lauho5-blog · 6 years
“Overthinking is the biggest cause of our unhappiness. Keep yourself occupied. Keep your mind off things that don’t help you.”
— Unknown
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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Daily reminder!
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
how to treat yourself on a low budget
what to do after a long day
how not to be hard on yourself
staying healthy while studying
how to deal with mental illness
feel better masterpost
hygiene/beauty masterpost | my make up masterpost | make up masterpost | simple steps for perfect make up | more make up tips
6 ab moves 
hair oil benefits
what is your acne telling you?
masterpost for rough times
the sex ed your parents didn’t give you
head to toe self care
blow job tips
limits of the human body
when to change your toothbrush, workouts etc
useful hoe tips
shaving your vagina
foods that fix everything
22 less difficult ways to practise self care
self care wheel
bad habits and how to break them
stop biting nails
stop procrastinating 
stop skipping breakfast
stop cracking knuckles
stop falling asleep late
boost your confidence
list of stress relievers
remove a splinter
smoothie masterpost
morning yoga
hair masterpost
self care masterpost
period hacks | alleviate menstrual cramps
sounds to soothe anxiety | another tip
what to eat before you run
self care infographic 
study guide for health (basic first aid, healthy hobbies etc)
a+ self care advice | more lovely advice
coping skills
feeling sad?
7 ways to say ‘no’
what to do with food poisoning
self talk to end obsessions
self care ideas/tips
other cheat sheets
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
7 Self Improvement Tips
1. Start today
2. Choose small, short term goals
3. Put one step in front of the other
4. Go easy on yourself
5. Expect to encounter setbacks
6. Keep on going
7. Expect to succeed.
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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29/100 days of productivity (25.2.2018)
Finnish essay and physics day.. save me…
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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Room details.
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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Sometimes you just need dinos.
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
Starving but I can’t eat
Exhausted but I can’t sleep
Mourning but I can’t cry
I just keep wondering why why why
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0 notes
lauho5-blog · 6 years
D is for dashing, handsome and sunny.
A is for admirable, strong and funny.
N is for noble, he always had time.
I is for irreplaceable. One of a kind.
E is for ethereal. Too good for this place.
L is for love that won’t be erased.
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
So, we want to get this thing going. We’re thinking sometime very soon.
We being Mike and Tommy.
I know we already asked this, but what day would work the best for you guys? Where do you think we should do this thing? We want to stick to somewhere close enough to Grand Rapids where people can get together easily and not have to waste a ton of gas–but of course, carpools are always encouraged even if you don’t know the people you’re carpooling with.
We have it in our heads that a bowling alley could work really well (you know, because then people can drink and bowl and be awesome), but that, of course, depends on the day.
Please reblog and let us know and spread the word to all who you think would be interested (mind you, they should probably have a Tumblr given that this is a Tumblr meet up). Also, free free to IM Mike (mikerapin) and bother him with ideas.
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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The GVSU ones are drawings I did for the school paper I’ve been hired as an artist for the school paper!
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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I never wanna leave this sunset town
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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My happy noodle ❤️
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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Time management
prioritize the important stuff first
as much as possible, have a time limit for each task. plan your time wisely.
track down your deadlines, so you know which task to do first
try some time management apps
learn how to say “no”
when in group projects, delegate + set deadlines for your groupmates
wake up earlier
go offline, try not to be distracted
finish the least favorite task or the hardest task first
break up your tasks/homework into chunks. once you’re done with one chunk, cross it off
each day, review some class notes + try to get the key information. On weekends, study + revise.
don’t be shy to ask help
for exams + tests, study + review weeks before the scheduled date. this gives you enough time to process the information instead of just cramming it the day or night before the exam
don’t aim for perfection. this might pressure you even more. instead, aim on giving your best in each task/project
start a planner/to-do list/bujo
clean out the junk out of your bag once a week
reorganize your work space
toss old school notes from the past year, if you know you won’t be using them anymore
throw out pens that no longer work
keep a binder with you. immediately slip important papers inside so they won’t get crumpled in your bag
write down homework/tasks you need to do as soon as you get them
delete old files in your phone/laptop
choose the right friends
don’t get caught up on school drama
make time for your family + friends
don’t feel pressured to do this or that if you know you don’t what to
go on a social media detox if you think everything is getting out of hand/if you start comparing yourself to others/if you think it’s getting unhealthy for you already
reach out to friends or to people
download/get a budget app
track your savings
don’t spend on anything you know you don’t need
save up for something that is high quality + that will last a long time
be wary to whom you lend your money to
stretch after studying a couple of hours
drink water/tea instead of sugary drinks/sodas
brush your teeth
try an exercise routine when you have the time
stock up on healthy snacks
go for a walk
try a green smoothie/fruit smoothie
Mental health
dump every thought/feeling you have on a journal
if you feel overwhelmed, you could tell your parents, a friend or your guidance counselor
try to quiet the negative talk you give yourself sometimes + replace that with good thoughts
know that there are people out there who are or who have gone through the same things you’re going through
know that you don’t need to compare yourself to others, blossom in your own pace
form a stronger group of friends + connect with close family members
avoid alcohol + excessive drug abuse
give yourself a break after hours of studying
set an alarm + have an energizing nap
warm drinks will calm you
read a book / try a coloring book
watch YouTube videos
make a relaxing Spotify playlist
Self Care
have a shower, you’ll feel super refreshed afterwards
skincare routine
go on a short day trip
indulge on a sweet treat
drink some water. I like to add a tsp of apple cider vinegar
try not to think bad thoughts about yourself
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
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Is Back-to-School aesthetic a thing? I’ve always been obsessed with school supplies.
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lauho5-blog · 6 years
forgive yourself. whether you fail a test, eat too many cookies, say the wrong thing, fail a class, or spend a whole day in bed — learn to forgive yourself. the next day will be better. the next day will be a day closer to your next success. you can do it.
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