lazylcurie · 5 years
( Josephine March && Theodore Laurence )
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Amy and Laurie were married. It didn’t seem real, and Jo refused to believe it until she heard from Teddy himself. After she’d finished talking with Amy (who didn’t seem to remember even a sliver of her sisters), she finds herself on the shore of the beach. The sky is grey and dim, but she likes it that way. She takes a deep breath of salty air and reaches into her pocket until her fingers close around the letter she’d wrote when she’d first gotten her room key. In neat penmanship, the name Laurie is written across the top. He’ll never get to see it now. With quick movements, she rips the letter in half, and in half again. She presses the scraps to her lips before letting them loose to the sea, watching as a wave carries them away. Away from her, away from Teddy, away from Amy who didn’t remember anything. Away from this drastic world Jo now has to call home. She tilts her head to the sky, squeezing her eyes shut. “I wish you were here, Beth.” She whispers under her breath as she focuses her gaze on the sea once more. Nothing in this world had made sense so far to her, and on top of that, she can’t stop her mind from replaying the last words she ever said to Laurie. She knows she was too hasty, but if what Amy said was true then none of that matters. She wonders silently to herself if this place is her own personal hell, her punishment for breaking Theodore Laurence’s heart.
The March sisters were all Laurie had thought about since coming to Woodshore. Meg, Jo, Beth. Amy. Memories of their misadventures together were fresh in his mind, a reminder of everything they had gone through. The loss. The heartbreak. The rejection. It was like opening an old wound, and Laurie had found himself wandering to the shore to escape his thoughts...only to see Josephine March herself standing on the sandy beach. “Jo?” Inhaling sharply, the sight of her causing his heart to ache. He loved Amy, he truly did, but there was something about seeing Jo that still hurt. His eyes fell to the paper she was ripping, brows drawing in confusion. “What on earth are you doing?” He was over her. He’d been over her. So why was the sight of her still painful? He was glad to see her, sure... but he’d given her his heart and she’d taken it in her hands and crushed it. He could forgive her, sure, but he couldn’t forget. 
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lazylcurie · 5 years
@lazylcurie·· (Amy and Laurie)
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The blonde had initially made her way to what she had been told was Laurie’s room at the resort after she had located the ring, but after getting no answer from him, Amy had decided to step out for some fresh air. The ring had brought feelings that she couldn’t decipher just yet, it was familiar and still not, it fit her finger as though it was always meant to be there. With a shake of her head, she scans her surroundings for a moment, pausing at the sight of Laurie stumbling through the streets. “I have many questions for you, dear god, what have you done to yourself?” She questions, a sense of deja vu overwhelming her for a moment.
Laurie had spent the evening drinking himself into oblivion. Little did the bartender at the pub know, despite cutting the Laurence boy off from drinking any more, he had taken it upon himself to tuck a flask of scotch into his pocket. He was more intoxicated than he cared to admit, but he wasn’t drunk enough to be sick, and it also wasn’t so much that he wouldn’t remember this night. Stumbling down the street, flask in one hand and coat in the other, the last thing he expected was to lay eyes on the very woman he’d been drinking to forget. “Goddammit.” He sighed, slinging the coat over his shoulder as he made his way over to her. “Y’just can’t stay away, can you?” He asked, words slurring ever so slightly. “What do you want, my lady?” Sarcasm dripped from his tongue as he looked over at her, the familiar nickname hurting his heart.
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lazylcurie · 5 years
Amy’s want to be somewhat classy, gets thrown out the window at his revelation, her jaw nearly hits the floor as she stares up at him. “That’s..that’s not possible, I’ve only been married once, to the man that I’m currently with, was..with. We are to be divorced soon, and separated now even if that wasn’t your business to know, though I went and admitted it now.” She muses with a small frown. “Three to two, something happened to one of them?” Amy questions, honestly unsure if she should believe ever having sisters, but there’s a sadness that she doesn’t understand at the thought of losing someone she isn’t sure, exists. The child giggles and extends out her hand to shake his larger hand before shyly craning her head into her mother’s neck to just stare in awe at the stranger in front of her. “Laurie..” Amy lets the name roll off the tongue easily as she tries to see if she can recall ever saying it before, but no such luck. “I got a letter too, it was sent here for me, promising something alongside sisters, but I always assumed they meant people who were my best friends, not blood related, right?”
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“We were married. Well, technically we are married. We never separated.” He insisted, ignoring his heart breaking for a slight moment as he looked at her. God, he’d missed her. God, he loved her. In his fake life, he’d always felt as though something was missing. And now that he’d gotten his memories back, he knew it was Amy he’d been missing. “Her name was Beth. She, uh. She passed. She was the kindest person I’d ever met, though. And an amazing pianist.” He’d never thought he’d have to explain Beth, or their marriage, to Amy, but here he was, explaining two extremely important moments in both of their lives. As Amy mentioned the letter, he chuckled softly, shaking his head. “No, I’m fairly certain it was referring to your sisters. Your real sisters.”
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lazylcurie · 5 years
“So, I have met you before then?” She questions after his statement with a slightly raised eyebrow in intrigue. “I’m an only child, I’ve never had sisters, not unless my parents have hidden something from me for quite some time.” Amy explains with a scrunch of her nose at the thought, though her expression to one of calm because she preferred that over silly expressions usually. “Yes, right, this is Grace.” Her daughter waves and says a small ‘hello’ as Amy looks back up at Laurie, his small smile making her smile at him in return, though there’s also a strange feeling of her heart racing at the sight of him smiling at her, but she pushes it towards the running for now. “Thank you, one of the first things I had said when she was born, was how she already radiated beauty and grace, which is also how my husband and I found the name. I’m Amy, by the way.”
