lcpcsbellator · 4 years
also i’ve played the ffvii remake before my online classes and, just, what a game. i love it so much
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
godforsakcn replied to your post: am i the only one having difficulties adjusting to...
Honestly, i miss being in class and being able to go somewhere else to do my coursework. It’s really hard to stay concentrated when i mix my chill space with my work space. So i feel that real hard.
ohh yeah. i mean, i do enjoy that it’s quiet here and i don’t have to share some space with 200 other students who shuffle around and talk during the lecture but on the other hand i have only twelve square meters completely for myself so mixing that chill space and work space makes it hard to get anything done without any distraction
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
amutuyi replied to your post: am i the only one having difficulties adjusting to...
i think a few are, i do not have classes but i can imagine since it would be hard for me to not get distracted
haha yeah, it’s kinda difficult to not just stare outside the window the whole time. especially since the weather is real neat around here rn
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
am i the only one having difficulties adjusting to online classes or nah
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
Sorry for disappearing but I bought a switch and Animal Crossing recently and I. kinda played non-stop tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Altho I also went hiking for five hours today so I’m pretty beat
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
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Lake Louise By Tanner Wendell | More
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lcpcsbellator · 4 years
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**DEFENSIVENESS. arms  crossed  on  chest /   crossing  legs  /  fist-like  gestures / pointing  index  finger   /   karate  chops   / stiffening  of  shoulders  / tense  posture / curling  of  lip / baring  of  teeth.
**REFLECTIVE. hand  to  face  gestures  / head  tilted / stroking chin / peering  over   glasses  / taking  glasses  off  — cleaning   / putting  earpiece  of  glasses in  mouth   / pipe smoker gestures / putting  hand  to  the bridge  of  nose  /  pursed  lips  / knitted  brows.
**SUSPICION.   arms  crossed /   sideways  glance /   touching  or  rubbing  nose  /  rubbing  eyes   /   hands  resting  on  weapon  / brows  rising  /  lips  pressing  into  a  thin line / strict  unwavering  eye  contact /   wrinkling  of  nose.
**OPENNESS + COOPERATION. open  hands /   upper  body  in  sprinters  position  / sitting  on  the edge  of  a  chair /   hand-to-face gestures  /   unbuttoned  coat  / tilted  head / slacked  shoulders /  droopy  posture /  feet  pointed  outward / palms  flat  and  facing  outward.
**CONFIDENCE. hands  behind  back / hands  on  lapels  of  coat / steeped  hands  / baring  teeth  in  a  grin  / rolling  shoulders / tipping head  back  but  maintaining  eye  contact / chest  puffed  up  / shoulders  back /  arms  folded  just  above  navel.
**INSECURITY + ANXIETY. chewing  pen  or  pencil  / rubbing  thumb  over  opposite  thumb / biting  fingernails  / hands  in  pockets  / elbow  bent  / closed  gestures / clearing  throat  / “ whew ”  sound  / picking  or  pinching  flesh / fidgeting  in  chair  / hand  covering  mouth  whilst speaking  / poor  eye  contact / tugging  pants or  clothes / jingling  money  in  pockets  / tugging  at  ear / perspiring  hands / playing  with  hair   / swaying   /   playing  with pointer / marker   / smacking  lips  / sighing  / rocking  on  balls  of  feet / flexing  fingers  sporadically.
**FRUSTRATION. short  breaths /  “ tsk ”  sounds / tightly  clenched  hands / fist-like  gestures  / pointing  index  finger  / running  hand  through  hair  /   rubbing  back  of  neck  /  snarling  / revealing  teeth  / grimacing  / sharp-eyed  glowers  with  notable  tension  in  brows / shoulders  back,  head  up   -   defensive  posturing / clenching  of  jaw / grinding  of  teeth / nostrils  flaring / heavy  exhales.
