lavndrkisses · 2 years
She caught on quickly to the other’s scheme, the unspoken girl code came in a great pinch in times like these. It was not the first time Kim’s had to deal with a situation like this so she was more than okay with going along. With her most convincing attitude, she mimicked the charade, “Sorry for taking so long. The traffic was so bad, I almost got into an accident. And you know how bad my road rage is, I nearly hopped out of my car to fight someone. I’m just so glad I can come here and hang out with you now!” She turned to the guy that was causing the problem, “Can you leave? We’re trying to enjoy our night.” Kim knew when to be assertive, which the harasser didn’t seem to like from the looks of him leaving promptly. She knew that the guy would just go on and do the same to some other poor girl in the future but for now, she could let out a sigh of relief things didn’t escalate. “Ugh, I hate guys like that. It’s like they never know when to take a hint.” Her satisfaction in knowing another person was safe was more than enough needed for Kim, “You don’t have to buy me a drink, doing all of that was no big.”
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anastasia smiled a bit more widely as she turned to watch the pesky guy leave for a second, silently noting that the woman was officially her heroine. “i think i’m just starting to hate guys in general,” she half-jokingly replies, lightheartedly laughing.  she turns to look at the woman next to her, her smile not faltering, “i do hope your story of traffic was just something made up, and not actually your entire experience before arriving here, because that sounds like an absolute nightmare.” she hated traffic and the idea of it being that backed up and terrible stressed her out just by thinking of it. in the background anastasia could hear the bartender checking on the people who were at the bar side, seeing if anyone needed another drink, “maybe to you it was no big thing, but to me it was the world. not many people out there share such a kind heart like that, i know a couple who would’ve probably just left me to figure it out for myself. that guy was about one more sly remark away from getting my drink thrown in his face and my hand meeting his cheek. he was incredibly disgusting and just a reminder as to why i remain single.” also why she allowed her heart to remain with remy, he was the only true gentlemen she had ever met. sure there had been another who had crossed her mind once, or twice, but he wasn’t nearly as sweet with her as remy had been.  she looks over to the bartender who is two people away from reaching them, then back to the other woman, “i want to buy you a drink. will you please let me? it’s not every day i am feeling so generous, let me enjoy the feeling a little longer,” she chuckled, warmly smiling, “i’m anastasia. thank you again.”
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
Angelica could see red as a color that was a fine one for the girl but that dark green would bring out her eyes more. It was a comment she kept in her head but noted it in case she ever saw the girl back. She paid close attention to customers that came back, they were the ones she went to whenever she had pieces she made that she wanted to sell. Not to mention she thought they had a similar figure which meant she could use her for the clothes she made for herself. “Red is overdone anyway, every girl goes for red. It’s the year for dark green, trust me,” she said confidently, a smile come on to her lips. “Thank you, it’s like literally my baby.” It had become most than anyone had thought. The shop was her niche and she finally found it. “Not insane but don’t get me wrong it hasn’t been slow either. It always picks up after Thanksgiving then dies down before Christmas. People want the deals and shop right away, I guess.” She sure didn’t, still not having even thought about gifts.
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anastasia looked around the shop as the owner spoke fondly of it, warmth growing in the pits of her stomach, softly smiling. she could only dream of one day finding something she felt as passionate about.  her eyes travel down to look at the dress she had chosen once more, feeling more confidence about pulling it off, “the year of the green. i like that. okay! you’ve got me convinced, i’ll take the green one.” she began to envision what else she could wear with the dress, shoes, necklaces, earrings, and suddenly anastasia wanted to rush home to play mini dress up. “perhaps we could splash in with some red lipstick.” she thought out loud, turning to look at the owner of the boutique, an idea forming in her head. “jokes on them because i waited a little, didn’t have to fight a crowd, and i’m still walking away with a perfect dress. i guess it pays to be patient at times,” she pauses, briefly, “ then again, i don’t believe there’s anything here that is below perfect.” she turns from the other female, looking towards another dress, reaching out to admire it. “me and my sister run our own youtube channel, would you be interested in making a guest appearance on it?” she looks over at the other, “a word of caution, however, your shop would probably go viral and you’d have a good amount of people in and out of here pretty much daily. some people don’t like the extra attention, so i like to give a little warning just in case.”
