lcstorfound · 4 days
"Fathers do have a frustrating way of ruining everything, don't they?" Yennefer smiled darkly, thinking of her own father--something she rarely allowed herself to do. The man had been cruel and as far as Yennefer was concerned, did not deserve any of her time or energy. "It seems you are more powerful than you give yourself credit for. To have a voice in this world--or any--is very powerful indeed. To make people listen is no easy feat." She leaned back in her seat, crossing her legs. "And this first love, where are they now? Time lost means very little, in the end. I've gone decades without seeing my love, and when we're back together, it's like no time at all has passed."
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a small smile graced her lips. "once upon a time i was." alicent replied. "i'm not so powerful here - all i have is my voice and the ability to help others who might not have the ability to share their struggles." the brunette replied, shrugging. "i think there is power in being there for others who cannot advocate for themselves." she swallowed thickly. "i think i want the chance to see myself how i wish to be seen first - in a weird way i wish i was but a young adult again, that without my father influence that i might have the ability to chase my first love rather than being forced to run in the opposite direction."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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Was he in the future? Looking around, it was clear that much had changed. Perhaps he was not in a different land at all but in his own, years--even centuries--in the future. A day ago, he would have thought it was mad: now, nothing seemed impossible. "Robots?" Robb repeated the word, which was completely new to him. Perhaps the man meant row-boats, which sounded as similar as Robb could think, yet he could not imagine how row-boats would be at work in a hospital. Perhaps this man was simply mad--or he was. "An hour ago. Maybe two." He knew his story was impossible, knew that it made no sense. He should have been dead, but he was not. He should have been worlds away, but he was here in this strange place, talking a man with strange magic and strange stories. "No. I feel just fine." He offered the healer a small smile. "I find it all as strange as you do, believe me. I do not know what happened or how it is possible. Now that you have proven I am uninjured, will you help me find my wife? She must be around here somewhere, in one of your strange beds."
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Jackson offered the man a soft smile, "you'd be surprised how far the medical advancements and technology has gone over the last few years. Soon there won't be any need for us as robots will be doing everything." While Jackson was clearly finding the amusement in his comment, he truly did hope that, that wouldn't ever become the case. Robotic technology should be used as an aid, not to replace actual doctors, nurses and surgeons. Once Jackson was satisfied that the man's pupils weren't showing anything concerning, he clicked off the light pen, tucking it back into his pocket. The professional smile faltered a little as he claimed to have been stabbed through the heart. While Jackson was finding it hard to believe that someone would survive such an attack, crazier things had been happening lately. "I don't know if anyone has been stabbed through the heart by accident." Pale eyes scanned over the scars on his chest. "When did this incident happen? You seem to have healed already, so that shouldn't be any concern. Have you been experiencing any dizziness? Any nausea or feeling faint?"
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lcstorfound · 10 days
Robb looked down at his clothes and smiled lightly. "I suppose they do look strange here," he conceded. "But to me, they are the strange ones." Clearly, she had learned to adjust--as he too would have to--for she dressed like her students did, in this strange garb of this land. He nodded. He would have to find and speak with this mayor. Perhaps that would help him to understand more about the strange land he now found himself in. "And I assume no one here has heard of High Garden, just as they have not heard of Winterfell?"
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She smiled at the other and nodded her head "it isn't a issue, always open to help others" she responded and continue to walk with him. Margaery looked around and back at him "they are a little weirded out by what you are wearing." Margaery looked listened to the other "there is a mayor, which is kind of like a leadership type in this world."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
Not so long ago--at least, not long ago for Robb--they had been the closest of friends, and Robb would--and had--trusted Theon with his life. He had thought that would never changed. That seemed a different world now, a different life. And yet even when the news was fresh and his anger the strongest, it was Theon he wished to speak to about it most. A small part of him kept thinking he could go back to his tent and find Theon waiting there, and they would talk about how to best deal with this--Theon's betrayal--betrayal together. Robb shook his head. "No. Not always. Always was the promise you broke when I needed you the most." Perhaps Theon had fought for them in the end, come to their side in their time of need. He hoped it was true, wanted to believe it was true. But he would never again believe the promise of always. Robb took in a breath and put away his feelings, as he had learned to do as Lord and then as King, his face going as blank and stern as if he wore a mask. "It seems to me we have no choice but to live with one another. I have no power in these lands. And it appears you have already given your life for your crimes. So you may keep your head. That is all the peace I may offer you. You are no brother of mine any longer."
