laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NUR502 full course latest 2015 [ All Week Discussion and all assignments ']
 NUR502 full course latest 2015 [ All Week Discussion and all assignments ']
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NUR502 All Weeks Discussions Latest
NUR502 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
What comparisons can be found between the GCU Mission and Domains/CON Mission and Program Competencies (for your selected specialty track, links located in the Course Materials) with the AACN's Essentials for Master's Education for Advanced Practice Nursing (link located in the Week 1 Topic Materials)? Explain your rational.
DQ 2
Name one recommendation from the IOM Future of Nursing Report. What is its importance relative to Advanced Practice Nursing? Support your answer.
   NUR502 Week 2 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Discuss several aspects of professional communication as it relates to the use of language in terms of form (e.g., clarity, accuracy) and content (culture and/or ethics). Cite the references you used to compose your response (from required readings).
DQ 2
What is the role of the Advanced Professional Nurse in creating an ethical practice environment? Respond to this question, based on your selected APN role.
  Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 3 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Discuss the value of nursing theory to the profession of nursing. Identify one way in which you could use nursing theory to improve your practice (present or future role). Provide a reference for your response.
DQ 2
Read the AACN documents for essentials of baccalaureate versus master's education and identify the competencies that reflect use of theory and knowledge. Compare and contrast the competencies for baccalaureate and master's level.
  Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Explain, in your own words, the difference between the three paradigms: human needs, interactive, and unitary process. Which of these best fits your philosophy of nursing?
DQ 2
Select one of the grand or middle-range nursing theories. How does the theory demonstrate evidence of the utilization of social, behavioral, or bioscience theories?
Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 5 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
All nursing theories are developed in space and time, and are not value free. Select one nursing theorist and explain the factors that influenced development of the theory (history, scientific paradigm, and personal experiences--mentoring, education, practice, other). Provide reference(s) for your response.
DQ 2
Select three theories and compare the definition of person/human being. Comment regarding which definition best fits with your own thinking.
 Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 6 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Choose one of the middle-range theories. How could you use this theory to direct care in a nursing unit if you were the manager? Share your results
DQ 2
Choose one of the middle-range theories. What impact would this theory most likely have on your individual practice? Give specific examples.
Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 7 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
The influence of consequential ethics as an ethical framework (the greatest good for the greatest number) opposes the ethical principle of deontology (i.e., the rightness of an act itself determines what is right). Both of these impact the nursing profession. Modern social exchange theories are based on the principle of utility. Read the assumptions of social exchange theory and consider how these would affect the nurse-patient relationship, compared to how these impact the nurse within the health care environment. To what extent are all theories ethical? Is social exchange theory compatible with the values of the nursing profession?
DQ 2
Which among the learning theories provided you with new information? How would you apply this in your practice?
  Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 8 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
1.    Individually, comment on at least three reports posted by other CLC teams by the end of Topic 8. Provide substantive comments that include a focus on the application of the theory as a framework for practice (general or specific, basic or advanced).
2.    As a group, respond to all posts directed towards your CLC group's posted report.
DQ 2
Comment on the usefulness of     Benner's work in your present or future role. Provide several examples.
 NUR502 Week 1 Master's-Prepared Nurse Interview  Latest
 Refer to the "Master's Prepared Nurse Interview Guide_student" as you prepare this assignment.
Interview a nurse who is master's-prepared in nursing and is using this education in a present position. Preferably, select someone who is in a position similar to your chosen specialty track. The purpose of the interview is for you to gain insight into the interplay among education, career path, and opportunities. Be certain to identify specific competencies that the MSN-prepared nurse gained, and is presently using, that reflect advanced education. Organize your interview around the topics below:
1.    Overview of the master's-prepared nurse's career
2.    Reason for seeking graduate education
3.    Description of present position and role
4.    Usefulness of graduate education for present role
5.    Pearls of wisdom he/she is willing to share
In 750-1,000 words, write the interview in a narrative format. Use the following guidelines:
1.    Within the paper's introduction, explain your interview selection.
2.    Do not identify the individual by name.
3.    Use centered headings to separate parts of the interview.
4.    In the conclusion, identify one or more competencies from the interview that are consistent with GCU program competencies and/or AACN education essentials. In addition, provide a statement that reflects what you gained from the interview.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
       NUR502 Week 2 Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity
  For this assignment, consult the "Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity Guide."
Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words on a specific cultural group. Use the following guidelines:
1.    Select one article from a nursing journal focused on a cultural group.
2.    In the introduction, state your reason for selecting the cultural group.
3.    Summarize the key points of the article.
4.    Apply the new information to a practice situation that demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication, reflecting the reading in chapter 25.
5.    Write a conclusion.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
Grand Canyon University
College of Nursing
NUR 502 – Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Roles and Practice
Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity Guide
Title of Paper
This is the introduction. It should include purpose of paper and rationale for selection of specific cultural group. It would be appropriate to cite information from your textbook regarding the importance of cultural competence in nursing.
Summary of Article
Summarize article succinctly. Then focus on the key cultural differences that should be taken into consideration when providing care.
Application to Practice
In this section, be sure to focus on communication (assessing, comforting, teaching) that would demonstrate cultural sensitivity to the cultural group. You may also include other nursing interventions that would demonstrate cultural sensitivity. Cite from chapters in text to provide additional general information applicable to key points.
In the conclusion, address the importance of cultural sensitivity in communication, both generally and with this population. Describe any conclusions you have drawn from the article/text readings related to this paper. Do not introduce new information.
Provide complete information for the references you have cited in your paper.
 NUR502 Week 3 Collaborative Learning Community Grand Nursing
This is a CLC assignment.
For this group assignment, refer to the instructor for your group placement, then develop a CLC Group Project Agreement that addresses the following:
1.    Sets up schedule for communication.
2.    Provides contact information if needed.
3.    Clarifies process for conflict resolution.
4.    Clarifies roles for each member after reviewing the assignment details.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
  NUR 502 CLC Group Project Agreement
Grading Criteria
CLC Course Information
Course Name/Section  Number:
Instructor’s Name:
Start Date of the Course:
CLC Member Contact Information  (Who is in our group?)
CLC Member Name
Primary E-mail Address
Secondary E-mail Address
Other Contact Information
CLC Group Values (What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)
What Each Team Member  Agrees to Do
Why  This Is Important to the Team 
Check into the CLC  regularly to review progress on the assignment.
Contribute ideas and  feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project completion.
Communicate with all CLC  members as soon as a problem or issue arises.
Maintain respectful  communications with all team members.
Complete assigned tasks  by the deadlines set by the CLC members.
Take a leadership role in  CLC assignments.
Make sure to cite and  reference all sources of information used in completing tasks.
Project Management Specifics  (What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?)
CLC Group Member’s Name
Task to be Completed by  This Team Member  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
Due Date for Completing  the Task for the CLC to Review
Contributing one or more  ideas for how the project should be completed.
Outlining the CLC  project.
Assigning tasks to CLC  members.
Performing research on  assigned topics and writing it up for CLC members to review.
Making sure everyone  meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.
Proofreading and editing  the paper.
Submitting the paper via  the Assignments feature by the due date deadline.
CLC Group Interaction Guidelines (How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)
What Could Happen To  Impede Our Teamwork?
What We Will Do if This  Happens?
A CLC member doesn’t  provide project ideas or feedback to other team members.
A CLC member doesn’t  complete his/her task at all.
A CLC member completes  his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due date.
CLC Group Review Process (What makes a CLC effective?)
What did Our CLC Do Well  This Time?  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
What Can We Do to be a  More Effective CLC Next Time?  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
         NUR502 Week 4 Collaborative Learning Community: Grand Nursing Latest 
 This is a CLC assignment.
