today?” Steve showed off a smug smirk, prideful he’s gotten you in a mess so quickly.
The amount of energy you’ve been rewarded back made you lift up your head, staring closely into his eyes that your noses almost touched.
“Why so mad, momma bear?”
A ear piercing squeal came out next, a pinch being set on every individual rib of yours. “Looks like we haven’t.” Steve sighed disappointedly, but your wild thrashing and incoherent giggly begs made him smile nonetheless.
After pinching every rib for two rounds, he sticked to digging on your stomach without warning. One thing Steve enjoys doing when tickling people is watch them get startled over him randomly switching spots out of the blue. Priceless reactions.
“Jeez, I feel like this tickles horribly.” Steve acts remorseful, but the scratching fingers heading to both of your sides dishes out his true intentions. “Is this any better?”
You never wanted to get revenge on someone so badly until now. Damn him, because there’s no spot on your body that eases the tickling. He’s aware.
“I’m SOHOHORY!” You managed to say between your cackles, Steve raising a questionable brow.
“Are you?” He stops, but not entirely. Steve plants pokes all over your torso to keep you busy giggling.
“Yehes! Oh my gohod, stohohop!” You try to block every poke but when you do it results in Steve giving your neck a quick skitter.
“Hmmm…” Steve obnoxiously hummed, resting both of his hands on top of your stomach to help him sit up straight. Either way, it made you flinch hard. 
“I want you to say you’re very sorry for being rude to your most handsome friend in the group for no reason, and that you’re a total idiot for thinking your teases wouldn’t have consequences.”
You blinked. “Steve—“
A tweak to the side cut you off. “I’m waiting.”
You gave him a tiny glare, not making eye contact as you said your scripted apology. “I’m sorry for being rude to you for no reason.” That alone is satisfying for you, but apparently not to Steve since he did not budge.
You audibly groaned. “And I’m a idiot for thinking my words won’t receive consequences! There, now get off.”
At last, Steve got off. You slowly sit up, putting the loose strands back in the correct places due to all the thrashing earlier. You watch him head to the kitchen, searching the cabinets for something to fill both of your now grumbling bellies.
You go up behind him all innocently. “So what’s for dinner, mom?”
Needless to say, laughter rang around the house a second time. Steve learned from the beginning that he will, in fact, never hear the end of the mom jokes. Does it stop him to tickle the snot out of anybody who teases him about it regularly, though? No, no it doesn’t.
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laughablefics · 4 years
Wake Up Call [Yamaguchi, Sugawara, Tsukishima]
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A/N: So, so sorry for the wait! I hope you like it, @wertzunge​
Words: 1,558
‘I won’t serve to the Libero. I won’t serve to the Libero!’ Yamaguchi chanted to himself as he prepared to toss the ball into the air and send it over the net. Up it went, up he went, and down went his hand on the ball, sending it wobbling over the dividing net, to the other side of the court, and… directly into Nishinoya’s solid defensive stance. Again. Of course. He sighed, dropping his arms to his sides just before coach Ukai blew his whistle signifying the end of practice.
Back in the club room, Yamaguchi had chanced out of his practice cloths and had been collecting his things into his bag when Sugawara suddenly clapped him on the back.
“Hey, Yamaguchi, you alright? You haven’t seemed like yourself today,” he said, calmly, eyes warm as they searched his Kohai’s own.
“What- Y-yeah. Fine. Just preoccupied in thought, I guess.”
“What are you so worried about, Tadashi? You just started, after all,” Tsukishima suddenly spoke up from the corner as he himself was preparing to leave.
“Hmn?” Sugawara hummed.
“Tsuki…” Yamaguchi whined, face contorted into a slight pout.
“Hang on… what’s up?” asked Sugawara, looking between the two of them.
“He’s stressing about his jump float serve. It hasn’t been going well, so now he’s moping,” he finished, poking his friend in the ribs. Yamaguchi jolted at this and, quickly turned his face away from his two teammates and attempting to hide the dusting of pink that had suddenly tinged his cheeks.
“Moping, huh?” the oldest tsked, a sly grin creeping onto his features. “That’s no good, Tadashi.” Sugawara leaned against the lockers, crossing his arms over his chest and sizing Yamaguchi up. Tadashi withered. “You can’t just become a pro overnight, ya know. Give yourself a break.”
“I-I know, but… everyone else is improving so fast or already has something special about them, so I don’t have any room to slack off. I have to get this right. The tournament’s not far off…” Yamaguchi worried.
“You’re your own self, Tadashi. Stop being an idiot,” Tsukishima berated.
