tombakerswife · 2 years
open starter!
It was that time of the day when the bakery ran out of bread, and Sara always felt bad about it, no matter how long they’d been in business. It was much earlier today than usual for it to run out, though, and Sara had ordered Tom to make another few loaves to at least get them through another hour or two. There was no telling how busy it was going to be on a Sunday morning in winter. “Morning! If you’re looking for bread, we’re waiting on the next batch of loaves to be done, and it’ll be a little bit, so I’m terribly sorry for the inconvenience.” She’d considered handing out free coffee or tea to anyone who was waiting for bread, but she didn’t want to assume before giving anything away. “Anything else, though, we have pretty fully stocked.” She took a look to the window, clutching her sweater around her shoulders. “How is it out there, by the way? It’s freezing in here, I can’t imagine how cold it must be outside.” 
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daniiidenniiison · 2 years
open event starter
The event did say twenty and up, but Dani was fairly certain she was still the only one underage at the Sandersons’ party. In truth, she did not want to be there, already feeling on edge from the possibility of weird shit happening, as she’d learned that when it came to those three, shit was always weird. Still, she couldn’t just sit home while Max insisted upon coming, the fear of him doing something stupid like lighting a cursed candle a looming threat. With her brother nowhere in sight (despite their parents telling him to watch after her), Dani was left without someone to talk to or even so much as get her a drink. “Hey, you!” she called to the person in the back of the line for the bar. “I don’t know what the drinking age is in your part of town, but my ID is with my brother, who’s nowhere to be found, and no shot the bartender isn’t going to card me. Help a girl out?”
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coralinej · 2 years
open starter location: colinsport mall
Coraline figured a change of scenery was good for her. She didn’t know why changing her scene from Coolsville to New Salem sounded like a brilliant idea, but hey, brilliant ideas only came to her in moments of extreme pressure. Right now, there was no pressure though. Sure, she was still trying to get herself together after her last Bedlam sighting, but she was determined to do something normal for once in her life. So shopping was something. This mall was a little...lame, but hey, there had to be some gems around there somewhere. As she walked through the mall she sighed, thinking that she spotted someone she knew, but really wasn’t too sure. Instead she just kept walking, trying to tell herself that it was nothing, but as she looked again and thought she saw the familiar jet black hair and sinister smile she turned quickly and ran right into someone. “Shit! I’m sorry I thought I saw....I don’t even know anymore.”
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colincubby · 2 years
Cubby loved taking walks in Ketcham Park. He had just finished practicing his bass guitar, despite that he already came to the conclusion that he would forever suck at it, and decided he needed to get outside for some fresh air. It was a nice fall afternoon; if he had been in the writing mood, he would have brought his notebook with him for some poetry, but his bass practice had left him feeling mentally drained. Luckily, he saw a familiar face walking in the opposite direction toward him, and he smiled. “Hey! Where are you headed?” He asked, wanting some extra company but not wanting to intrude. “Mind if I join you?”
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duncanelson · 2 years
//open starter
Duncan was in line to buy some more beer, only to find out that the line was taking too long for his liking. It seems like there was a middle-aged woman who kept raising her voice at the cashier, demanding whatever stupid thing she thought was entitled to be given to her. It was a typical case of a Karen, annoyed that her expired coupon wasn’t being accepted and using the language of whatever stupid law she believed in. It was these cases that infuriated Duncan more than ever, the unnecessary stress of living with a bunch of idiots contained in a small orb. With a heavy sigh, he rolled his eyes and tried to control every inch of his being not to be put back in juvie. The last thing he needed was to punch a woman in the face, and it had never been as tempting an option as it was now.
Once the line moved, the woman got whatever she wanted. Duncan stood on the side, opening his breakfast and chugging the alcohol just outside the store. He saw that Mrs. Entitled walked to her car and placed her groceries inside, only to walk back to the store to harass the staff even more. Duncan figured this was the perfect time to flex some of his muscles. Taking a knife from his pocket, he quickly ran to her car and slashed the tires. And to dig the wound deeper, he scratched a skull on the side of her door, amused by his own masterpiece. He clapped his hands together before placing his knife inside his pocket when someone else from behind called him out.
For a moment, he thought it was the crazy lady from the store, but when he turned around, a different face showed up. "Oh, it’s just you. Phew." Duncan chuckled, placing his hand on his chest. "What? Mind your own business." He retorted as the other kept looking at him. "I don't care if you squeal. I won't admit to it." He said as he simply shrugged his shoulders. 