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theon shook his head, how once they'd been so close that the logistics of war had teared them apart and destroyed there relationship. "i never would have actively gone out of my way to hurt you or your family." the brunette admitted, a sigh escaping his lips. "you have to know that, deep down in your soul you had to have known that." his voice was soft, swallowing thickly. "no, not the one where i died - that was a greater foe i'm not quite sure you'd believe me if i tried to tell you." theon admitted, shaking his head. "the dead came back, to claim what was once theres." he explained, his face going pale at the memory. "always."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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Merlin was still getting used to this new world with its new rules, but coffee was perhaps the very best part of it, no contest. Ever since he'd figured out how the money in this world worked and where he could spend it, he'd spent every morning at this very cafe. Usually, it was a bit quieter. He'd just gotten his coffee and was looking around for a place to sit when a child went running past him, hitting his legs and making him lose control of the mug. He watched, as if in slow motion, as the cup went spilling out of his hands and hot coffee began to splatter out. In another second, it would have covered in him in scorching drink--had Merlin not used magic to stop it. The cup froze in midair, the drink all poured itself back into the mug, and all of it appeared back in Merlin's hand, unbroken, unhit, and certainly unspilled.
Hoping no one had noticed what he'd done--as he was still used to having to hide his magic--he quickly took a sip of the drink and took the seat offered to him before he could have another accident. "Thank you. That's very kind," he said. "Hi, I'm uh, Merlin." He set down the coffee and offered his hand instead to shake.
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it's all coriolanus can do to not direct a glare at the table across from him. he'd been reading in his usual spot at the cafe when someone's child decided to interrupt his blanket of silence with a head-splitting meltdown. he can barely process a word on the pages from all the noise. and if it wasn't bad enough already that someone decided that bringing their kid to a cafe so early in the morning was a good idea, they didn't even have the basic decency to shush them. coriolanus shuts his book with an inward sigh, knowing he won't get any reading done if he stays. as he finishes the rest of his coffee, his gaze shifts to someone seemingly looking for someplace to sit. he didn't even realize how crowded it's gotten. every table is occupied and the other chair at his table is just about the only one left. “you can take that seat if you'd like,” coriolanus says, nodding to the empty chair. “i won't be here much longer anyway.”
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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"A place called Camelot. Well, the kingdom is called Camelot. There's also Avalon, and in the prophecy--" Merlin broke off mid rant, feeling himself losing control of the conversation--which was not unusual for him. "Hi. I'm Merlin," he introduced himself instead, putting out his hand to shake. "I think this is the future for me. There is a lot here that I don't understand yet. Are you from here?"
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Beverly smiled at the other and turned her head slightly "where are you from?" she asked and looked back at the water as she held onto the board, she looked around and back at him. Beverly cleared her throat and let a small chuckle leave her lips hearing what he had said "well, thank you for keeping an eye on things for me."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
"Not know what?" Merlin scratched the top of his head, starting to feel that he was absolutely missing something. The last few days on this island had certainly solidified that he was in out of his depths. He was supposed to be some great sorcerer, supposed to live this all important destiny, and yet he had absolutely no idea what was going on. "I'm just an idiot. You know that." He grinned half heartedly. It was what he let everyone believe, anyway. Maybe it was true. He didn't know how he'd gotten to this island, didn't know where Arthur was, didn't know what happened to Morgana or why she seemed so angry. "I wanted you to meet people like you," he said honestly. "I know--I mean, I can imagine how hard it must be living in the castle, having--you know--" He lowered his voice, "Magic." Even here, he still felt the need to hide what he was, what they both were. "Under Uther's rule. I thought the druids might be able to help you learn to use it. That they could teach you. But if it was a bad idea, I'm sorry."