Keep reading
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laughablefics · 4 years
author’s note: Hey anon! Here’s the headcanons you asked for! Now I know you didn’t specifically asked for what he’s like as a lee/ler, but these are how I do them so I hope you don’t mind! Also, it gives me an excuse to write more! Besides, Ushijima is underrated so I’m so thrilled somebody requested for him :) 
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• Okay first off
• When you met him in person, automatically noticing that intimadating look he always have,
• you gotta admit he looked a teensy bit scary
• So you didn’t even TRY to tickle him, not even the “oops my fingers accidentally brushed by” trick
• So for a long period of time you didn’t know if he was ticklish or not
• So you judged by looks, and thought he was immune by them
• how wrong you were
• well, half wrong
• it seems he can hold in his upcoming laughter for a few minutes
• He will at first look so unbothered by your skittering fingers
• “Are you done now?”
• that only made you more determined to find that one spot that can hopefully AT LEAST put a small smile on his face
• that’s when he shivers
• His neck! Winner winner winner!
• Your fingers linger there for awhile
• trying new techniques
• squeezing the side of his neck, using your nails, blow air or whisper
• that got you a small gasp
• deep giggles start to pour
• Finally, am I right?
• Can make anyone melt into a puddle
• Such a blessing sight to see
• That blessing was short-lived though, he then proceeds to hide it
• that can be taken care of
• Since you targeted his sensitive neck, it seems that everywhere you poke now gives you a lil jump here and there
• By the time you’re satisfied with your attack, that sudden glare targeted at you is bone chilling
• Maybe you regret having your fun
• Ushijima rarely tickles anybody
• A teasing poke from him is once in a lifetime
• “Tickles? Now why would anybody want that to happen to them?”
• If you ever get a poke from him, it’s most likely him reminding you to stay in your place
• Now you need to tell me how you got him to really tickle you
• And if you’re still alive or not
• This man is HELLA competitive
• Don’t forget about his confidence
• If you somehow find yourself in a tickle fight with him
• better start praying
• It won’t end till he has the upper hand
• So it’s best to give up immediately
• wtf is his fingers so SKILLED FOR-
• It’s like he knows extactly the right tactic to get you on the verge of tears from laughing too hard
• What’s the downside on all of this is he speaks what is on his mind
• Which can turn out very tactless and rude
• “You’re seriously this ticklish? I’d be so ashamed of myself.”
• “Get ahold of yourself, I refuse to believe someone can be this sensitive on their sides.”
• “No longer fun when you’re getting your own taste of your medicine, is it? So I advise you to stop playing around.”
• Ushijima please, we only do it to see that frown disappear
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laughablefics · 4 years
author’s note: Thanks to the anon for sending in my first request! I am more than happy to give you the headcanons you need! :)
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• He definitely gives off intense thrashing vibes
• You’d only think he’s ticklish in certain areas
• He IS a tickle spot
• Put a hand too close to his side, you’ll already have him sweating bullets
• The anticipation can already kill him
• You’ll have to find the jackpot to get that hyena laugh forced out of him
• For now, it’s just uncontrollable giggles and cackles
• If you tickle him alone, you might want to get another person to help
• Because he will NOT hold back when escaping
• His sides? Very.
• His ribs? Extremely.
• His underarms? Bingo.
• His knees? A kick to the face.
• That is, if you aren’t fast enough to get out of the way
• Saying the word ‘tickle’ will only make him more sensitive
• Along with teases, absolutely will tell you to shut up
• Has he even heard of the word ‘gentle’?
• Revenge is all he will set his mind to when you’re finished tickling him
• He WON’T hold back
• Sneak attacks are for sure his thing
• Attacks you when you least expect it
• The sight of seeing you jump followed by a squeak gets him snickering
• For some odd reason, he can already find out your death spot in one go
• This man won’t care if there’s people around you
• He will sneak a poke here and there
• Cue you flushing in embarrassment that amuses him
• Soft tickles? Not in his dictionary
• Can drive you to silent laughter in less than 5 minutes
• which is terrifying
• Don’t get me started on his teases
• He acts completely dumb
• “Mind sharing what’s so funny? I wanna know! I wanna know!”
• “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m not doing anything.”
• “I’ll only quit it if you stop laughing.”
• “Well you seem to be laughing up a storm, which means you want me to continue, right?”
• I hate him
• Once he finds out your ticklish, he will tell EVERYONE
• Curse you, Kuroo
• He also uses tickles as a threat
• You don’t want to practice with him?
• wiggles his fingers
• Then you suddenly change your mind and fetch a volleyball
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laughablefics · 4 years
hi! Thanks for checking my account out!
