laurelgavaris · 3 years
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
— location: sol dance studio — date and time: monday night, 10pm — availability: closed | @sbodden​​
It was after the end of her shift. Laurel remained over the studio, texting her friend to meet her over there. It was the place Laurel would meet her coven as well as the place in which she kept the amulets promised to Sofia’s pack. It was the least she could do after everything the Boddens and the people in the pack meant for Laurel. Despite all of Anselmo’s efforts to raise Laurel differently, she became someone close to Marisol. Willing to help, wanting to be her best version for herself and others. 
“I hope this will do the trick, I’m certain it’ll make you feel less nervous about those that are experiencing the full moon for the first time. But if you think we should make a few changes in this spell, I’ll gladly do so, you know that.” Laurel smiled. 
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
briony ahn​:
Even though she loved the outdoors, she didn’t go to the beach all that often. Briony wasn’t ashamed of her body or her scars, but she didn’t like getting too much sand on herself. Something about the sight of sand all over just bothered her. So as she sunbathed, she made sure to stay on her beach blanket. She was just about done with her backside when she heard Laurel. Carefully, she turned and sat up. “Well…” She looked over at Laurel. “It depends… What kind of crowd or vibe do we want to attract? I don’t mind nightclubs. I love the dancing.”
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“But we could go to a lounge if we want to be a level more dressy…Or do we want something dangerous or exciting?” Briony wasn’t really sure what to suggest, but anything could be better than nothing and eventually something would stick. 
"Uhn-- it’s not really that much about the crowd, I think it’s mostly about the drinks? I could use a place that’s able to make a nice mojito. Or, at least, one that has stronger tequila than most nightclubs or bars that I’ve headed to ever since moving here,” it was an issue. She missed a few brands that she always assumed they were only back in Mexico. Maybe it was too expensive to export? She didn’t know, she had never researched it. “I just want to have some fun with you.”
And fun usually gave her the chance to ignore worries inside her mind. Besides, all the pain and ache she had felt in the past once her ex — if she could call him that — had simply disappeared. Alcohol was a great manner to cloud those thoughts. “Dangerous. Definitely dangerous. We deserve to feel the thrill of it all, don’t we? I won’t say that I’m the best when it comes to choosing where to head because I’m usually heading to the same bars and restaurants, but... I could change that for one evening. Get to know a new place, new people...”
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
topher romijn​:
The hug was the perfect length, not too long and short enough to feel meaningful at least. They were content with it. It wasn’t something that might happen a whole lot of more times, but given the time span between them leaving and returning, it was okay. It seemed to do a whole lot for Laurel after all. 
They followed, familiar enough with the place from the few months they had worked there to know where Laurel’s office was and to know what was behind each door. Topher nodded as Laurel stated she was also not that hungry. A snack sounded good, but they weren’t sure what snack they felt like. 
They blushed just a little bit when Laurel spoke again, pushing their lips together in an awkward notion, but the corners of their eyes had turned upwards a bit. They were smiling because it was sweet and nice to be wanted, but affection was always going to feel a little awkward. 
“That sounds good,” they said in response to going out and doing a picture together, they liked the vegan place Laurel had taken them to the last time, and they liked the park, but they decided not to make suggestions and see where Laurel wanted to go to, unless if she asked that was. 
“I did,” they said in response. “It was colder and rainier than in Astoria. And sometimes people talked in French, but other than that, it was fun studying something.”
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“Good, good! We could always recreate our first ‘date’ back when we went to Eat Fresh? Unfortunately I can’t go today or else I’d definitely leave the studio right now and head there. I just love their food so freaking much,” there was an emphasis in her last sentence. Laurel was a big fan of that restaurant, it was one of her favorite ones in the city.
And then, attempting to be silent for a couple of seconds, Laurel merely watched as they would share a bit about their experience outside of Nova Pangaea, which was a delight to hear about.
Though, it was hardly something people would notice back in the day as her father didn’t allow Laurel to have her own voice, she’s the kind of person that will, naturally, care about others and hope for their happiness. So, the fact that Topher was able to do something for their life and create new memories was an important act in Laurel’s perspective. 
“That’s fancy. I don’t know anything in french, but good to know if I’m ever to head there. And I’m glad you were able to study something you like. Did you get a job after moving back here?”A question mostly to be sure that Topher was doing well. Or as good as they could, at the moment. “I’m sorry, it’s just-- I missed you and I feel like asking so many questions!”
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
Laurel was rarely one of the last to leave, but this time she had cancelled her yoga class to deal with a few things behind the curtains. All the document she needed to mail to her accountant and a few others tasks prior to finally heading back home.