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
anastasia found herself running from the world tonight, feeling vulnerable and overwhelmed. between her constant battle of remaining as relevant as possible in not just the lives of those who watched her on the internet, her followers, but more importantly in the eyes of her own mother and sister. with kit’s engagement being made public, practically made into spectacle of for the entire town, she knew the pressure to find a decent suitor was going to be on even more than ever now. at the same time her heart ached for kit, his fiance, and this mystery woman of his. no one’s happily ever after should be ripped for them, despite anastasia’s own situation, she firmly believed that. 
once she spotted kit, seeing he seemed to be caught up in his thoughts, ana reaches out with a gentle touch to alert him of her presence. her smile came effortlessly for kit charming, a bit hard not to smile so easily with someone so, well, charming. “kit.” her voice was gentle, not an ounce of her wanted to give off the impression that she was there to give him a hard time. anastasia returned the small nod, taking the open seat next to him, ordering a drink as well, she let the silence between them sit in the air for a moment. it wasn’t awkward or anything; it actually felt very nice. the neat whiskey she had ordered was placed in front of her just as kit began to speak again, asking her of her household, she listened and sipped. “oh,” she softly laughed, looking at the liquor in her cup, “i’m sure mother is very heartbroken to find out of your engagement. i’m sure a lot of people are.” she wasn’t one of them, much to her mother’s dismay, but she knew that the man next to her had a whole sea of hearts to navigate through. she couldn’t imagine it being an easy task, she could barely handle her own.
 “the tremaine household is doing well, thriving, i suppose.” the girl couldn’t remember the last time  she had an actual conversation with her brother or mother but that wasn’t something she was going to bother kit with. “personally, me, i’ve been....living in an impossible dream.” her mind went to remy instantly as she spoke those words, a soft scoff escapes her at kit’s last comment. “kit,” anastasia turns to, finally, look at him, “how are you doing? it can’t be easy to be dealing with everything you’re dealing with right now.  i’m truly sorry you’re dealing with it at all. you’re so kind, you don’t deserve it.”
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//closed starter @lavndrkisses​
Kit found himself alone again, feeble and empty. He sat in front of the bar with one glass in hand, settling into solitude as he refused to talk to anyone who dared ask him for a dance. Kit kept a cool head now that Atta was a part of his life, and he was aware that people were watching him wherever he went, while also looking for traces of Ella in each step he makes. In an instant, she was gone, and he was worried sick as to where she was now. The thoughts that ran through his head consumed his body. It was difficult to sleep, to eat, or simply to stay alive. Ella was the only good thing to have come into his mundane life. He couldn’t get over her, no matter how hard he tried.
He felt a gentle hand pat him on the back, followed by a lovely smile from a redhead who happened to sit next to him. “Anastasia.” He nodded politely, greeting the other. As far as he could remember, this other sister was particularly tolerant of Ella. Still, he was a bit cautious. He didn’t have much to say so he drank slowly from his glass to relieve himself of the responsibility of making small talk. “How has your household been? It seems like your mother is disappointed about my engagement. I might have to send her something again.” He added. “How has it been you? All these match making escapade we couldn’t quite get rid off.”
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
for: open  location: snuggly duckling
it wasn’t often that anastasia decided to go out drinking at the snuggly duckling, but every so often, she had her moments. the only reason she was here tonight is because she was supposed to be hanging out with some friends.  however, it seemed that they had all decided to bail on her at the last minute and she was already two drinks in from waiting. in her opinion there was no harm in enjoying the night still, so she placed another order for a drink. the guy that had come to sit next to her, assuming she wanted his company, had joined her just as her drink was being placed in front of her, “oh, i’m okay, thank you.” ana said,as politely as she could, because she didn’t feel like getting into a fight with someone tonight, she was trying to tell the man she wanted her space. it was as if the male just didn’t seem, or want, to understand as he persisted to offer to buy her drinks and keep her company. before she was about to move, risking the guy following her anyway, she saw her out when someone came up to the other open spot next to her. “you made it!” she happily exclaimed, “i was just telling this guy here that i was waiting for you.” anastasia leans in so only the newcomer could hear her, “please help me. can you just pretend we’re supposed to be sharing a drink right now? he’s being too clingy and won’t go away. your drink can be on me for your troubles.”
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
anastasia wasn’t much of a beer drinker, which was a shame, she was actually the happiest when beer drunk, however around christmas she enjoyed drinking it more than her regular cup of wine. while she didn’t do it often, today she had gone out to drink by herself and see what the universe brought her way. as she sat and listened to the raven haired female speaking to her, her half drunk cup of beer in front of her, anastasia couldn’t help but glance over to the group of festively dressed people. she took her phone out to take a quick little snip it of the holiday chaos happening around them, cheerily giggling, clearly more amused by their antics than her newly found company. “maybe this is their job?” ana suggested, putting away her phone, turning to look at the other, “but, i’ll be honest, i’ve had a couple of pints already. i’m feeling a little toasty and it might be making them a lot more amusing than they really are.” suddenly her eyes grew a little wide with excitement, “you should join me! i have an open tab and i’m feeling the holiday spirit. just....not to the level of those guys behind us.”
