laybackweligama · 2 years
Meet Sanu, the first female surf instructor of Sri Lanka
We can’t run Layback without our incredible team. In these series, we’ll introduce to you some of the superstars who are part of team Layback. The first one to kick it off is our lovely Sanu.
Sanu came to work at Layback as a receptionist, assistant management. After a while we asked her if she would be interested in becoming a surf instructor being an awesome surfer herself. At first she was a bit hesitant and shy but later we understood it actually was her big dream to become a surf instructor. Obviously, we wanted to support her making this dream a reality. However, we didn’t wanna push her so we let it go and waited for her to feel ready and up for it. When she was, she was of course still nervous (who wouldn’t be!). But we made sure to take it slow. She was first trained and guided by Thilina and her brother Anju. A few months later we signed her up for the ISA course and now she's an internationally certified surf coach and moreover the first female surf instructor of Sri Lanka. We couldn’t be more proud of her!
Sanu’s story is a story about chasing dreams, about following your heart despite society’s expectations. We hope it will inspire you as much as she inspired us!
Please find hereunder a short Q&A with Sanu to get to know her better and to learn about the choices she made!
When did you start surfing?
I started surfing in October 2018. My brother Anju was very much into surfing and I was also interested to learn. My first experience with surfing was with the organization Sea Sisters and afterwards Anju also encouraged me and helped me improve.
Surfing is (still) predominantly a male oriented activity in Sri Lanka. Was it challenging for you as a girl to start surfing?
YES, it was. In the beginning my parents were also not supportive and hesitant to let me surf. They felt more comfortable when my brother was joining me. Also, it felt a bit awkward for me being in the line up while everyone was just staring at me since nobody was used to seeing a local girl surf. So it was weird and definitely not easy. After a while people got to know me and it became more normal for them to see me in the water so it became more comfortable for me as well.
What does surfing mean to you, ie how does it make you feel?
Looking back I think surfing has been the turning point in my life. It gave me so many opportunities, eg building a life for myself, having a good job, meeting people. It brought me so much (for instance I met my now husband in the line up ;)) and I was able to make history re female surfing. So I feel very grateful and blessed that I pushed through and continued surfing despite what people thought of me.
When I am in the line up I always feel free and only focused on the waves. I’m trying to catch good waves and I love to enjoy them all the way to the beach. This is pure happiness to me!
Last season you started teaching at Layback as the first female surf instructor of Sri Lanka. How was this for you?
I always had the dream of being the first female surf instructor of Sri Lanka. And suddenly it was happening! It was surreal and I can say I’m very happy and also proud of myself.
That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Making the dream come true is more difficult than having a dream. So with all things new, it’s challenging. Even more so because Sri Lankan society (eg old beliefs about girls/women) and culture is not used to (local) girls surfing yet, let alone girls being a surf instructor. So sometimes it’s difficult and challenging being the only girl in a male only environment. Not everyone is supportive and/or approves. People talk behind my back, make negative comments and so on. Although a shift towards more independence and empowerment of girls and women has started, Sri Lanka still has a long way to go when it comes to gender equality, respecting women’s rights and appreciating girls the same way as they appreciate boys.
I feel grateful that Layback is actively supporting local girls/women (they also have two women working as chefs which is also quite unusual) and especially for their belief in me. At first I said no to teaching because I was a bit scared but they guided me and pushed me out of my comfort zone. By doing do they have given me the confidence and the opportunity to follow my dream. And now I’m Sri Lanka’s first female surf instructor :)
Also, all the guests at Layback have been great and very supportive which also gives me strength to continue doing what I love the most!
What would your advice be for all the little girls in Sri Lanka dreaming about their future?
My advice for them would be to follow your dreams, despite society’s expectations and demands.
Discover your unique talents, do what you love the most, what makes you happy and continue doing this. Follow your bliss! Don’t listen to what people may say, believe and/or think, follow your own unique path.
What are your hopes and dreams for the future?
I’d once read ‘more than half your beauty is your personality’ and it’s so true. I always strive to be a good person both in and out off the water. Further, I’d like to grow as an instructor and become better each day!
On a different note, in the future I’d like to travel and discover and experience new countries.
If you wanna see and hear more about Sanu and her story, please watch the following clip:
Photo & video by Jordyn Romero @wearelikewaves
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laybackweligama · 4 years
Meet the filmmaker Oscar Stubbs
Layback cough up with one of our favorite filmmakers Oscar Stubbs - the man behind the short film of the Layback groms. Oscar is currently back in South Africa, but during our chat he remembers his month in Sri Lanka fondly.
Why do you like Weligama?
