lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
not eating for 3 day really will effect you both physically and mentally
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
if you have money to spare, look at this website. https://www.impactguru.com
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
help a black houseless and single father and his child find a comfortable place to stay.
paypal: [email protected] with memo “DAB”
visit westtownma for other mutual aid posts.
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
I don't know if Tumblr fucking deleted my post or what
But a "people's tribunal" is happening in London to assess whether China's alleged rights abuses against the Uyghur Muslims of Xinjiang constitute genocide.
Witnesses have presented their testimonies.
Chinese embassy has been invited to participate but did not reply. But China has, again, denied these allegations.
Western government, including the UK, do not back this tribunal.
Certainly something to keep an eye out for.
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
Heyy guys so um i just got suuuper fun news and i need help. so id been having agonizing tooth pain all weekend and finally saw a dentist just to be told that i have a bad cavity in my molar and i need a root canal. However this procedure is absurdly expensive even with my insurance and with this on top of high tuition costs this semester its really hard to imagine i can pull off paying for this to be done. I need it though or the other option is completely losing an important tooth at only 19 so im very panicked! My goal is $1,000 this covers the procedure and the crown. any help at all is very dearly appreciated. My c*sh*pp is $curtwen, DM for v*nmo and p*ypal. Thank you so much
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
donate if you can. https://www.impactguru.com/fundraiser/help-ahaan-singh-1-mk-story-v1-md?utm_source=Performance-Max_1&utm_medium=Bollywood&utm_campaign=Ahaan_Singh&wbraid=ClIKCQjww8mWBhDlARJBACPnU8XiCroFQqzsHlAOBcDIu981eH71TFDoBxbdCZP4FO1DdOTGSSjM0uMFCVjAF7h-mQ3jvFC8WH1Aeeb62WcaAheT
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
Breonna Taylor still hasn’t received justice. Her family is asking anyone who can to sign a petition to assure the perpetrators are put behind bars and to protect Black communities from this senseless violence.
Click here to read more and sign the petition.
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
sigh. they’re going to use the fact that ma’khia had a knife to justify that officer killing her. first of all there are ways to apprehend someone without shooting them. there are even ways to shoot someone without it being fatal, 4 shots was NOT necessary. and for the people who are like “but she was gonna stab the other girl” PLEASE stop acting like you care, you do not give a fuck about that other black girl. you’re just using her to justify ma’khia’s death and it’s SICK, y’all can literally go to hell. she had a knife bc she was defending herself from being jumped which STILL doesn’t warrant shooting a CHILD 4 fucking times. every time a black person dies at the hands of the police y’all try and vilify the victim and i’m sick of it. this coming just after the news of the jury’s verdict on the derek chauvin trial? never a fucking day off.
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
donate if you can. https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-queer-nigerian-get-housing?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
donate if you can. https://gofund.me/873bdd1b
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
donate if you can. https://gofund.me/f622d959
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
donate if you can. https://gofund.me/9fe57fab
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
the earthquake that struck afghanistan and killed more than a thousand and estranged many more is getting little to no media coverage. it's ridiculous to think about how the world would've reacted if that same calamity were to hit a western nation. please pray for the oppressed whose voice is never loud enough to be heard.
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lavender-hearts1 · 2 years
Tumblr media
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