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Listening to him speak, it quickly sunk in that Merlin hadn't yet lived through the experiences she had. Much like Gwen, he had no idea what had gone on in the years that followed. "You do not know," she mused aloud, looking at him closely. "What was your intention?" she asked him. Morgana needed to get a better grasp on what Merlin knew or didn't know.
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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"My power?" Yennefer repeated. Geralt really had gone mad. Half in anger--but mostly just to prove her point--Yennefer let out a blast of magic, a wave of purple thrust into the air and pushing a space between them. She did not mean it to hurt him, did not even mean it to frighten him--if she had wanted that, she had far more dangerous spells at her disposal, never having been particularly bothered with things like magical 'rules' or 'decorum.' If it would help her to her ends--and that end being the protection of her family--Yennefer would gladly pursue any means of dark magic. For Ciri. "Does it appear that I need my powers back? If they are missing, that is news to me, Geralt." She clucked her tongue, annoyed. This was getting them nowhere. According to his own logic, she would simply have her powers back because she had traded Ciri in exchange for them.
"Well at least now we're getting somewhere," she mumbled as he accused her of being another Yennefer. Perhaps of this he was right. She searched through his mind, seeing familiar moments: the djinn, the wish, the dragon egg. But there were other moments she did not recognize, interactions between them that made no sense, recollections he held that she could not recall. "It appears you are right. I am not. We are not from the same timeline." She spoke very calmly, given that what she was saying should have been mad. "Ciri has opened portals to different realms and worlds before. Perhaps this is one of them. Perhaps we both exist in worlds nearly identical--except for a few key details. Somehow, we have crossed in this place." Her heart leapt with hope: did that mean Ciri was nearby, that she had opened this portal that led them both here?
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Geralt's eyes narrowed as Yennefer began to tell him the last time she saw Ciri - none of it made sense. Who was The Wild Hunt, was that who Yennefer promised Ciri to? "Why should I believe you? You need her for the exchange of your power back. For all I know you have already traded her in, sent her to her death all for your own selfish gain." Anger raged back through the Witcher as the thought of being too late. Not protecting those he cared about wasn't something that Geralt dealt with easily. His fingers twitched around the hilt of the long sword, gripping the fabric tightly once again. Geralt so badly wanted to believe her, to believe that the woman he loved wouldn't ever hurt the one other person he cared about. Prior to this, Yennefer had no idea that Ciri was even with him, but the White Wolf that was no excuse.
The more that Geralt looked at Yennefer the more he began to sense that something was off. She was his Yennefer, but there was a gut feeling that in reality, she wasn't. All his senses were now screaming at him that this wasn't what he thought, that something wasn't right. "You are not my Yen, who are you?" Geralt questioned randomly with yet another low growl. While he kept the sword away from her neck, he held it up almost like a threat.
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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"I believe I will," Yennefer said confidently. She did not have a plan yet, did not know how she would make her way home--or else bring her daughter here--but she was quite used to terrible odds--and overcoming them. "Friends can very easily become family. They can often be better than family, indeed." Her own blood relatives--all long dead now--meant nothing to Yennefer. "I believe we must make our own families if we ever hope to be happy. I hope you choose your friends wisely."
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Sidney looked at the woman as she spoke and saw the emotion on her and nodded her head "well I hope you will see her again here." She looked around and and back at the other, hearing the question and shook her head "no family, but old friends." Sidney was mostly thinking about Tatum and not that her ex was here with her, somehow.