For a number of reasons! It’s one of the places on the south coast that I don’t feel overrun by hooligan tourists (that’s Marissa haha). Weligama feels more welcoming and warm. The people, food, surf and overall atmosphere is why I love the place!
Why Layback?
Thilina, Linda, Arosh, Sameera & Chuti, the location, local knowledge and the vibe. The rooms are always clean, and the guests are first priority. I met numerous travelers that extended their stay at Layback. Sometimes for over a month! 
Favorite thing to do in Weligama and Sri Lanka?
 Surf, coffee and coconut pancakes. 
What surprised you the most with the Sri Lankan south coast?
 The friendliness of the locals.  
Best place to watch the sunset?
In the water, floating on your board.
Favorite surf spot? (and why)
Well, I actually only learnt how to surf in Sri Lanka, so I was not able to try some of the more fun looking spots, like Rams or Coconut. I think if I were to go back now though, the best would be Rams. It looks fast, steep and fun! Not to mention the razor sharp reef right below you! Would be a good rush!
What camera do you use? Favorite lens?
I use a Sony a7R III. It’s the best pro camera for traveling. It may not look the biggest and flashiest, but performs like a Canon 1DX Mark II. Favorite lens I’ve ever used is the G master 85mm from Sony. Currently saving up to buy it! For most things though, my 16-35mm Zeiss has been an absolute work horse, it really has been a great lens!
Why do you work with photography? What drives you?
As cliché as it sounds, I love being able to freeze moments. I look back on all my Sri Lanka photos, and it takes me back there. What else can do that?  Memory fades, but photos age well! 
Any projects coming up?
Yes, many ! Can’t giveaway too much information just yet, but soon! Currently starting a business and working on multiple videos at a time, getting kind of crazy.  It’s helping me save up for my next trip! (And the 85mm hahah).
Photos by Colin Manz, Fanny Klumper & Oscar Stubbs
By Maria Lundin Osvalds
I’m Maria, a 28-year old freelance journalist, photographer, and content creator from Sweden currently living in Cornwall, UK. I cover stories about socio- and economical issues and have worked from South Africa, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, UK, and Sweden.
I recently spent three months in Sri Lanka and ended up staying a month at Layback, working (and surfing…) with an awesome team. Thilina’s idea to create a boutique hostel as well as digital visual exploration of the Sri Lankan culture inspired me, and I’m happy to have been part of the project as a contributing writer.
Email: [email protected]/ Instagram @osvaldsphotos
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laybackweligama · 4 years
Announcing the Medical Heroes Initiative
For us Layback is not ‘just’ about tourist hospitality. Our vision is to make a positive and lasting impression on people’s lives. We already do that with our Layback groms project. yet that’s just a start.
We are overwhelmed with and thankful for the huge amount of new followers on Instagram. We realized again that building such an awesome community (both online as offline) gives us even greater opportunities to achieve our vision.
Today we are proud to present you our medical heroes initiative.
Because medical heroes - you inspire us! 💛
This pandemic is not something we planned or expected. While many of us were simply asked to stay at home, some people had an important job to do.
The doctors and healthcare workers didn’t have time to binge watch Netflix, bake banana-bread or join an online yoga class (some of the things we did ☺️). They showed up to work every single day, showing all of us around the world the true power of teamwork, kindness, strength, compassion and damn hard work!
We don’t take this for granted and wanna let you know: you guys are superheroes! Thank you to each one of you for staying strong, for always putting others first and for taking care of our friends, families and neighbors.
We truly appreciate your dedication for the exceptional work you do and are grateful for all what you have done and still do. Therefore, we want to offer something special to all the amazing healthcare workers out there!
Let us take care of you for a change! We would like to offer you a free surf & yoga package in order to fully relax, recharge and have some fun! If you are interested, please get in touch with us by email or via Instagram. Let’s get you superheroes back on your feet, aka on the surfboard! 🏄🏼
For all the non-healthcare workers: spread the word and share this offer with your healthcare friends & family and let’s collectively celebrate them! 👏🏽
Registered Nurses, Doctors, Paramedics, Techs and any other Frontline Healthcare Professional involved directly in the fight against COVID-19 each day. All we need is a proof of employment letter and a photo or scan of your medical ID for verification.
No, this initiative is for you and only you. Every individual who wants to use this offer will need to get verified by sending us a proof of employment letter and a photo or scan of your medical ID.
We haven't currently set an end date for this initiative due to the ever changing nature of the pandemic.
Yes. Maximum of 2 healthcare professionals can stay with us per week by using this offer. Reservations subject to availability. The retreat always starts on Sunday and ends on the following Sunday.
What type of accommodation Is provided?
Deluxe AC mixed or girl dorm.
Which package can i book?
You can book our standard package. Visit our surf retreat page to compare the packages.