So I recently discovered that there is in fact blogs that write tickle fics for Haikyuu. So this got me really excited and hyped, because first of all I ADORE Haikyuu with all my heart. Second of all,
I love to write. So KNOWING that there’s people on here that write Haikyuu fics, specifically TICKLE fics, (which I’m a total sucker for) makes my heart swell. So boom, this dumb account was born.
So! I will like to say I’m more good at doing headcanons than fics, even though I just mentioned I love to write. Right now, I’m trying to find who I’m vibing more with, and who I can stay in-character the most with when I’m about to write. May I add, don’t let that stop you from sending a prompt!! I would LOVE to write it out for you no matter what. This is a heads up though!
I do in fact watch OTHER animes, but I’m currently into Haikyuu at this very moment. Will definitely write for others in the near future.
to wrap it all up, my inbox is open for requests, headcanons, or to simply talk to me about them with scenarios you can surely see happening! Also, I’m up for making friends on here too! No fun being lonely.
Thanks for stopping by!
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laughablefics · 4 years
Me every night checking for new tickle fics..
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laughablefics · 4 years
When season 2 of Umbrella academy comes out watch me post 5 fics in one day.
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laughablefics · 4 years
Search and Pester
Summary: Diego’s knives are stolen and he is determined to get them back by any means necessary, including wrecking his brother. Sequel to Rise of the Stache.
Anon: prompt; five steals Diego’s knives and hides them somewhere. queue Diego on a hunt to discover who it was and when it’s fives turn to be interrogated he feigns innocence perfectly. He gets a pat down by his brother (he used to be a cop you know) and in between involuntarily gets squirmy cos it tickles (and trys to hide it). Diego figures out soon enough it’s because he’s ticklish and chaos ensues!! (And With that being his punishment for stealing 😉)
On any given day, it was likely that Diego was angry about something, but this was a new level of rage. To be fair, he was at the end of his rope.
The last two weeks had been hell. 
Klaus was still on his pranking spree, completely unsatisfied with just one victim. After tormenting Five, he decided to focus on Diego, messing with him in very specific and unbearable ways. Klaus tied together the laces on each pair of Diego’s shoes, both in the mansion and his apartment, making it impossible to walk without face-planting for days. He filled a mayo jar with vanilla pudding and ate out of it, knowing full well how much Diego hated mayonnaise and would rather walk on hot coals than be in the same room with it.
Keep reading
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laughablefics · 5 years
Did I just rise from the dead? What’d I miss :)
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laughablefics · 5 years
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laughablefics · 5 years
Just wanna say thanks for 104 followers!! That’s so much since I hoesntly started not too long ago. I appreciate every single one of you! 😤💓✨
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laughablefics · 5 years
Maybe 4 with lee!vanya and ler!klaus? xo
Drabble Prompts | Still accepting! 
“Thanks for mentioning that little detail.”
“Careful, I’m a bit ticklish.” Vanya casually said, not realizing how you can’t just spill that out around the academy and not expect a few attacks coming your way. 
Klaus blinked in small shock, but quickly replaced the expression with a smirk they see a bit too much. Vanya was lured into playing another game, but this time only with him. “We use to play this game sometimes when we were young, I liked it more than Allison.” She remembered him saying, a classic fashion show. Vanya could see the fun in dressing however you want without being judged, better than wearing a uniform everyday. She immediately explored the box filled with accessories, glasses to wacky colored wigs to necklaces that are a little tangled up, all looking like they haven’ t been touched in years. And it hasn’t. 
Klaus has only fixed a small flaw on her belt that he suggested for her to wear, not planning to hear a small stifled giggle after a flinch. 
“Thanks for mentioning that little detail.”
He took some notes while leaving gentle pokes on the sides and a small skitter on the stomach, Vanya laughing freely while slowly backing away, but Klaus just follows her with a lighthearted grin. So far, her ribs seems to give Klaus a great reaction, her stomach coming in second place. It only lasted for a minute or two though, Vanya still pretty new to the sensation so she can’t put up with it for very long. “Thanks for the attack that you didn’t warn me of.” 
“You're welcome. I've learned something new today that can come in handy thanks to you.”
Vanya gave off a scoff, a thought suddenly coming to mind. 
“Hey Klaus, are you maybe ticklish as well?”
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laughablefics · 5 years
If it’s not too much to ask, some combination of 18 32 & 35 with Klaus, Diego & Five?
Drabble Prompts | Still accepting!
“I’m not a sadistic, I just like making you suffer!”
“You called for backup?”
“But I thought you liked this?”