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buckaye · 2 years
He’d felt their eyes on him for awhile now. At first, he’d decided to ignore it, go about his business. Be the bigger person. Take the high road. Choose his battles and all that. But Bucky loved battles, and with every second that ticked by, he could feel himself growing angrier and angrier that they wouldn’t just speak up. “You wanna keep staring?” He asked as he turned to confront whoever found his back to be so interesting. “I can give you something to look at.”
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lavndrkisses · 2 years
for: open  location: snuggly duckling
it wasn’t often that anastasia decided to go out drinking at the snuggly duckling, but every so often, she had her moments. the only reason she was here tonight is because she was supposed to be hanging out with some friends.  however, it seemed that they had all decided to bail on her at the last minute and she was already two drinks in from waiting. in her opinion there was no harm in enjoying the night still, so she placed another order for a drink. the guy that had come to sit next to her, assuming she wanted his company, had joined her just as her drink was being placed in front of her, “oh, i’m okay, thank you.” ana said,as politely as she could, because she didn’t feel like getting into a fight with someone tonight, she was trying to tell the man she wanted her space. it was as if the male just didn’t seem, or want, to understand as he persisted to offer to buy her drinks and keep her company. before she was about to move, risking the guy following her anyway, she saw her out when someone came up to the other open spot next to her. “you made it!” she happily exclaimed, “i was just telling this guy here that i was waiting for you.” anastasia leans in so only the newcomer could hear her, “please help me. can you just pretend we’re supposed to be sharing a drink right now? he’s being too clingy and won’t go away. your drink can be on me for your troubles.”
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rootntootncowgirl · 2 years
LOCATION: anywhere
Oh no --- had she been daydreaming again? Coming back to reality when engulfed with silence and then guilt, Jessie realized she couldn’t even remember the topic they had been on before her mind went off into its’ little daze. The last thing she wanted to do was make someone feel unimportant, but the more time that passed it was getting awkward, and she couldn’t for the life of her figure out what to say. “Oh, no, yes, I hear ya,” she finally nodded, pulling out her most convincing tone, “one hundred percent, crystal clear!”
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ohshocker · 2 years
open starter location: neverland
Selene was looking for a change of scenery. She was bored, she wanted to get drunk, and she wanted to cause as many problems as possible. So far the night was a bust and it was honestly pissing her off a little bit. She couldn’t find a single person in this bar interesting enough to mess with and she was about to call it a night until someone who looked at least a little interesting sat next to her. She ordered herself another shot, flipped her hair, and stared at the person next to her with curious eyes. “Are you as bored as I am? I think this place needs something to liven it up a bit. It’s deader in here than a cemetery.”
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anastasiatremcine · 2 years
open, friday night. location: echo creek, neverland bar.
“Are you going to buy me a drink or what?” Anastasia slurred to the person that was sat next to her. She usually wasn’t a drinker, but the weekend always promised fun times, especially if you went in drunk. The bar was filled with regulars and a generous crowd as many people were finishing their workweek. Work was never finished for Anastasia, though, there was always something to post on Instagram or Twitter, even if it was short and sweet. Most people assumed that Anastasia was sweet, and most of the time, she absolutely could be. For God’s sake, she even assisted her sister leaving the Tremaine estate, and still attempted to cover for Ella. Ella deserved better, she deserved to be free, and Anastasia wished for the same thing.
“I mean, we could take turns too?” She suggested, fully turning her barstool towards the person sat next to her. “But we won’t stop, until we’re tripping out of here and find another fun thing to do.” With this town, there were plenty of things for them to do. Luckily, the town was riddled with events and things to do, so there wasn’t anything that could stop the duo. “You down for that or what? Hope you don’t mind that I’ll have to record it for Instagram or TikTok.” Sometimes her job was exhausting.
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meetmelmel · 2 years
A good distance away from the shore, Melody sat cross legged on their towel, studying a particularly colorful shell they’d managed to score earlier. As much as they wanted to get closer to the waves, to just dip their toes in the water, they couldn’t risk it. Too many people around, if they were to sprout a tail, they’d never live that one down. They were lost in their own thoughts until they felt the footsteps shifting the nearby sand. “Hey!” They greeted whomever was approaching, turning to offer them a wide smile. “What’s kickin’?”