The purpose of this assignment is to have a clear understanding of the elements of a theory and to apply a theory to practice. The CLC group must use a grand theory or a high-level mid-range theory.
The group will create a report for a practice committee at a health care institution. The objective is to convince your peers of the value of using a specific theory to guide practice and evaluate care.
Since the text does not provide adequate information on any one theory for the purpose of this assignment, further research through nursing theory websites (general and specific), as well as theory texts specific to individual theories, will be required.
Begin the assignment by identifying a theorist and providing the rationale for the group's selection.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
         NUR502 Week 4 Benchmark Assignment: Application of Concept Latest 2015
  Select a peer-reviewed concept analysis article of your choice and write a response of 1,000–1,250 words. Use the following guidelines:
1.    Include an introduction.
2.    Describe the method of analysis, using the article and chapter 3 of Theoretical Basis for Nursing.
3.    Describe the steps of process and the results for each step.
4.    Apply the concept to a practice situation.
5.    Include a conclusion.
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
   NUR502 Week 5 Applying Theory to a Practice Problem Part 1
It is important to understand how research can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In this assignment, you will identify a practical problem that emerges from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice.
Chose a problem that you are encountering in your practice or about which you have read in the current literature.
Write a paper (250 to 500 words) that describes a practical problem that emerges from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice. The paper should do the following:
1.    Clearly describe the problem.
2.    Provide a rationale for the significance of this problem. The rationale must be supported by the current or seminal literature.
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
    NUR502 Week 6 Applying Theory to a Practice Problem Part 2
It is important to understand how middle-range theory can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In the previous assignment, you identified a practical problem that emerged from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice. In this assignment, you will explore and apply middle-range theory to solve the specific problem that you identified in the previous assignment.
Consider the problem that you described in the previous assignment and the instructor feedback about that assignment.
Write a paper (1,000 to 1,500 words) that describes how middle-range theory can be applied to the identified problem. The paper should include the following:
1.    A brief summary of the problem.
2.    A description of a middle-range theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this middle-range theory appropriate to your identified problem?
3.    A brief discussion of the middle-range theory's origins.
4.    A discussion of how the middle-range theory has been previously applied.
5.    A discussion of the application of the middle-range theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center
NUR502 Week 7 Collaborative Learning Community Grand Nursing
This is a CLC assignment.
In your group, write a report on the chosen theorist/theory that includes the following:
1.    Introduction: Identify the theorist and rationale for the selection.
2.    Describe the theorist (short biography and major influences on the theorist).
3.    Indicate the category under which the theorist falls (can use McEwen & Wills classification or other source).
4.    Incorporate assumptions underlying the theory (including how metaparadigm concepts are defined).
5.    Include major concepts of the theory.
6.    Include major propositions of the theory.
7.    Provide examples from the literature of how the theory has been used.
8.    Describe how the theory will be integrated into practice at your institution (or how it will be used as a foundation, framework, etc.). This is an action plan.
9.    Give concrete examples of how theory would be integrated (e.g., assessment guide) and what patient outcomes could be measured as a result of implementing the theory.
10.  Conclusion: Contrast present practice with what would take place if the theory were guiding the practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Have one member of the CLC post the Grand Theorist Report in the Module 8 Discussion Forum.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
NUR502 Week 8 Benchmark Assignment Applying Theory to a Practice Problem Part 3
It is important to understand how borrowed theory can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In the previous assignment, you identified a practical problem that emerged from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice, and you explored how middle-range theory could be applied to solve the problem. In this assignment, you will explore and apply borrowed theory to solve the specific problem that you identified previously, and you will synthesize the applications of the middle-range theory and the borrowed theory into the most appropriate solution to the problem.
Consider the problem that you described in the previous assignments and the instructor feedback about those assignments.
Write a paper (1,750 to 2,000 words) that describes how borrowed theory can be applied to the identified problem. The paper should include the following:
1.    A brief summary of the problem including the potential middle-range theory that could be applied.
2.    A description of a borrowed theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this borrowed theory appropriate to your identified problem?
3.    A brief history of the borrowed theory's origins.
4.    A discussion of how the borrowed theory has been previously applied.
5.    A discussion of the application of the borrowed theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
6.    A discussion of how application of both the borrowed theory and the middle-range theory can be integrated to create the most appropriate solution to the identified problem.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
0 notes
laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NUR502 All Weeks Discussions Latest
NUR502 All Weeks Discussions Latest
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  NUR502 Week 1 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
What comparisons can be found between the GCU Mission and Domains/CON Mission and Program Competencies (for your selected specialty track, links located in the Course Materials) with the AACN's Essentials for Master's Education for Advanced Practice Nursing (link located in the Week 1 Topic Materials)? Explain your rational.
DQ 2
Name one recommendation from the IOM Future of Nursing Report. What is its importance relative to Advanced Practice Nursing? Support your answer.
   NUR502 Week 2 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Discuss several aspects of professional communication as it relates to the use of language in terms of form (e.g., clarity, accuracy) and content (culture and/or ethics). Cite the references you used to compose your response (from required readings).
DQ 2
What is the role of the Advanced Professional Nurse in creating an ethical practice environment? Respond to this question, based on your selected APN role.
  Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 3 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Discuss the value of nursing theory to the profession of nursing. Identify one way in which you could use nursing theory to improve your practice (present or future role). Provide a reference for your response.
DQ 2
Read the AACN documents for essentials of baccalaureate versus master's education and identify the competencies that reflect use of theory and knowledge. Compare and contrast the competencies for baccalaureate and master's level.
  Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 4 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Explain, in your own words, the difference between the three paradigms: human needs, interactive, and unitary process. Which of these best fits your philosophy of nursing?
DQ 2
Select one of the grand or middle-range nursing theories. How does the theory demonstrate evidence of the utilization of social, behavioral, or bioscience theories?
Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 5 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
All nursing theories are developed in space and time, and are not value free. Select one nursing theorist and explain the factors that influenced development of the theory (history, scientific paradigm, and personal experiences--mentoring, education, practice, other). Provide reference(s) for your response.
DQ 2
Select three theories and compare the definition of person/human being. Comment regarding which definition best fits with your own thinking.
 Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 6 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Choose one of the middle-range theories. How could you use this theory to direct care in a nursing unit if you were the manager? Share your results
DQ 2
Choose one of the middle-range theories. What impact would this theory most likely have on your individual practice? Give specific examples.
Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 7 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
The influence of consequential ethics as an ethical framework (the greatest good for the greatest number) opposes the ethical principle of deontology (i.e., the rightness of an act itself determines what is right). Both of these impact the nursing profession. Modern social exchange theories are based on the principle of utility. Read the assumptions of social exchange theory and consider how these would affect the nurse-patient relationship, compared to how these impact the nurse within the health care environment. To what extent are all theories ethical? Is social exchange theory compatible with the values of the nursing profession?
DQ 2
Which among the learning theories provided you with new information? How would you apply this in your practice?
  Grand Canyon NUR502 Week 8 Discussion DQ1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
1.    Individually, comment on at least three reports posted by other CLC teams by the end of Topic 8. Provide substantive comments that include a focus on the application of the theory as a framework for practice (general or specific, basic or advanced).
2.    As a group, respond to all posts directed towards your CLC group's posted report.
DQ 2
Comment on the usefulness of     Benner's work in your present or future role. Provide several examples.
0 notes
laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NUR502 All Weeks Assignment
NUR502 All Weeks Assignment
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 NUR502 Week 1 Master's-Prepared Nurse Interview  Latest
 Refer to the "Master's Prepared Nurse Interview Guide_student" as you prepare this assignment.