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“We were married.” Laurie swallowed thickly, tears automatically burning in the back of his eyes. Fighting to keep them back, he took a steady breath and, bravely, met her eyes with his own. “No, you aren’t. You have older three sisters. Two now, I suppose.” He smiled sadly for Beth, knowing she was in a better place and hoping she wasn’t looking down at this mess of a situation. He couldn’t make sense of any of this, but all he knew was that he got a letter promising his wife... and she didn’t even remember it. Someone had a sick sense of humor, that was for sure. Looking at Grace with a big grin, he hesitated before holding out his hand for the child. “Hey, Grace. It’s nice to meet you.” He looked over at Amy, his smile softening. “It’s the perfect name. I’m Laurie.” My husband. He had to take another deep breath, letting the weight of those words sink in. Sure, he'd also had a life completely different from his life with Amy and the March girls, but he'd always felt like there was someone missing. Which was why he'd never settled. Clearly Amy hadn't felt the same, and he had no right to feel upset with her, but a part of him couldn't help it.
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lazylcurie · 5 years
Grace points to where Amy has now arrived, instinctively returning back into her mother’s arms as Amy sighs and lets out a small laugh, making sure that her daughter was alright. Once she’s securely up in her arms as Amy carries her with ease, she locks eyes with the other and offers him a smile until his next words cause her to furrow her eyebrows. “I’m sorry? I’m her mother.” Amy explains, not understanding how he made it seem like he would know her. “Have we met before? I can’t seem to recall you, but there’s..almost an air of familiarity, I will admit.” She muses with a tilt of her head.
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“You don’t remember me.”  Laurie’s face screwed up in confusion as he stared at her, his heart catching at his throat as he stared at her. “Do--how much do you remember? About your sisters.” He asked in a quiet voice, mind racing with the memories of their wedding. The thought that his wife forgot made him feel physically sick, a wave of nausea washing over him as he stared at her. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the little girl in Amy’s arms. “You have a daughter.” He smiled, unable to get it to match his eyes. “She’s beautiful.” Just like her mother.
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lazylcurie · 5 years
Isobel watched as the twins sat in fascination. She had spent the day teaching them a game from her childhood and they were bouncing with excitement to finally get to play with someone. Looking over at the person beside her with a wide smile, she laughed softly. “I really do appreciate it, love. But you really don’t have to do this.”
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“I don’t mind. I promise.” Laurie rather liked children. He was fairly skilled at keeping them entertained, which was what he had been doing until who he assumed was their mother finally spoke to him. “If it takes them off your hands for a little while, it can’t hurt, right?”
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lazylcurie · 5 years
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Contagious laughter fills the park with kids and adults watching or playing with their loved ones, and it’s no different for Amy as she chases Grace with a smile. She had originally been relaxing with some sketching on a park bench, but times like these wouldn’t last long and she wanted to cherish every moment of it. Without another thought, the young child decides to run further away, anxiety quickly filling up the young mother as she runs after her, only to nearly bump into the taller man whom Grace has found herself attaching onto. “I’m so sorry about my little one, she has way too much energy for my own good.” Amy remarks as she catches her breath and laughs.
Watching the little girl come running up to him, Laurie found his brows furrowing in confusion. “Hey there, peanut.” He grinned, kneeling in front of the small child with a slightly concerned glint in his eyes. “Where’s your mommy?” He asked in a gentle voice, amusement swimming in his blue irises as the girl tugged at the cuff of his sleeve. And then just like that, as he stood up to go search for the girl’s parent, he froze at the sight of her. His Amy. His heart caught in his throat, and he prepared himself to wrap his arms around her, when he took note of the expression she wore. And it hit him: she didn’t recognize him as her husband. And she had a child that he did not remember being born... this town amazed him. “Don’t worry about it. She sounds a lot like her mother--doesn’t want to sit still for too long.” He chuckled, looking up at her and praying that his gut feeling about her not recognizing him had been utterly long. “You have no idea how good it is to see you, my lady.”
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lazylcurie · 5 years
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( a flask in his pocket at all time, the nicest shirts money can afford, unruly dark curls and a brilliant smile ) –– && it looks like theodore “laurie” laurence has finally arrived in woodshore ( though he originates from little women ). although known as lazy laurie back home, here they are a twenty six year old art dealer, known to be CHARMING, but ARROGANT. they were coaxed here with the promise of his wife. they remember getting married. — timothee chalamet.
from what point in your characters canon are they taken from?
he’s taken from right after his marriage to amy!
cisgender male, he/him pronouns
anything else you’d like to add!
He goes by Laurie, the only people allowed to call him anything else (in his canon life, at least) are Jo and Amy. He’ll definitely roll his eyes or scoff if you try to call him Theo, or Ted, or even Teddy. He’s just Laurie.
He’s an art dealer! So if anyone has an artist muse that needs recognition, hit me up for plots!
Anyways in his fake life, Laurie discovered his love for art through an ex (honestly could be any gender) which wasn’t much a surprise for Laurie since he’d always felt attached to viewing art pieces.
wanted connections
I’ll be making a wanted connections page at some point but in the mean time, I’m all for friends, enemies, flirtationships, flings, coworkers/customers, exes, pretty much anything and everything you can think of!
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