lawyerjoebgarza · 10 years
Taking Care of Your Taxes To Help Grow Your Company
We're more than half way through 2014: Exactly where does your small business stand in terms of taxes?
Last week, a client of mine had an ugly surprise when I finalized his tax return and disclosed he owed a lot of money to the Internal Revenue Service. His first reaction was to be mad at the mediator. But, upon careful reflection, he explained, "Well, I should have come to see you last year when my new product took off the way it did. I knew I was making a lot more money." He's right. Any time there is a substantial change to your business's bottom line (in either red or black), it's time for a visit to your tax expert. In fact, everyone who manages a small business should take advantage of the mid-year off season to sit down with a tax professional to explore their financial statements as well as potential tax liabilities. It's considerably easier to strategize and put a plan of action in place now than to run around at year end upending pails of water on all the little fires that have been boiling all year. Here are some tips to look at with your tax pro to spruce up your tax situation and ideally retain working capital in your bank account rather than in Uncle Sam's pocket:.
Open a retirement plan.
If you're at last a few bucks on top and do not have a retirement fund, now's the chance to open one. Here's the perk: it's deductible!
Speak with a reliable financial advisor or a representative from your financial institution to establish what kind of design best suits your demands.
There are a large range of vehicles from Individual 401(k) plans to SEP IRAs to EASY plans that may or may not call for you to involve employees in the plan.
If a plan calls for employee participation, do not rapidly dismiss it.
Setting up a retirement plan for your workers could be a significant way to give raises that don't require the added cost of employer paid payroll taxes. Read IRS Publication 560 for more information.
Evaluate your legal structure.
Take the time to look at if your organization is operating optimally in its existing entity structure. You may have started out as a sole proprietorship and have outgrown it. It is particularly important to examine entity structure if your organization is currently netting more than $100,000 per year.
Also keep in mind that if you incorporate, you will now be required to take funds out of the business via payroll rather than simple draws.
There is a lot more documentation involved under this status, but the tax benefits and protection that a corporation offers may turn out to be more beneficial. Always go over these alternatives with your attorney and tax pro before making a choice.
Provide employee benefits.
Employees are our most important business asset and should be treated keeping that in mind. There are many employee benefits that are not taxable to either the staff member or the company. Check out IRS Publication 15-B, Guide to Fringe Benefits to learn more on this matter. You will save your money in payroll taxes while you create a better working environment for your workers.
Purchase furniture and equipment.
The IRS has always rewarded outlays for capital assets by providing the Section 179 Deduction. This special deduction allows the immediate expensing of capital assets as opposed to depreciating them over their useful lives. Be cautioned however. This year, the limit for purchases decreased from $500,000 to $25,000. However, Congress will be looking at extending that threshold probably sometime during fourth quarter. You can go ahead putting money aside for the purchases now.
Perform projections.
Take a close look at your budgetary reports. Run a profit and loss and contrast it to the previous year gain and loss through the end of June. Are there considerable changes? Are you preparing for an increase or decrease in sales and/or expenditures through the end of the year? It's a simple matter to export your data from QuickBooks into Excel where you can play with the figures to determine what your end-of-year bottom line will be. Give that data with your tax pro to figure out if you must change your planned tax payments accordingly.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 10 years
The once overlooked anonymous online currency, bitcoins, have been targeted by the federal government. Prominent Dallas-based attorney Joe B. Garza emphasizes that using bitcoins to hide assets is against ...
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Saving Money for the Regular Joe
If you just recently graduated from school; maybe you've even gotten your first serious job, you might think it’s rather soon to start worrying about your savings and where you are investing your money. That really couldn’t be farther from the actual truth. Regardless of how you consider at it, the earlier you start saving up, the more you can expect to have later (or for a rainy day). Furthermore, determining to prudently manage your income early on will only make make things far better in the future if you, say, want to put a down payment on a house or planning to retire. Starting wise financial habits will always bring life-long rewards. These novice budgeting plans can help you find your financial footing and begin investing in your future.
