castelleve · 2 years
Anon asked: Who are five of your favorite characters? (In the rp community or otherwise)
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oh god there’s so many in the rpc i love to death??? idk if im just gonna limit it to 5 tbh its so hard BUT HERES SOME OF MY FAVES IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER: I really love @zhuangshii ‘s Shao. She is just. So well written. And you can tell so much research and effort and love was put into her character?? On this blog we stan crazy MILFs ok 
@batoushoujo ‘s Tem. TEM IS JUST??? SO EASY TO INTERACT WITH??? SO GOOD??? There’s a lot of depth to their character, and i really love the relationship between her and Damian. 
@suizokukans ‘s Cian is also a big fave, he’s just such a joy to interact with. The dynamic between them and Henri is so funny and just so??? good??? I really love how things really are just Simple and Henri cannot wrap their head around things not being complicated. Cian is such a troll, too. 
@desparialuna / @slaughtcrhaus​ ‘s Mimi. And Lili. And Centrias. And Kanou. And Mari. And Gio. And every other muse I’ve interacted with cause they’re all just??? Very unique and there’s so many all with different voices and y e a h
@hhemeraa​ / @matteblackstars​ ‘s Myles, Nicholas and Troy. I DON’T KNOW TROY THAT WELL, but I like how they all just sort of bounce off each other personality-wise. Like Nicholas is so innocent, contrasted by Myles,,,, Mylesness. In addition, Troy seems to be low energy which also contrasts Nicholas. And I love how in depth the relationship between the three go. Even when were not actively threading, it’s a joy to read about them.
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mugunghwc · 3 years
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unprompted ask / always accepting!
@matteblackstars​ said: "Ok Han, I need a favor. I need you to toss me" hands point to his chest, "up there." Finger then points towards the second story window of Nicholas' apartment that was thankfully open, the familiar pastel curtains gently blowing in the wind taunting him. Little thing is already rolling up his sleeves, preparing himself, determination in his eyes. "I'm super light and you clearly work out, just lift me up like heavy box you're putting on a shelf."
    when he was dragged along with nicholas, he knew that was something was up. whatever it was, his first thought was that it would be something unconventional—something that he likely would never do, had he not come across the other. & that thought was right, because after hearing the reason why he was tugged by the wrist to a vaguely familiar complex apartment, his expression showed a mixture of amusement & confusion. was this all because he had forgotten his keys? one glance towards nicholas is paid before looking up, back to the window. alternatives for what could be done instead, started to come to mind, but somehow, han had a feeling that if he voiced any of those, nicholas would simply tell him to forget it & try to climb himself. there was no way he wouldn’t end up bruised as a result of it.
     well, making a suggestion was worth the try.
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       “—isn’t there a landlord you can contact instead? or an emergency exit? tossing you doesn’t seem like the most sane alternative.” then again, could he say that nicholas was someone he could refer to as that? he looks away & sighs, glancing back to the window before rolling up his sleeves & spread his arm. “you could probably reach if you stood on my shoulders, but i refuse letting you step on my shirt. “ otherwise, he’d have more to worry about than a locked door. “i will give it a try.”
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xaallo · 2 years
He’s slurping a blood bad, his fangs easily penetrating the plastic. Xaallo’s never been much of a sanguinivore (if the rumors are to be believed, that’s more his brother’s thing), but his...situation doesn’t allow him to be picking with resources.
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He must look quite terrifying in the back of the ambulance he stopped (it wasn’t carrying anyone, don’t worry), medical gore dripping from his face. Like a beast that’s found a particularly tasty meal. He knows it looks bad.
He’s hoping the human will just flee the scene and that he’ll have drank his fill before they return...
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an-ordinary-roach · 2 years
@matteblackstars​ X
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They lounged in their side of the glass, elbow on desk while their hand propped up their chin. Chewing irritably on the thing, still not responding for a good while. They’d leave if it were possible, but the foundation here lined their enclosure with red flame resistant rope, a sure way to restrain a demon of their kind in one place. The other doctors there were definitely paying attention, feeling a bit crummy knowing that they’re not getting anything out of them yet either.  They looked back to Nicholas with a ‘maybe we should do that and get it over with.’ type of look. But horizontal pupils glanced at the speaker for a moment, stopped chewing as if they heard what they were thinking. SCP-4802 leaned forward properly, not bothering to mimic any mouth movements to speak. Making it clear that they don’t talk physically but with telekinesis.   “I need to hunt. And putting in D-Class in here for me to feed isn’t cracking it, there’s no place for them to hide. No variety of what I can pick from.”  Takes the bone hide out their mouth. “I appreciate this ‘gift’ , doctors, but I need proper enrichment than this and my patients is wearing thin... I’m giving you this as a warning now, let me out of here for a day or I’m breaking containment.”
