laurenmariemaybe · 6 days
me: :(
chris mccarrell percy: maybe u don’t know what a half-blood is because ur life is normal, and happy, and not constantly in danger, but my life? hM. let me set the scene…
me: :)
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laurenmariemaybe · 6 days
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i never said i didn’t like you.
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laurenmariemaybe · 6 days
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The Lightning Thief Musical + Book References
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laurenmariemaybe · 10 days
annabeth: nothing anyone can say would make me cry
sally: nothing bad that’s happened to you, or anyone close to you, is your fault
annabeth: excuse me for one sec
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laurenmariemaybe · 20 days
"percy looks just like poseidon" -> poseidon can look however he wants but he chooses to look like percy's father
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laurenmariemaybe · 1 month
sometimes im fine then i remember poseidon hugged his son in front of everyone then im Not Fine
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laurenmariemaybe · 1 month
Paul uses one of those razor blade subscription services and, since it's cheap, sends Percy at New Rome University a spare pack every time he gets a delivery. Percy keeps a MUCH cleaner shave than Paul does, who kind of keeps it scruffy. Unfortunately, one time, there's a shipping error as Paul's package is lost in the mail, so nobody gets razors.
Percy doesn't consider it much initially, but as days go by without a shave, he starts to build up stubble - something incredibly uncommon for him. People turn their heads and tease him a bit until the stubble grows into a shadow, grows into a beard.
Suddenly, nobody teases Percy. They give him a wide berth, and on more than one occasion, a younger New Roman called him "Sir" reverently. Now, when Percy delivers some Classic Snark during a lecture or between classes, it's not met with snickers and eye-rolls. It feels scathing in a way it never had before. Now things that Percy pokes fun at are corrected, and people nod along to his comments as though they were suggestions - no, expectations.
Sure enough, people relax a bit when some new razor cartridges come in, and Percy shaves again, and things go back to normal. Percy isn't sure why people acted odd for a week or two there. Then Annabeth, who (tactfully) avoided kissing him for that duration, points out, "You look a lot like your dad."
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laurenmariemaybe · 1 month
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percy’s true feelings in this scene 
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
I wasn’t sure what I saw in his face. There was no clear sign of love or approval. Nothing to encourage me. It was like looking at the ocean: some days, you could tell what mood it was in. Most days, though, it was unreadable, mysterious. - (The Lightning Thief)
There was a different light in his eyes, a fiery kind of pride. “You did well Perseus. Do not misunderstand me. Whatever else you do, know that you are mine. You are a true son of the Sea God.
[The Lightning Thief]
I wasn’t sure how he would feel about seeing me again, but the corner of his eyes crinkled with smile lines. He nodded as if to say It’s okay.
[The Titan’s Curse]
I turned and found Poseidon smiling at me […] “Hello Percy, you’ve done well.”
[The Titan’s Curse]
“[…] And you Percy, are my favourite son.” He smiled, and at that moment, just being in the kitchen with him was the best birthday present I ever got.
[The Battle of the Labyrinth]
He held out his arms and gave me a hug. I realised, a little embarrassed, that I never actually hugged my dad before. […] When he pulled away, he smiled kindly at me.
[The Last Olympian]
Poseidon ‘showing no clear signs of love or approval’ towards Percy throughout the series
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
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 Poseidon, you dam coward, hug your son!
Almost forgot the song lyrics!
You were carved out of the sea Watermarked by your ancestry In a tug of war between the tide and me What felt like loss was a victory Cause you were swept ashore like bottles holding prayers - Watermark by Sleeping at Last
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
rick riordan dickriders on here will be like "why are you complaining about the pjo tv show, go watch the movies and see what a bad adaptation really looks like" ok well listen to the musical watch it on youtube and see what a good adaptation looks like bitch. it can be done. as a fucking stage musical. what did that 15 million per episode do for disney that chris mccarell couldn't
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
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there's a tree on the hill up on half-blood hill that protects us all, and always will
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
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He's doing it wrong. Yeah, who's your godly parent? Burnt offerings. The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer.
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
"logan as triton" "chris as paul" what about logan and chris as the two brother water spirits percy bargains with in tlo?
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laurenmariemaybe · 2 months
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Kate and Anthony Bridgerton Bridgerton — Season 3 Trailer
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laurenmariemaybe · 3 months
(I haven’t figured out gifs yet)
But do you see that face at the end? That look of fear, uneasiness, and relief? How long do you think she’s been holding that in? How long do you think it’s been since she let herself actually acknowledge that?
Because it’s very likely she’s never said those words before. Like ever. Because she knows the amount of danger she’ll immediately put Percy in the moment she says them. Because nobody can know. Because unlike the other gods and their affairs, Sally and Poseidon’s love is actually forbidden.
There’s a good chance she’s been too scared to even think about it for too long. Raising a neurodivergent kid isn’t easy, and it’s even harder as a single mother. But imagine how much harder it is, knowing that just the slightest slip up will put your child in imminent danger. Even the slightest hint of Percy’s parentage would get him killed.
Can you imagine holding that in for so long, with literally nobody to talk or relate to? Having to try and raise a neurodivergent, godly child while trying to balance normal life and an abusive piece of shit husband?
I definitely couldn’t do it. But Sally did.
That is a look of relief and fear, because she’s finally got it off her chest. She’s finally told someone. And in doing so, she’s put her son in so much danger.
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laurenmariemaybe · 4 months
I can't remember how much of this is implied canon or my own interpretation, but I fully believed that Chiron recognized Percy was a son of Poseidon from the fountain incident with Nancy Bobofit, knew that a child of the Big Three being claimed would be a total shit show, and simply chose not to say a word about it
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