lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗽𝗲𝗲𝘁𝗮 𝗺𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁. 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮.
open starter / peeta & any @zertheastarters​
‘‘‘i was hoping for a fresh start but i didn’t mean a whole new place. let alone a new planet apparently.’’ peeta was still paranoid that this was a trick from back home but when he heard more people were showing up, he was starting to reconsider.  ‘’so many things i’m not even familiar with. think you can get used to it here?’’
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                 VERONICA wanted to remain optimistic and positive, but it was just so damn hard. this was too overwhelming — even for her. turning her head to look at the young man made her sigh in disbelief. ❝ tell me about it. i had my whole life planned out, and now it’s just gone. ❞ there was nothing else for her here anymore. ❝ not a chance. i’m not a high-tech person if i’m being fairly honest. what about you? i’m guessing you’re settling much better than the most of us? ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮.
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                 " I WOULDN’T SAY, YOU’D NEED IT. “ the brunette replied with a light smile. “ even with limited light, you can tell it’s gorgeous. “ she complimented with a tilt of her chin, now morgan wasn’t much of a ‘ fashionista ‘ being someone to enjoy comfort and functionality but she could admit to enjoying wearing a gown from time to time and part of the fun that came with that was the many shopping dates she’d had with her mother. “ but i did graduate at 14. “ a scrunch of her nose came for a second before she sighed. not that she felt she’d missed out on anything, most company events had given her plenty opportunities to dawn a gown and she normally aimed for comfort over exuberance but she didn’t feel that needed to be shared. 
not here anyway, what she needed to do was find a way back or at the very least make sure her mother wasn’t here. “ maybe we can help each other. “ morgan mused as the wheels in her head turned. “ you appeared here, on your way to prom, and i was in the middle of bickering with my mom. “ which meant that there had to be a very confused pepper somewhere, like she was. “ we can look for your friends and my mom together. “ she proposed as she eyed the other.  “ strength in numbers yes? “ 
not being alone , seemed like a good idea at the moment. it wasn’t until the mention of the girl’s home that she stopped walking. “ riverdale? “ maybe it was southern but she really couldn’t remember ever hearing a single thing about said town. “ that’s in america? “
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                  a genuine smile curls among her lips at her compliment. she was lucky enough to be in this place who was reasonable — and especially thought her piece of clothing was D I V I N E. ❝ hold up, you graduated at fourteen? ❞ her eyebrows instantly shoot up, amazed at how something like that was even achievable.  ❝ well, i do have to admit, you look like a very clever girl. ❞ what can you even do after you’ve accomplished such a thing at that kind of age? veronica was clearly nowhere near the intelligence of the stranger; but that didn’t mean she wasn’t SMART.
she flashes another grin once more as she listens to her offer. veronica didn’t exactly feel safe here, and she needed someone who she could rely on. ❝ sounds like the perfect plan, morgan stark. ❞ her heels clatter against the ground as she walks alongside the girl, only for her to stop and laugh at her reaction. ❝ yeah, it’s in america. it’s a bit of a cryptic town. if you want a thriller book to come alive then riverdale is the place for you, trust me. ❞
even though things would never change in that small town, she did miss it dearly. then again, it’s only been what? a good fifteen, twenty minutes since she was last there? ❝ since we’re both here, tell me about yourself. i’m highly intrigued to know what you’ve done since graduating. ❞ 
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗳𝘁. 𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻.
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a bright grin appeared on her face as she watched the other sit beside her, nodding softly, “ they are. they are also very curious and excited for all the new people arriving, “ flora looked over at the other, head slightly tilted, “ i’m known as a fairy. nature is my speciality, “
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                 HESITATION falls amongst her, a bit curious as to what she meant. a fairy? ❝ oh, so you’re just like tinkerbell, right? ❞ lara jean just played along, maybe this was usual for a city like this. ❝ what’s your favorite thing to do as a fairy? besides working with nature and stuff? ❞ none of this made any sense, but yet lara jean was highly intrigued.
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝘁𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁. 𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮.
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was she not dead? it felt pretty black and white. at the same time, tony wasn’t entirely sure he was dead. he was almost positive. he’d seen what the gauntlet did to bruce, hulk, whatever he was supposed to call him, and he knew the suit couldn’t absorb all that energy. he should have died. he was here, but that didn’t make him less dead. “do you remember dying?” he asked curiously.
tony took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “not sure i’d call this another chance. i don’t know that i’m excited to live in a so-called new modern world,” he admitted. he sighed again, a bit quieter this time. “it had to happen. i’m sorry you died, too,” he settled. 
