#needs improvement
light-the-aconite · 2 years
It's okay...
This short is inspired by some (many) fanfictions I've read on Tumblr and my own ideas. I apologize if I didn't quite get Grim's personality correct, I really tried ٩(๑´0`๑)۶
(tad self indulgent)
"Gahh! How could this be!?" Grim cried out when he was handed back his test from last week, his score below what he was hoping to achieve this time. He had been studying with you and Trey for the past week but despite all his hard work, the best he could do was a fifty-five percent.
When school was done for the day, you eyed Grim slowly walk inside Ramshackle and plop his little grey body onto the living room couch.
As much as he could get on your nerves with how troublesome he was, it tugged at your heart to see him down with droopy ears (despite how cute he looked like that).
You kneeled beside the couch and lightly brushed your hand down his head and patted his back, a small loving touch that took him a while getting used to.
"Does the greatest mage to ever exist in Night Raven College want some treats for his amazing efforts last week?" You softly asked already knowing how those words seemed to cheer him up best.
And at the mention of 'treats', his ears quickly perked up. He whipped his head to the side facing you as he wiped at his tear stained fur, "Really???"
At your nod he jumps up in joy starting to name a variety of dishes he was craving and how he wanted a plate of each, for both dinner and dessert.
"Alrighty then, let's go to Heartslabyul."
I've had the idea for a while now of my MC just being overly sweet or motherly to Grim since he's smaller than most students (plus he was MCs 'first friend'... so they got a soft spot for him (´▽`ʃƪ)♡ ).
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queenunholykush · 2 months
It's 2024 can we have the ability to send personal videos to our friends in messeges here? I didn't wanna post this here lmao but oh well. 😅 @supersaladkideclipse
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spamma1l · 7 months
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My super epic left hand drawing skills.
Four looks like X...
Four/Chaos/Bugbo/Random Skull/Coolskull212/Thunder
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cerisame · 2 years
rushed nostalgia doodle
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ali3mlyat · 1 year
why we procrastinating?and how to over come it
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queer-as-day · 1 year
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I`ve been wanting to work on my nature photography skills and this is how it's going, I mean not good but could be worse
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I ate too much today. Need to remind myself how much better I look when I don’t
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quinbi · 8 months
Sketchtober day 4. Steaming mug.
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hinamie · 1 month
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spins him around trying to understand the pink mop he calls hair
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xtrablak674 · 9 months
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Date of Hire 3.30.98
Date of Evaluation 7 21.98
Supervisor Amy Van Aarle
1. Taking into consideration the individual's time in this position, indicate your overall appraisal of performance to date.
Good ( X ) Satisfactory ( )Unsatisfactory ()
Trevor has made a large contribution to the growth of the Interactive Services department at kb&p. In a very short time he has become a key member of the team • he keeps information flowing and work moving in the interactive department. Trevor has injected sense of fiscal responsibility into the department, enabling us to grow and increase our profitability.
2. To date, what do you assess to be his/her strengths?
Trevor is very organized, pro-active and self motivated, all contributing to his success in his new position at kb&p. Trevor recognizes problem areas, troubleshoots them, and implements solutions. Trevor's initiative and dedication are nothing short of extraordinary. He has the ability to teach himself new processes and technologies that help him immensely in his job tasks.
His organization and thoroughness have taken the process of trafficking and tracking work to the next level. He has the ability to see holes in a process and make it more efficient and effective. He demands much from others around him • Trevor sets standards and holds others to them.
Trevor has begun to master the trafficking process and has set out to improve these processes even further. Recently he's been instrumental in developing a more detailed and thorough format for the Client sign-off/pickup sites. This will help to streamline the process of trafficking and help to troubleshoot any discrepancies in the creative rotations from the beginning of the production process, rather than the end.
This will help to keep the jobs on schedule and improve the overall turnaround times.
3. To date, what do you assess to be the areas in which improvement could be shown?
Trevor is a highly entertaining and fun person to be around, but he must learn to moderate the fun loving side of his personality in professional situations. He is very intelligent and demonstrates his smarts via a sharp wit. Trevor must recognize that this acerbic wit can alienate people in the workplace who do not appreciate the humor or cannot compete in the wit arena.
Trevor must discuss his workplace frustrations with his supervisor, and make sure that he irons out any potential conflicts and not fester and slow down the flow of work, or workplace relationships.
