leahandclark · 2 years
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The Lizzie Bennet Diaries 10 Year Anniversary - Ep 1 ‘My Name is Lizzie Bennet’ - (April 9th 2012)
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leahandclark · 7 years
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Why did Snapchat think it was a great idea to let others see where exactly you are? This could actually lead to terrible consequences. Like the National Security Agency spying on every and each of us wasn’t enough, now Snapchat allows stalkers and (potential) rapists see where you are at any moment. 
For ghost mode zoom out instead of zooming in on the camera. 
Reblog to save a life!
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leahandclark · 7 years
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A little sketch comic about how bisexuality is totally cool and good and not bad.
The format is cliché!  I know.  But it makes it easy to talk about things I want to talk about.  Thanks for reading!
(I shouldn’t have to say this, but since a lot of people wanted to educate me on twitter: The words listed in panel seven [yes even in the parentheticals!] are just examples of how often acceptable language around gender and sexuality changes.  They are not lists of synonymous words, and many of them are now considered unacceptable.  That’s why they’re on the list. That’s what the list IS. I know.)
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leahandclark · 7 years
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leahandclark · 7 years
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leahandclark · 7 years
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two types of people
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leahandclark · 7 years
Incorrect Anne of Green Gables quotes
Diana: I'm getting that waffle iron for Anne for Breakfast day.
Gilbert: No, you're not. I'm getting it for her for Waffle day. Wait, you have a breakfast day too? Mine is in June.
Diana: Gilbert, please. This is the anniversary of the first time we went to JJ's, which she considers the beginning of our friendship.
Gilbert: Well, imagine being married to her. It's like being smothered with a hand-quilted pillow filled with cherished memories. I can't believe I'm complaining about how thoughtful my wife is. (Loud, to the room) Sorry, honey. I love you.
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leahandclark · 7 years
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leahandclark · 7 years
If you are considering meeting up with someone online use this trick identify who really are who they claim to be:
1. Ask them to Skype 2. If they refuse or can’t for some reason ask for a current selfie 3. If they also refuse or can’t do not meet up with them 4. If they provide one ask them to send another with them holding 3 fingers up 5. If they refuse read step 3 6. If they provide a selfie where they show 3 fingers they are probably for real
(If you’re still unconvinced try again with them drawing something in their hand)
I SAY THIS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY please spread this message as more and more young people are lured out into situations where they get kidnapped because they weren’t 100% sure the person they were talking to was real.
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leahandclark · 7 years
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We are Sun’s dog.
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leahandclark · 7 years
hey, for science, could you guys reblog this and put in the tags
where you live
the language you speak most often
what you call a tiny, overpriced grocery store on a street corner where you go when you just need a carton of milk or a candy bar or something
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leahandclark · 8 years
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Merry Christmas from the team!
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leahandclark · 8 years
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Yay! Thank you to all who submitted suggestions (mollymatterrs, nikinl, unacaritafeliz, greenboo, thedancinggallifreyan)! To all those who are travelling, stay safe! Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
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leahandclark · 8 years
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chloebennet: So honored to be in D.C. And speak on behalf of the White House, about Asian American and Pacific Islander progress across all sectors, under the Obama Administration. We have a lot of work to do, but I’m SO INSPIRED to be surrounded by like minded people who in the face of Trump believe in a democracy that supports diversity, love and equal rights for everyone. WHAT A DAY DUDES.
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leahandclark · 8 years
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“I am Moana of Motunui. Aboard my boat i will across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti.”
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leahandclark · 8 years
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“His tall, firm, upright figure, among the bulky forms and stooping shoulders of the elderly men, was such as Emma felt must draw every body’s eyes; and, excepting her own partner, there was not one among the whole row of young men who could be compared with him.”