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                 a immediate FROWN falls upon her face during the topic. no one wants to recall the moment of slipping away from life, but sabrina had already ACCEPTED her fate. ❝ yeah, i know what you mean. i just thought it would lighten up the mood a little i guess. ❞ through it all, she manages to give a small smile towards the stranger.
❝ well whatever happened, i hope you know that you didn’t deserve it. no one deserves to pass away. ❞ the young female releases a sigh, looking up. ❝ ... it had to happen also. ❞ she repeats, knowing that this was for the best. there was nothing else she could’ve done. ❝ i’m sabrina, by the way. ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗳𝘁. 𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻.
𝒸𝓁𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒹 𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉𝑒𝓇 ( ꜰʟᴏʀ�� + ᴀɴʏᴏɴᴇ. ) @lcvewrote​
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the raven haired fairy smiled happily as she felt the nature in this place was content and happy. if they hadn’t been, flora would have helped them without a second thought but she would have been annoyed at someone for neglecting them. sitting on a patch of grass, she hummed softly as she ran her fingers gently through the blades of grass, giving them a little nourishment, “ can you hear them ? “ her words soft and happy, “ they are basically singing in contentment, “
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                 it felt somewhat satisfying to see someone as euphoric and carefree like her. mainly because it was the first time she’s seen someone like this here; everyone else was worried or flustered. her face lit up as she sat next to the female, looking down at the windblown grass. ❝ really? ❞ she asked in curiosity, as her focus remains down below. ❝ how do you know? ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗳𝘁. 𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻.
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for once, gamora didn’t know much about the place she was. it wasn’t bragging to say she knew much about most places in the galaxy, even in other galaxies. growing up as a child of thanos would do that. it was paramount that she know her way around, that she know everything and anything, be prepared to fight for her life in any situation. not knowing right now should have sent a panic through her entire body, but what she had left behind was too terrible to long for. 
“nope, not a clue,” she said casually, taking another bite. it was sweeter than most fruits she’d eaten on planets she wasn’t too familiar with. more importantly, it hadn’t killed her. though she wasn’t too sure anything she ingested could kill her. “mm, it’s not half bad. do you want one?” she asked, holding one out. 
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                 it was usual for lara jean to explore a new area; seeing all the known cafés, the common parks, even some vintage shops. this didn’t seem like the right time to do so, especially when this place wasn’t meant to happen. if only her old phone would work in hopes to contact a loved one, but looks like she was stuck with the one that was already given to her; that was purely meant for this strange place.
her mouth forms into a grin, taking the fruit from the strangers hand. it felt nice to be surrounded by a person who was welcoming. ❝ you’re right, it’s actually pretty good. could ripen just a bit more, but it’s not bad. ❞ she takes another bite, glancing up at the fruit tree. ❝ you know, i could probably make a delicious dessert with this! or even a jam. though, i wish i knew what this fruit is called. ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝘁𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁. 𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮.
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the idea that he was supposed to live here, work here, as if everything were normal, was the stupidest thing he could imagine. looking past the fact that it didn’t replace home or his friends and family, there was simply no way he could have stark industries here. it was even less possible for him to have the avengers here, seeing as he was, as far as he knew, the only one here. what was the goal, and why should he bother? he had too many questions and not enough people with answers, or willing to answer them for that matter.
“yeah, that goes without saying,” tony said, perhaps laying it on a bit thick. he reminded himself that this woman seemed young, and was likely as shell shocked as he was, if not more. “oh, so you’re dead, too. cool, cool. that helps for piecing things together.” 
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                  the adult appeared to be just as disorientated — well, at least she wasn’t alone on that. this was all crazy; even if it was a second chance at living. her eyes widened at his response, trying to put the pieces back together. even if this was some afterlife, wouldn’t she see mambo marie here? or even her own mother? this still didn’t feel right.
❝ i mean — at least i think i’m dead. ❞ sabrina wasn’t even sure if she actually passed away or not.  she inhales, then slowly exhales to take in what’s happening right now. ❝ at least we’re given another chance, right? to live in this so-called, new modern world? ❞ she had to admit, she did feel pity for the stranger. ❝ i’m really sorry you died though, truly. ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗲𝗹 𝗴𝘂𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻 𝗳𝘁 𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻.
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IF THERE WAS ANYONE HE HOPED WOULD SUDDENLY APPEAR; it was isobel. sure max was his brother, but he felt closer with isobel she never judged him in the ways that max would. but ideally, he’d hope that liz would suddenly pop up, she was always smart in school — she would know how to get out of here.