Interview a nurse who is master's-prepared in nursing and is using this education in a present position. Preferably, select someone who is in a position similar to your chosen specialty track. The purpose of the interview is for you to gain insight into the interplay among education, career path, and opportunities. Be certain to identify specific competencies that the MSN-prepared nurse gained, and is presently using, that reflect advanced education. Organize your interview around the topics below:
1.    Overview of the master's-prepared nurse's career
2.    Reason for seeking graduate education
3.    Description of present position and role
4.    Usefulness of graduate education for present role
5.    Pearls of wisdom he/she is willing to share
In 750-1,000 words, write the interview in a narrative format. Use the following guidelines:
1.    Within the paper's introduction, explain your interview selection.
2.    Do not identify the individual by name.
3.    Use centered headings to separate parts of the interview.
4.    In the conclusion, identify one or more competencies from the interview that are consistent with GCU program competencies and/or AACN education essentials. In addition, provide a statement that reflects what you gained from the interview.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
       NUR502 Week 2 Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity
  For this assignment, consult the "Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity Guide."
Write a paper of 1,000-1,250 words on a specific cultural group. Use the following guidelines:
1.    Select one article from a nursing journal focused on a cultural group.
2.    In the introduction, state your reason for selecting the cultural group.
3.    Summarize the key points of the article.
4.    Apply the new information to a practice situation that demonstrates cultural sensitivity in communication, reflecting the reading in chapter 25.
5.    Write a conclusion.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
Grand Canyon University
College of Nursing
NUR 502 – Theoretical Foundations for Nursing Roles and Practice
Professional Communication Cultural Sensitivity Guide
Title of Paper
This is the introduction. It should include purpose of paper and rationale for selection of specific cultural group. It would be appropriate to cite information from your textbook regarding the importance of cultural competence in nursing.
Summary of Article
Summarize article succinctly. Then focus on the key cultural differences that should be taken into consideration when providing care.
Application to Practice
In this section, be sure to focus on communication (assessing, comforting, teaching) that would demonstrate cultural sensitivity to the cultural group. You may also include other nursing interventions that would demonstrate cultural sensitivity. Cite from chapters in text to provide additional general information applicable to key points.
In the conclusion, address the importance of cultural sensitivity in communication, both generally and with this population. Describe any conclusions you have drawn from the article/text readings related to this paper. Do not introduce new information.
Provide complete information for the references you have cited in your paper.
 NUR502 Week 3 Collaborative Learning Community Grand Nursing
This is a CLC assignment.
For this group assignment, refer to the instructor for your group placement, then develop a CLC Group Project Agreement that addresses the following:
1.    Sets up schedule for communication.
2.    Provides contact information if needed.
3.    Clarifies process for conflict resolution.
4.    Clarifies roles for each member after reviewing the assignment details.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
  NUR 502 CLC Group Project Agreement
Grading Criteria
CLC Course Information
Course Name/Section  Number:
Instructor’s Name:
Start Date of the Course:
CLC Member Contact Information  (Who is in our group?)
CLC Member Name
Primary E-mail Address
Secondary E-mail Address
Other Contact Information
CLC Group Values (What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)
What Each Team Member  Agrees to Do
Why  This Is Important to the Team 
Check into the CLC  regularly to review progress on the assignment.
Contribute ideas and  feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project completion.
Communicate with all CLC  members as soon as a problem or issue arises.
Maintain respectful  communications with all team members.
Complete assigned tasks  by the deadlines set by the CLC members.
Take a leadership role in  CLC assignments.
Make sure to cite and  reference all sources of information used in completing tasks.
Project Management Specifics  (What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?)
CLC Group Member’s Name
Task to be Completed by  This Team Member  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
Due Date for Completing  the Task for the CLC to Review
Contributing one or more  ideas for how the project should be completed.
Outlining the CLC project.
Assigning tasks to CLC  members.
Performing research on  assigned topics and writing it up for CLC members to review.
Making sure everyone  meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.
Proofreading and editing  the paper.
Submitting the paper via  the Assignments feature by the due date deadline.
CLC Group Interaction Guidelines (How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)
What Could Happen To  Impede Our Teamwork?
What We Will Do if This Happens?
A CLC member doesn’t  provide project ideas or feedback to other team members.
A CLC member doesn’t  complete his/her task at all.
A CLC member completes  his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due date.
CLC Group Review Process (What makes a CLC effective?)
What did Our CLC Do Well  This Time?  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
What Can We Do to be a  More Effective CLC Next Time?  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
         NUR502 Week 4 Collaborative Learning Community: Grand Nursing Latest 
 This is a CLC assignment.
The purpose of this assignment is to have a clear understanding of the elements of a theory and to apply a theory to practice. The CLC group must use a grand theory or a high-level mid-range theory.
The group will create a report for a practice committee at a health care institution. The objective is to convince your peers of the value of using a specific theory to guide practice and evaluate care.
Since the text does not provide adequate information on any one theory for the purpose of this assignment, further research through nursing theory websites (general and specific), as well as theory texts specific to individual theories, will be required.
Begin the assignment by identifying a theorist and providing the rationale for the group's selection.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
         NUR502 Week 4 Benchmark Assignment: Application of Concept Latest 2015
  Select a peer-reviewed concept analysis article of your choice and write a response of 1,000–1,250 words. Use the following guidelines:
1.    Include an introduction.
2.    Describe the method of analysis, using the article and chapter 3 of Theoretical Basis for Nursing.
3.    Describe the steps of process and the results for each step.
4.    Apply the concept to a practice situation.
5.    Include a conclusion.
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
   NUR502 Week 5 Applying Theory to a Practice Problem Part 1
It is important to understand how research can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In this assignment, you will identify a practical problem that emerges from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice.
Chose a problem that you are encountering in your practice or about which you have read in the current literature.
Write a paper (250 to 500 words) that describes a practical problem that emerges from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice. The paper should do the following:
1.    Clearly describe the problem.
2.    Provide a rationale for the significance of this problem. The rationale must be supported by the current or seminal literature.
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
    NUR502 Week 6 Applying Theory to a Practice Problem Part 2
It is important to understand how middle-range theory can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In the previous assignment, you identified a practical problem that emerged from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice. In this assignment, you will explore and apply middle-range theory to solve the specific problem that you identified in the previous assignment.
Consider the problem that you described in the previous assignment and the instructor feedback about that assignment.
Write a paper (1,000 to 1,500 words) that describes how middle-range theory can be applied to the identified problem. The paper should include the following:
1.    A brief summary of the problem.
2.    A description of a middle-range theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this middle-range theory appropriate to your identified problem?
3.    A brief discussion of the middle-range theory's origins.
4.    A discussion of how the middle-range theory has been previously applied.
5.    A discussion of the application of the middle-range theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center
NUR502 Week 7 Collaborative Learning Community Grand Nursing
This is a CLC assignment.
In your group, write a report on the chosen theorist/theory that includes the following:
1.    Introduction: Identify the theorist and rationale for the selection.
2.    Describe the theorist (short biography and major influences on the theorist).
3.    Indicate the category under which the theorist falls (can use McEwen & Wills classification or other source).
4.    Incorporate assumptions underlying the theory (including how metaparadigm concepts are defined).
5.    Include major concepts of the theory.
6.    Include major propositions of the theory.
7.    Provide examples from the literature of how the theory has been used.
8.    Describe how the theory will be integrated into practice at your institution (or how it will be used as a foundation, framework, etc.). This is an action plan.
9.    Give concrete examples of how theory would be integrated (e.g., assessment guide) and what patient outcomes could be measured as a result of implementing the theory.
10.  Conclusion: Contrast present practice with what would take place if the theory were guiding the practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the GCU APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
Have one member of the CLC post the Grand Theorist Report in the Module 8 Discussion Forum.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.