A couple of minutes after one of the few teachers still at the studio said goodbye to Laurel, she was finally heading outside when she noticed him. Laurel wasn’t expecting Zakary. It seemed that after everything that had happened they had been avoiding each other, or a big city had been doing its trick of keeping people far from bumping into another. Either way, the sight of Zakary made her wonder what he wanted in the first place. Opening the door, arching her eyebrow, she felt a simple sentence leaving her mouth before she would ever share the question that was echoing inside her mind. “I’m about to leave-- can I help you with something?”
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WHERE: Sol Dance Studio WHEN: thursday afternoon WITH @laurelgavaris​
Zhyan took a deep breath, worry and nerves rolling down his skin, his heart beating loudly in his chest. But he wanted this? Right? He hadn’t been in a coven for over a year now, and he was getting worried about his own safety, especially around full moons. He always just missed the company of other witches. Yet, Laurel’s coven should be the last coven he contacted, with everything that had happened, with what had almost happened to her because of him. Sure, if not for him she might also be dead, but that didn’t cancel out the other. He was still responsible. He shouldn’t be asking her for favours.
But he still stepped into the dance studio close to closing time, hoping to catch her before she went home. Hoping to at least ask the question, even if he expected a no. He had enough control over his magic now, or so he thought.
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
— location: myriad beach — date and time: saturday afternoon — availability: closed | @brionyahn​​
The racing heartbeat that functioned remotely close to an alarm clock whenever she’d be presented with nightmares that reminded her of the place she used to call home, hardly dissipated during her attempt of pretending she had been able to surpass the situation effortlessly. Yet, alone in her room — at least, some of those nights —, gave her the chance of leaving her nightmares behind the door in a tidy room. Sometimes when it was harder to forget it, despite all of those years, the witch would find herself seeking to occupy her mind in the company of a friend, which, time time, it’d be Briony.
Hours passed by, and the so-called golden hour soon would start to gently touch her skin while behind sunglasses Laurel appreciated the beautiful view of the beach in front of her.
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“I was thinking about our plans for the night, do you have anything in mind?” She questioned, arching an eyebrow and motioning her head to look towards Briony. “Maybe we could head to a nightclub or anything that allows me to have a drink and dress up nicely. You know... change our outfits for the night and look incredibly stunning as we can always look. We can have our share of fun,” which could easily mean anything. “Unless you have a better idea, of course!”
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
topher romijn​:
Topher was glad that Laurel asked, they didn’t like hugs, at all, or as much as most people. It wasn’t the physical touch, not really, because hugs from friends was alright, but it was the idea that touching other people constantly was so normal to people. They nodded, aware that they would never really initiate a hug themselves, even if they wanted to. 
Except for hugging dogs or kids when they were clearly showing in their body language that it was necessary. 
Topher didn’t even take a moment to consider if Laurel looked cute, they just nodded intensely as an affirmation: yes. “I’ll settle for water,” they informed her, smiling as broadly as Topher ever did. “Uhm, I just had food, so I’m not in particular hungry, but I can sit with you if you’re hungry,” they suggested. Then opted for just answering the question and not telling Laurel they’d been back for a bit already, it wouldn’t change anything. And they didn’t want Laurel to feel bad that they hadn’t come to her right away, because that was not the type of person they were. “It was good, it was weird landing back here, I had to do the interview again, since I was living in Belgium for a bit, but they were pretty mild.” 
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Squeaking, Laurel reached closer pulling them for a brief hug, before returning to her previous position and offering back to Topher their personal space. “Water it is, then. Please, follow me.” A quick stop to get fresh water for herself and her friend prior to getting inside her office. One of the few spots at the studio that could provide some privacy; one of the places people would rarely find Laurel in unless it’d be needed to. “And, no, no. I already ate. I might have a snack later after the last class I have for today.”
Getting rid of the wings over her back and placing it on top of her table. Laurel finally took a seat, offering the one in front of her to Topher. “It’s so nice to see you again! I’m really happy to have you back here!” Joy was often worn in her words, especially when she was expressing them to people she cared about. 
“Completely different from what I had to face back in the day, but I think that’s because I was just really nervous,” after all she had to consider her background and the person she called her father. Laurel knew that it could be harder if the odds weren’t in her favor that day. “We should go out to celebrate whenever you’re free. Get some drinks or have something to eat. Take a new picture together so I can update my photo wall. Anyway-- did you enjoy your time in Belgium?”
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
hansa charoensuk​:
setting: sol dance studio - early evening
status: closed | @laurelgavaris​
          — It wasn’t that Hansa was nervous about seeing Laurel again, but a heads up would have been nice. You know: “you’re moving to Astoria, so you might bump into an old ex of yours” sort of heads up, instead of reading her name as the owner of that place when she was doing her research on one of the head dancers of Sol Dance Studio… and Hansa’s reason for being there in the first place.