Trevor's approach to communicating is often too aggressive, and could even be called rough at times. Some of this comes from the fact that Trevor takes his work very seriously. Although an aggressive approach often sets fast results, it is not always conducive to building healthy working relationships in a client based business. If people get the feeling that they are being accused of doing a bad job, they react defensively. and often partially close the lines of communication. fearing further reprimands.
Often a little understanding, a little commiseration. (even it have to grit your teeth while you do it goes a long way towards achieving the desired result ) - a healthy process and open lines of communication. If Trevor adopts a more polished approach to his communications, his ability to get things done and accomplish his goals could start to produce even better results.
Trevor must become more restrained in his e-mail communications. instead using the phone diplomatically it he is angry with someone, and generally putting more effort into the quality of his e-mail communications. By the amount of grammatical errors in his e-mails at times, it seems that Trevor writes these e-mails quickly and while in the midst of emotion. Trevor has demonstrated that he is capable of a very high quality of written communication in many of his e-mails. However, sometimes he is sloppy in his communications.
The problem with e-mail is that it is fast, impossible to un-send, permanent, and open to be forwarded to any number of people.
When Trevor communicates to the sites that we run advertising on, he is representing kb&p to people who one day may be clients. His communications must always reflect that. In the next section, We've outlined some concrete ways that Trevor can use to improve his e-mail communications.
Trevor's enthusiasm and candor can definitely be used to his, and the department's, advance. Using his natural communication and organizational skills in combination with a more refined approach.
Trevor could soon see even better results. This refinement includes communications with agency employees, outside vendors. Web sites and client contacts. both through e-mail and phone contact.
4. What specifically are you planning to do, and recommend the employee do. to help develop in his her present position?
Trevor is in a position to progress and grow dramatically along with the rapidly growing Interactive Services department. His initiative and natural talents have made him a key asset to the department, and we would like to see him continue to grow wit us.
Trevor can continue to move forward by applying himself in the same fashion that he's already been doing. With his organizational skills and attention to detail. Trevor can and must continue to refine processes for the department and make them more efficient, especially as we add on more clients. Trevor must continue to pay attention to matters financial, keeping an eye on our bottom line and exploring areas of growth and profitability. Trevor must take the initiative to learn from those around him so that he eventually can take on more and more responsibility in this area.
Trevor must pay close attention to the way he communicates with others. For the next few weeks, each time Trevor writes a lengthy e mail, he should stop and sit on it for some time before sending it. After re reading the e-mail and re-evaluating the content, he should bring the e-mail to his supervisor and ask for an objective opinion about the content and delivery of the email. That way. Trevor can begin to recognize the strengths and weaknesses in his communications. and begin to improve them.
After doing this for a while, we recommend that Trevor continue to write and then sit on his e-mails, evaluating them before sending them. This is a great way to vent frustrations while leaving the door open to revise the delivery if circumstances change. People often write e-mails that are never sent, preferring on reflection to delete them or simply call the intended recipient. The writing of the e-mail, however, lets one understand and refine what it is that one is trying to say. This technique could work well for Trevor as well.
5. Growth Path
Trevor possesses the raw talent and a level of business competence to command a post more senior than the one he currently fills. With a moderation of his sometimes appropriate attitude towards others in the workplace. Trevor will rise to an executive position.
We will consider leaving the position of Interactive Business/Project Manager unfilled and evaluate Trevor's performance and suitability for this spot over the course of the next 3 months.
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Reflecting on this performance review twenty-five years later its amazing how much truth I find in Ms. Van Aarle's words. Albeit we had a very complex relationship I find all of her words here to ring true to exactly who I was at this time. The thing I can acknowledge now is that this was my first office job, my first time using e-mail professionally and being in a lot of the situations I was put in, I was given the grace to grow because of everything I was bringing to the table and I deeply appreciate all of this at a place which for all intensive purposes was my first corporate job.
My emotions were extremely volatile and everything she said about e-mail wasn't conducive to me slowing and cooling down before responding to correspondence. Curiously nowadays I barely touch e-mail even in a work setting. When I see a misunderstanding I just get up and go visit and talk with the person and clear up everything.