NUR502 Week 8 Benchmark Assignment Applying Theory to a Practice Problem Part 3
It is important to understand how borrowed theory can help you in your everyday environment as a nurse. In the previous assignment, you identified a practical problem that emerged from the evidence in the extant literature or professional practice, and you explored how middle-range theory could be applied to solve the problem. In this assignment, you will explore and apply borrowed theory to solve the specific problem that you identified previously, and you will synthesize the applications of the middle-range theory and the borrowed theory into the most appropriate solution to the problem.
Consider the problem that you described in the previous assignments and the instructor feedback about those assignments.
Write a paper (1,750 to 2,000 words) that describes how borrowed theory can be applied to the identified problem. The paper should include the following:
1.    A brief summary of the problem including the potential middle-range theory that could be applied.
2.    A description of a borrowed theory that could be applied to the problem. Is this borrowed theory appropriate to your identified problem?
3.    A brief history of the borrowed theory's origins.
4.    A discussion of how the borrowed theory has been previously applied.
5.    A discussion of the application of the borrowed theory to the identified problem. How would your practice change by incorporating this theory?
6.    A discussion of how application of both the borrowed theory and the middle-range theory can be integrated to create the most appropriate solution to the identified problem.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NUR508 Full Class
NUR508 Full Class
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  NUR508 All Weeks Discussions
GCU NUR508 Week 1 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
What were the major causes of U.S. mortality in the last 100 years, and what public health measures most contributed to improvements in the health of the nation? Include at least two source citations from the readings and/or additional sources to support your answer
DQ 2
What are the major causes of disease and death in the 21st century (e.g., chronic illnesses, communicable diseases, etc.) that continue to affect U.S. citizens in spite of the achievements in public health in the past century? What have been some of the strategies implemented to combat these illnesses on the local and national levels? Have they been successful? Include reference citations where appropriate.
 Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 2 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
Select one of the United Nations' (U.N.) Millennial Development Goals (MDGs). Visit the website and report on the UN's progress in achieving this goal? How will meeting this goal positively impact the health of the world? What suggestions would you make to help the UN achieve this goal?
DQ 2
Select a global health issue from the World Health Organization (WHO) list of health topics available athttp://www.who.int/topics/en/How has globalization influenced this issue from a positive or negative perspective?
  Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 3 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Debate the various social factors associated with the situation of the "underinsured." Respond to two other classmates' answers with solid reasoning and support your opinions with appropriate reference citations.
DQ 2
Review the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) report "Priority Populations":
Select one of the "priority populations" and explain the disparities this population faces. What strategies have been implemented to combat these disparities on the local and national levels? Have they been successful? Include reference citations where appropriate.
   Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 4 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Debate the efficacies of public versus private-based quality initiatives. What roles do each play in the quality of U.S. health care? How would the elimination of one aspect affect the other? Respond to two other classmates and counter their answer, citing references as appropriate.
DQ 2
After reading the Kaiser Family Foundation summary on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, state why or why not you believe the act should remain in law, or which pieces should be reversed. Then describe two pieces of the act that you were unaware was part of the act and how that may affect you as a citizen.
   Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 5 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
What are the eligibility requirements and coverage of Medicaid for the categories of low-income adults, pregnant women, and the aging/blind/disabled in the state where you live? Do you consider the eligibility requirements reasonable or restrictive? Do you consider the coverage reasonable or liberal? What are the benefits and drawbacks to keeping these populations insured through Medicaid? Consider both direct and indirect factors.
DQ 2
Review the CMS.gov 30-Day Mortality and Readmission Data website. Review at least two local hospitals and see how they compare to state and national benchmarks. How and why may a consumer or a health care professional use this data to make decision about their next hospitalization? Will reporting this data have an impact on hospitals bottom line in addition to financial penalties from CMS? Give at least two examples of how this data may be used and what type of impact if may have if at all on the hospitals.
    Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 6 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Debate the question: "Is health care a basic right in the United States?" Answer this question through the lens of your role as RN. Support your response utilizing ethical theories and principles. Respond to two other classmates using respectful communication and solid reasoning. Support your response with appropriate references.
DQ 2
Select an ethical dilemma related to health policy from the categories of moral values, professional regulation, health of individuals in society, or distributive justice. What are the controversies surrounding this issue? What are the opposing ethical principles? How has past or current health policy addressed this dilemma? Support your reasoning with reference citations.
    Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 7 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
How do spiritual beliefs impact political ideologies and the policy process? How have they affected the health policy reform process? Using respectful communication, debate your response with two other classmates. Give examples and support your reasoning with appropriate references.
DQ 2
What is the role of a religious ethic in public policy today? Should a religious ethic and/or theistic worldview take priority over that of others? How can religious policy decision makers remain true to their personal values while respecting the views of individuals with differing cultural and spiritual beliefs? Respond to two other classmates and cite references as appropriate.
    Grand Canyon NUR508 Week 8 Discussion DQ 1 & DQ 2 Latest 2015
DQ 1
Select an advanced professional or advanced practice nursing specialty. How has past and current regulation/legislation affected the role and scope of this nursing role? What, if any, discussions are currently underway relative to the scope and role of this specialty? What resources are available to assist nurses in advocating for these roles?
DQ 2
Select a professional or specialty nursing association. What impact has this organization had on health care legislation in the past 2 years? Respond to two other classmates and support your answer with appropriate references and specific examples.
  NUR 508  Week 2Assignment
The IOM Future of Nursing report calls for an increase in leadership from nurses at all levels. One way nurses demonstrate their role as a leader, is through public policy change. A leader does not always carry an official title or position, but demonstrates leadership through the work and the stance he/she takes to make a change for the good of others. Nurses have been noted by the Gallop poll year after year as the most trusted professionals.
This assignment requires thought about a public policy that is needed or needs to be changed that relates to nursing, healthcare, and/or the public. Policy changes can occur by working with members of your legislature, and state or national nurses associations, to introduce a new bill and/or change to a current law in your state or federal government.
Examples of public policy includes any component of the current legislation governing health care, Medicare part D, Medicaid, nursing regulation, medication technicians, etc.
In 750-1000 words, propose a health policy change (that is currently a bill, a law, or may not exist at all) at the state or federal level that you believe needs to change and why.
The policy must NOT be a clinical care policy for     individual care. The policy involved may include public or community     health, legislative or regulatory, professional organization     (nursing-oriented), advanced nursing practice, health plan, or hospital     plan.
Include a specific section for the exact wording for     the bill or change in wording of the law.
Include the plan for the implementation of your policy     development, to lobbying for passage, to next steps after passage.
Discuss who would be the champion for the bill/law     change from your state advocates (legislators, federal legislators, local     or national state nursing organizations). Are these individuals also     influential in making changes occur? Did you vote for the individual in     office that you want to help you make this change?
Review different pieces of legislation for ideas on     wording.
Visit your state’s legislative governmental affairs     website site to understand the process your policy change could take if     you wanted to introduce to into legislation.
Refer to the Nursing Leadership Health Policy     Presentation Rubric.
Submit the assignment to the instructor by the end of     Topic 2.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
NUR508 week 5 Assignment
In a paper of 500-1,000 words, describe the relationship between health care cost and quality. Address the following:
Select one public agency and one private agency and     differentiate their roles and major activities in addressing cost and     quality in health care. See Topic 4 Readings for sources regarding health     care agencies.
Analyze current and projected initiatives to improve     quality while simultaneously controlling costs. Describe any unintended     consequences.
Synthesize implications for staff nurses and advanced     practice nurses, including evidence-based practice, relative to cost and     quality.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.