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leahandclark · 8 years
No but honestly tell me your favorite thing about Shakespeare? What do you find remarkable enough to be talked about even to this day? Maybe I'll stop my eye rolling, it's getting a bit out of hand
I ignored this for a long time because, frankly, it pissed me off. The original ask was rude and this isn’t any less rude (mocking people’s passions makes you a grade-A asshole, just by the way), but I’m going to respond to it anyway, against my better judgment.
As someone who has chosen to devote her life to Shakespeare’s works, “What’s your favorite thing about him?” is sort of an impossible question to answer. Shakespeare got me through some tough times. Shakespeare taught me how to string words together (Devise, wit; write, pen; for I am for whole volumes in folio). He taught me to spit on the odds (Fortune knows / We scorn her most when most she offers blows), to throw shade (Your brain is as dry as the remainder biscuit after voyage), to not take anyone’s shit (What studied torments, tyrant, hast for me?), to speak up even when my voice was wobbling (O, that my tongue were in the thunder’s mouth!). He also inspired me to write a book which is getting published and is helping me pay for grad school, so Shakespeare has literally made two of my biggest life dreams come true. I owe Shakespeare a whole fucking lot. But you know what? Those aren’t even my favorite things. 
I could talk about how heart-stoppingly eloquent Shakespeare’s words are (The skies are painted with unnumber’d sparks; / They are all fire and every one doth shine), or how strikingly wise he is (Come what come may, / Time and the hour runs through the roughest day), or how romantic (You have witchcraft in your lips), or how devastating (But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue!) or even how purely funny (It shall be called Bottom’s Dream, because it hath no bottom). But in the end I’d just be talking about the same thing. Shakespeare renders the mystery of humanity comprehensible. There is no thought, doubt, dream, fear, hope, passion, feeling, that he has not put into words. His characters speak from the heights of joy and the depths of despair, and four hundred years later we still hang on their words, because they can express the inexpressible. Helena knows the hopeless pain of jealousy: How happy some o'er other some can be! / Through Athens I am thought as fair as she. Cleopatra knows the agony and ecstasy of love: O, my oblivion is a very Antony! Romeo knows how harrowing it is to tell a friend everything is going to be okay when you know full well it isn’t: Courage, man–the hurt cannot be much. Macbeth knows the numb horror of looking failure in the face: All our yesterdays have lighted fools / The way to dusty death. Claudius knows the torment of a guilty conscience: O limed soul, that, struggling to be free, / Art more engag’d! Help, angels! Make assay. King Lear knows the terror of beginning to doubt your own sanity: I fear I am not in my perfect mind. 
There is no corner of the human soul, however dark, that Shakespeare has not explored, exposed, laid bare upon the stage for everyone to view. And I think the Greeks were absolutely right that there’s something cathartic about that, about watching someone else endure a pain or joy as great or greater than your own. There is some strange comfort in knowing you are not alone, that someone else has felt what you feel. And Shakespeare knew it, too. The mind much sufferance doth o'erskip / When grief hath mates, and bearing fellowship. There’s a reason the device of the play within a play was so popular in Shakespeare’s day. Sometimes a piece of theatre was so compelling that people in the audience suddenly shrieked out their own crimes after seeing something like them performed before their eyes. Words have power. Shakespeare’s have such tremendous power that they have literally changed the way the world talks, and thinks, and turns. Because he has taken everything–from the foulest, most horrific murder to the purest innocence of two lovers meeting for the first time–and distilled it into language. To me, that is magic. That is unparalleled. Without Shakespeare I would not be able to make sense of the world. But he takes everything, however all-encompassing or intimate, and turns into something I can understand. Four hundred years after his death we’re still borrowing his words to say what we feel, what we can’t express on our own, because in that amount of time no one has ever said any of it better. Shakespeare hasn’t just enabled us to understand ourselves. He’s enabled us to understand each other. I don’t have the words to do him justice. He was the noblest man / That ever lived in the tide of times.
But keep your own way. Roll your eyes if you will. In God’s name, I have done.
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