Expect things to go wrong
As you begin considering long-term goals, make certain that you have already made a plan of action set that addresses your present situation. Particularly that includes getting rid of any private/government student loans you may be obligated to. With loans that carry an interest rate of 5-6% or more, it’s incredibly important that you pay off these loans as soon as possible—especially since government student loans are often the hardest loans to take care of. The current law makes it incredibly difficult to have student loan debt discharged during bankruptcy. for bankruptcy, but the key to a fiscally secure future is to anticipate financial misfortune before the rest of your life gets even more frustrating. You don’t want your past debt looming above your head when you’re starting your family or looking for home.
Even more than paying off your debt from loans, it's also incredibly important that you start putting away emergency savings. At some point in the future, you will probably have unexpected expenses. When you have to pay for major surgery or an unexpected surgery, you'll be able to thank yourself for having placed the money aside before, and therefore sparing yourself from extra.
Figure out your future goals
Most millenials don't have their entire lives figured out, it's not unlikely that you've got somewhat of a notion of what your largest interests and priorities are. If you'd like to travel the world while you're still young, or take a year to pursue a career as an artist, your saving strategy are probably going to look a lot different than the goals of a person who would like to to retire early. Imagining your future goals will help a person determine how much he/she needs to save every paycheck. Experts suggest that youngsters set aside as much as a whole third of their monthly income, with others saying that saving at minimum 10% is a good way to get into the habit of saving. Whatever amount you decide on, make sure to put aside something for every one of your important goals (from retiring early, to traveling the world, to paying off debt) every month so none of your goals get overlooked.
The benefit of early saving habits is that you won’t begin to become used to a type of lifestyle that you eventually discover is too expensive. It’s definitely easier to start lean and work up to a different life than it is to scale back on the things you used to love.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
IRS Introduces New Tech-Oriented Tax-Filing Protocol
By Joe B. Garza
Seemingly every year, tax laws change, get more complex, and change in order to help (and disappoint) taxpayers. In 2014, you will probably to see multiple new additions to income tax policy, including inflation adjustments to dozens of tax items, new rules for same-sex families, and even some drawbacks for {not buying health insurance through either refusing to register for health care. One defining part of the 2014 tax reformation will be its several-week delay, something that can be attributed to the government's shutdown earlier last year. But, this year will also initiate the beginning of a totally new kind of national tax change — in terms of not only the amount we pay, but in how we file.
The 'Improved' Federal IRS Tax Policy
Earlier this month, the IRS announced the release of a “newly revised comprehensive tax guide,” otherwise known as Publication 17: a resource that aims to assist citizens file their taxes during the coming year. This initiative touts its interactive features and in-depth discussion of what it refers to as “tax-saving opportunities.” In addition to Publication 17's new features is material on the American Opportunity Tax Credit, affecting college students and their guardians, and also Child Tax Credit (CTC) and Earned Income Tax Credit .
Distributed by the Internal Revenue Service for over 60 years, the new version of the tax guide will still feature content on reporting earnings, capital gainst, IRA’s (Individual Retirement Accounts) and useful material. However, at nearly 300 pages, it seems unlikely that the average tax-payer will find time to review the publication resource. Considering the growing complexity of Federal income tax, it is not surprising that the IRS would disclose updates to the instructions almost daily.
Less Face-to-Face Assistance
New IRS guide illustrates a large shift away from in-person interaction, and a larger amount of L to help people get through their taxes.
Tighter IRS budgets — mostly due to sequestration 2013 — mean there are far fewer resources available for face-to-face tax filing help. Rather than having a human being, filers will be directed to an array of online tools, including over 13k partnering volunteer sites, and resources on the Internal Revenue Service's offical website - like the IRS 'Free File' program. Even basic inquiries are now answered online or through various hotlines. With such ubiquitous online assimilation, it makes sense that a branch of the U.S. government would start to offer more of its services on the web.