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ichiigotsukii · 3 years
Jackson knows he has a bit of an....ego. He’s usually torn between hating it about himself and not caring. He’s worked hard to be where he is and when it comes to his looks, he knows what he has when it comes to his genes. But despite that, and despite his tendency to flirt, he knew where to draw the line. He prided himself in being good at reading people.
But this woman. This woman would not cease! Jax had just wanted to get a coffee before an afternoon of more meetings yet it seems that had been a bad idea today. He’s stuck in this line with her and he is honestly contemplating just leaving. 
But no...no that’s rude and he has an image to keep. Besides, the coffee here is stronger than what’s at the office and he needs it. A guy steps up behind him and in a split second his mind conjures a plan and he takes a chance.
“Darling, you made it.” Jackson says, taking the stranger’s hand in his and giving him pleading eyes, flicking to the girl then back to him, trying to convey his situation before giving a smile. The woman balks at the two.
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elganac · 2 years
@matteblackstars​​ asked for a blind date/speed dating starter!
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          “are you nervous?” it was a lighthearted comment, one that was meant to be more of a check-in than anything else. in cedric’s opinion, things were going fine; they both had showed up on time, the server was nice enough, and it was only a matter of time before their food arrived. “it’s okay if you are — but we’re just having a chat. don’t work yourself up too much.” he gives nicholas a polite smile then, cedric clearing his throat momentarily before proceeding to ask, “how has work been for you? i can only imagine how busy you are as a doctor. is it as exciting as they make it seem on t.v.?” 
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kissahten · 2 years
   The cold weather breathed red into his cheeks and the tip of his nose. A soft sniff sounds as he adjusts his scarf by patting it down with the underside of his chin. He rounds a corner opposite from where his office is located and makes a small stop at an office not too far from his own. “Morning!” Henry croons as he pops his head in, two coffees settled in his grasp. He lifts a cup, careful not to accidentally spill the contents. “I got you something, though I don’t think I’ve heard if you were more of a coffee or tea guy,” Henry steps into Nicholas’ office and sets it down on to his desk.      “Thinking about it now, there’s plenty I don’t think I know about you yet,” Henry admits, setting his own coffee down for a moment to pull his scarf loose from his neck. He shrugs off his coat and drapes it over his arm, going to grab his coffee again with his free hand. “Actually,” finally, he’s getting to the point, “I was swinging by to see if you’re going to the work social this weekend.” 
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contueor · 2 years
💜friendship ! 💌 one muse has a crush on the other muse-- Nicholas gets crushes on everyone and I wont assume he's shadow puppers type
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Rashomon is definitely up for friends! He's certainly hard to win the heart of but Nicholas is welcome to crush on him and try! XDDD
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wiildhearrted · 2 years
“Ni~cho~las~!” the shifter singsongs as she steps off of her motorcycle.  Typically, with how cold it is, she’d shove her hands in the pockets of her coat.  Instead, she throws her arm over his shoulder to pull him in for a playful (somewhat rough.  Excuse her, she forgets her strength sometimes) side hug.
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She’s beaming at him, a toothy, fanged grin.  Clearly, she’s excited about something, and knowing Nikki, that something was usually dangerous.  This time, though?  Her excitement is over something rather tame.  Something other’s might think is a bit out of character for the rough and tumble shapeshifter.  “Have you been in the new coffee shop downtown yet?  Shit’s good as hell.  They put a ton of caramel in my latte the last time I went, ‘nd I thought ya might like it.”
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nostomannia · 2 years
@matteblackstars​ x
same haT
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mugunghwc · 2 years
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high pain tolerance starters / no longer accepting!
@matteblackstars​ said: “How long has it been like that?”
    it was nothing worth the concern, really. however, he could understand the scepticism behind nicholas, as he better than anyone must know how something small could turn into something much more urgent if it wasn’t treated in time. as it was the case for the mafioso, though, not even his arrogance & pride saved him from being inspected by a doctor already. it helped that kim served as a reminder of looking after himself; & while the area was still bruised, the wound had already been treated by ji-su.
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   "—it’s been a week already, but don’t worry. i was already treated by my usual doctor.” a hand is placed over the lower side of his right pectoral, where the wound in question was located. only a slight red blemish was visible due to his unbuttoned shirt all the way to his sternum, but that was only because he felt comfortable enough to be this exposed. both because of the company & location. his smile also helped diminish the gravity of the situation; acting as if it was nothing but a mere scratch. “the bruising has considerably faded compared to how it was the next day i got it.”