Resource 1: CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview
Group work has benefits and liabilities. EVERYONE assigned to a CLC is expected to equally participate in the work in terms of time and quality of effort. Each participant has strengths and it is reasonable to apportion the work to make best use of this. Some are natural leaders. Our strengths can be our greatest liabilities: No one wants to be bossed around no matter how skilled the boss is. Honest communication is critical to effective group work. The best way to avoid conflict is to set very clear expectations up front. Then, if someone does not do what is expected him/her, he/she can be referred to the original agreement rather than have the confrontation become personal.
Course instructors are able to observe the group process in the CLC forum. If the work takes place outside the forum, this information will be absent. Be certain (even if communicating via e-mail, phone, or face-to-face) to record the communication in the CLC forum.
CLC Project Overview
The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyze a health care issue through the focus of major concepts from each Topic. There are six components to this assignment after the CLC agreement is signed and the topic is identified. It is not expected that every member of the CLC group will contribute to each assignment, but that assignments will be divided fairly and equally among the group. Each of the written components of the CLC project will be 500-1,000 words. These papers should be in APA format with a title and a reference page. An abstract is not required. An introduction is required ONLY for Part 1 and is not required in any parts thereafter. It is the intention that if one were to take the six parts of this assignment and put them together, a comprehensive and cohesive analysis would be produced. Part 1 is worth 3 points and each of the subsequent parts (2-6) are worth 4 points each.
Topic 1 (10 points)
Check into the CLC group and provide contact information and describe prior experience, if any, with health policy. Locate and read the CLC Agreement provided by the instructor, located within the Additional Resources Folder in Canyon Connect. Choose one member to transfer the document to the CLC forum. Decide upon the process needed to fill out the contract. Everyone should participate. Before filling out the agreement, it may be helpful for each student to describe the most difficult, frustrating, helpful, or beneficial apects of working on a collaborative project. Getting this type of information out in the open ahead of time may help to prevent conflict later on. Since no one is angry yet, you can comfortably list what is likely to make you angry and also what would make you satisfied.
Complete the CLC Agreement (except for the final block, which is used at the end). Select someone to submit the CLC Agreement by the end of Topic 1.
Topic 2 (10 points)
Initiate a conversation regarding potential topics of interest. This should be a health issue with national and international relevance that will be the basis for your final project. It may be helpful to identify a number of topics of interest and have individual group members do a quick survey of the literature to be sure that there is current information available. Revise the CLC Agreement with the choice of the topic identified in the title and re-submit the CLC Agreement.There is no formal writing requirement for the topic selection. It is merely a brief paragraph declaring your identified topic.
Topic 3 – Part 1 (50 points)
Research and outline the history of the health issue. Write a formal paper in APA format (500-1,000 words in length), describing the history of the issue. A title, introduction, and a reference page are required, but an abstract and conclusion are not. Include the following:
1) Influences such as determinants of health and socioeconomic status.
2) Past and present initiatives (private and public) to address the issue.
3) Outcomes that have been developed and utilized to measure progress on the issue.
4) The current status of the health issue based on measured outcomes.
Topic 4 – Part 2 (60 points)
Describe the national and international implications of the health issue. Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. Include a title page and a reference page. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required. Include the following:
1) Scope and depth of the problem.
2) Countries that are faring better or worse than others.
3) How the U.S. ranks on this issue in relation to other countries.
4) Efforts of the World Health Organization and other agencies on this issue.
5) Existing disparities (include race, age, and gender, as appropriate) in relation to the issue – describe the populations that have emerged as being disadvantaged and why.
Topic 5 – Part 3 (60 points)
Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. Include a title and a reference page. An abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not required. Include a title page and a reference page, and the following:
1) Discuss past and present funding for initiatives that address the health issue. Include both public and private sources.
2) Analyze past and present quality initiatives that address the health issue. Include both public and private sources.
3) Differentiate how being insured versus uninsured impacts health outcomes relative to this issue;
4) Compare health outcomes for the issue between the U.S. and a country with universal health coverage.
Topic 6 – Part 4 (60 points)
Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page and a reference page are required, but an abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not. Include the following:
1) Examine the previously addressed aspects of health policies, finance, global/national prevention, and/or treatment initiatives related to the health issue by identifying applicable ethics principles.
2) Differentiate how application of the identified ethics principles to the health issue has resulted in population disparities.
3) Hypothesize how existing disparities might be eliminated using alternate ethics principles.
4) Critique whether the applicable ethics principles are consistent with the ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses.
Topic 7 – Part 5 (60 points)
Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page and a reference page are required, but an abstract, introduction, and conclusion are not. Include the following:
1) Discuss cultural beliefs and influences relative to the health issue.
2) Differentiate any religious/spiritual beliefs and values relative to the issue.
3) Appraise how religious/spiritual beliefs and values have influenced progress in addressing the issue – either negatively or positively.
4) Compare differences in ideologies related to the issue across political party lines, geographic regions, and countries of the world.
Topic 8 – Part 6 (60 points)
Write a formal paper (500-1,000 words in length), using APA format. A title page, conclusion, and a reference page are required, but an abstract and introduction are not. Include the following:
1) Assess the past and present impact nurses, including advanced professional/ advanced practice nurses, have made in addressing this health issue.
2) Describe how nurses can become more broadly involved with influencing health policy related to this issue. Include available resources.
3) Hypothesize how nurses can positively impact future outcomes related to the provision of care for persons affected by the health issue.
4) Synthesize all aspects of the health care issue through a summary conclusion, concisely tying up Parts 1-8 of the CLC project.
  This is a CLC assignment.
Check into your respective Collaborative Learning     Community and provide contact information. Describe your prior experience     with health policy.
Read "CLC Health Issue Analysis Overview."
Read "CLC Group Project Agreement."
Transfer "CLC Group Project Agreement" to     your CLC team space, come to a consensus on team responsibilities, and     complete one copy of the form.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
  NUR 508 CLC Group Project Agreement
Grading Criteria
CLC Course Information
Course  Name/Section Number:
Instructor’s  Name:
Start  Date of the Course:
CLC Member Contact Information  (Who is in our group?)
CLC  Member Name
Primary  E-mail Address
Secondary  E-mail Address
Other  Contact Information
CLC Group Values (What do we need to do to ensure our team’s success?)
What  Each Team Member Agrees to Do
Why  This Is Important to the Team 
Check  into the CLC regularly to review progress on the assignment.
Contribute  ideas and feedback to the group from initial discussions throughout project  completion.
Communicate  with all CLC members as soon as a problem or issue arises.
Maintain  respectful communications with all team members.
Complete  assigned tasks by the deadlines set by the CLC members.
Take  a leadership role in CLC assignments.
Make  sure to cite and reference all sources of information used in completing  tasks.
Project Management Specifics  (What needs to be undertaken to complete the CLC project?)
CLC  Group Member’s Name
Task  to be Completed by This Team Member  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
Due  Date for Completing the Task for the CLC to Review
Contributing  one or more ideas for how the project should be completed.
Outlining  the CLC project.
Assigning  tasks to CLC members.
Performing  research on assigned topics and writing it up for CLC members to review.
Making  sure everyone meets their assigned deadlines for tasks.
Proofreading  and editing the paper.
Submitting  the paper via the Assignments feature by the due date deadline.
CLC Group Interaction Guidelines (How can we anticipate and deal with group conflict when it arises?)
What  Could Happen To Impede Our Teamwork?
What  We Will Do if This Happens?
A  CLC member doesn’t provide project ideas or feedback to other team members.
A  CLC member doesn’t complete his/her task at all.
A  CLC member completes his/her task, but turns it in after the agreed-upon due  date.
CLC Group Review Process (What makes a CLC effective?)