A Stronger Emphasis on Web Content
Although less help in the form of interaction with a representative will certainly be frustrating for some people, there will be some will be pleased to learn they can take care of more tax-related problems on the web than ever before. Now, taxpayers are able to view and complete their tax transcripts online. Additionally, the IRS will also continue to give Employee Identification Numbers through its website. To avoid fielding taxpayer inquiries about the whereabouts of income tax refunds over the telephone, the IRS will now handle all similar questions on IRS.gov as well.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Why The New Digital Currency Bitcoin May Have Met Its End
Investment news just wouldn't be the same these days without Bitcoin updates, the digital currency that has experienced plenty of bursts in value since its launch roughly five years ago. But now, it could be the fall of the currency's remarkable run may soon be on the horizon. The October Silkroad takedown may have not been powerful enough to hinder it over the long-term, but new headlines from China can't be optimal for the once-regulation-free currency. The New York Times reports that “If Bitcoin is a bubble, as its critics contend, it is showing signs of deflating.”
Within the last few days, the world's biggest Bitcoin Exchange—claimed that it would stop recognizing of Bitcoin. This was revealed only a few short weeks after Chinese policymakers banned large entities from making transactions in Bitcoins. There are even several European countries who are choosing to stop Bitcoin, but on a somewhat smaller scale. Norway has just followed Germany in its choice to put a capital gains tax on citizens’ Bitcoin assets.
Although some may be disappointed to see the end of Bitcoin’s more luminous days, it's clear that for many financial professionals, Bitcoin's flimsiness outweighed its benefits. Not only is the currency a 100% uninsured investment, but it's also an asset that has proven to be incredibly easy to steal. This month, nearly $100m. worth of Bitcoins was pilfered from transactions on Sheep Marketplace, an online marketplace for illegal drugs. Even still, buyers making shady transactions haven’t been the only ones who have been hit. Near the end of Oct., Chinese trading platform for Bitcoin trading platform, GBL, vanished completely out of nowhere, taking with it over $4 million of its customers cash along with it.
Apparently, the reason that digital currency perfect for thieves is that “ownership” of a unit of Bitcoin is only dependent upon possession to a “private cryptographic key to unlock a specific address,”. If a thief comes into possession of your key, do whatever they please with your currency. It’s actually not even that difficult to get someone's key since many sellers store their users' unique keys online. Also, even though the currency can be publicly traced , laundering bitcoin is now very easy due to anonymous financial known as "tumblers".
The question is, could this currency stay viable if investigators introduce a way to make them more traceable? It could make a difference, but now with China pretty much out of the Bitcoin game and more governments bearing down on the currency, the possibility are quickly decreasing for it to succeed. Furthermore, leading analysts have long believed that the currency is only in a dubious bubble that could soon burst.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Attorney Joe B Garza Explains Recess Appointments
On January 4, 2012, President Obama appointed three new members to the five-member National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the federal agency that investigates unfair labor practices. He also appointed a head of the Consumer Financial Protection Agency. All four appointments were “recess appointments,” a type of appointment made while the Senate is not in session. Such appointments do not immediately require the consent of the Senate, but they are only temporary. The “recess appointments clause” of the Constitution provides: “The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.”
Some Republicans and legal commentators predicted a constitutional battle over the appointments on the ground that the Senate was in session. In early January of 2012, the Senate was convening every three days in pro forma sessions, which are brief sessions held every three days in which no official business is conducted. Pro forma sessions typically are held to prevent a breach of the constitutional requirement that each House of Congress obtain the other’s permission for recesses beyond three days. The President and his legal advisors, however, viewed pro forma sessions by the Senate as the equivalent of the Senate being in “full” recess, in the same way that Congress goes into recess every August.
Noel Canning (“Noel”), a soft drink bottling company, raised the constitutional objection in its litigation with the Teamsters Union and the NLRB. The company claimed that the three January 2012 appointments to the NLRB were unconstitutional, and that as a result the NLRB was operating without its required three-member quorum (the other two spots on the NLRB are currently vacant). Noel prevailed in the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The Supreme Court agreed to hear NLRB’s appeal and will address three questions in its ruling. First, can the President make a recess appointment during a break in a single session, as opposed to a break between two enumerated sessions (i.e., the August recess)? Second, if so, is a pro forma session of Congress such a break? Third, can a recess appointment be made only for vacancies that arose during that recess, or also for vacancies that existed prior to the recess?
The Supreme Court’s ruling will be eagerly anticipated for at least two reasons. First, little case law exists on the recess appointments clause; up until January 2012, tradition was the guide for when recess appointments may be made. Second, as the confirmation process of presidential appointees becomes more politicized, the recess appointments clause will (perhaps already has) become the presidential counter to circumvent a Senate opposed to his nominee.
