laurenjuniper · 21 days
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beauty @ ac9 fw22
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laurenjuniper · 3 months
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two abalone shells i picked up while snorkeling around today 🐚
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laurenjuniper · 3 months
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laurenjuniper · 11 months
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“The caged bird sings with a fearful trill, of things unknown, but longed for still, and his tune is heard on the distant hill, for the caged bird sings of freedom.”
Maya Angelou, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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How I Manifest
Step 1: Choose a desire
It can be whatever I want. It can be a trillion dollars, celebrity sp, desired face, a new life, time travel, literally anything. I know I am limitless and I deserve everything so I never hesitate to get what I want!
Step 2: Create my rules
I believe everyone is different and manifest in various ways. Certain techniques may not suit everyone, as there is no right or wrong way to manifest! That is why it is important to make your own rules and decide what works well for you.
My rules are:
-My manifestations always show up instantly or within 24 hours
-Limiting beliefs don’t exist
-I can have whatever I want.
-Nothing can stop my desires
Step 3: It is done
The moment I decide my desires are mine, creation is finished. I know that no matter what, my desires always show up quickly. I embody the mindset of already possessing my desires and know that it is already mine, my imagination is the only confirmation I need.
I don’t let anything stop me. I know that I am in control and persist in the mindset of wish fulfilled. If I see something against my desires I just go like: “Nope that does not exist anymore” and move on. If I get frustrated or angry, I let my emotions out and I know they literally have zero impact on my manifestations since it’s already done. Nothing can ruin my manifestations unless I say so.
And voilà! That’s it. I get my desires quickly and it is sooo easy!
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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Stop second guessing yourself
Stop wondering “am I doing this right?”
Stop wondering “how do i manifest this?”
Stop wondering “will this work?”
YOU are the key. YOU are the answer. You decide how all this will work. You know about law of assumption because you assumed life didn’t have to be this hard and you assumed that you could do something about it and you assumed you deserve better. Everyone is you pushed out, so when you learned how to manifest and when you learned about this power and this magic, all of that came from you. You are consciousness. Everything you learn comes from within. Stop relying on external sources and searching from answers. If you desire it you can have it and it’s already yours. You just need to claim it. Let go of these insecurities for YOUR sake. Claim your knowledge. Claim your ability. Claim you have it all. Claim you have the confidence. Let go of the desperate neediness.
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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chanel spring 2012
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡
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Stop acting so shocked when good thing happen to you. Stop acting shocked when your desires conform. It shouldn’t be a shocker when things actually go your way. You should be expecting that shit because it’s exactly what you deserve. You deserve everything to go your way. You deserve to experience all your desires this instant. So take it all in like it’s what you expected. Take the good things in life with ease because it’s not hard for you to get what you want. It’s not hard to live the life you want. Get the idea out of your head that it’s hard to experience a good life because everything is only as hard as you assume it to be. Take everything good in life like you knew it was coming. Because why wouldn’t you experience good things? Why wouldn’t it be normal for you to live your dream life?
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
𝑅𝑒𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦:
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You’ll be surprised by all the physical movement you see one you start recycling all the energy you put into persisting in negative thoughts, complaining about the 3D, and limiting yourself into persisting in the things you actually want to see in your reality. Why would you use your limitless power to surround yourself with torment and negativity when it’s clearly not what you want? Use your power to reclaim your title as god, not a victim. Use your power to experience all that you desire, not all that you don’t. And trust me, once you recycle all that negative energy into energy towards building your dream life, it will only supply you with more energy to keep persisting in what you desire. Because once you start to see how much the world can change with just a sprinkle of your power, you’ll be unstoppable.
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
vaunt 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️
bro how the fuck can i manifest so fast? likeee i don’t have to put in any effort at all and my desires just immediately show up in my 3D? i am literally way too powerful like what…. this shit should be illegal i literally have the cheat codes to life and i am utilizing them and manifesting shit at lightning speed… but i am the god of my reality soooo i can have whatever i want, everyone else be damned! my life is perfect, my world is perfect, everything surrounding me is perfect. i am PERFECT. i am THAT BITCH. i love my life and life loves me back. i get what i want when i want it bc i said so, simple as that <3
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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la petite sirène .
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
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hair design by 999999999sx
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laurenjuniper · 2 years
i am consciously manifesting my dreams and in every way, i am elevating my life. i move with divine intention and higher purpose and the universe conspires in favor of my success. extraordinary opportunities are unfolding for me and i know that this is just the beginning.
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