Maybe it was just her luck that the Times had assigned her on these entertainment pieces, otherwise, she doubted she would have been able to spot the beautiful place she was now standing in, eyes nervously looking around in hopes to find that one person. Now, that didn’t mean she was relapsing… too much time had passed between then and now and Hansa had been able to find love and lose love a couple of times more after Laurel… but it made the brunette wonder if her ex was okay.
After the interview was done, the dancer offered to take Hansa on a tour around the studio, which, the reporter gladly accepted. She heard Laurel’s name being called in the middle of a goodbye and turned around, in hopes not to let the younger woman see her face, however, as clumsy and nervous as she was, Hansa ended up making too much fuss about it, which of course caught the attention of the dancer she’d been there to interview in the first place, who asked if Han was okay and then proceeded to call Laurel over and talk about the piece that was going to be made about her. 
Well… nothing was lost in the universe. 
“Hey… Laurel.” Hansa cleared her throat, but offered a smile anyway. It didn’t matter. She shouldn’t be weird. The second time she spoke, Hansa sounded much more confident and genuine. “It’s really nice to see you again.”
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It wasn’t a common day in her life in the studio. Though, she was usually wearing a more comfortable outfit; it was one of those days that she would be forced to be behind her table dealing with meetings while someone else would be responsible for her classes. One of the few times that she would be dressed in suits and with make-up, which later on, she’d be thankful for. Laurel had been inside her office for longer than she intended to. It was an issue, being talkative and getting to know someone who engaged in conversations as naturally as herself. It was going to be a positive plan for the future of Sol; having some schools interested at a partnership with the studio while Laurel would offer a discount for every single person who would like to join any dance classes.
Finally, when the meeting was over and she was by the reception, Laurel heard her name being called. Turning to face the teacher that worked at the studio, her eyes later landed over the figure next to said teacher. She felt reality sinking in slower than usual. Fuck. Her first thought was a selfish one, that somehow Hansa had found her. But then, once Laurel reminded herself of the fact it’s been years ever since they had been a thing, it was highly impossible that that was the reason why the other person was there. “Han-- Hi!”
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The smile subtly reached her lips as they lifted upwards. The teacher’s voice echoed inside the witch’s ears: Hansa was here for that interview I told you about. “Ah!” See? Definitely a plausible explanation, when better than assuming she was the sun and everything was about her. “We actually know each other and, yes. It’s nice to see you again too. Do you have time for a cup of coffee? Or are you in a hurry?” 
As cliche as it was, in case Hansa didn’t decline that invitation, Laurel would attempt to explain what had happened. Even if so much time had passed by, it was the least she could offer. After everything she had faced once Miles disappeared, Laurel could only assume what had gone through Han’s mind back in the day. I gotta go, I have a class in… oh my! Five minutes. Definitely got go. Thank you for the interview. Laurel watched the dance teacher sharing those words to Hansa before disappearing behind a door.
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
Time presented her with the chance of figuring out what it was like to trust someone else. At first, it came through a few people in her life: her best friend, Sergio and Sofia. Despite the lack of contact they had in the past, the moment Laurel needed someone to be there for her, the werewolf embraced the witch better than any of her siblings had ever done in the past. And, maybe, that was why any insecurities she would face or any doubts, it was always a natural reaction to search for Sofia. In the end, effortlessly, the woman became Laurel’s big sister in a way. The Boddens were her family. 
Their importance started to resonate differently as soon as the full moon started to approach. Ideas coming to surface and remaining over her brain were usually a sign that she couldn’t pretend she was delusional nor that it was an absurd idea, unless she would be able to offer it out loud to the other person that could be interested in this or not. And with that, Laurel found herself texting and, then, by her door. “The studio and the coven have been keeping me busy lately. Besides, being now the mom of two dogs made me even more concerned about being around them.” Laurel stated, flashing a smile to Sofia before kissing her cheek. 
“Oh, definitely red! It’s always going to be my main choice,” she chuckled. A preference, but she would never decline drinks offered for free by her friends. “And about your question,” slow thread caused her to move deep inside the woman’s place. “I think one thing will lead to the other. I won’t say that I don’t have a personal life, because we both know that’s not true. But, lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about some things that I’d like to change, Maybe for the better… I could tell you about the great sex I had over the weekend, or how I still cry whenever I listen to Lianne La Havas and think about my ex. Should I call him my ex? Anyway, the thing is-- I’d just be filling up time with silly things that I can tell you later over a glass of wine. Maybe starting with the reason why I’m here would be better. It’s about my coven and your pack, my position as a head priestess and yours as an alpha, protecting our own during those strange and unexpected times that we can’t really foresee…”
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setting:sofia’s house
status: closed | @laurelgavaris​
          — Full moons had been easer these last few months, at least Sofia could say she’s had that to be grateful for, but with Corn Moon drawing near and it also being a Blue Moon, the Alpha was planning ahead already because the last thing she needed was to have her pack involved with anything dangerous regarding the full moon. So yes, while planning had never been her way of going on about life, Sofia had learned that in order for things to work, she needed to be a planner and a doer. 