“i don’t even know where to start,” admitted the male his hands eager to run and tug on his roots. his nervous habits kicking in, it was only the pulsing pain rushing through his hand that stopped him from doing it. the day already had left him feeling defeated, finally getting the boy he liked only to be ripped away. but now, but this — it was tearing him further down.
“how did we — how did you get here?” asking for himself felt useless, he had no idea. stupid bright light.
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                 it was unquestionable that she felt the sense of unhappiness come towards her. this SHOULDN’T be happening, especially at a time like this where things started to get better; resolved, in most cases. what if she just needed to sleep it off? in hopes she’ll reappear back to portland? right — maybe that’s what should be first on her list.
lara jean wanted to help the stranger, in hopes he could relax for a bit. who knows what this place is? maybe something destructive for all she knew. ❝ i really don’t know, honestly. i was leaving a place with my boyfriend that i was volunteering at ... and now i’m suddenly here. alone. ❞  lara jean’s lips press together, as she tucks a piece of her long dark hair behind her ear. ❝ what about you? how did you get here? ❞ 
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝘁𝗿𝗶𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗿 𝗳𝘁. 𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮.
This wasn’t a simulation. It took her way too long to figure that out. In her defense, she’d grown up inside the wall surrounding Chicago. The parts of the city where no one really lived had been taken over by nature. Being raised to believe she was a part of the last of humanity only to find out quite suddenly that it was a lie made the whole situation difficult to come to terms with. She needed to find a place to stay and had been directed to the mailboxes. She had no problem with that. The tech wasn’t much different from what she was used to. What she was struggling with was how honest she should be about why she didn’t want to choose an empty house. Of all the things to feel when in a place she didn’t know existed, embarrassed was not a feeling she considered.
“I can do this. Just go up and see if anyone wouldn’t mind sharing a house. It’s that simple.” Her pep talk to herself didn’t work very well. So she tried a different tactic. “I’ve gone through Dauntless initiation and what basically amounted to a battle among the factions. Talking to someone is the least difficult thing I’ll ever have to do!”
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                 SABRINA was too occupied at glancing at each and every mailbox, trying to find somewhere that fit her living needs. zerthea clearly had no mortuaries or even a witch school that she knew of that she could reside to, so looking for an actual place was her only resort. it felt uncanny that there were so many houses available; from dust to hightower district, she was unsure which to choose.
just like her, it seemed like everyone was looking for their new home to reside in; at least for now. her heels click as she was near a stranger, who just seemed as indecisive as she was. ❝ hard choice, huh? it’s so much pressure to choose one place. ❞ a laugh escapes her lips, raising her eyebrows at the stranger. ❝ did you happen to find any good ones? ❞ 
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮.
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                     THE DRESS SHOULDN’T HAVE been as much of a shock as it was, but with no signs of the one person she clung to like glue, the youngest stark could feel her grip on whatever sense of reality she had left falter. still she said nothing, biting the inside of her lip, to keep herself from irritating the other. the last thing she needed on her future memoir was ‘ and she died by prom dress ‘ that would be humiliating.repl
the confirmation that she was liked, did have her grinning for a moment, but the other’s affirmation about a school gym, made her shake her head. “ my office. “ she replied without much thought before she spoke again. “ stark industries. “ another clumsy answer ‘ relax, morgan ‘ her own voice sounded off in her head and so she paused to take a few short breaths, before she attempted to speak again. “ which is in new york. “ she explained with a panicked giggle. “ please, tell me your prom is in some SMELLY gym in the city  —  and that you’re just confused. “ she almost pleaded with the other. “  i’m morgan, morgan stark. you? where are you from? “ 
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                   veronica was OVERWHELMED, to say the least. regardless, this isn’t the most absurd thing she’s experienced in her life. this is probably some silly dream she’s living in; but she highly doubted that. the female figure seemed amiable — maybe someone that she could help. or especially who could help her. 
her forehead creased, catching the words ‘new york’ immediately. yet, why did ‘stark industries’ never rung a B E L L? veronica knew all businesses, especially when it was down in her home city — after all, how on earth did she manage to run her own? ❝ well, technically, yes. but my prom is not in new york, ❞ a sigh escapes her lips, shaking her head in denial. ❝ i mean come on - if my prom was in new york, i would’ve hired a much better designer to make my dress. ❞ she was hoping her teasing would lighten the mood, especially how UNREALISTIC their situation seemed to be.
the raven-haired girl’s hand reaches out from behind as she introduces herself. ❝ veronica lodge. it’s very ... nice to meet you, morgan stark. though, i wished we met on a much more appealing and non-terrifying situation. ❞ how on earth was she going to get home now? back to archie, betty, jughead, and the rest of her friends? ❝ i’m actually from new york too. but i’m living in a place called riverdale. ❞  
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮.