More on NLRB
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
FISC Attracts Interest in Wake of NSA Leaks
At the beginning of June of this year, several international publications released stories exposing details surrounding the surveillance methods used by the NSA on American citizens. In response, the New York Times published 2 pieces shedding light on the governmental entity known as the "Foreign Intelligence Monitoring Court" (FISC), which is accountable for dealing with the warrant requests submitted by the NSA.
In its very early phases the FISC normally provided warrants that granted wiretapping privileges to officials, but, as technological development (and its impact when integrated with terrorism) advances, the government has slowly expanded the FISC's influence and authority. Started by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, the FISC includes a group of eleven members (judges) and currently includes John Roberts, the United States Chief Justice. Each request from the NSA is processed by a single FISC judge, and the final court rulings can become challenged in an appeals court. However, because the FISC often approves the government's request for a warrant, appeals rarely even occur. To provide a concept of how rarely an appeal is needed, the FISC acknowledged 1,788 of the 1,789 government requests for surveillance orders in 2012 - the only exception was the single request that the government, itself, wound up taking out.
The only entity who even obtains an audience with the FISC is the American Government, which is why the structure of FISC cases varies significantly from the conventional adversarial system that most citizens recognize. FISC judges are picked by a single individual, and their choice does not need added approval or oversight from a secondary entity. Selecting new judges like this has obviously raised suspicion that the court neglects ideological range, and fails to acknowledge the spectrum of different political thought that exists outside the court.
Other people believe that the FISC's powers are beginning to get around what we acknowledge as the major American Legal System. FISC critics typically invoke the 4th Amendment in their argument, since it states: "The right of people to be protected in their individuals, effects, files, and houses, against unreasonable searches and seizures, will not be broken, and no Warrants will launch, however upon likely source ..." In its rulings, the FISC still acknowledges the precedent of the Fourth Modification, however sources like The New York times have actually mentioned their expanding issues that the FISC seems to be becoming a "parallel Supreme Court" with the quantity of authority it has.
Historically, very few of the FISC's court choices have actually been seen by the public, so, naturally, they have actually gotten very little spotlight, not to mention objection. After September 11, 2001, and even as just recently as the 2013 NSA disaster, interest in the FISC and it's function in the American legal system has actually greatly increased, even though the court itself is still mainly shrouded in secrecy. With unparalleled technological development that threatens to help with the next disastrous terrorist attack, questions surrounding the FISC's behavior may become more politically popular, and can even begin getting attention from major political projects in the future. The Capital Press had some interesting things to say about the NSA and some of its proponents, like John Bolton.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Does Obama Have the Power to Delay PPACA?
Arguable the biggest accomplishment thus far in the Obama administration has been the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) passed in 2010. This legislation mandates that every employer with 50 or more employees must offer healthcare coverage to their employees or pay a penalty. This mandate was to go into effect on January 1, 2014, but the Obama administration recently proclaimed that the mandate will be delayed exactly one year to January 1, 2015. This affirmed apprehensions that initiating the PPACA was even more daunting than originally expected. On top of this extension, concerns are arising that the health insurance exchanges stated by the PPACA will not be set by the October 1, 2013 projected implementation date. The administration also stated that the portion of the law that puts a limit on out-of-pocket expenditures for single persons and families will not be beginning in time for its original start date either.
These delays in the legislation are giving rise to the old criticisms of the PPACA and are strengthening its opponent’s motion for Congress to withdraw funding. Many conservatives view the recent actions of the administration as warning signs that the PPACA should be revoked all together. Some are even proclaiming that the change to the start-up dates for the PPACA is a constitutional issue. Section 1513(d) of the PPACA states that the mandate “shall apply to months beginning after December 21, 2013”. The legislation does not allow the President to change the dates that are expressly stating the time that the employer mandate is to take effect. Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States nor in the PPACA does it state that the President is allowed to ignore provisions within the law.