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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Like or reblog if you save, sweetheart 🌙
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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Enjoy the futility of screeching into the void…
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
Nicholas: so uh… you a furry pet slave or- Dyani: what’s that  Nicholas: you know Dyani: … Nicholas: you know… Dyani: …no Nicholas: ;;w;; pls don’t make me explain in public @lcpcsbellator
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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          “Yeah, you know, like a… like an anime convention… or… something…” brows knit together as he speaks, wondering if this person didn’t know what a convention was then was this just… how they lived? Was this some weird pet play? Was there someone else with a leash near by? He’d heard of this before, but this was the first time he’d seen it in action. Curiosity started to twist into second hand embarrassment and worry, but small thing was still impressed at the detail and quality the other put into the costume. 
         Fingers are very gentle as they brush over tail with soft hums of satisfaction, “wow, this is really neat! How long did it take to make this? Is it robotic? And does it connect with the ears?” The other is far too tall for him to reach the flattened ears, so he makes no move to try and touch them, but continues to brush stranger’s tail. “And are you alone or… I dunno, if there’s no convention, do you have like… oh, this sounds weird now that I’m trying to put it into words. Uh… you know, you know–” hands move as if hoping the other would understand without him having to say anything, “like… a… like… a partner or… master or whatever the pet slave manual calls it – if that’s what this is at all – oh god, is that what this is?”
@lcpcsbellator​ continued from here.
Dyani could FEEL the embarrassment radiating off the smaller human -- and he didn’t quite understand it. Confusion he’d understand easily; most humans were taken aback when first seeing him, albeit most of them chose not to speak to him and simply passed him by. That the other apparently thinks that neither his tail now wolfears are real, THAT he understands. Where that embarrassment comes from, though, he can’t tell, so instead the wolf simply listens.
After a few more moments of allowing the other to touch his tail, Dyani decides to turn around again to face him properly, head tipped to the side a little. “ ----- I didn’t make it. It’s mine.” It’s a simple statement -- Dyani isn’t certain how else to put it just as he’s not certain what the human means by ‘robotic’ or if his tail connecting to his ears.
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 ----- Dyani DOESN’T know what the other means as he stammers and gestures, not able to help a faint frown forming on his features. “Why master? What for?” In theory, the wolf OF COURSE knows the definition of the word; he simply cannot figure out why its brought up in the context of his tail, though. “ ----- It’s just me.”
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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He giggles, fingers swift to taking an egg roll from his leaf cover palm to hold out for the eager canine. Sturdy on his toes as he crouched in place, he didn’t mind the snuffling at all! Made him wish he had a tail though sometimes to wag it in return; but instead the spider just continues to giggle and feed the canine with him.
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It takes a while until Dyani has eaten his fill -- and when he has, he settles back with a soft huff. Perhaps he’s even overeaten, but right now he’s not bothered by the heavy feeling; rather, he’s simply feeling satisfied and LAZY now. The wagging of his tail has ceased a little due to the oncoming laziness, as well, albeit it’s not stopped. Savoring the taste of the egg roll a last time as he licks over his lips, Dyane beams up at the spider. “Thank you!”
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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Happily feeds the puppy!
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He’s quite obviously VERY happy about so much food, tail wagging fiercely as he shuffles closer to the other and snuffles him all over as he keeps eating whatever he is offered!
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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As happy as Dyani is being able to interact with other creatures in the first place, it doesn’t keep the frustration of being incapable to convey his entire thoughts and feelings away due to his narrow vocabulary and unfamiliarity of the human language to him. Despite his kind and excited demeanor, it almost feels HUMILIATING to him at times, albeit he’d be more than happy about receiving lessons. Though as of now he simply opts to learn as he listens to human conversation.
Dyani still prefers body language over any vocal language -- with vocalization being a mean of supporting the message rather than relying solely on it.
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
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lcpcsbellator · 5 years
Hark, hear the howl that eats the moon alive Your fur it is on fire The smoke turns the whole sky raven black And the world upon your back will crack
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