lavenderrare · 2 months
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Other RWBY profile pictures
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lavenderrare · 2 months
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Atlas Characters profile pictures
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lavenderrare · 2 months
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RWBY villains profile pictures
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lavenderrare · 2 months
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Team CFVY and SSSN profile pictures cropped by me
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lavenderrare · 2 months
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Team STRQ profile pictures cropped by me
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lavenderrare · 2 months
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Team JNPR profile pictures cropped by me
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lavenderrare · 2 months
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Team RWBY Profile Pictures cropped by me!
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lavenderrare · 7 months
Happy Tis Day. Have a poem. In honor of Lottah (Ms.) itua & the Dowsen’s Rum brand. Very prevalent here! I see you’re pretty familiar yourself?
ℛℴ𝓈ℯ𝓈, 𝒶𝓇ℯ 𝓇ℯ𝒹 –
𝒥𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝒾𝓀ℯ 𝓉𝒽ℯ 𝒹𝓊𝓈𝓉 ℴ𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃ℯ 𝒟ℴ𝓇𝒾𝓉ℴ, 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝒾𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓁ℯ.
ℳ𝓎 𝓉ℯ𝒶𝓇𝓈 𝒶𝓇ℯ 𝒷𝓁𝓊ℯ –
ℳ𝓎 𝒽ℴ𝓊𝓈ℯ…𝒾𝓈 𝓃ℴ𝓉 𝒻ℴ𝓇 𝓈𝒶𝓁ℯ. (ꐦ ಠ皿ಠ ) 
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lavenderrare · 2 years
Voice of Amanda: ausername
Original artist: @superevilbadguy
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lavenderrare · 2 years
Aren't you that youtuber who made a video harassing VelvetJay?
Lol "harassing"?
VelvetJay lied to a bunch of people and ran away when he was caught.
Allow me to quote Borvak:
This has been an ongoing thing for more then a year and a half - two full years. This started with small things, about him getting into RT, working on CRWBY, having previously worked on RWBY having created Fiona Thyme, May Marigold, Harriet Bree and Vine Zeki. he was working on V9's writing team and had worked on V6 as unaccredited. He had claims to know everyone in RT from a cousin named Rabbit and said that he showed many people's stuff off to which i'm sorry to say were all on lies. these lies snowballed into an accusation that Kerry Shawcross was out for his job through jealousy and conspired with the RWBYtuber Phoenix/Night to claim that since Velvet was in relations to Me (Borvak) it'd make him a Pedophile (No I am not A Pedophile nor am I a MAP they're disgusting people)
This snowballed into a slew of 'court cases' for slander which then led to an "FBI investigation" that found Phoenix and Kerry to be involved within a conspiracy group dubbed "The Cabal" consisting of the two on top of Calxyin, Murder of Birds and Adel Aka who all conspired into a supposed movement labelled "The DeMontyization" to RWBY. Which started from the day after Monty's passing, the FBI investigation led to many accusations of Drug, Sex and Child trafficking rings throughout their discord servers. it continued to get worse with accusations of Calxyin breaking into Sheena Oum's home to steal the original notes to RWBY held onto Sheena Oum and Shane Newville, that Sheena left America to visit the UK to live with him until things died down and supposedly had sex with him multiple times.
This continued getting deeper, as apparently one of Velvet's cousins had been killed in a traffic accident that was caused by Kerry and Adel, in return his unlce apparently went for a joyride with RT staff members to Kerry's place to torture him and bloated him full of Methane gas, then threw Adel out the window after chaining him to a tripwire to set the whole room to go off with electric water leaving him to hang out the window. Followed by a Warner exec being Murdered by Deborah Oum in a room with Barbra Dunklemen and Anna Hullum with the FBI showing up to kill the exec because he reached for a gun in a room full of armed women while Adel had brought an Uzi into RT and was being beaten up by the likes of Michael Jones and Geoff Ramsey supervised by Jack Patillo. During RTX he told us he was in charge of the RWBY PR team for that time and had told me to go after Cal on twitter and her discord because Velvet explained that she wasn't supposed to be leaking and would never have the permission to. Even everything that IQ had was his ideas Shaft had stolen and chopped to pieces under the belief of Cal and Phoenix were interfering. The final thing to add is that Velvet made the claim that The Cabal had murdered Monty Oum and it was pretty much confirmed according to him…
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lavenderrare · 2 years
When did this Canonseeker guy say RWDE users were autistic?
they didn't say that we were autistic, but that we were like the "bad end of the autism spectrum." which is all kinds of fucked up & ableist; all while they were harassing yet more people just saying their opinions & lying how they can't find any positive rwby videos.
