lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
HI everyone! We’re still here! Sorry for the absence, shits been cray. I’m around today if anyone wants to send in an application!
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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Congratulations, Natalie, you’ve been accepted as Outsider, Anastasia Devreaux. Please send in your account as soon as possible.
Out of Character Info: 
• Name: Natalie ( Nat) • Year you were born: 1991 • Timezone/Country: CMT, USA • Pronoun: She/ Her , They /Them  
In Character Info:
• Native or Outsider: Outsider  • Name: Anastasia Devreaux - ( Nickname : Dev ) • Face claim: Natalie Dormer • Birthday: 10/30/1991 • Origin: New Orleans • Does this character have a twin or are you open to adding a twin if someone else wants to bring in your FC someday? yes, Id totally be down for that   
• Bio: 
 Anastasia grew up in New Orleans Louisiana , she was the oldest of three ; all girls bless her fathers heart .  Her life was like many of the books she had written, she got engaged right out of high school and after college ended up marrying her high school sweetheart Caleb Devraux. After graduating college they did what every small town couple does and bought a sweet little house close to their old school where she was the newest English teacher and he was the soccer coach .   Looking at Dev ( Anastasia )now  you would simply see a bitter woman with a drinking problem and bite to boot. But she wasn't always like that , there was a time in her life where she was a straight A student, made Dean's honor list and was even a mother . That was before tragedy struck her small family , only two years ago she and her husband had their first child . A precious baby girl named Amilia , she was everything to Anastasia.  Until one morning they both awoke to find that sweet Amilia had passed in her sleep , Sid’s they said ; this was the first slip into  Anastasia downward spiral.  Their sweet little home in New Orleans, now a tomb . Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months , her husband stayed for as long as he could because the loss of a child took a toll on everyone . While her husband found peace in family and friends , Anastasia blamed herself and turned to alcohol. But after awhile he couldn’t take it and moved out , leaving her with nothing be her thoughts and memories which lead her to wear she is now … lawlessland   • 
Write one paragraph IN CHARACTER.
 As she sat in her chairs watching the golden liquor swirl in her cup she let out a long sigh before bringing the cup to her lips and drinking  “ you know if your going to judge me you could at least join me in a drink “ she said crudely to her mother who stood  behind her in the doorway “ oh that’s right drinking isn’t your thing right mother … that’s for the .. mm what did you say last time OH. Right the hopeless and lost “  she said coldly as she poured another drink, turning she raised her glass to her mother with a sadistic grin “ whelp .. here’s to the hopeless and lost “ .   
Anything Else:
 •  I haven’t been apart of an RP group in a long time but I’m so excited to get back into the swing of things
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
Good morning everyone. I’m around for awhile and would love to accept some apps!
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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WANTED: Sir Lawson
FULL NAME: [First Middle] Lawson BIRTHDAY: [Month Date, Year] *old enough to father Lawson Child 1* ORIGIN: Lawless Land FACE CLAIM: Celeb Name STATUS: Open | Reserved | Taken TWIN: Yes | No | Open |
Sir Lawson is what everyone calls him. He's the most powerful person in Lawless and he uses that to his advantage. Everything MUST be his way at all times. He has multiple wives, at least 3, and has several children. Mack has always been his favorite and he's never been shy about letting that fact be known. He takes care of those who are in his family and you don't have to be blood to be considered family. However, if you're in the family you do what Sir Lawson says. He has a gang of men who do his bidding. [rest of bio and face claim up to player]
This is a MATURE roleplay. Mun & muse MUST be 18+. Nothing is off limits on our dashboard. Literally nothing. Whatever you can think of you're free to do. There is no banned list. There are no trigger warnings or read mores.
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
Added to Outside the City
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Junk Yard Desert If you’re missing a car it most likely ended up here.  Beware of dogs. 
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
Good morning everyone. I’m around to accept apps, answer questions, or whatever else you may need me for. 
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
What ages do you suggest for Lawson’s wives?
I don’t have any suggestions off hand. There are notes on their bios about how old they have to be at least. For example Wife 1 has to be old enough to be Mack’s mom and Mack is turning 35 next month. 
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
Does Lawless have like a town doctor or anything like that? Is there a medical center or is that something a writer would have to bring in?
This was answered the other day. Click [here] to see the answer.
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
Whoops! Sorry about that, should've read it thoroughly first lol. Most wanted fcs?
I'm not sure about FC's but there are some preset native bios on the residents page that I'd love to see filled. The FC's are open to the player. Maybe our players have some ideas for FCs?
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if there is another form of writing accepted in place of a para sample? I haven't written on a blog in a long time and no longer have access to past characters.
The para sample is to be written in character of the person you're applying for so it needs to be a brand new para you write.
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
I’m still here. Adding new bios to the residents page. Also added a follow list and added some tags to track to our pinned post. Exciting and busy day here at Lawlesslandrpg. Come join us!
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
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lawlesslandrpg · 2 years
As of September 19, 2022 the group is now open. There will no longer be an application count and all applications will be accepted as they come in as long as an admin is online to review it. We look forward to building Lawless with everyone! 
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