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lcstorfound · 10 days
"Interesting." Yennefer took a seat, stretching out and looking over at the other woman. "Do you not tire of telling others stories? You seem a powerful woman in your own right." She knew nothing about the woman for certain, but her magic allowed her certain--glimpses into another's mind, and she felt a power aurora around this one. "Do you not wish to tell your own story, to make the world see you as you wish to be seen?"
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"i report the news, i listen to the story people have to tell and i make sure that it's told - without filters." alicent explained, she'd had no voice in her own time, forced to marry and bare children - she wouldn't sit by and let that happen again. "freedom of speech and the ability to be who you are, thats what is important to me."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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Padme simply raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed over her chest as she waited patiently for this man to realize that this island had far more sticking power than anyone would have liked. She had seen many people try all types of ways out since she'd arrived--and she'd tried herself to get out--but so far, none of it had mattered. "I don't know," she replied honestly. "I don't know what universe we are in. Or which galaxy. I have not found anyone that knows yet. But at least you know of other worlds. Many people I've spoken to so far have never even been off world, never seen space." She continued to watch as he called out some name she'd never heard before, clearly seeking aid that would not come. "No. I died before I came here. I died, and then when I next opened my eyes, I was here on the beach. I thought that this was the afterlife, some heaven of sorts, but there are many people here who do not remember dying at all. Do you?"
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"You should have been quicker," logic hadn't always been Thor's strong suit. "It definitely feels like Earth, but I'm still not so certain." While Thor had been to many different planets in his long life, Naboo hadn't been one of them. "I'm afraid I've never heard of this Naboo, is it this in universe?" The god couldn't help but be shocked by how much this being looked human if she wasn't even from this planet, let along this universe. "I come from the realm Asgard. Although that was destroyed. Unless..." Maybe, if this was a alternative timeline then Asgard and all his people were still very much in tact. "Heimdall?!" Thor yelled up to the sky, calling for just one of the many lives that he had lost. While his hope was slim, Thor held his breath for the familiar bi-frost to suddenly open up. Once it became clear it wasn't going to happen, the male's shoulders slumped. "It seems like wherever we are, Asgard is also no more. Do you know why we are here?"
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lcstorfound · 10 days
Padme waited patiently, looking around the shop until the woman returned with the crystals. The idea of crystal being used as a magical source was, at least, familiar to her. She wondered if this woman, too, was a jedi, or if she used 'magic' in a similar way to how they used 'the force'--centering it through a crystal and allowing it to power every ability in their bodies. Padme had always envied this skill, wished she carried it herself. "I have this." She reached into her pocket and pulled out a scrap of ripped fabric. "It was meant to be their baby blanket. It must have been in my hand when I disappeared and arrived here. I don't know if it'll work. They never had a chance to be wrapped in it." It was yet another part of the life she'd envisioned for her children that never came to be.
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"Yeah," she said, softening as the woman continued to speak. She remembered first showing up on the island, lost and confused, with no one familiar. She'd felt hopeless too, once she found out that her magic was useless in getting her off this strange island. Instead of wallowing in her sorrows, Maleficent decided to put herself to use. She opened up this shop and helped out around the gardens sometimes. "I know what you mean," she admitted as she bent down under the counter to pull out a map of the island. "Excuse me for a second. I need to grab something out of my office," she said as she moved towards her office. She grabbed her scrying crystal and made her way back out to the counter. She opened up the map and laid it out before handing the woman the quartz that was attached to a long piece of twine. "It's called scrying," she explained. "It works better when you have something belonging to the person you're looking for but it should still work if they're here on the island without it."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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Padme reached out and took the woman's hand in her own. "I really think so. It may take some time, but this island is full of people determined to get back to where they came from. I left my children behind. I will not rest until I have found a way back to them. I am sure there are many here that feel as I do. If we all put our minds together, I am sure we can find a way home." Padme gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "We're in this together now. You will not have to go through this alone."