When Laurel texted her, asking if they could meet, of course Sofia said yes. With their packed schedules, adult life had proved it to be difficult to meet as often as they used to, but oh well… they made it work. With wine in the fridge, Sofia stepped under the shower and then changed into more comfortable clothes to wait for her friend, which also gave her the chance to order something for them to eat.
The doorbell rang and she welcomed her friend with a tight hug. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in so long. Come on in. How are you?” She waved Laurel further into her house. “There’s a bottle of red and a bottle of rose in the fridge, which one would your like us to start with?” It was easy to step down from her post as an Alpha and act ‘normal’ around Laurel… especially since her friend understood being responsible for others like Sofia was. “Do you want to start off by telling me what you wanted to tell me or do you want to tell me what’s been going on in your life these days?”
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
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“La memoria del corazón elimina los malos recuerdos y magnifica los buenos, y gracias a ese artilugio logramos sobrellevar el pasado.” ― Gabriel García Marquez
— biography: here — stats: here — general connections: here
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
selin baris​:
Celebratory drinks that weren’t on her was an opportunity that Selin wasn’t going to miss. The head coach that she was assisting treated the team on their win today and so for the past hour, she’d been entertaining the other players and drinking away with them. It was a rewarding experience to see them grow these past few months and sure, they do have a lot to work on, especially if they wanted to go up against other players outside of their country…However, they needed to learn to play fair. Now that was a whole other obstacle that she planned on tackling in the future. Perhaps making an anklet or bracelet device that suppresses an athlete’s supernatural abilities would do? But it would need to be tested out thoroughly. Again, this was a whole other obstacle to tackle and she couldn’t really think straight any further. 
For tonight, she was going to focus on having a fun time and maintaining that energy. Currently at the bar, she was chatting it up with the bartender as they made another drink for her. It wasn’t until she heard a voice that Selin snapped her attention away and looked over curiously, “Oh? This?” she pointed at her drink. “Ummm…Some fancy gin and tonic that was new on their drinks menu, I asked for it to be a double though…Can I tell a difference? Nope. But does it taste good? Yes. Worth the extra cash? Debatable. If that’s your type of poison, let them know…I’ll put it on my tab and consider this transaction as my good deed for the day.” 
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"I’ve been thinking about going for something stronger than I usually choose. But, well-- if I’m going to spend my money with an overpriced drink here, I might as well go for my safe choice then, and tequila it is. Do you want to join me? Some shots will always do the trick,” besides she would never decline the company of a beautiful woman. Which was exactly where Selin would fall into. It was easy for Laurel to engage in conversations with someone else; she rarely needed a crowd of people she already knew to strike a conversation with a stranger — or with someone she barely knew. All she needed was to be welcomed to do so.
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“And no need for it. I can buy this first round, I’ll leave the second one to you. How about it? It’s been a long day, and all I needed was the beautiful view Skye provides out there, a few drinks and some nice song.” A grin rested over her lips briefly. “Are you waiting for someone? Am I disturbing something?”
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laurelgavaris · 3 years
topher romijn​:
Topher was incredibly aware that being back in Astoria meant catching up with the people they had only kept tabs on through the internet. A text here, a photo there, they had never been too great at keeping people up-to-date. But they found them were awkward in general about getting close to people, already being back for over a week and still needing a whole lot of courage to go and talk to people. 
Their ears rang for a moment with Laurel’s excitement, they figured they should be adjusted to it by now. She had been one of their friends when they were in Astoria, and they had totally managed to be a decent human being around her, so they could too now. “Hi, no, I’m really back. Or yes I’m really back. Why are you dressed as a fairy?” 
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“Can I hug you?” Usually Laurel would simply go for it. But it was always for the best to question people if they were comfortable to let her reach closer. And, deep down, that’s all she wanted to do. Topher meant so much to her, and even if from afar, Laurel was proud of everything they were able to accomplish out there.
Looking down at her own clothes, she chuckled. “We’ll have a fairy-themed dance routine. I commit to things... more than I should maybe? But I do look cute!” Her lips curved upwards, still staring at them with pure joy resonating from Laurel. “How was your trip? Do you want some coffee? A glass of water? I won’t say I’ll leave the studio looking like this, but I can offer you something to drink or eat in here while we talk to each other. I have some time to spare.” It wasn’t much, but it was enough to catch up.
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