Read: Tax Court Has a Cow over Estate Plan
The Treasury Department made a statement on July 2nd proclaiming that it too was putting on-hold the reporting requirements of employers that are connected to the mandate. The PPACA states that employers are responsible for reporting relevant data to the Treasury Department and the IRS “at such time” as the Treasury Department sees fit. The Obama administration may use this announcement by the Treasury Department to legally justify their own delays, but even this argument has its flaws. The power given to the Secretary of the Treasury Department from the PPACA relates to employer’s obligation to report, but it does not relate to the enforcement of the PPACA itself. Now this suspension by the Treasury Department will undoubtedly make the IRS’s job of enforcing the PPACA even harder, but there is no legal basis that allows the administration to use this complication as reason to delay implementation of the law. This move by the Obama administration sparks even more speculation that the delay itself is actually meant to cloak the impact of the PPACA in order to prevent this legislation from being a hot-button topic in the coming 2014 congressional elections.
More News: Dallas Tax Attorney Joe B Garza Discusses Odd Taxation Methods
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Winner of PGA to Tender Half of Winnings to Taxes
Sometimes being the winner is not all that it’s cracked up to be. Even if you happen to be this year’s winner of the prestigious British Open. That’s what famous lefty golfer Phil Mickelson just learned after seeing a vast majority of his tour winnings – estimated at $2.2 million before taxes – literally vanish into thin air. Well not into thin air, but into the coffer of the British and American federal governments. After tax liability was assessed, the famous pro will only take home a meager $840,000 – which is about 50 percent less than his total earnings. So what gives?
First it begins with the state of New York, where the tourney is hosted. Winners agree to pay 8.8 percent in taxes off the bat to the state. In Mickelson’s case, that’s about $132,00 right off the top. Following anticipated deductions, the U.S. federal tax rate on the sum is effectively 36 percent, or about $540,000. Add about 3.7 percent on for self employment tax, and he’s sending another $57,000 to the Fed. His home state of California would impose a standard 13 percent tax rate, which is offset by the 8 percent he paid to New York already, and therefore stands at about 5 percent, or another $110,000. Geez it’s pricey to be a pro these days.
Other golfers, such as Tiger Woods, who lives in Florida, make out a bit better. That’s because Florida imposes no state income tax. One can guess there are few other reasons aside from the nice weather that make it more understandable as to why Tiger likes to live here.
Dallas Tax lawyer Joe B Garza has been practicing complex business tax litigation for more than three decades, and enjoys cover a wide issue of topics during his free time.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Attorney Joseph B Garza Highlights the Benefits of Being a Dallas attorney Certified by the TBA.org
Becoming a lawyer, can sometimes be a calling as some people say. Not everyone is destined to be a lawyer. However, the law is one of the oldest and most respected careers in the whole world. It takes mettle to study law. This is owing to the intensity required in in-depth analysis and interpretation of the law. Practicing the law comes with its own benefits, especially those practicing law under the Texas State Bar Association. Some of these benefits are outlined below. Opportunity to help others Having the opportunity to help others is one of the benefits of being a Dallas attorney like Attorney Joseph B Garza. Lawyers are best equipped to champion society wars by taking the wrong doers to court. It is also in this light that lawyers can help the less fortunate find justice in the corridors of justice. For lawyers in private practice, they can offer their services for free, that is pro Bono to some members of the society who are in need of legal advice but cannot afford it. Diverse practice areas An attorney of law practicing law in Dallas has a wide range of specialties to practice law in. This has been mainly due to the development and growth of the profession and increased industry segmentation. Today, these are some of the niche areas lawyers in Dallas can practice law: employment law, civil litigation, green law, employment law, criminal law, immigration law, and foreclosure law. Flexibility Practicing law requires a lot of dedication. In addition, this dedication is seen in an individual lawyer's ability to manage his or her own time. Generally, lawyers are flexible; this is because they can set their own work time, fees, and the clients they want to represent. Attorneys in Dallas are no exception. They enjoy the ability to take a day off away from the office when they want to and work at any time of the night if need be. Prestige A career in law in Dallas brings with it a lot of respect. This is because over the years lawyers have been associated with success, both academically and financially. This has fostered lawyers to be considered as members of an elite circle of knowledgeable people. A prestige that comes with being a lawyer is one of the benefits of being a Dallas