lust-killer · 4 months
got bored here's a lore drop
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Might, or might not make another .+.
@skellavelva , @anon-coke @thelunarsystemwrites
Wanted these people to know .v.
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lust-killer · 4 months
(people to notify)
@spookuzm , @caretaleandotherstuff , @lunarsystemwrites , @anon-coke, @fell-is-suffering
6 notes · View notes
lust-killer · 4 months
(people to notify)
@spookuzm , @caretaleandotherstuff , @lunarsystemwrites , @anon-coke, @fell-is-suffering
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lust-killer · 4 months
trigger pulled
TW: This blog will have: gore, weaponry, mild flirts, death, disfigured people, And more tired carefully
' Why hello.. you have tooken an interest in me hmm? My, my. Maybe I'll take an interest in you ehehe... Call me trigger, dear... "
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OOC: Trigger is lust killer, he is a cathooded fluffies arm flirt that knows how to fight, he is kinda op in fighting but he can loose not easily, but he can. He can summon multiple machetes if needed.
Story?: After the death of multiple senses a pacifist au of underlust sans took it into his own hands to finish off the genocidal players, the help of his frisk's player he know hunts down anyone who dares to cross his path. Or well, anyone he gets paid to he is a cheap snake
Note; trigger is known for regressing in his behavior, meaning his behavior isn't set and can be very chaotic.
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