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                  THE SUDDEN APPERANCE OF another shadow had the brunette attempting to back away, even when her back had hit the cold and hard surface of a wall. all she could really do is keep the hand that she’d stuffed into her hoodie pocket pointed at whoever it was that seemed to be coming her way, but it wasn’t until her line of sight landed on a girl one clearly younger than she was and wearing…. a 
wait a minute. 
“ you’re wearing a PROM dress. “ she mused out loud, as if the detail had escaped the other. clearly no better way to establish that she had a genius level IQ, but listing the obvious. she’d been privy to strange things her entire life but a hallway gala? now that she just couldn’t wrap her head around. “ you’re wearing a FREAKING prom drom dress, and i’m no longer standing in my office. “ yelling at her mother, but that was a detail she didn’t feel like sharing. it was only then that she remembered the ‘ fake gun ‘ she was still pointing in the teenagers direction an act that made her pull out her hands, lifting them and waving them about. 
“ neither am i, but i figured… “ her voice trailed for a moment. “ i figured i had a better chance at SURVIVAL if i made you think i’d hurt you. “ she paused again. “ unless of course, you’re deeply offended by orange tic-tacs if so give me a second and i’ll chuck them in your direction. “ the youngest stark rambled on as she eyed the raven haired girl rather suspiciously.  “ let me guess this isn’t where you’re meant to be either? “
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                  veronica shrugged followed by a slight laugh. indeed she was, here, standing in a PROM DRESS that was meant for a high school location. not in the middle of nowhere, especially with a strange girl she couldn’t recognize. ❝ you clearly stated the obvious. ❞ it was no question the both of them were overwhelmed; aggravated, to say the least. at least for veronica. 
❝ smart girl. i like you already. ❞ veronica did that trick too, pretending to have a weapon in hope the other would panic and leave. her head shakes in reply, knowing this was anything but riverdale. ❝ unless this happens to be a smelly high school gymnasium in secret, — no, i’m not supposed to be here. ❞ her heels E C H O through the room as she scoped the area. ❝ where are you from? or where did you come from? ❞ 
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗺𝗲𝘀 𝗳𝘁. 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮.
open starter ( @zertheastarters​ ) sherlock & any muse
while he knew damn well he would have to retrieve a cell phone and home eventually, sherlock was in no rush to do so. once he did, he was traceable, and that was the last thing he wanted at the moment. there was a good chance he was already traceable, he wasn’t too clear on what happened between his departure from london and his arrival here, but if there was any chance he wasn’t traceable, he needed to take advantage of that now. 
he glanced at the other person near him, looking them over. “if i were you, i wouldn’t grow too attached to that phone. it won’t function as the one you’re familiar with, and you don’t know what it will do.”
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                  was this was the future would’ve been like for her? HOLOGRAMS and advanced GADGETS to get her through her eccentric days? just because she was living in a brand new world doesn’t mean veronica was going to stay in some dreary home, clearly she was taking this to her advantage to find a more luxurious space for herself. ❝ may i ask some other reasons why i shouldn’t rely on this device? ❞ ronnie is merely curious, investigating through the features of the small phone. ❝ aren’t we supposed to ... i don’t know, use this to live an accustomed life here? ❞ 
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝘁𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗸 𝗳𝘁. 𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮.
open starter ( @zertheastarters​ ) tony & any muse
maybe tony was too skeptical. maybe it’d be easier to accept this all at face value. he was on a new planet where he was now to live. but it was too strange, and there were too many variables. for example, he’d been dying, and he had no memory of how he got here. or he wasn’t sure what anyone gained by him being here. it wasn’t like he had his company or his suit, he was just here, all by himself. which was strange enough, really. he was wearing the suit last he remembered, but here he was, plain clothing. again, strange. 
it felt like an elaborate hoax, and maybe it was. the new phones were weird, as weird as everything else going on here. they were advanced, and yet, primitive. he didn’t like any of this, honestly, but he’d yet to figure out what he was going to do about it. “so are we supposed to pretend this isn’t weird and just go to work and make dinner and everything like normal?”
