y0whlee-blog · 7 years
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Drive will take you much farther than talent ever could... ➰
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y0whlee-blog · 7 years
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Thank you for all your birthday wishes! I truly appreciate it, especially those people closest to my heart! 😘 #journeyto30 now signing off! Hello 1st of my 30th! 😄 #myfirstyearinthethirty's #hulingtaonsakalendaryo #trentayuno
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y0whlee-blog · 7 years
When your mind crosses your heart
You said you still love me... and I want to believe you, even in a heartbeat, but why do I not see the lights in your heart? I'm glad you spoke a bit to me the other day. Somehow I felt like we still have a chance! But, I understood you when you said it's difficult to continue what we have if we are far apart; I disagree. Call it idealistic but I believe in love to be the most powerful of all. Love knows no boundaries; It finds ways to stay stronger together. I don't want to give up but I'm not the only one in this relationship and so I can't decide alone. I understand your actions of reducing your contact with me, even eradicating it totally. You can't tell me that you want to end this and so you are rerouting to another way and that is to continue ignoring me; hoping that one day I'll be the one to give up. I want you to know, I am not a child. I'm willing to let go if it will make you feel better. What I was only asking from you is to try, and don't give up on love so fast. I don't want an unfinished business, I already know and feel what you have been eager about to say and I have been trying my best to prepare for the worst. I'll wait for your courage to build up... until then..
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y0whlee-blog · 7 years
I tried, still am
I have put my pride down; I don't know if I should have but I did anyway. Maybe because a part of me still hopes for a reconciliation or maybe I just miss the person I have known in you. I still remember that night you made me feel bad, even to a point that I have hated that song! It's infuriating... I bid hi to you today; I don't know how you'll react but my wishes are for you to say hello back and hopefully to mend our differences. Although, I am also preparing myself for getting ignored. Until then... goodbye...
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y0whlee-blog · 7 years
My Journey
Now that I am about to start a new journey, you left me. You were my rock. You were my inspiration; I guess you changed. We were far apart for few months and maybe (just maybe) that separated your feelings from mine.
You always tell me you don’t have time dealing with emotional turmoil and I completely understand that, which is why I barely show you or tell you when I am upset with you.
Before you came here, I was wishing for a wonderland experience with you! Finally I will feel like I am in a normal relationship, but since you arrived you were already sour. Was it because you realised, when you saw me, that you don’t love me anymore? If so, why didn’t you just say so? Instead of jumping into another while you were still with me?
You left me with a broken heart but I am trying my best to be strong! The pain is excruciating but I am not backing down. I still think of the what-ifs and what-nots once in a while, but I know I’ll get over it sooner.
I still wish you well in hopes that you will find true love soon or if you found it with her. Thanks for a whirlwind-kind of love.
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
My Inspiration
Thank you for being my inspiration. My rock! I appreciate everything that you are doing for me. i cannot promise to you anything now and I don’t want to because I want to put money in my mouth instead of only offering you words. 
Our relationship has been tested many times over but we are still here. Trials have brought us together stronger, and I will forever treasure that. Someday, I want you to be proud of me too, as much as I am proud of you. 
The situation may not be ideal, but it will not stop me from loving you.. i will be here forever and always... for as long as you want me to.. 
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
The shape of my heart
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The past year, my end was not the greatest, then i welcomed the new year with some deep seated dismay of my sudden downfall. i remember not so long ago, I have gone through one my of hardest struggle and i have always told my myself during that time, you and only you will define who you are and who you want to become. Let go of all your anger so you can start anew. Let all your troubles be your strength to move on and do better. 
Losing a job is not so rare. It could happen to anyone. It can happen to everyone. The how’s or the why’s don���t matter, in fact the whole thing should not matter. I say this now, it is true. I have lost my job. Though the reason is absurd, it still punctured my inner being. All the more that it hurt, because, for me, it was unjust. I believe the real reason behind my firing was a personal vendetta. A personal vendetta that rooted from deceit, the feeling of threat and white supremacy. 
And so, here I am, trying to redeem myself by fighting for justice. i am not looking for a payout rather I am looking for equality. Revenge is short-sited, justice is restoring order, without furthering chaos. I will take my battle until I get justice. I admit revenge crossed my mind, however, I took a deep breath and prayed to God for an objective mind. It was not worth it for me. It will not help me get back to my feet, and surely will not help me grow. Legal actions has been taken and so I am getting ready for whatever it is that will come. Meantime, I am restarting my life by leaving all the past behind. I know I will come across my revengeful-self once in awhile but I will not let it conquer me. I have put my trust to people who have betrayed me and even though that hurts, I know they were not able to take away who I was and who I always were. i have my own identity. Some people might hate it, some wants it and that is the only thing they can do about it - to look, and wish that they were me!
As the saying goes, you can say what you want to say about me, but I am who I am and you can never be me!
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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My faith has been shaken and tested so many times. Last year was probably the worst in my entire life, but I remember someone said, even complaints are form of prayer... Whoever you look up to, may you be blessed with peace, love, harmony and happiness this year. Thanks for this, Ate and Ate Mae! #2017 #2017❤️
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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The sun, the wind and everything else in between... #spanishvibe #vintagehouse #kastila_landscape (at Calle Crisologo, Vigan City)
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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"You never turn tour back on family, even when they do" Thirty-five years ago, love sparkled with these two. That love flourished 5 years after, then 10, 20, and now 35 years! I'm so happy to see that there is forever in love with these two! Happy Anniversary Mama and Papa! We may not be there to celebrate this day with you, but we are with you every minute of everyday! Thank you for understanding me even when I don't choose the best decisions in life. Thank you for always being there for me, for us! I love you both, always! ❤️
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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"When things go wrong, as they sometimes will; When the roads you're trudging seems all uphill; . . . When care is pressing you down a bit; Rest if you must, but you don't quit" We all have our struggles in life. We all have our own ways to sort it out. However, no matter what we go through, remember to turn to the Almighty above you..
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
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You remind me of the rain
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y0whlee-blog · 8 years
Put to test
Today must have been one of those days that was rough and tough. I had to put a smile on my face even though I was breaking inside. I had to laugh the loudest amongst the crowd so that no one notices that I wanna scream and shout.
I wanna take back what I did, but I can’t. You have accepted it in a heartbeat and that broke me even more. You made me realised that I am alone in this. You made me see that at the end of the day, no matter what, you can always turn your back on me.
I know. It hurts now, but later it will get better. As you said, “You’ll be fine”. It pains me to hear those words from you but what can I say? I am a nobody in your world when I made you mine.
Time heals all wounds. Cliche, but time is the only thing I look forward to, to make me whole again. Time can sometimes be your enemy but can also be a friend.
I will heal. I will be fine. When the right time comes, I will be able to bring back my genuine smile…
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