attorney. Financial rewards One of the benefits of being a practicing lawyer in Dallas is the financial rewards that come with it. Generally,  lawyers make more money in a year than what most professionals in other careers make. This is seen especially for lawyers in private practice and those who work for big law firms. Lawyers make more than advertisers and accountants in the same job group as they are. Transferable skills A career in law can be an avenue for having a fulfilling career in another profession. The skills learnt as a lawyer can serve as the required skills to pursue careers in legal consulting, legal mediating, legal management, legal writing, and academia such as being a lecturer. In some cases, some lawyers may pursue these career opportunities on the side while still being a fully-fledged practicing lawyer. This works for some lawyers in that they are able to pursue their passions and earn more while at it. Hopefully this article helped you better understand the benefits of being a lawyer like Attorney Joseph B Garza in Dallas, Texas.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
How the Texas State Bar Association Helps Law Students Get Certified – An Article by Texas Lawyer Joe B. Garza
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Many of us, especially the common man, would think does the law treat everyone equally? Are the VIP people and the common man treated in the same way? Does the politician and a common man get the equal punishment by the law for same crime. Well, to answer this all, the government and the lawyers have a very important role in determining the destiny of many people. For lawyers, their main aim is to provide a legal victory or win the case for their client. Now, that whether it is ethical or unethical is up to them. Today, there are many young students who want to take up this profession of being a lawyer and who want to be associated with The Texas State Bar Association.
Now this means a lot, the common man decides whom to give his vote and form the government, and the government makes rules, which dictates the law. There are many who don't even know their rights, the law and the basic human rights. The Texas State Bar Association is the institution that maintains the ethics of the legal profession. Starting from the lawyers to the public, and to its members—the Texas State Bar Association takes proper care biding by the American system of law.
Its main aim is to strengthen the legal system, making sure of equality of justice to all, improve the standards of this profession, especially for the lawyers, as well as to ensure that they serve the community well, provide awareness or educate the masses about the law and practice law, which is ethical and accepted.
The lawyers at this institution that is The Texas State Bar Association are highly efficient in their profession. One of the main reasons why most of the students want to be associated with this institute is that it provides flexibility to its members and help in research as well.
The Texas State Bar Association is an institute which provides a variety of options for budding lawyers. The Texas bar blogs, Texas bar books are amongst the various services provided. For example, the Texas bar books, theses are meant for in depth research and knowledge about the legal field. It basically includes the books on real estate, business, and family law and so on.
The Texas bar journal is a fantastic service provided by the TBA.org which helps students understand the latest legal happenings; this section also contains the variety of features written on the legal system. It has a section where various cases which had the least hope of getting victory are published. It is mainly for providing benchmarks and guidance for all those who decide not to fight their case. It serves as an indicator to all those to maintain faith in the system.
It also has a section for the common public who find it difficult to find suitable lawyers to lead their case. Hence, this is the reason why certification by The Texas State Bar Association holds so much of importance.
These are but a few ways that the TBA.org helps aspiring legal students reach the pinnacle of their dreams by getting certified and passing their BAR exam. You can read more articles about how to become certified by the Texas State Bar Association by Texas Lawyer Joe B. Garza here.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
An Overview on How to Become Certified by the Texas State Bar Association by Texas Lawyer Joe B. Garza
Becoming a lawyer in Texas is not that tough if you follow 4 tips carefully. These tips will help you become a successful lawyer. Read full article here: 4 tips to follow: • Complete your graduation: You can choose any subject as your major in graduation but you have to pass with good marks. However, it is better if you choose a subject based on communication, criminal justice and public speaking as these subjects will help a lot in your career. • Apply for law school: After your graduation, you can seek admission in a law school that is accredited by the council. • Apply for LSAT or Law School Admission Test: Once you complete your law course, you are eligible for the LSAT. • Apply for a license: When you are applying for a license, make sure you furnish only true details about you. The Texas state department might reject your application if the information is wrong.