I have said repeatedly to folks give me a note, give me some feedback I will make revisions. This performance review I got a quarter of a decade ago still applies to everything I do. I will never send an angry email. If I am feeling emotional I will step-away and come back later to respond, if I respond at all.
The insight into my personality is so fun to see in writing these descriptors: dedicated, efficient, organized, thorough, highly entertaining, fun, intelligent, sharp wit, acerbic, aggressive, passionate, rough, and enthusiastic. Its still unfathomable to me that I have trouble finding work because most of these words still apply and all the things she suggested have been polished and refined. But not all jobs want you to be yourself and many aren't able to see what you bring to the table and really don't want to.
[Photo by Marlene Saunders]
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popcornthecat · 10 months
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HI! I thought I would share this piece I did. It took me 3 hours straight to make this. It obviously needs some improvement like with the fingers and much more. I am very proud of this. I don't usually draw to much but this really helped me see where I am in my art journey. I hope you enjoy. Might do art commissions to get a little money in the future after I get better at finger ESPECIALLY FINGERS : D
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light-the-aconite · 2 years
Borrowed Help
"So pray tell, what is it you most desire out of my services?"
"Proof read these essays."
".......I beg your pardon?"
The demon before you questioned with a tilt of its head, as if your statement was spoken in a forgotten language. Your gaze went from his form to the objects around your apartment as it stared at you, waiting for you to repeat yourself. But you didn't understand why, if it had asked what you desired. Raising the documents and pen in your grip you inched them its way, "I need you to proof read these essays...uh, please?"
The grey demon glanced down at the documents and looked up at you. He slowly took the papers and pen as if you were going to change your mind half way but to his surprise...you were serious.
You awkwardly offered your couch though with his form being so tall, you were starting to think that it might not be such a good idea if his 'unique' feet might be angled weird with the small table that rested in front of it.
You watched as he glanced your way once more before doing as asked.
It was very awkward to say the least but the help was really appreciated and it was all thanks to the witch you saved yesterday. If it wasn't for her and wanting to repay you somehow, you were positive you'd be getting no sleep tonight.
With the essays in decent hands (fingers crossed) you sat in the kitchen, opening up your laptop as you worked on the other half of the work assigned and began editing a presentation for history class.
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Holding back a yawn, you rubbed your eyes as you saved the work you had revised closing the laptop after you saw it was a quarter past eleven.
You rested your cheek against the wooden table as your eyes couldn't help but to glance at your helper, taking in his details. The white garment over his head kept you from seeing what his face looked like though you were thankful for the one he wore around his waist. You honestly had no interest in finding out if demons even had genitals..
Though the most peculiar thing about him wasn't how it was even possible for him to see through the white garment or how the color of its skin resembled grey pebbles or even the tail that laid by its side, but his limbs. They reminded you of those sea creatures that had survived longer than the dinosaurs. The curly ones that seemed to swim backwards...what were they called again..?
Either way, they reminded you of tentacles and weirdly spaghetti too with how they moved to feel its surroundings. It was mesmerizing as each one slowly waggled around, feeling the carpet beneath or the fabric of the couch. Though the longer you stare the more you feel your eyelids droop, his form being the last thing you saw before succumbing to sleep.
This story was inspired by an Anon. who requested Mr.Devil(heartfullofleeches) for a Yandere Demon x GN! Reader. Please check it out if you're into whiny/needy (yandere) demons d=(´▽`)=b
And for those of you who couldn't quite picture my OC (I'm sorry!), I've attached a picture of him.
His design was brought to you by Kuromitsu (くろみつ) on PiCrew.me
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recipes4dan · 10 months
10 minute pepper pasta
Ingredients (for 3):
1/2 jar roasted red peppers
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
2 large garlic clove
1/2 can coconut milk
1/2 jar chickpeas
1/2 bag spinach
250g pasta
Boil pasta. Blend peppers, nutritional yeast, garlic. Add coconut milk, salt, pepper, blend. Heat sauce, add chickpeas, spinach. Add pasta
For next time:
caramelised red onions?
violife greek style feta?
roasted/fried vegetables
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outcasting101 · 1 year
Love is a dove, fly above, when it reach the sky, it never been so high.
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queer-as-day · 1 year
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Decided to practice my nature photography skills more today, could still use improvement but I`ve been working on it
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urhome4horror · 1 year
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