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location: any bar
How could Gwen forget the yearly tradition of bar-hopping in costume that plagued Animania? Being on set for over 12 hours can do the trick. She audibly groaned at the sea of people dressed up as holiday characters littering the streets, pushing past them to find any establishment that wasn’t taking part in the so-called holiday. With her luck, she managed to find one place that wasn’t riddled with festive wear. Soon after she’d settled down at the bar, the costumed menaces began trickling in and she felt the need to rant to the nearest patron, “Don’t these people have jobs or anything that could occupy their time better than playing dress-up?” 
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
anastasia was on the hunt for a brand new dress to wear to an upcoming christmas party.  she couldn’t make up her mind between a green or red colored dress, though, which had caused her to remain standing in the same spot in the boutique for about ten minutes.  she had been leaning more towards the green dress, up until she heard the encouraging words of the blonde next to her, her insecurities were trying to get the better of her. “do you think so?” she asked, excitedly, replacing the red dress on the rack and holding out the green dress to admire it a bit more. “i guess it’s the winner then! i was leaning towards it more but i’m typically known for wearing more red than green around christmas. i just wanted to do something a little different this year.” not to mention the dress seemed casual enough that she felt like she could sneak off to a bar after the christmas party. “you have a lovely shop, and no, i’m not just saying that in hopes of a discount,” ana teased with a light chuckle and small playful smile. “has it been a busy holiday season for you so far?”
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who: anyone ! where: angel’s boutique 
It wasn’t often that she had a smile on like this but when she was working it was another story. This shop had become the most important thing in her life, which meant she was the most pleasant when she was there. One of her cashiers had to call out sick so she was running it solo today. It had been a slow morning but she knew it would pick up later. For now she was enjoying the calm, folding clothes to be put back back onto the rack. Looking over at the item the other was holding she gave a small smile. “That color would look so good with your eyes, just so you know.” It was a genuine comment but she put on the charm a little more when people were here. “And no I’m not just saying that because I own the place.”
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
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fun, kindhearted, and dreamer are probably not the kind of words most people would associate with anastasia but she is all of that and more. except, she never feels like it. despite the constant smile she keeps for those around her, or how lucky she appears to be most of her followers, every night tears filled her eyes.
 she lives with regret of how she treated ella and constantly battles with living in her twins shadow. for the rare people who did manage to get close with her, outside of her sister, who got to see the side of her that loved to go on an adventure, the girl who was curious about the world around her, who loved to eat new things, and who was much more gentle than what she portrayed herself to be anastasia was a book of surprises. she likes to think she’s one of the many examples of why you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover.
anastasia constantly feels small in a world filled with people flying high; her wings feel clipped. she’s only ever felt like she could fly when remy was around,  and those remain the happiest moments in her life up to date, but without him she’s been struggling to find her way back to some form of happiness. if she weren’t so good at pretending to be okay, something she had to learn at a young age, then she is sure everyone would’ve noticed how much quieter she seems to have gotten. regardless, because she’s a dreamer, she believes she’ll find the courage to fly one day again.
she’s often thought about how she treated ella and she regrets it every time. ever since she left the tremeaine estate there hasn’t been a moment that anastasia doesn’t she wish she could run into the girl, not to rat her out, if only to apologize for her participation in the mistreatment she faced when living with them. she tries to be more kind to those around her in the meantime and it’s honestly been doing wonders for her. even if it doesn’t completely fill the void she feels she does find herself feeling warm at the gestures and reactions.
even though anastasia does have a kind heart, she isn’t very kindhearted when someone breaks it. any ex of hers who has wronged her in any way, even for the cameras, she refuses to play nice with. as a result for many of her exes that she goes public with, and gain a bigger following because of it, she gets tagged in a bunch of things with comments like ‘anastasia isn’t going to like this one’ and it’s just a curse she’s learned to deal with. since remy, however, none of the comments even bother her anymore. she could careless what an ex is up to...well, okay, she has a soft spot for one.
she may be living in a material world, but anastasia is not really a material girl. sure it’s nice, who could deny that? but if she could have true happiness in her heart and life then she’d choose that a hundred times over and over again. to her, happiness didn’t come with the likes and followers, happiness came from the people around her and the love they gave her in return for the one she gave them. except that was never the case with her family, and as a result, anastasia felt like if she didn’t have a part in them having all these material things then they wouldn’t even care if she were alive.
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