You can learn more about how to become certified by the Texas State Bar Association by checking out articles here: http://www.joebgarza.us/2013/05/tips-on-how-to-become-tba-certified.html
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Joining Texas Bar Association as a DWI Attorney - Simple Tips on TBA.org by Texas Lawyer, Joe Garza
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Texas Bar Association Certification gives complete power to the State Bar in Texas so that it's supportive of its legal systems, ensuring that citizens are treated equally before the law, ensuring that lawyers uphold ethical values of conduct, ensuring that the kind of services rendered towards the public and all clients attains expected levels or standards, to also inform the public all aspects of Texas rule of law and enhance diversification in administering justice and law practices. Use these tips by Texas lawyer Joe Garza on joining the TBA.org.
Cyberspace Bar Association of Dallas: its mandate is boosting CLE seminars that involve educating attorney on how to apply technology when solving cases hence fasten the process of helping needy clients, how to distribute helpful information by using e-mail, ensuring that quality is upheld for articles and motions or any other important documents.
Houston Federal Bar Association, Texas Southern District Chapter: this association is given the power of ensuring that attorneys found to the Southern District are served with efficiency. Southern Texas Chapter has developed over time and is now the second biggest of all FBA Chapters in Texas.
Best southwest Association Bar, Cedar Hill: it's also a non-profit legal assistants and attorney association responsible of sharing important information that concerns modern legal matters and ways of availing quality services to the county of Southwest Dallas area with its needy businesses and individuals.
Bar Association of Corpus Christi: it's now proud of many years of survival since its establishment back on the ninth of December, 1920. Its mission is representation of members effectively just as always. It ensures that its loyal members are always well informed, and also improve while preserving their legal system.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
How Texas Lawyers Like TBA Joe B Garza Can Help
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If you have been involved in any crime situation, choosing the most efficient Texas Lawyer can be toughest aspects of the full process. There are plenty of various problems to consider about. There is the amount linked to hiring a criminal lawyer and the ability of the individual and years of experience posses. You want to consider about the attitude of the lawyer. The relationship you grow with the lawyer plays an important role in the success of the case. Choose a criminal attorney whose practice is mainly focused on the area of defense which you need. Most of the practitioners tackle regular cases but also focus in the particular area of criminal case. They may include with rape defense, violent crime defense etc. Learn how to get the help you need from TBA certified lawyers like Texas lawyer Joe B Garza. Find a Texas Lawyer who is interested to give his full time required to win your case. Decide prior you begin searching for an attorney the qualities which matter important to you. The same qualities may not be the similar for everyone. Check whether you need a defense professional who has years of experience, or think to get one who is young and interested to work hard, or do you need someone with good experience and knowledge and so on. Consider all these characteristics carefully which are very important to you. It will help you as a guide to choose a best Texas Lawyer. Ask any of your friends or family members to refer efficient lawyer. You need not want to get one to make a defense for you, it is important that you look for one who knows properly what they are performing. You can also try from contacting local bar association and ask to give some referrals. Many states bar and local bar association will provide you certain names and information regarding criminal lawyers who are members of the bar association. Certain associations will also contain referrals program which assist to get the attorneys for the people who are containing trouble to find the best one. Internet is also one of the sources to find a criminal attorney .There are numerous Texas lawyer's contact details database online which can link you with the attorneys in the local area you live in. Most of this information will let you to break down the search in to expertise in which you are finding. Criminal attorney' works along with the police department to check evidence at the crime picture and collaborate the testimonies of what they saw taken place. Criminal attorneys investigate the motive behind the accused and the actions of accuser's. According to the collection of proof and evidence, the attorney determines whether to precede the case or not. At the time of trial, the criminal attorney will try to prove defendant innocence by giving the evidence seen at the crime area. A criminal lawyer contains option to make sure a reduced sentence for the customer prior the trial even starts. Texas lawyer can assess the possible success of the appeal, particularly when new evidence has introduced or a new witness is identified.
  Read some more helpful articles by TBA certified lawyer Texas lawyer Joe B Garza.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Texas Lawyer Joe Garza Asks: Why Become a Texas Attorney Certified by the Texas State Bar Association (TBA.org)
If you are trying to fix your aim in life as a Texas attorney then your decision is the perfect one. Why become a Texas attorney? There are so many reasons. Yes, it is difficult to being one attorney as you need to complete one Bachelor degree from law school and 4 years of undergraduate program. But you will get tremendous opportunities and respect from others that is very rare in other occupation. You can solve the legal problems or you can draft the will (like Texas Lawyer Joe Garza). There are lots of work is here for you to do. But first things first: how do you become certified by the Texas State Bar Association?