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                   NOTHINGNESS was all sabrina felt during her last few moments up on that stone table, waiting until death finally took upon her — and she was, what? nearly a LOST SOUL? waking up in this new place felt like she was trapped in another eldrich terror, maybe similar to what sabrina morningstar had experienced back in the other cosmos. nonetheless, she was fortunate, maybe thanks to hecate, that she was here.
❝ weird would be a total understatement, ❞ what could she do now? was there even a school here — or maybe another witch academy? ❝ what even ... is this place? is this some kind of ... afterlife? ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗴𝗮𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗮 𝗳𝘁. 𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗷𝗲𝗮𝗻.
open starter ( @zertheastarters​ ) gamora & any muse
gamora was quick on her feet, and figuring out a survival plan was in her nature. surviving under unusual circumstances was practically instinct at this point. while suspicious, she set up her phone and home, and even sorted out what kind of business she could run while she figured out the rest of it. she was not too sure how the finances of his place would work, and honestly, she’d never lived in one place before, like she was expected to do here. it was new and she hated that she was doing it alone.
without knowing how everything was going to go, she decided it was better to be safe than sorry. she was continuing to scope the place out when she noticed a few fruit trees. she couldn’t help but pick one, inspecting it before taking a bite. “have you tried any of the native fruit yet?” she asked, nodding towards the person across from her. 
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                  you could say that lara jean was settling much more smoothly than she thought at first. zerthea was something that came out of a fictional novel; these places practically didn’t exist — it wasn’t REALISTIC. the only thing that was running through her mind was how worried her family would’ve been. how peter would be looking for her.
she had to admit, this place was surely BEAUTIFUL. it was only her first full day here and she was hoping to get a chance to get used to her surroundings. eyebrows raise as the figure next to her catches her attention, ❝ i haven’t yet, actually! do you know what it’s called? ❞ it did look like a peach that she held, but then again she could be wrong. after all, everyone was so new here. ❝ but most importantly, is it delicious? ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
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#casually watching the ice cream man get dragged into hell
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗹𝗮𝘀 𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵 𝗳𝘁 𝘀𝗮𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮.
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                nicholas would recognise her voice from anywhere but he had had a few drinks and was still hurting, maybe he was just imagining it. he couldn’t turn his head to look at her, because it would hurt far too much if she wasn’t sat right beside him. the warlock took a deep breath, straightening his back before slowly turning his head. it was her. unknowingly a tear instantly slide down his cheek. the last time he’d seen her she was dead on a table but now here she was. he couldn’t bring himself to speak, instead his hands came to her cheeks, cupping her face to make sure that she was real, that this wasn’t a dream. “–––– sabrina.”
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                   no, this clearly couldn’t be R E A L not in the slightest. this could’ve been some sort of ... hallucination. feeling his hands upon her face sent shivers up and down her spine, remembering his humane touch. hands clench upon his on each side as tears build upon her brown eyes. ❝ nick. ❞ her voice is nothing but a soft whisper with her gaze locked upon his. ❝ please — please tell me that it’s you. ❞
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lcvewrote · 4 years
𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗯 𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗳𝘁 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗰𝗮.
Starter: Open to all ( @zertheastarters )
Caleb is not panicking. He refuses to panic. He’s fine. This is not fine but he is, cool as a cucumber. Best thing he can do now is go with the flow and find a closet in private to fall apart in and panic. Even though he is not going to do that. “Okay c’mon you advanced piece of tech tell me where the damn housing district is.” He says to a holo-screen and is surprised when he gets and immediate screen letting him look at his choices. 
“Okay are there like expensive homes or something?If I’m trapped on a alien planet against my will please tell I can live in luxury for once.” He gets a few pings before he’s shown a map to the, “Hightower District?” He questions allowed. “Fuck it, it’ll do.” He than looks over his shoulder to whom ever seemed to be getting closer or looming over to him.
“You mind? You can ask this damn thing some questions when I’m done.” 
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                   this was absolutely ridiculous; what the hell was she was doing on a futuristic planet anyway and why did it have to her out of all people? JUGHEAD would’ve been quite fond of this place, maybe because everything was so HIGH-TECH, and ... unnatural. her heels tap against the floor, impatiently waiting for her turn on the device. 
eyebrows furrow at the reply from the stranger infront of her. ❝ i beg your pardon?it’s not like i asked to live in some modernistic, star wars movie. ❞ veronica really was trying her best to remain as relaxed as she could; but it’s quite impossible especially when you’re full of such stress. ❝ i just wanted to get a head start on some ideas on where i could live. i mean — considering you’re taking your precious time, hm? ❞ 
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