lcdgerbled · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
Ind. Sel. Natasha Romanoff  MCU and 616 blended canon  Beloved by Hallie 21+ 
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫
Ind. Sel. Natasha Romanoff  MCU and 616 blended canon  Beloved by Hallie 21+ 
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
I’m making the decision to archive this blog and move Nat to an entirely new blog. The last month has been a completely new change, I’ve moved countries, starting a masters program in a few days and moved in with my fiance. I miss writing but I have a lot of bad memories associated with this blog in particular, when I make an entirely new blog for Nat I will post it here. So stay tuned, I will be back, Nat will be the same but with a fresh coat of paint. 
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
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Romanogers — One Last Mission Following the events of Captain America: Civil War, Steve and Natasha team up for a mission that is very personal to her. Between family and the Red Room, Steve discovers more about Black Widow’s past than he would have imagined.
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
Ordering a new laptop and giving my fiancé my old one in the next few days, which then will mean I am back!!!
Oh and I now am finally in the USA safe and sound. The move is going well and now onto buy a bed because I am not always sleeping on an air mattress
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
So my plan for the next week is
- pack
- rewrite my entire Natasha canon on my plane ride to LAX
- move to America
- move into my apartment on Friday night and start to set shit up with my fiancé
- by Sunday/Monday have wifi set up
- set up meetings for Masters and begin to enjoy my life and finally be in a place to write again
I’m not sure if I’ll revamp this blog or archive and move to a whole new one but Nat is back and needing to be written as well as my other blogs. I miss writing, COVID took my love for it away unfortunately
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
So the Black Widow film still destroyed me after waiting for years upon years, thinking the hype would die down for me it didn’t I still enjoyed every second.
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
Once BW goes onto Disney+ I will be watching it over and over again, I miss rp and I have been incredibly busy. I’m moving from Melbourne, Australia to Kansas for my Masters degree and moving in with my fiancé in less than a week and everything has been busy as hell but I miss writing Nat, she was my biggest muse, but I am thinking of archiving and revamping once I fix up my backstory to bring both MCU and comic together.
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
❛    not surprised,  but perhaps a little distraught.  ❜
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“I have to keep my team safe, I don’t trust easily. You’ll get used to it.”
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
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steve had never exactly been the kind of person to get lost in a party. to enjoy festivities. sure, he’d learned to mingle, to make people feel as if he enjoyed being in the spotlight. but if anything, he’d much rather just be hiding in his room, drawing, reading, or even just training to get his mind off of everything.  “ if anything can appease stark, i’ll take it. he’s always been a party guy, so …   let him have his parties if he wants, ”  steve said with a soft laugh, him shaking his head.  “ go back to your room? and leave me here to suffer alone? i’m wounded, nat. ”  he said with a teasing smile, gaze moving to focus on her. he’d always felt comfortable with her  –  the two of them not only worked well together, but there was a deeper understanding in all of it, something that steve always found comfort in.  “ well, how about we both disappear? me holding a drink is just for show, and i think i could do without the loud music. ”  he paused for a moment, shrugging.  “ i miss my smooth jazz already. ”  there was a teasing laugh at that paired with a small shake of his head.  “ so, what do you say? you think we can break out of this party? we can go disappear for a bit. pretend that we had really important business if stark asks us tomorrow. ”  though, he was sure stark would never believe them.
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Natasha could see just how uncomfortable Rogers was, and that was when she became his knight in shining armour. Swooping in to save the day and pull them both away from a party that neither of them truly cared to be at. A soft chuckle as she quickly pulled the drink from his hand, knowing it would simply just go to waste if she didn’t toss it down the back of her throat before sliding her arm over his as quickly as she could. “Stark has always been a fan of showing off his money, his looks, his status. Anything to inflate his ego, he searches for. Its a form of dopamine for him I swear. I would never leave you alone, I’d make sure you’d have company. Banner would certainly make a fine dancing partner.” A tease and joke at Rogers to lighten the mood and break the tension that was filling the air. 