Blue felt herself tearing up as the panic set in. She'd always been a cryer... she cried when she was happy, sad, angry and even when feeling anxious. As the tears started to fall from her eyes, she reached up and wiped them away. When the woman said that she was determined to find a way off this island, Blue looked over at her through anxious eyes. "You really think so?" she asked. She really needed to get home and this woman was kind. If she did find a way off this planet, Blue would be sure to let this woman accompany her.
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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Padme frowned, trying and failing to understand. "Your duty?" she repeated. "I am sorry to hear it. It seems our worlds are different. Our cultures." This, at least, she was used to; as senator across a wide solar system of different planets, she had encountered many different ways of life and had to adjust accordingly. "I am thankful that I never felt obligated to have children. Mine were had in secret, however. Their father and I were not allowed to be together. Looking back, perhaps the laws were right. We were not a good fit after all." She sighed and rubbed her temples. "I...they were only infants when I last saw them." What could she say about them that did not sound like any other baby? "The boy had blonde hair and blue eyes. The girl brown hair and brown eyes."
the brunette nodded, a sad smile on her lips. "not that i ever wanted to have as many children as i did but it was my duty to the realm." alicent admitted sadly. "of course, we'll get that published as soon as they can, are there any defining characteristics we can use to inform the public?" she asked, hopeful that she may help the other find her missing children. "anything to help us bring them home ."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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"I am glad you're confident. I am not as sure that I will know my way around." She was no scavenger, no scout. She had served as queen, then as senator; it was her job to know her planet and to know it very well, and though she visited many other sectors as guest and learned their customs, she had always been shown around, always surrounded by guards and tour guides. It had been a very long time since Padme had felt so alone. "Do you have a place to stay here then?"
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"A planet, huh?" Cato raised an eyebrow in curiosity, "I haven't heard of it either but most people haven't heard of Panem so it's not news," he shrugged, "Finding my way around won't be the problem. It would be nice if we could actually leave though."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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"A galaxy is a large collection of planets. A very, very large place in space." She paused, blowing softly on her hot coffee, unsure of how to explain her world to someone who had never been off planet before. She was learning more and more that most people on this planet had not. Some did not even know there were other worlds out there. "Where I'm from, we could go farther than just beyond the ocean. We could sail into the sky, and find...different skies. I was queen of one of these skies, of everything that was beneath it. But I think it was different than other places. From what I've heard around here, queens are born into rule, serve their whole lives. My people voted for me, and I served two terms, and then I left my throne behind, as all queens before me had done." She swirled her coffee and looked curiously at the other woman. "Did your stepmother get her throne back?"
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"Galaxy? What is a galaxy?" Rhaena asked, "You were a queen? Where? My stepmother was a queen, though a usurper tried to take it from her," she explained, "Oh yeah, mine has a vanilla flavour I believe, though I prefer the caramel."
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lcstorfound · 10 days
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Padme shook her head, a reaction more for herself than for him. She knew how easy it would be for her to fall back to him, to let herself believe that those terrible last moments between them had been nothing more than a nightmare. Anakin had always had a way of making her forget her better judgement, of looking past what she knew very well to be right and reasonable and letting her heart overwhelm her. She took a step back and kept her gaze on the floor, too scared to look him in the eye and be swept back into her feelings for him. "It was Palatine, wasn't it?" she asked quietly. "He turned you against the Jedi. Against Obi-Wan. Against me." She wrapped her arms around herself. "I knew better," she whispered, more to herself than to him. "I knew better, and I still let myself believe in the impossible. I was a fool. I believed in you, and I was a fool."
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He looked at the woman that he loved more than anything and had wished that someone had took him out, he listened to her speak, he wasn't sure what to say back to her. He looked away from her and let a small shaky breath leave his lips "I let them get into my head, I don't know why or how to fight them off." Anakin let out a small breath, trying to fight any tears that were fighting to come through, he remembered the nightmares and all the thoughts that had had, which was what he assumed was what made him a easy target.
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