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elvisenthusiast · 2 years
She had just had it. Frantically digging through her bag, Lilo’s heartrate started to speed up, panic rising in her chest. She couldn’t breathe. It was the last picture she had left of her parents, her family before it had fallen apart. Her most prized possession. She slept with it under her pillow every night, she carried it with her wherever she went. But it wasn’t in the bag. She didn’t forget it at home, she would never leave it behind. It was just in the bag, but she couldn’t remember taking it out. It must’ve fallen out somehow. Turning around, she was met with a mixture of relief and anger when she saw the missing picture in the hand of the person standing behind her. Yanking the wrinkled Polaroid out of their grip with more force than necessary, she found herself lashing out before thinking. “Don’t touch this, don’t ever touch it!”
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celinepotts · 2 years
Celine should have known better then to so quickly fall as hard as she did. The times she let her heart do that she’d always face planted on the ground. This, shouldn’t be that big of a surprise yet she found herself moping around the hours in which Chip was at school or baseball practice. At last she didn’t get her son all that involved with everything. It was an easy hide away and love of a mother to keep him safe from this feeling. Sitting at a cafe with a cup of tea she just sighed softly looking out the window. Couples holding hands just drawling her face out longer as she felt heartache again. “Hm?” She stated hearing a voice. “The seat is open, of course. Always open yeah. Forgive me my head was in the clouds dear, please make yourself comfortable.” 
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coralinej · 2 years
open starter location: a bar (idc where)
Coraline couldn’t sleep. This wasn’t a shocking revolation really since she hardly ever did, but this time....it felt worse than normal. Her eyes were so heavy she yawned every other minute it felt like to keep her body awake, all while her mind was running free. It had started the other day at a cafe. She was just sitting and trying to enjoy her coffee when she looked up and saw a person with button eyes. She blinked and their eyes were back to normal and then it happened again at her job later in that day. Ever since the first two times, it happpened more and more. Button eyes were following her to the point wher eshe had to think it was real. If this was a dream it was a really shitty one and she was tired of feeling so trapped in her past. 
So she went on a walk. A really late one so that she didn’t have to see anyone but of course that didn’t stop her mind from conjuring up button eyes on the billboards with people on it or any other kind of thing with a face. She was spiraling hard and so she did what she could and entered the first bar that she could. She went straight up to the counter and started digging in her bag, cursing to herself when she realized her wallet was at home. “I....shit sorry, nevermind...” she muttered before just sinking onto the stool and glumly asking for a water. She had noticed she was being looked at and she gave them a sarcastic grin. “Sorry, there’s no grand ending to that interaction. Just a hopeless girl dreaming of whiskey and recieving a water.”
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draculasmavis · 2 years
Mavis had some reservations from going to New Salem, she didn’t have any problem with the new neighbors at all but she did have her own Halloween event going on at the hotel the very same night. Hotel Transylvania always planned a celebration on Halloween and hearing another town hosting something caught her off guard. She’d been planning for more people to come around her establishment with so many more citizens now but instead the turnout at her own event was nearly non-existent other than families with young ones who weren’t allowed to All Hallow’s Eve. Even in the midst of disappointment, she couldn’t let down the few that did join her Halloween bash. She stuck around with a brave face until a lull in attendees hit and flew to New Salem to see what she’d been missing.
 A quick walk around the party was all that was planned, maybe talk to some familiar faces and dance to a song or two but nothing more since she did have her own party to get back to. Even from outside town hall she could see the place was full of partygoers and, overall, a better time than her own gathering. Mavis did just as she planned and wanted to leave as quietly as possible. She tried to find any way through the back and side doors but nothing opened, even with her double check the knobs were working. Her urgency to leave was met with confused faces and all she could to do was awkwardly laugh it off before finally trying the main entrance in the front of the building. Again, her attempt at leaving was unsuccessful and now she was growing impatient, “We can’t leave... why can’t we leave!?” She paced around until she found someone that looked capable enough to help her out. “I have to get back home but none of the doors are working. Do you know if there’s any way out of here?”
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chrissiehook · 2 years
“Do you mind?” Chrissie turned towards the person who walked into her (or maybe, Chrissie backed into them, who cares) with her eyebrows furrowed together. If it wasn’t obvious to the person behind her, Chrissie wasn’t usually the person that many people bothered to mess with, she was a ticking time bomb that could go off at any point in time. “Do you get joy in bumping into people that are strictly minding their own business?” Truthfully, this sort of thing didn’t even piss her off that much, it was just out of pure enjoyment to overreact and put people on edge. If she wasn’t putting people on edge, who would? Why have a sense of security when she could set fear and stress into her fellow townsfolk? Truly, Chrissie knew how to have fun and as far as she knew, most people did not. The blonde had to stop the slow creeping smile that was edging onto her face as she stared the other person down. 
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