Mental stimulation, financial reward, emotional satisfaction and multiple career opportunity are waiting for you if you become one attorney in Texas. As you are helping people in their various problems you will have the opportunity to use your full mental strength and your capabilities. Multiple career opportunity is another chance, so you can earn a lot, in case of money and respect. You can work individually as an independent attorney and in a law firm. So you can make a great career in this sector.
Varieties of ways are present both in the Public Sector and in the corporate level. You can find career opportunities in legal law firms as a Texas Attorney. That can help you to show your knowledge and gather experiences from the fellow attorneys.
People often come to an attorney for their personal or business problem. In the time of their problem you are the one helping them, so obviously you will get mental satisfaction.
The annual earnings from this profession are higher than the others. According to one survey in is almost $120,000 per year, if you are a mid-level attorney. Compare to another occupation, it is huge.
You are getting respect, earning good amount of money and have the proud of helping others. Then isn't becoming one Texas attorney is the first-class profession for you?
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lawyerjoebgarza · 11 years
Joe B Garza Advice on How to Get in Touch with the Best Accident Attorney
You would do well to get in touch with the best accident attorney attached to the best lawyer firm in order to get your accident claim passed successfully in the court. The most experienced car accident lawyer would help you get the most money in the form of compensation to meet all of your medical expenses. If the accident has confined you to your home the attorney would assist you in getting the money you would have lost due to loss of income. All you have to do is provide your lawyer with all the details pertaining to the car accident. Hopefully this advice by Joe B Garza can help you out.
You would be glad to know that the car accident attorney has loads of experience in handling accident claim cases with a high success rate. He would be available to discuss with you all matters regarding your compensation right at your hospital bed if you are unable to move around. Otherwise he is available on phone and can be contacted through email round the clock. He would be all the more willing to help you come out of trauma caused by the accident. You can rest assured that your family would be safe and would not get affected by the loss of income thanks to the efficiency of the accident lawyer when it comes to winning your case with precision. It is quite important that you should get in touch with the expert attorney immediately after the accident for any delay in this regard can lead to suppression of facts and evidence. Therefore make it a point to consult the lawyer in time to get the maximum benefit in the course of time. The accident attorney is also adept in looking into your insurance policies with special accident benefit riders so you get benefited by them in case of emergency.
Read more helpful articles by Joe B Garza.
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lawyerjoebgarza · 12 years
Lawyer Joe B Garza Shows You How to Find A Reliable Auto Accident Attorney
When you get an accident, you may get traumatized by the whole experience. In such a case, you may find yourself in need of a reliable auto accident lawyer to protect your interests. However, there are several considerations that you need to evaluate before you hire a lawyer to represent you in your compensation claim for the injuries and other losses from the accident. Use these tips from Lawyer Joe B Garza to more easily find the best lawyer for your auto accident case.
Ask friends and family Talk to your friends and family and ask if they have a good lawyer in mind. A friend's advice is very valuable because he can help know more about the lawyer. The friend will tell you how the lawyer acted all along the case and any other information you may need. You can also visit some websites and check if you can find a reliable lawyer. Experience Set up an appointment, and then go meet with the lawyer. Ask the lawyer some questions to find out more about his services and experience. You need to be sure that the lawyer you want to hire has adequate experience in handling the personal injury claims. Check his/her record of the car accidents cases he /she has won in the past. Remember, having a reputable car accident lawyer to handle your case has a very great influence on the attitude of the insurance representative; the representatives generally dislike court litigations and they would rather settle the matter out of court. Payments Before you hire your lawyer, you need have a clear understanding on how he/she wants the payments. Some lawyers may want to be paid hourly, while others may ask for a certain percentage of the compensation. A good lawyer is usually a member of an association of lawyers. This is great indication of his good standing in the community. If you really want to dig deeper into the lawyer's qualifications, then check out the schools he attended to obtain his/her career in law. With all this information, your choice of a good auto accident lawyer will be much easier.
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