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lavenderrare · 2 years
CanonSeeker - RWBY’s very own Chris-chan
Hi, this is Floof here. Here’s my CanonSeeker/AnswerSeeker/FallingLeaf4/Eren/YehUda story because I’m seeing him spread lies about me and my friends here on Tumblr. Since I deleted my old Twitter account, I have gone out of my way to avoid all kinda of drama because I don’t dabble or engage with that anymore, but it seems Seeker has forced my hand.
Where should I start? Pretty much everyone’s spoken about what he’s been up to. From harassing artists, to stalking RWBY fans and critics alike over various platforms on the internet, Seeker can’t take “no” for an answer. If anyone says anything that’s even the tiniest, unrealistically small margin that could be interpreted as “being negative about RWBY”, he will blow up in people’s faces and post about them in the worst manner possible. He’s aggressive, rude, manipulative, and so two-faced that the second his “friends” do a slip up, he turns on them. When he’s confronted, he changes his account names, deletes tweets/messages to hide the evidence to make his opposition look bad. He will also engage in conversation with his sockpuppet accounts to pretend they’re not him, and once the sockpuppet is discovered to be him, he deletes the account or renames them to hide the evidence again.
Why does Seeker do this? He fervently believes what he does will make the RWBY fanbase a “positive safe space”. It’s very nonsensical considering Seeker’s choice of actions, but he’s religiously devoted to this idea. So much so that he has spent thousands upon thousands of dollars commissioning Taiyang x Summer fanart because he believes it’s an underrepresented ship and wants canon confirmation that Taiyang is Ruby’s father, something very few people dispute to begin with. At minimum, he has spent upwards of $4,000. At most, he’s spent over $10,000. On RWBY fanart.
The reason I learned Seeker existed was from fellow FRWBY artists seeing him spam the comment’s section with various sockpuppet accounts. Fallingleaf4, Eren, Yeh Uda, etc. He would post comment after comment with nothing but insults and making outrageous claims that were quickly debunked by other commentators, pointing out he never bothered to watch the content he was insulting to begin with. Seeker continued doing this for months on end. I had been exercising restraint and refrained from making a public post about him at the time since I did not want to involve myself with RWBY drama. Not to mention other FRWBY artists had already talked about him publicly so I felt that I didn’t have to involve myself. Fast forward to the present, I found out he made a close friend of mine very uncomfortable and insulted another friend of mine for artwork they had drawn which was the last straw. I compiled just about everything I knew about him and made this post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RWBYcritics/comments/tp2u2f/answerseeker_the_epitome_of_toxic_positivity/
Seeker didn’t take too well to that. He claimed and spread the lie that I “doxxed” him. In reality, all I did was talk about his actions and named every single account of his that I knew of and provided links to all of them, suggesting to users that they block him. I did not provide links or name any account that might lead to sensitive information about him it was a post to warn people about his two-faced antics. I’m no longer part of the RWBY community, to the point that I actively block RWBY fans on sight with a few exceptions (aka, very close friends). I don’t want to see RWBY on my timeline. I don’t want to interact with RWBY or its community. The most interaction I’ve done with RWBY for the past two years is design environments and draw artwork for Celtic Phoenix’s “Fixing RWBY” series. I don’t make RWBY animation analysis videos anymore. (The most recent one was a video started in very early 2020 that I begrudgingly finished late last year.) I’d rather just stream games or stream drawing art. I don’t want to waste more time bickering about a cartoon that no longer appeals to me. People are/were tired of me bickering about RWBY and I’m tired of bickering about it too.
With that said, I’d like Seeker to stop necroing posts about me from 3+ years ago that I have long since denounced and apologized for. I’d like Seeker to stop stalking me and my friends on social media. Seeker is far more toxic than I ever was at my worst, as Seeker is a 32 year old man harassing so many people that it’s now become a matter of who Seeker HASN’T harassed yet. He cannot be trusted. He cannot be reasoned with. He’s a liar, a fraud, a fake, and I don’t want anything to do with him when the worst I’ve done to offend him so is call him out for his horrible actions towards people I know.
People like Seeker are why I actively stay far, FAR away from the RWBY fanbase. I much rather prefer retweeting and posting about floofs and cute animals. I can finally be myself on Twitter instead of an edgy, shitty dumbass who was an asshole most of the time. Fluff is love, fluff is life.
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P.S.: For context on the one picture he’s necroing that I drew of Blake kissing Adam over Yang… That’s an Utena reference. It’s also one that surprisingly supports Bumblebee. For context, Jury (Yang) is in love with Shiori (Blake), but Shiori believes Jury is in love with Random Guy (Adam), so Shiori takes him away from Jury as Shiori believes Jury is in love with him. Except, Jury (Yang) was actually in love with Shiori (Blake) all along, and she’s hurt by this cruel betrayal.