 What  did Our CLC Do Well This Time?  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
What  Can We Do to be a More Effective CLC Next Time?  (This section will change for each CLC Project.)
NUR508 Week 7 Assignment
Write a paper of 750-1,000 words examining your personal values and beliefs. Include the following:
Describe your personal values and spiritual beliefs.
Using the elements of cost, quality, and social issues     to frame your description, differentiate your beliefs and opinions about     health care policy. Give examples of relevant ethical principles,     supported by your values.
Analyze how factors such as your upbringing, spiritual     or religious beliefs/doctrine, personal and professional experiences, and     political ideology affect your current perspective on health care policy.
Examine any inconsistencies you discovered relative to     the alignment of your personal values and beliefs with those concerning     health policy. Discuss what insights this has given you.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR500 Week 7 Master’s-Prepared Role Electronic
NR500 Week 7 Master’s-Prepared Role Electronic
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The purpose of this assignment is to: a) demonstrate how the skills outlined in the AACN Essentials are applicable to the role of a master’s–prepared nurse (CO #5, #6) and b) present ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner (CO #1).
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
(CO#1) Demonstrate effective verbal, written, and technological communication using legal and ethical standards for transferring knowledge. (PO 3)
(CO#5) Analyze the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing [AACN Essentials]. (PO 1)
(CO#6)Assess the roles of the master’s-prepared nurse. (PO 1)
Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 7.
Total Points Possible: 215
1. Discuss the MSN specialty track (educator, executive, informatics, health policy,  FNP that you have selected.
2. Demonstrate how the skills outlined in the nine (9) AACN Essentials are applicable to your selected master’s-prepared specialization.
3. Identify three ways that a master’s-prepared nurse in your specialty would use the AACN Essentials skills in nursing practice.
4. Provide empirical evidence to support the three (3) ways a master’s-prepared nurse would use the AACN Essentials in practice. A minimum of two (2) current scholarly articles are required in this section of the presentation.
5. Concluding statements summarize content.
6. 15-slide presentation with speaker notes in APA format, not counting title and reference slides.
Preparing the paper
1. This is a PowerPoint presentation.
2. Review the Creating a Professional Presentation located in Doc Sharing.
3. This presentation is to focus on the specific role you have chosen in the MSN program (e.g., educator, executive, informatics, health policy, FNP) and identify the AACN Essentials that are applicable to your specific role.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR500 Week 5 Evidence Based  Practice
NR500 Week 5 Evidence Based  Practice
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•       Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question using the PICO (T) format.
•       Identify key terms that you will use to search the literature, based on the PICO (T) elements.
•       Search for information on your formulated clinical question in each of these three databases: PubMed, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and The Joanna Briggs Institute database.
•       Present the results of the searches in the tables provided in the Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form found in Doc Sharing. Although the worksheet is provided, you may need to add additional rows to the grid in order to accommodate your search results. Be sure to include all of your steps in the Notes column.
•       Submit the form to the Dropbox by the due date.
 Preparing the paper
•       In Doc Sharing, you will find the Week 5 Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form. This is the form to be used to submit the assignment. No other paper is required for this assignment. Although this form is provided for this assignment, you may need to add additional rows to the grid to accommodate your search results.
•       Below, you will find an example of how to complete the form as you are doing each search.
•       The Notes section is to be completed in detail as each step of the search is undertaken. Be sure to include all of the steps you used.
•       An optimal range of 10–20 scholarly articles is to be achieved for each search. This may require performing a combination of Boolean terms in order to achieve the optimal range. If this is not possible, a detailed explanation is to be included in the Notes section. Points will be deducted if you do not perform enough of a search to arrive at the optimal range.
Example: PubMed
Clinical Question: In patients with muscle spasms, is relaxation as good as anti-spasmodic medication in reducing the incidence of muscle spasms?*
The PICO (T) elements are:
P = patients with muscle spasms
I = anti-spasmodic medication
C= relaxation
O = reducing incidence of muscle spasms
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR500 Week 3 Evaluating a Website for Credibility
NR500 Week 3 Evaluating a Website for Credibility
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The purpose of this assignment is to: a) identify and evaluate a website for credibility, b) provide empirical evidence to support the website as a credible source for inclusion in a scholarly assignment, and c) present ideas in a clear, succinct, and scholarly manner.
Course Outcomes
Total Points Possible: 170
1.Selects a health-related website with the  indicated as .org or .gov.
2. Introduction section includes 6 elements:
a. clearly names the website
b. describes the purpose of the website
c. The search engine used to locate the website is named.
d. The domain of the website is identified.
e. The rationale for the selection of the website is discussed.
f. The web address, also known as the URL or uniform resource locator, is provided. This typically begins with “http://...”
3.Provides a thorough analysis of the website, using the following five criteria: authority, information, objectivity, ease of navigation, and privacy and security policies.
4.Determines if the website is credible, provides a rationale for decision, and supports the decision with empirical evidence. The empirical evidence is to be a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles published within the last 5 years.
5.Discusses why it is important for a professional nurse to evaluate information found on the Internet. Provides three (3) distinct examples of how a professional nurse could use the information provided by the selected website.
6.Summarizes the content of the paper in concluding statements.
7.The body of the scholarly paper is to be no more than 2.5–3 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages. It must follow APA format (6th edition).
Preparing the paper
After selecting a website with the domain of .org or .gov, evaluate the website in the body of a scholarly paper. Include a minimum of two (2) scholarly references published within the past 5 years that support how you determined that the website is credible.
Once the paper is completed, submit the paper to Turnitin, which is integrated in the course Dropbox.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR500 All Weeks Discussions
NR500 All Weeks Discussions
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 week 1 Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment (graded)
Identify barriers to success in the online learning environment and the strategies to overcome the barriers. Please cite the sources used to support your response.
Scholarly Discussion (graded)
What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network? Please cite the sources used to support your response.
week 2 Scholarly Writing (graded)
Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a short paragraph about what you learned in the article and include a properly formatted citation in APA format.
 Discussion 2
Scholarly Databases vs. Websites (graded)
What is the difference between a scholarly database and a website? How do you know if a website is credible?
Identifying Scholarly Resources (graded)
Identify a topic of interest related to your area of practice. Perform a search in two scholarly databases for an article that is relevant to that topic. Share the name, URL, and a brief description of the two databases you located. Do not report on MEDLINE or CINAHL, as they are already well known. What databases did you select? Why?
Conducting a Library Search (graded)
The choice of Boolean terminology can markedly affect your search returns. Select a topic related to your area of practice, and select two scholarly databases to find information on the topic. Describe the search. What key words did you use? How many articles did your initial search yield? How did you narrow or expand the search? How many articles did you find once you narrowed or expanded the search? Summarize the results from the search.
  Evidence-Based Practice (graded)
Share what evidence-based practice means to you (EBP) and describe how EBP is used in your practice setting.
PICO (T) (graded)
The PICO (T) format is a way to develop a clinical question that lends itself to searching for evidence. Select a common nursing practice (e.g., wound care management) in your clinical setting and formulate a PICO question. Once you have formulated your question, conduct a library search and locate one scholarly article that addresses the topic you have selected. Post your clinical question in the TD, explain the PICO(T) elements, and provide a full reference of the article you selected.
NR 500 Week 5 Descriptive Statistics (graded)
Read the assigned research article for this week. Identify the descriptive statistics that are reported in the article. How can a nurse leader use descriptive statistics to justify a course of action? What descriptive statistics do you routinely use in your practice?
Clinical Significance (graded)
Explore these issues on the Internet and through other resources. Share what you find out on these topics:
Confidence     Intervals: Why are they useful in helping to determine clinical significance?
