laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
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worms in the sky
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
Tetsuji: you are mine, Nathaniel Wesninski, and you will obey Neil, on the ground with 7 broken ribs, bleeding from the mouth: ok boomer
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
Master Post
Hi kiddos! Well, I did it. I posted a story a day for 20 DAYS!!!! It’s insane that I had THAT MANY STORIES written!! It blows my mind! You guys have been so sweet and supportive of me during this process and you’ve made me feel less crazy for doing it!! Thank you all so so much! The sweet messages and support I’ve gotten because of my writing has been overwhelming and it makes me want to cry!!
Well, 20 stories in 20 days is A LOT. So I figured it would make life easier (Especially if you’re new to my blog and just want to binge the stories I have written) if I put them all in a master post. So here it is! Enjoy, and happy reading! I love you kiddos.
1. Lily Knows: After noticing the boys behaving a bit off one evening, Lily confronts James about it and learns a secret they’ve been keeping for years.
2. A Black Christmas: Deciding to return to Hogwarts early over Christmas break gives Lily an opportunity to talk to one of the Marauders she hadn’t known very well before. 
3. The Morning After: When James is put into the hospital wing, Lily has to deal with the reason why he’s in there, and who he’s in there with.
4. The Argument: When a disagreement between James and Lily drags on longer than their friends can handle, she is forced to speak to him and hears some things he didn’t mean for her to hear.
5. That Day at the Potters: Out of boredom, Lily presses Remus to disclose more of his relationship with Sirius and he tells her the story of their first kiss.
6. Polished Off: Sirius is faced with a dilemma because of things he is interested in. Not comfortable talking to the boys about his feelings, he turns to Lily who offers him a solution.
7. The Lake House Stories: Part 1- A Cabin by the Lake: When Lily and the girls are invited to the Potter’s lake house with the Marauders, they all can’t contain their excitement for the trip.
8. The Lake House Stories: Part 2- An Impeccable Trip: Lily recognizes how wonderful her life is in that moment and feels grateful for the friends she has and the place they are at.
9. The Lake House Stories: Part 3- The Midnight Confessional: After an interaction with Remus and Sirius, Lily is confronted with her own feelings for James and is given the opportunity to voice them when he comes to find her.
10. A Coffee Break: Sirius has been left alone and gets anxious, so asks Lily if he can come and spend time at her work to get his mind off of it. She’s cautious, but decides it might be for the best. 
11. A Namesake: Sirius reveals to his boyfriend how he feels about his name and why being a Black is terrifying for him. Remus is shocked to hear his worries and tries to reassure him of his good qualities.
12. The Train Station: James waits for Lily at the train station and has a sudden interaction with Snape. He feels guilty and shares those feelings with Lily, who is surprised to hear his remorse. She has a chance to share it on the train ride with her old friend, but he has a hard time believing her.
13. The Traitor: When Sirius disappears for a few hours, Lily is the only one who knows where to find him. She’s not prepared for what she sees on his body when she does.  
14. So, Talk: After receiving some awful news, Sirius starts lashing out at everyone. Remus realizes he has to intervene. He forces Sirius to talk and is told a story he’s never heard before.
15. Ovid the Poet: A quarrel makes James reevaluate his opinion on muggle literature, and he becomes obsessed with ancient works. Lily asks him to expound on what he’s reading and he tells her a legend of love and devotion.
16. Three Moments, Three Women: Lily has strong women in her life who participate in daily activities. This story showcases a few of the women she loves and depends on. 
17. The Bookshelf: A mission goes south for James and Sirius and Lily has to figure out how to cheer her boyfriend up. She goes to his apartment to help him cope and the conversation takes an unexpected turn.
18. Speech!: It’s James and Lily’s wedding day and Peter gives a speech that takes everyone by surprise.
19. The Visit: A few years after James and Lily’s death, Remus goes to visit Sirius in Azkaban for his birthday. He goes for their birthdays every year. During this trip, he has a conversation with Sirius’ cell neighbor and comes to a realization he’s been avoiding for a long time. 
20. A Reunion: Remus knows exactly where Sirius is hiding after his escape from Azkaban. He goes there, nervous that their relationship can never be the same as it was when they were younger.
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
andrew: i dont care about exy and im just here bc i have nothing else to do someone: gets past him and scores a goal  andrew:
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
Aaron, jerking awake at 3:54am: what happens if a doctor eats an apple?
Katelyn, calmly, while yawning and patting his arm: they die, baby
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
andrew in book 1:
andrew in book 3:
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
how to flirt when you're both socially inept borderline-sociopaths: a case study
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
I'm off to fight God does anyone want anything?
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
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All of these books are queer, but they all have back blurbs that don’t say they’re queer. While this can be a pain if I’m scouting for queer SFF, it can come in handy for people in a situation where they don’t want to be reading queer books openly. 
Please do note that I don’t have hard copies of the books on hand so it’s possible that an author quote or something mentions one being queer (I feel like this isn’t super likely, but I don’t want to rule it out). Some might also have author biographies mentioning that the author is queer. Also, some may be shelved as LGBT on Goodreads or categorized as queer on Amazon. So if you’re planning on asking for any of these as holiday gifts, I would suggest going to the Amazon page or where ever your relative is likely to buy it from and double check that it’s something you’d be comfortable with sharing openly. 
I wish I had more pansexual books, but the ones I know of tend to mention queerness in the back description. 
With the exception of The Spy with the Red Balloon, these are all books I have read or are currently reading. If you want to recommend others, feel free to do so in the replies!
You can find my other queer book recommendations here.
Links to the queer books database (or Goodreads if the book hasn’t been added yet) are available below the cut. You can find information on content warnings there.
Keep reading
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
My favourite thing about all for the game is that…it reads like fanfic in the first place?
“Okay so imagine a story about a runaway mafia kid who ends up finding somewhere to belong in what basically amounts to a halfway house full of other broken people and it’s a story about healing and found family and how he finally finds a reason to stop running away and stand his ground
“Right, you got all that?
“Now picture the college sports AU”
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
This is one of the best lesbian movies i’ve seen and it’s a fricking car commercial
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
a trio of witches and their familiars
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
Concept: Embroidered QR code jacket patch that leads to the YouTube video of Risk Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up”
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laurenslikesyoualot · 5 years
okay so theres an episode of whats new scooby doo where the gang goes home on valentines day, and i guess the studio really wanted to avoid the implication that daphne and fred were sleeping together because daphne and velma live together and fred lives with shaggy and scooby 
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but that attempt at avoiding anything risque backfired spectacularly because now it just seems like daphne and velma are a comfortably domestic couple and fred is trying to learn how to live with his boyfriends over excitable and really hungry great dane
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