laylab005-blog · 7 years
I chose the picture of the man and woman olding te newborn baby. Looking at their photo they look like a happy family, because they was smiling and holding the newborn, they look like they have a full happy life, even at home.  When reading it say she keeps bringing animals home and she will do it while he was at work. So by time he got home their kids have aleardy named them and there is nothing he can do. She says, “Their home my be small, but their hearts are big.”
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laylab005-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media
Layla Burnett, Elizabeth Pena, Ty’Asia Jones, Blake Otis, Logan Turner, Parker Yeary
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laylab005-blog · 8 years
Work Day Post
Today I worked on my outline. I took my time creating a meaningful thesis and clearly organizing my thoughts. I contacted people within my group to check and make sure I had my days straight and the correct information. I also worked on google docs with the research my group has shared with each other to insure I can correctly and effectivley support my opinion.
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laylab005-blog · 8 years
Serial Post
The narritive has changed because now she is talking a lot about what was in Hay’s diary. She reads quotes and explains how their relationship seems good instead of believing that maybe Abdnan had been possesive over Hay. You know now that Hay did break up with Abdnan and that his actions didn’t change after the brake up. I believe maybe Abdnan may have done something because of him hurting his mom. 
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laylab005-blog · 8 years
Savini Response
Cancer Pain Problem. 
Noticing: What is the problem? The use of opiods in pain relief for dying cancer patients has became a social standing or moral act instead of helping everyone, due to “risk of addiction”.
Articulating the problem: This is putting the lower class and patients with felonies at a greater risk of suffering more during their sickness.
Posing Fruitful Questions: Why would this become such a big problem in america? Why make the sick suffer more because they has less money then the next person? Why accuse someone of drug abuse and refuse to help them when it’s your job to “stop the pain”?
Whats at Stake: There are millions of people who are dealing with this problem. Many dying cancer patients are spending their last days suffering more.  It’s important that we, as families and friends, of these patients understand why our loved ones are being treated like this and why it is necessary.
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laylab005-blog · 8 years
Hello! My name is Layla Burnett. I recently got married and now am Layla Cooper, but have not changed my name yet. I am from Barbourville, Kentucky. I am a major in Chemistry and on the Pre-Med track. I am a artist, and have had a book cover published. I also love animals and children. (My animals are my children). I am extremely organized and quiet/shy. I am easy to get along with and would love to make friends. I can’t wait to work together and get to know everyone.
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