There     are many controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance vs.     statistical significance. Identify one of them and summarize it. Finish     with your opinion about the controversy.
week 6 AACN Essentials of Master's Education (graded)
Compare and contrast the AACN Essentials of Master’s Education with the CCN mission, philosophy, and MSN Program Outcomes.
Critical Thinking (graded)
How does one demonstrate the concept of critical thinking in relation to the various roles of the professional nurse?
 week 7
Professional Communication (graded)
Discuss ways that the professional nurse can use information technology to disseminate knowledge in the practice setting.
Creating a Professional Presentation (graded)
Think about good and not-so-good professional presentations that you have attended in the past. Give an example of what made an effective presentation. Give another example of what detracted from their ability to deliver a message to the audience.
week 8 What Did You Learn (graded)
Reflecting on this course, consider and answer the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials learned in this course in your future graduate course work? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice?
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR500 W2 Scholarly Communication Worksheet
NR500 W2 Scholarly Communication Worksheet  
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 1. Provide a correctly formatted reference for the following journal article. Perform a search for this article and provide the DOI number also.
Authors: Jennifer Leeman, DrPH, MDiv; Margarete Sandelwoski, PhD,. RN, FANN Title of article: Practice-Based Evidence and Qualitative Inquiry Journal: Journal of Nursing Scholarship Year of Publication: 2012, Volume 44, Issue 2, Pages 171-179.   What is the resource document and page number  or slide number?
  2. In the above referenced article, on page 175, the authors state “Qualitative research can be used similarly to identify the core mechanisms of implementation strategies”. Provide a correctly formatted direct-quote citation, using this information.  What is the resource document and page number?
  3. Go to the NIH website (www.nih.gov) and find the information titled “Bad Air Day, Air Quality and Your Health”. Provide a correctly formatted reference, using the following information for the newsletter format.  What is the resource document and page number?
 4. Differentiate between a primary source and a secondary source in scholarly writing.  What is the resource document and page number?
  5.         The running head is used in scholarly work. For this question, you are to:
a.         Develop a running head for the following journal article titled “Graduate-level QSEN competencies: Knowledge, skills, and attitudes”.
b.         Provide the correct format the running head in a scholarly paper on the title page and subsequent pages of a paper.  What is the resource document and page number?
  6. Identify two characteristics of a scholarly source. What is the resource document and page number?
   7. Scholarly papers contain headings and subheadings. Identify the format for a Level 1 and Level 2 heading.  What is the resource document and page number or slide number?
  8. The article “Factors Influencing Advanced Practice Nurses’ Ability to Promote Evidence-Based Practice among Frontline Nurses", published in 2012, has the following authors: Kate Gerrish, Mike Nolan, Ann McDonnell, Angela Tod, Marilyn Kirshbaum, and Louise Guillaume. Provide the correct format for the first citation in text.   What is the resource document and page number or slide number?
  9. What is a DOI, and when is it used in references?  What is the resource document and page number?
  10.  Provide:
a.   a full reference and
b.  an in- text citation for lecture notes, using the following information:
College: Chamberlain College of Nursing Class: NR 500 Foundational Concepts and Applications Year: 2012. Lesson in Week One.  
What is the resource document and page number or slide number?  
 11. Provide:
a. a full reference and
b. an in-text citation for a chapter of an edited book
Book Title: Nursing theories and nursing practice 3rd edition.
Chapter of book: Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its applications.
Author of chapter: Lynne M. Dunphy
Publishers: F.A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, PA
Editors: Marilyn E. Parker and Marlaine C. Smith
Year: 2010
Pages: 35-53
Answer: What is the resource document and slide number that you used?
12. Go to   How would you write a citation and a reference for an article found on a website or webpage with no author. Please provide an example for:
Confirmed Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Case in Indiana.
Year: 2014
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR281 Pathophysiology I Altered Cell Biology Case Study
NR281 Pathophysiology I Altered Cell Biology Case Study
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Instructions: Download the Altered Cell Biology Case Study Answer Sheet.docx from Doc Sharing. Using your text and other sources as needed, answer the following questions on the answer sheet. Cite your sources and add a reference list at the end of your answers. Upload to the Dropbox by the due date specified on your course calendar. NOTE: You may not copy/paste from the textbook or internet sources. Short quotes may be used if cited correctly. This paper, as are all CCN assignments, is subject to the rules of academic integrity and may be submitted to Turnitin.com for similarity checking. See Policies in the course shell or Student Handbook. Case Study (95 points possible) Sandra Li is a 45 year old Radiation Therapy technician went to her doctor’s office stating she saw blood in her stool twice this week and thinks she has hemorrhoids. She also complains of fatigue and 10 weight loss in the last 3 months because she just didn’t feel like eating. Even after the weight loss, she is still 35 pounds over her ideal weight for her height. Selected Data Obtained From Nursing Assessment She is a second generation Japanese American Worked for 8 years preparing the radioisotopes for injection during CT scans before she moved to the Radiation Therapy department. She was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes which is being controlled with oral medications. She states she understands the need for exercise, both to lose weight and control her blood sugar. However, she feels too tired after work and admits both she and her husband are “couch potatoes.” She asked with a grin, “Does playing video games count as playing a sport?” Denies smoking, but her husband smokes 2 packs per day Much to her parents’ dismay, Sandra has adopted a western diet and states she is “addicted to McDonalds” which she believes is the chief cause of her excess weight. She has also gained weight since got married. Her husband is a “meat and potatoes guy” who grills steaks or burgers on the barbeque several times per week no matter the weather. Analysis of her diet reveals it is high in red meats, high in fat and low in fiber. Both she and her husband drink at least one beer every evening and usually more on the weekends. She states she and her husband have been fighting a lot more lately mostly due to financial burden of modifying their home, which they have lived in for 25 years and was recently identified a having radon contamination.Skin warm and dry. Lungs are clear Vital signs are within normal limits Lab: Low hemoglobin and hematocrit. Low red blood cell count. Stool sample tested for blood was positive. Case Study Questions: Colon Cancer Risk Factor (45 points) 1. What are Sandra Li’s risk factors for colon cancer? List each one and describe what pathological changes it may cause. (45 points) NR281 Altered Cell Biology Case Study.pdf Chamberlain   NR281 Pathophysiology I The doctor ordered a colonoscopy which indicated colon cancer. The tumor mass was surgically removed. Cancer cells were found in the adjacent lymph nodes so she was started on chemotherapy. Case Study Questions: Cancer Treatment (50 points) 1. What are the chief clinical manifestations of cancer? Describe the pathophysiology that causes the clinical manifestations. Identify whether Mrs. Li has experienced the symptom. If not, why might she not have the symptom? (25 points) 2. How does chemotherapy work? Relate the way chemotherapy works to the side effects of cancer therapy that Mrs. Li may experience. (25 points) NR281 Altered Cell Biology Case Study.pdf
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR 510 Week 3 APN Leader Interview Project
NR 510 Week 3 APN Leader Interview Project  
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 APN Leader Interview Project
The purpose of this application is to provide the student an opportunity to interview an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) leader about competencies necessary for APN role development.