This initiative is only for use on new reservations and cannot be applied retroactively.
Photo by Kathryn Clarke McLeod
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laybackweligama · 5 years
Sometimes fate brings people together..
Sometimes fate brings people together. And that’s how all this started.. When I first met Chuti and Sameer I saw two innocent kids surfing. It was a wonderful thing to witness their love for surfing. Absent of any fear or worries, it was all about having fun. Unfortunately, I have seen more kids like that on the beach before and a few years later I saw them lost. Mainly because of drugs. Some of them even ended up in jail. I felt I had to help them yet didn’t know exactly how.
One of the factors that increases the risk of kids making poor life choices is the school system. A lot of schools are not contributing enough to the child’s well-being and education. If the kids don’t do good enough in class, they will be neglected by the teacher. Parents often don’t even know. Kids feel embarrassed and left out and often end up not going to school anymore.
Surfing gives the kids something magical, it makes them happy, they excel at something and being in the water makes them feel free from any worries. Yet it also holds the risk of them becoming ‘lazy in life’, them not stimulated nor encouraged sufficiently and as a result of that making bad decisions which have a negative impact on their future.
As soon as I opened Layback I wanted to give these kids a platform to make sure they at least have a chance to fulfill their potential.
If you have stayed at Layback, you have definitely met Sameer and Chuti. It’s about having fun but at the same time they also get the chance to take part at some of our surf lessons. This is a possibility for the boys to get better at English and -if they’d like that- learn how to be a good surf instructor.
But it’s not just Chuti and Sameer. There are lots of children, boys and girls. I started small yet my dream was to create a foundation for local boys and girls.
Fate brought me in contact with Dinal and Kopi. And we realized we shared the same dream. So I have teamed up with them and we are proud and happy to announce the launch of the Weligama Surfers Club.
The mission of the club is to support the youth of Weligama for a brighter future. We are dedicated to promote surfing, the value of education, the preserving of the ocean and beach for future generations and last but not least increase the involvement of girls and women.
Obviously, the surf scene is big in Weligama. One of the goals is to teach the youth of Weligama how to swim and surf. We want to foster a positive image of young Sri Lankan surfers locally and globally through charity and competition. Hopefully some of these children will grow to represent Sri Lanka on an international level in the future.
The club would like to provide a safe, stimulating, supportive and inspiring environment for children to explore, learn and grow and have fun in the meantime. English classes will be offered and the club will make sure the children will go to school and receive the necessary attention.
The club is a duly registered non-profit organization, approved by the Ministry of Sports and an official member of Sri Lanka Surfing Federation.
The first kids competition will take place in 2 weeks. We will definitely let you know more about the Weligama Surfers Club soon, including ways how you can contribute but we just wanted to share our excitement with you!
By Thilina Dananjaya
Photos of Chuti is by Prakhar, Rest of the photos are Sachin’s
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laybackweligama · 5 years
A visit to the market
The colours and the sweet smell of mango and papaya are intoxicating. All around us is bustling of people doing their weekly shopping of fruits and veggies. It is Tuesday morning – market day in Weligama! 
The market is big and located just a couple of minutes walk from Layback. Mainly locals, it is a hidden gem for the visitor. Here you can find every fruit and veggie that is in season, as well as grains, dried fish, fast food…You often get to try some bits of the fruits if you are a bit insecure about how it tastes.  
People are talking – discussing what to buy and how much with the vendors. And at the stalls all around us stands the vendors saying things like “50 rupees – everything 50 rupees”, “papaya, do you want papaya?”.
If you say no or just smile and say no thank you, there is nothing more to it. The place is charmingly busy but never too crowded or too much hustle.  
A visit to the local market is well worth its time. You will come away with a big bag of fresh fruits and veggies to a much lower price than the regular shops around Weligama. The market takes place during Tuesdays and Fridays.
Photos by Oscar Stubbs
By Maria Lundin Osvalds
I’m Maria, a 28-year old freelance journalist, photographer, and content creator from Sweden currently living in Cornwall, UK. I cover stories about socio- and economical issues and have worked from South Africa, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, UK, and Sweden.
I recently spent three months in Sri Lanka and ended up staying a month at Layback, working (and surfing…) with an awesome team. Thilina’s idea to create a boutique hostel as well as digital visual exploration of the Sri Lankan culture inspired me, and I’m happy to have been part of the project as a contributing writer.
Email: [email protected]/ Instagram @osvaldsphotos
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laybackweligama · 5 years
Dreamy Beaches on the South Coast of Sri Lanka
The southern coastline of Sri Lanka is such a divine place if you love beautiful sandy beaches and gorgeous blue water. Here we list some of our favourite spots, all within driving distance from Weligama Bay.