A commotion happened in the academy, nobody really paying attention to the sudden noise as if it was normal to hear a ruckus throughout the day. Their minds only formed two names that are responsible for the cacophony, Klaus and possibly Diego. Five rarely has been seen wandering around the place, stopping for a fresh drink or two and that’s about it. To see his siblings every once in awhile for some innocent bonding time? Haha. 
“Why this!? Why always resulting to tickling!? Do you know how- eah! childish that sounds?” There’s no point in trying to reason with Klaus while being stuck in a situation like this, especially if he finds it entertaining. Klaus could care less if it looked childish or not. Besides, he always thought he was doing Five a small favor in doing so. Five know damn well it ends like this when saying a nasty remark or arguing about something unnecessary, so why didn’t he just simply stop? Yeah, they wonder too. 
“You called for backup?” Diego’s voice can be heard saying when entering the room, Seeing Klaus hugging tightly a desperate struggling Five from the behind. He realized quick what this was all about, now knowing right away the purpose of his job for this type of thing. Shaking his head in slight disappointment, he couldn’t help but wonder what insult it was that Five used. “Alright, what did you say this time?”.
“Absolutely nothing! I was speaking my mind, and baham! I’m suddenly being attacked! You two ahahahare ridiculous!” Five managed to say with poking fingers on his lower ribs, biting his lip to restrain from giving the reaction Klaus is waiting for. Diego decides to sit out on this one, feeling pretty guilty that Five has to put up with this all the time he ‘visits’. One day, he’ll come to his senses and won’t show up anymore for that. “Lessons will soon be learned!” Klaus peeps in, finding his hips to squeeze gently as a small hangout spot for now. 
“You're a complete sadistihihic! How will ‘lessons be learned’ if I mysehehelf can’t figure out what wrong I did?” Once again with the game Five seems to commonly play, being clueless at his actions. Wouldn’t the consequence of it be more tickling for him? Sure would, so that big hint wasn’t hard for Diego or Klaus to miss. “I’m not a sadistic, I just like making you suffer!”. With a couple more torturing rib poking and squeezes to the slight pudgy stomach, Five is having enough.
“But I thought you liked this?” Diego said with a quirked brow, looking over at Klaus to see if he thought the same thing. Blush rising to the tips of Five’s ears, he shook his head rapidly in denial. They already dream of the day when Five will admit to the truth that their siblings are all aware about, but it seemed that day will never exist knowing him. 
Okay, maybe a bit of bonding time with his siblings is half the reason he enjoys the affection. 
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laughablefics · 5 years
2+39 with Steve & the kids cause he doesn’t wanna play d&d? Love ya!
Drabble Prompts | Still accepting!  
“How long will this take?”
“I’d call this kidnapping if you won’t let me go right now.”
Steve has played dungeons and dragons before, but the reason for him denying to play this time was, no not because he always makes the wrong decision, but well….Actually, does he really need a good reason not to play? When it first came out, it was the talk of Hawkins for awhile. Every single kid to an adult you knew at least tried playing it once, more likely getting addicted at the end. So it was rather strange when Steve denied their offer for him to join them. 
“Geez, when did Steve ever become so lame?” Mike can be heard saying, a couple of nods of agreements but Steve scoffed, thinking he did some pretty neat stuff in the past that he wouldn’t consider ‘lame’ at all. “He’s always been lame, Mike. Pretty sure this reason to not play is already calling him a big loser.” Dustin said with a small eyeroll at the end.
“Hey, I don’t recall coming here to only get attacked by a bunch of kids, And I’m most certainly not lame nor a loser.”  Steve stated which only got some of the kids to giggle in response, not believing him until he actually proves it. “If you mean what you said with your words, then just play with us.”
A few more no’s and small arguments, it gotten to the point where they decided it wouldn’t hurt to force the poor young adult to play. More because Steve started upstairs to leave Mike’s basement, but they didn’t wasted a second to get him in time. A few hands grabbing his wrists, Dustin wrapping his arms around Steve’s torso to pull him down, attempting mostly. Now, Steve could easily get them all off in no time, but in fear he would accidentally hurt them he rather play weak instead. “I’d call this kidnapping if you won’t let me go right now.”
It was all fun and games until Dustin definitely not on purpose lightly squeezed his sides, it’s when Steve thought maybe it wouldn’t hurt to struggle out a bit. They of course knew Steve is ticklish, how couldn’t they know after all the hangouts they had? And it certainly wasn’t hard to miss that noticeable squeal that makes you think a girl was suddenly in the room, which they all shared their laughs at but Steve wasn’t at all amused. “Okay, do that again and I’ll change my mind about playing with you guys.” Mike shrugged, finding the idea of just poking Steve and making him into a squeaky mess sounds more entertaining than dungeon and dragons right now. Dustin smirked in return, a small mischievous glint in his eyes. “Great, either this or the game. You choose.”