Making a small scene of them if anyone caught their gaze for them to leave the party. It could spark rumours sure, but they were quick to deny anything if anyone asked and Natasha just wanted to leave. “You old fart,” poking her tongue out at him before nodding. “I miss old live rock, in a dingy little bar where no one knew who you were and you would get lost in the music. I never really enjoyed the jazz scene, but then again, I wasn’t exactly in the world back then.” No, she was locked into the red room back then, but it was of no use to dwell on the past tonight. “I say stick with me, important business that Fury paged me of and we are out of here.” Constantly being teamed up outside of the Avengers helped in situations like this.
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
“I’ll tell you everything once we’re gone from this place.” She assured Natasha softly, holding up a reassuring hand. She smirked when she mentioned the outfit again and ran her hands down the soft fabric. “It’s…..new.” She told her simply before offering her hand to Natasha. “Let’s go home.” She agreed, waiting for the redhead to take her hand.
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“New or old, I like it.” She could sense that a magical shift had happened within Wanda, and Natasha was interested, but also concerned. Her friend had gone through so much, barely had a chance to process anything. Was she taking things on too quickly? Taking Wanda’s hand, Natasha stepped into the bright light that enveloped them. Squinting her eyes, a random little cabin far from anyone else came into view. “Quiet place you’ve got here.” A comment soft as she walked closer towards the steps. “This is yours, correct?”
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
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     “  you’re not welcome on this side of the city, regardless of what name you go by, ”  the kind of defense she’s willing to put up for the sake of a certain person in her life, there was only hope that the widow was able to keep up. the last time was practically a playful toss,  “  state your business.  ”
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“I can go wherever I feel like going,” no one was going to tell Natasha what to do. Much less control where she was welcome. A laugh escaped her lips, one that she had planned on holding back but with that attitude, there was no way in hell that the Russian was going to hold back. “Like I have to answer to you, I think I’ll be on my way. Enjoying my evening, and pretending you don’t exist.”
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
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        Aleksander barely glanced at his new guest and he calmly focused on crushing the herbs he needed in a grinding bowl that he had brought along. He did arch a brow at the sound of her words though, a teasing as if he was not knowing a big common secret.     “   Indeed I do not. Should I? Do YOU know who I am?   ”     The boy had no idea whether this inquiring female had knowledge of the magical world or the notorious name of the Morozovas had brushed by her ears. Momentarily he glanced up once he heard the sound of crushed leaves under her boots as she approached, yet a knowing grin lifted the corner of his lips at the words that followed.     “   Well Natasha Romanoff, if you are to walk any closer I’d request you take off your shoes. No need to be so violent with our surroundings.   ”     Aleksander himself was barefoot already.     “   I have heard of the Avengers, but I don’t bother with American endeavours. Oh, has it now? And to think I have not even started yet…  ” 
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She wouldn’t lie, she didn’t know who he was or what he was. Just that the energy he was already causing within the elements of the world were being picked up quicker than he had probably intended. “I don’t know who you are, just that there is an energy here that my systems have never seen before.” Simply protecting the world around her was her latest of endeavours. Natasha focused on protection of innocents, and refused to allow anything to risk the wellbeing of others. Who knew how far his magic would spread? “Look I get the whole environmentalist thing, but my feet don’t like splinters. That and I always need to be dressed ready to fight if needed. Shoes are included for me, but if you need your area to stay untainted then I shall stand here.” Partially it was out of respect, the other part the fear if she did step close what action she would have to take. “So if you’ve heard of us than you should know I am just making sure you aren’t about to hurt anyone. Should I be worried about you? Considering your energy and magic was showing up before you began conducting anything?”
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
I know I’ve barely been around but grad school prep is kicking my dang ass
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
I’m completely making my ACNH Storybrooke from OUAT because Disney and retellings are my jam (and the only reason I haven’t even gotten my 3 star rating yet is because I completely wiped my game three days ago and started afresh)
But did my fruit HAVE to be pears???? I NEED APPLES FOR REGINA DAMNIT
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
Reblog this if you accept unprompted starters!
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lcdgerbled · 3 years
the falcon and the winter soldier stans please see/signal boost!!
for anyone sensitive to gore/violence please SKIP this week’s episode’s ending (around timestamp 45:30 onward) because it’s extremely hard to watch (especially if you have a trigger for these things!)
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