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ichiigotsukii · 3 years
@matteblackstars​ said: Nicholas voice: jealousy is healthy in small doses! It’s ok to be jealous sometimes. Calling people weak tho? That’s mighty small dick energy of you
“I love how people who are offended by something always attack a man’s cock size or hypothetical size as if that kind of thing matters. I’m just saying that people should be more secure in their relationships.”
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lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
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          She was just casually watching Mayu’s latest stream on her smart phone, quizzically raising an eyebrow at her on-screen guest.
          “ Huh. So that’s how he decided to go about it. I guess he wasn’t brave enough to try the dress with the slit down the side. ”
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an-ordinary-roach · 3 years
"Oh!! OOOHHH If you aren't the cutest little bug I've ever seen!" Nicholas slapped his hands over his cheeks, beaming at Bor with admiration. "Wait-- is calling you a bug rude? What's your name. I'd rather call you that."
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“It really ain’t if ya tellin the truth about it, and I don’t smell ya being mean so ya good!” They chuckled while kicking their little legs a bit while offering their hand. “The name’s Barbor, though Bor should be just fine too.~ And I am a cute bug ain’t I?~ Cuter than any roach probably!”
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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unprompted | @matteblackstars​
"Wait, you're telling me that you're NOT being scathing right now?" Nicholas barks back with teasing sarcasm, "You mean THE Mikah is giving ME a compliment?? Hell must have frozen over, I swear. Are you sick? Are you ill? Come here, let me check, I'm a doctor, hahahaha-- no no I am, for real, but I'm just so flattered. Something good must have happened to you today." (Mikah!)
          Dark brows rise at Nicholas' response and the thief inches their head back, leveling the shorter male with something of a look as he speaks. While it was true that, for once, they didn't have some sort of sharp comment at the tip of their tongue, they didn't think that a compliment would garner that much of a reaction from him — much less this teasing. It's well deserved, given how they typically behaved and the things they tended to say... but, naturally, they didn't particular take too well to being teased right after their lapse in bad behavior.
        “'m not sick but you're really makin' me wish I was, you know?” they (bite back), “That way, I wouldn't have to be here and listen to you give me shit for the one compliment I happen to give. In fact, if that's how you're gonna be, I think I might circle back around to bein' scathing and rude since ya seem to like it so much.”
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        “Wouldn't want hell t'start coolin' down on account of me bein' too nice, now would we?”
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gloryundimmed · 3 years
Date !
Wanna Date?
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Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[ x ] My muse asks yours
Type of date:
[ ] Platonic Date
[ x ] Romantic Date
[ x ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ ] Movies  • [ ] Romantic Comedy  • [ ] Adventure Movie  • [ ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ x ] Restaurant  • [ ] Expensive/High Class  • [ ] Small and familiar  • [ x ] Fast Food
[ ] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ ] Forest     • [ ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ x ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home • [ ] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ ] Reading
[ ] ___ (other options)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[ x ] …a kiss
[ x ] …in bed (Kai wishes)
[ x ] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
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Who asks for it:
[ ] Your muse asks mine
[ x ] My muse asks yours 
Type of date:
[ x ] Platonic Date
[ x ] Romantic Date (???)
[ x ] First Date
[ ] Double date with: ____ & ____
Location for the date:
[ x ] Movies  • [ x ] Romantic Comedy  • [ x ] Adventure Movie  • [ x ] Animation (Pixar/Disney)  • [ x ] Horror  • [ ] Drama  • [ ] Buddy Movie  • [ ] ___ (other options)
[ x ] Restaurant  • [ ] Expensive/High Class  • [ x ] Small and familiar  • [ x ] Fast Food
[ x ] Nature • [ ] Beach • [ ] Park • [ x ] Forest     • [ x ] …and having a picnic
[ ] Visiting a Museum
[ ] Visiting an amusement park
[ x ] Visiting a haunted location
[ ] Staying at home • [ ] Watching movies • [ ] Playing Video Games • [ ] Reading
[ x ] ___ (other options) (Exploring around the city)
The date might hopefully end with…
[ ] …holding hands
[ x ] …a kiss (maybe???)
[ x ] …in bed (just wolf child curling up and falling asleep mostly)
[ x ] …knowing each other better
[ ] …sleepover between friends
[ ] …a marriage proposal
[ ] ___ (other options)
Should you reblog this?:
[ x ] Yes. I want to send you one.
[ ] Yes.
[ ] No.
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