Weligama Bay Beach
“Our” beach is over 2 km long and is a favourite place for surfers beginning to learn. All along the beach you’ll find different surf schools, fishermen and fishing boats. At Fish Point you can get your fish as fresh as it gets and enjoy it cooked however you wish just by the sea. The long distance of the beach also makes it a favourite spot for runners in the morning or afternoon.
Nestled in between Weligama and Midigama is Gurubebila…It is a beautiful beach and one of our favourite places to watch the sunset and the surfers soaking up the last minutes of light. If you wish to swim there is a small lagoon just by the fallen palm tree.
A ten minute tuk tuk ride from Weligama. A small sandy and often not so crowded beach. Watch the surfers out on the Lazy Left or Lazy Right, chill on a sunbed or have a coconut.
Kabalana Beach
A big open beach that is surrounded by a couple of beach restaurants and places to rent sunbeds. But the beach is so big that it feels quiet. The currents can be very strong, so watch out if you are going for a swim. On the other hand, there is a very fun shore break for those who loves to dive and play in small waves!
One of the more developed tourist destinations in the south. It is a very good beach if you want to do an activity, like if you wish to go and snorkel or dive.
Have you seen those Instagram pictures of a beach in the sunset, and a palm tree with a big swing? Dalawella is a favourite spot for Instagram pictures – but it has it’s reasons. The beach is small but beautiful. A favourite of ours compared to the more crowded Unawatuna.
Mirissa Beach is very popular as the village itself. There are two surf spots close to the beach and you can go snorkel around the big rock. The water is very calm and perfect for swimming. During the evening all the beach restaurants gets busy with people going for drinks or dinner. Later during the night, places like Salt get their party groove on. If you want to go out in when in Weligama – Mirissa Beach is the place to be!
Secret Beach, Mirissa
What used to be a hidden gem is not so secret any more. The secret beach is a small and beautiful little beach that is a bit hard to get to. But you will know when you are on the right track because there are several signs pointing out the way to the Secret Beach.  
Not as crowded as Mirissa, and definitely worth a visit. It is also just in front of the Doctors House, a popular restaurant and hostel that have music nights, and Saturday markets with local designers and products.
This horseshoe shaped bay was a jungle a couple of years ago. Nowadays it’s getting more and more developed with several hotels, hostels and restaurants that are both locally owned and owned and run by people from outside of Sri Lanka. Hiriketya is a quiet place – perfect if you wish to zone out for a day or two. The surf in the bay is also good for beginners and intermediates.
Silent Beach
One of our absolute favourites. Still quite a hidden gem as it is hard to find. Silent Beach is big and often very empty. If you are lucky the shore breaks is big and you can dive into big and powerful waves (an activity for everyone that knows very well how to swim though). Let us know if you want to visit and we will guide you there!
Photos by Ronks Michael, Julien Mavier & Oscar Stubbs
By Maria Lundin Osvalds
I’m Maria, a 28-year old freelance journalist, photographer, and content creator from Sweden currently living in Cornwall, UK. I cover stories about socio- and economical issues and have worked from South Africa, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, UK, and Sweden.
I recently spent three months in Sri Lanka and ended up staying a month at Layback, working (and surfing…) with an awesome team. Thilina’s idea to create a boutique hostel as well as digital visual exploration of the Sri Lankan culture inspired me, and I’m happy to have been part of the project as a contributing writer.
Email: [email protected]/ Instagram @osvaldsphotos
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laybackweligama · 5 years
Meet the Layback Groms
Sameer, Chuti and Rahul love to surf. And they are damn good at it!
Maybe you’ve seen the guys in our friend Oscar Stubbs short film about some of Weligama’s up and coming surfers. Sameer, Chuti and Rahul started to surf with Thilina about an year ago. That’s how the idea of the Layback Groms came to be.
(“Groms” – surfer slang for young kids surfing).
Surfing is not only an amazing sport and way of life – it is also a very important source of income for the people of Weligama. The kids that are part of the Layback Groms get the opportunity to learn to surf – cause it’s fun and kids should be kids and have fun! But they also get the chance to take part and help out at the surf retreat and at some of Thilina’s surf lessons. This is a possibility for the boys to get better at English and learn how to be a good surf instructor. If they enjoy the work they can become a certified surf teacher and part of Weligama’s most important source of income – the surf scene!
In the future, the dream is to create a foundation for local boys and girls. The foundations aim would be to learn the kids swimming, surfing as well as providing English classes.
If you have an old board, fins, wax or a leash that you won’t take home with you we are super happy to get some new equipment as few of the kids families can’t afford to buy boards, fins or leashes.
For some more inspiration - watch Oscars’ amazing movie
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