“How long will this take?” A very impatient Will had said, tapping his foot on the wooden tile with crossed arms, watching them the whole entire time. Times like these where he would’ve just let Steve take off and not worry about it, only hoping he will play another time. 
In the end with a few more playful pokes to poor Steve’s sensitive sides and ribs, they eventually dragged him down to play whether he liked it or not. Steve had a nice time with the kids anyways, as always. Though next time he’s about to start denying their requests, he’ll think back on this particular day and just agree along.
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laughablefics · 5 years
Feel free to send me some for Drabble prompts! Fandoms in the tags :)
More Tickle Fic Prompts~!
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Back in the game guys with a new list!<3 Send me a number (or more numbers if you want some combined) + pairing (romantic/platonic) if you would like me to write you a fic. Always mention NSFW if you want it or it’ll be SFW standard:)
“Sorry, can’t help you.”
“How long will this take?”
“I’ve never done this before.”
“Thanks for mentioning that little detail.”
“Well that looks promising!”
“I can’t believe I did that.”
“That’s against the rules.”
“I will not repeat what I just said.”
“…No. I mean yes!”
“Surely you don’t remember that.”
“I suggest we run.”
“I licked it.”
“It’s okay. You can touch me here.”
“Don’t make me come get you.” 
“This is not what we agreed on!” 
“We should head back to the party.” 
“How did you get in?”  
“I’m not sadistic, I just like making you suffer!”
 “I wasn’t even tickling you.”
“That’s not what I meant!” 
“Liar liar pants on fire!”
“There’s only one bed.” 
“Keep your eyes open.” 
“It’s just a scratch.” 
“Please come back to bed.”
“Don’t tell me you’re ticklish here too.”
“I’m yours, in every way possible.” 
“Did you just…? Stop that!”
“I just want to help you relax.”
“Did I stutter?”
“What even happened last night?”
“You called for backup?”
“Oh? You want me to tickle you that badly?”
“You’re not stuck. We are stuck!”
“But I thought you liked this?”
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.” 
“You can’t even call that a tickle fight.”
“Let’s play doctor.” 
“I’d call this kidnapping if you won’t let me go right now.”
“Phew, they’re gone. So… Where were we?”
“I thought you were seducing me?”
“Maybe explain why you went missing for six hours straight.”
“You can’t leave me like this.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“Are you scared?”
“It’s okay, I still love you.”  
“Just come down… I promise I won’t do anything. ”
“You can trust me, it’s alright. Just don’t trust him that’s all.”
“Alright but make it quick.”
“We could do this everyday.”
(also feel free to reblog for own use^^<3)
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laughablefics · 5 years
“I know how to have fun, Klaus.” “Then prove it.” Said brother challenges immediately, a shine in his eye that Five takes note of as he gives the other a surprised once-over.
“…” Five knows he’s being baited. He knows it, and Klaus knows that he knows it.
But damn him to hell, he’ll never leave a challenge unsettled. 
With a roll of his shoulder, Five readjusts so that he’s facing Klaus head on, voice level. “Name your game.”
Words: 3675
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laughablefics · 5 years
This fic literally made me melt into a puddle of goo 😔 👊🏻💓
A Weird Situation
Fandom: MCU
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker (don’t tag as ship)
Summary: Tony notices that Peter doesn’t share as many things with him anymore; specifically why he won’t stop poking him even though Tony isn’t beneath tickling him back.
A/N: Based on this prompt. This took me approximately 55 year to finish, so I hope you like it! I tried to tweak it a bit to not make it too similar to my Spider-Verse fic that has the the same concept.
Words: 1 849
Throughout the years of their mentorship turned friendship turned sort of a father-son type of bond, Tony watched as Peter became more and more comfortable around him. It was fascinating, watching someone who so obviously wanted to impress him relax enough to not always put up a front. Peter went from endless phone calls each time he’d done something - a desperate need for validation - to Tony finding out about his achievements from May or even Ned. The Spidey ones he usually told him himself, for obvious reasons, but the life ones? He never bragged. Never felt as if he had to anymore. Tony felt a bit sad about that.
“May told me you got an A on your chem test,” he said one evening, the two of them fixing up some malfunctions to one of the latest Spider-Man suits.
Peter looked up with a grin. “I did.”
“And why wasn’t I aware of this?”
“Why should you be?”
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