OC Review #1: Ann Wilson (JJBA)
Submitted by: Anonymous
Age: 24
Gender: 24
Looks: 5′3, tannish skin with dark purple hair and same color eyes.
Outfit: Wears light pink dress shirt with a purple office skirt, blue stockings, white tennis shirt.
Personality: Quiet, kind, passive
Backstory: Lived alone with her mother until she was 19, due to her mother getting cancer. From that traumatizing incident, Ann awakened her stand.
Occupation: Nurse
Likes: Savory foods and medical dramas
Stand Name: Heart
Looks: Appears as if it is made out of white, scrap metal with a heart shape face and knuckles.
Capabilities: Strong and quick
Abilities: Heals someone if the stand directly hits them.
Judgement: Creative yet Average, can use more details.
I like your OC, especially the fact that she’s named after a lead singer of a band that I’ve never heard lol. So I had to look that up, but that’s not a bad thing, so don’t worry about that. 
I feel as if you should add more details to her personality, or more depth. You have her core traits, and I think you should expand on it. Like, how nonviolent is she? Will she never raise a fist against someone ever? Would she only fight someone if she has to? Etc...
Her stand kind of reminds me of Crazy Diamond, with some of the Heart motifs and the healing ability, but that’s understandable, since your stand is literally called ‘Heart’, and I really like that twist on Heart’s abilities, where the stand can only attack a person indirectly.
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I wanna you to review my oc but do you have any guide lines i should follow? Idk ..?
I have just posted the guidelines right now on my blog, thank you for asking the question. XD
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Guidelines To Submit OC:
Primary/Mandatory Info:
-Fandom: (If you are making any OC for a potential fandom or if it’s just to make a character for the lolz)
Secondary Info (Additional information you would like to include but it is not necessary):
-Romantic Interest(s): If any
And optional questions that can be answered if you choose to desire: 
What do you want your OC to accomplish? What is the purpose of your OC in your story? Why did you make your OC?
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The Team and I (Quotev) Ch. 1 Reaction Reading
Hey guys, I found a fic that I will be reacting to as I read it. I found it on Quotev by and the author is Ume. No hard feelings to the person who wrote this. This fic was last updated in 2014 so hopefully, it should be okay to read this without hurting anybody’s feelings. 
Here’s the link to the fic if any of you are curious: https://www.quotev.com/story/4919431/The-Team-And-I
Summary: This manga could use some more female characters in it, don’t you think? How about adding in yourself to fill up the space? Taking the lead as the main character doesn’t sound so bad either... hehe. Basing off the original by Fujimaki Tadatoshi sensei, with a few changes to fit yourself in...
First chapter: I’d like to address the author’s note by saying, that no shit it gets hella interesting after meeting Kise, but even before that. Kuroko was the person who got me interested because God if there was an invisible man on this team of six, then what are the others like? I shall address the chapter in points:
-Grammar in this chapter needs a little fixing. The foreshadow was obvious when self-insert said that she used to be apart of ‘that team’. What basketball team are we talking about? Shohoku from Slam Dunk?
I get using some suffixes like ‘-kun’ or ‘-chan’ because we normally don’t have those suffixes translated in America (we have ‘Ms.’ or ‘Mr.’ but it would be weird) but don’t randomly put in Japanese words in a primarily English written story. It’s like this infamous subtitle from Death Note: ‘All according to keikaku’. It’s stupid. It sounds stupid. Don’t do it.
-Also, rip. When the author spells Junpei’s name as ‘Junpie’. Also also, how dare she not capitalize the names of our beloved basketball bros. Basic English 101.
-Of course, self-insert was friends with Kuroko back in middle school (also freaking capitalize his name goddammit ugh).
-Of course, we weren’t the manager. We were the fucking assistant coach. Greato.
-Why is everyone agreeing that she’s the assistant coach and manager. You just met this girl, shouldn’t you put her through some trials or bs to prove herself... Oh wait. It’s because we’re a special snowflake. I get it now.
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Hola, what’s good, my fellow fanfiction inspiring writers. I am very, very pleased to make this blog surrounding writing and fanfiction and the mystical world of fandoms, and all that good jazz.
This blog serves to critic your OCs and/or story ideas, as well as me ranting the shit about how garbage I am at writing well, and maybe some analysis on stuff. You can send me joke sues and stuff, I don’t really mind.
I may sound like an ass sometimes, so please don’t take it personally. Also, my opinion is not the law, so keep that in mind.
The following (growing) fandoms that I do are listed as followed:
-Attack on Titan
-Batman (The Movies & Games)
-Black Butler
-Harry Potter
-Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures
-Katekyo Hitman Reborn
-Kingdom Hearts
-Kuroko no Basket
-Marvel Cinematic Universe
-One Piece
-Prince of Tennis
-Shokugeki no Soma
-Soul Eater
-The Flash (CW)
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