1. To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. 2. The APN Leader Interview project will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric. 3. Create your report using Microsoft Word 2007 (a part of Microsoft Office 2007). You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word 2007 document because it will end in “.docx” 6. APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered): a. Introduction b. Description of the NONPF NP Core Competencies c. Description of the Interview with the APN. d. Analysis of the discussed APN competencies e. Conclusion
The following are best practices for preparing this project paper: 1. Read “Interview Suggestions and Tips” in DocSharing. 2. Review the The National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies 3. Identify an APN with whom to conduct an interview. The APN should practice in one of the following roles: CNS, CNP, CNM, or CRNA. 4. When conducting the interview, be sure to identify appropriate background information regarding the interviewee (who, what, where, when, and why). 5. Discuss the APN core competencies with the interviewee. Be sure to identify appropriate details including relevant practice examples gleaned from the APN leader. 6. When analyzing the discussed APN competencies, be sure to fully address each APN competency discussed in terms of original source and leader’s application to APN
role (i.e., Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies [NONPF, 2011]). 7. Conclude the paper with a summary of the main points covered in the paper and the benefits of meeting the competencies within the APN role.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR 510 Role of APN's and development plan
NR 510 Role of APN's and development plan
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 Guidelines with Scoring Rubric
The purpose of this application is to provide the student an opportunity to explore the role of the advanced practice nurse (APN) and develop an APN professional development plan.
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
CO1: Synthesize knowledge and concepts from advanced practice nursing with supporting disciplines as a foundation for APN/specialty nurse practitioner practice that is culturally competent and population-specific (PO #1).
CO3: Assimilate primary care competencies into APN/specialty nurse practitioner practice that exemplify professional values, scholarship, service, and culturally competent global awareness and support ongoing professional and personal development. (PO #5)
CO5: Contribute to the body of advanced practice nursing knowledge through participation in systematic inquiry, utilization of evidence-based practice, and dissemination of findings to support high-quality care and healthcare innovation. (PO #9)
CO9: Evaluate strategies for contract negotiation, CV/resume writing, credentialing, national board certification, hospital privileges, and reimbursement (PO #8).
CO 10: Develop visionary leadership skills that combine best evidence with nursing expertise to support quality improvement, safety, and change across healthcare organizations and systems (PO #1, 3, 8, and 9).
CO 11: Differentiate leadership strategies that strengthen interprofessional collaboration and incorporate an ethic of care, values, and ethical principles into the role of the nurse leader across healthcare organizations and systems (PO #2, 4, 5, 6, and 7).
Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 7
Total Points Possible: 150
1.       To complete this application, you will need to access to the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and the Joanna Briggs Institute. You may access these databases through the Chamberlain College of Nursing Online Library.
2.       The APN Professional Development Plan paper is worth 150 points and will be graded on quality of information, use of citations, use of Standard English grammar, sentence structure, and overall organization based on the required components as summarized in the directions and grading criteria/rubric.
3.       Create your manuscript using Microsoft Word 2007 (a part of Microsoft Office 2007), which is the required format for all Chamberlain College of Nursing documents. You can tell that the document is saved as a MS Word 2007 document because it will end in “.docx”
4.       Follow the directions and grading criteria closely. Any questions about this paper may be posted under the Q & A Forum.
5.       The length of the paper is to be no less than 6 and no greater than 8 pages excluding title page and reference pages.
6.       APA (2010) format is required with both a title page and reference page. Use the required components of the review as Level 1 headers (upper and lower case, centered):
1.       Introduction to the APN professional development plan
2.       APN Scope of Practice
3.       Personal Assessment
4.       Networking and Marketing Strategies
5.       Conclusion
Preparing the paper
The following are best practices for preparing this paper:
1.       Review Chapter 29- Role Transition: Strategies for Success in the Marketplace inDeNisco and Barker (2013).
2.       Nurse practitioners need to take into account the state rules and regulations that guide advanced practice. Research and review the Nurse Practice Act and APN scope of practice guidelines in your particular state. Identify information regarding educational requirements, licensure and regulatory requirements, as well as practice environment details. Review information regarding full, limited, or restricted practice limitations as well as prescriptive authority.
3.       Review Guidelines for APN Role Transition Using Benner’s Self-Assessment Tool in DocSharing. Prior to engaging in pursuit for employment, APNs should complete a comprehensive, honest, affirmative personal assessment to identify their strengths and weaknesses as well as their goals and objectives. Research assessment tools, conduct a personal assessment, and reflect upon your strengths, weaknesses, goals, and objectives.
4.       To complete the transition from students to expert nurse practitioners working in the healthcare field, graduating APN students will need to secure their first position. Research local and national professional organizations that advertise employment opportunities for APNs. Identify networking and marketing strategies and provide a rationale for your selections.
5.       Write your Curriculum Vitae (CV). Refer to the template on pages 618-619 in DeNisco and Barker (2013). Your CV should not exceed 2 pages in length.
6.       When concluding the paper, summarize important aspects of the APN professional development plan.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
NR 500 Evidence Based Practice Assignment  1
NR 500 Evidence Based Practice Assignment  1 Click Link Below To Buy:
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   Directions: Please read the Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Rubric located in Doc Sharing, for instructions on how to complete this form.
1. Clinical Question:
Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question, using the PICO (T) format. Please type the question here:
In infants born prematurely, compared to ones born full term, what is the subsequent lifetime prevalence of neonatal abstinence syndrome in these babies and the withdrawal outcome for a premature baby vs. a full term baby?
 2.  Identify the PICO (T) Terms:
 3. Search: PubMed/MEDLINE
Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubmed.gov and conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
MGT445 Module 6 Practice Problems Chapter 9 and 10
MGT445 Module 6 Practice Problems Chapter 9 and 10
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 MGT445 Module 6 Practice Problems Latest 2015 Complete the following problems from the textbook:
• Chapter 9, 9-11,9-13,9-15,
Chapter 10 ,10-25,10-29,E 3, E 5 ,E 6
Follow these instructions for completing and submitting your assignment: 1. Do all work in Excel. Do not submit Word files or *.pdf files. 2. Submit a single spreadsheet file for this assignment. Do not submit multiple files. 3. Place each problem on a separate spreadsheet tab. 4. Label all inputs and outputs and highlight your final answer. 5. Follow the directions in “Guidelines for Developing Spreadsheets.” You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
MGT445 Module 5 Practice Problems
MGT445 Module 5 Practice Problems
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 MGT445 Module 5 Practice Problems Latest 2015 Complete the following problems from the textbook:
• Chapter 7, 7-5,7-11,7-13,
S7.3, S7.5, S7.11, S7.11, S7.15, S7.28,
  Follow these instructions for completing and submitting your assignment: 1. Do all work in Excel. Do not submit Word files or *.pdf files. 2. Submit a single spreadsheet file for this assignment. Do not submit multiple files. 3. Place each problem on a separate spreadsheet tab. 4. Label all inputs and outputs and highlight your final answer. 5. Follow the directions in “Guidelines for Developing Spreadsheets.” You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
MGT445 Module 4 Practice Problems
MGT445 Module 4 Practice Problems
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 MGT445 Module 4 Practice Problems Latest 2015 Complete the following problems from the textbook:
• Chapter 6,6-12
Follow these instructions for completing and submitting your assignment: 1. Do all work in Excel. Do not submit Word files or *.pdf files. 2. Submit a single spreadsheet file for this assignment. Do not submit multiple files. 3. Place each problem on a separate spreadsheet tab. 4. Label all inputs and outputs and highlight your final answer. 5. Follow the directions in “Guidelines for Developing Spreadsheets.” You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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laynebaril1-blog1 · 7 years
MGT445 Module 3 Practice Problems
MGT445 Module 3 Practice Problems
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  MGT445 Module 3 Practice Problems Latest 2015 Complete the following problems from the textbook:
• Chapter 4, P4-1,4-3,4-5,4-25,4-27
Follow these instructions for completing and submitting your assignment: 1. Do all work in Excel. Do not submit Word files or *.pdf files. 2. Submit a single spreadsheet file for this assignment. Do not submit multiple files. 3. Place each problem on a separate spreadsheet tab. 4. Label all inputs and outputs and highlight your final answer. 5. Follow the directions in “Guidelines for Developing Spreadsheets.” You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.
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