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lavenderrare · 2 years
Canonseeker Update
Current Twitter alt: Onemorefanofshows (@camadnijuve)
Current Tumblr alts: iamafanofcartoons; onesheeptwosheepandachicken
Current YouTube usernames: Alicia Garske; Vernon Dokon
Current Discord name: dextercalliem#6439
DO NOT INTERACT. Block on sight and move on. This post is to raise awareness, not encourage harassment.
Canonseeker/Answerseeker is a known toxic member of the RWBY fandom. He has been banned/muted across Reddit, YouTube and Discord and hides in multiple accounts/usernames across Tumblr and Twitter as well, stalking blogs and harassing content creators. He will often use these accounts to deceive, usually pretending to be new to the fandom - in order to gain trust with unaware members of the community. You can read this doc for more info about his behavior.
His constant dummy accounts and attempts to evade bans and deceive other fans makes him hard to find, which is why myself and a group of others personally affected by his harassment have found his various alts across the internet and compiled them here.
If you are a content creator/artist, be very careful as he will try to act nice with you in the hopes of buying commissioned art, which he is known to not be able to pay for. If you create RWBY content on YouTube, mute him from your channel as he may act positive at first but will eventually start arguments and comment wars in your comment section, ruining your video's experience for everyone else. He also may DM you on Discord pretending to be someone else, often seeking pity and lying about being wrongfully banned from other servers, being harassed/doxxed, or someone "impersonating" him. Do not believe his fake narratives.
Be careful when dealing with him; he is a known liar and will use kind and encouraging words simply to help him gain favour with others to keep his new dummy account in good graces, but will turn against you once you call his bluff. Again, DO NOT INTERACT with him; just block him and make sure others know about his aliases.
Every time Canonseeker changes his alias, I will post a new update, along with a motivational quote for him in hopes that he will change his ways.
“When you see a good person, think of becoming like her/him. When you see someone not so good, reflect on your own weak points.” ― Confucius
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lavenderrare · 2 years
My Seeker Story
Hello everyone!
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You may recognize me from YouTube, Twitter, Discord, wherever.
Well, I have a bit of a serious post to share.
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Without further ado, let’s begin.
This is about someone who goes by AnswerSeeker, CanonSeeker, Eren, Yehuda, Mikhal, whatever they want to go by. 
Seeker has been a thorn in my side for the past year.
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We used to be friends, but that changed after they started harassing people like Judgemental Critter, Calxyin, a lot of people with even the slightest bit of criticism about RWBY.
Seeker has also gone after me.
A few months ago, on this exact platform, Seeker has attacked me, saying I am a Vic Mignogna supporter (I am not, I was actually attacked by Vic stans), a Blacksun shipper (I am, but I also ship Bumbleby), and a bad person (I am not). 
Seeker also modded a Facebook group for RWBY fans that I was also a mod of. Seeker convinced everyone to let their second Facebook account be a mod as well, and it wasn’t until I exposed them for having 2 mod accounts that they were kicked out of the group.
Seeker recently went after a friend of mine and said lies about me personally. They go to this friend to complain about me and lie about me, and just today, they doctored a screenshot of me saying I am sad that Seeker lost their job. I don’t even know what their job is!!! Then Seeker went on to spill abuse on this friend, saying “I wish I never met you”, “you brought pain and suffering to me”, all sorts of manipulation tactics. I was manipulated by Seeker too. They’ve sent me gifts, money, all sorts of things. Course I never got rid of them because A: the gifts are nice and B: one of them is a cosplay. 
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Seeker has tried to send people after me multiple times. I stated one earlier, but another time, they’ve tried to go into other Discord groups and tried to send people after me. They’ve also made their Discord name “YoureDoxxingMeMaddie” (Maddie is the name I go by). I’ve NEVER doxxed anyone, what Seeker considers “doxxing” is revealing usernames. That. Is. Not. Doxxing.
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Anyway, I think that’s all I can think of.
Here is a document compiling evidence against Seeker. You can find proof to things I’ve said in it: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3WG32Ze9t2uPPfudichhJfH1d29g7xWP-4AHX6feGE/edit
Here is also a callout video I made about Seeker: https://youtu.be/J6raCjU8t4E
That’s all the time I have for this post.
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Stay safe out there, everyone!
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lavenderrare · 7 years
What’s your gender?
I'm a female
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lavenderrare · 7 years
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lavenderrare · 7 years
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