leanmommy89 · 7 years
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
Starting Point!
My intention at first, was basically to loose weight. That's all what we want in life right? So I cut off my fav food. Eat healthily (so called). Tried light exercises. But I don't see any changes even I've tried effing hard about a month! Still 67kg, still obese. Damn. This is the period, where we've become demotivated and considering to stop. I admit that. But don't you dare to stop woman! I've started to read more on the 'effective way of losing weight'. And it's not about cutting all your foods or doing those freaking heavy exercise like there's no tomorrow. Yes, it will be slow at first. But you must not give up. You have to be consistent! And the second month, I see some changes. Though just a bit, but I'm loving it! So don't you give up ladies!
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
Never give up!
Sometimes, all you want to do is give in. It hurts so bad, you’re so tired, you can’t do it. That’s how it feels. But that feeling you get, when you’ve completed that workout or made it to the end of the match, is ten times the pain you felt before that. Because success is forth fighting for. It’ll be hard, but you won’t regret it.
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
The Revelation
Everything that we do, because of something right. Something that triggers everything! So these changes that I going through is because of one doctor.
Last year in November 2016, I was renewing my offshore medical checkup. The doctor who attended me was very fatherly. It was obvious back then that my weight and BMI was 'not normal'. I was 67kg back then. Mother fat, wife fat, you name it. Then the doctor started to lecture me "You're still young you know. Do some exercise. Eat well. For you and your family". It was pretty lame-typical-expected body weight advice right? But it hits me, right into my soul 😂 I was 27 back then. Enjoying my snacks, sugar, no exercise. And I'm already obese.
But then it hits me.
What will happen when I turn 30, 40, 50 (if I ever get that far la). Will I turn worse? Definitely. I told myself. If I still continue with this kind of lifestyle! I nodded to what he said. Then, it's a game change. For that, I thank you doc!
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
The Secret to Become Thin
What if I told you that there's actually no secret to become thin ...
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Well ladies, it only takes self discipline. I repeat. Self discipline.
And it ain't that easy dear.
Starting point is semi hard. But to be consistent? Damn.
The first month was hard for me. Can't denied it. Super control eating and exercise, no result. Almost giving up! Then I told myself, if I quit now, it will be a lost, because I'm already at that stage. I need to proceed. I have too. For me, myself and I.
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So I did, until now.
From January until August..
I lost 8 kg
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
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#sweat #leanmom #workingout
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leanmommy89 · 7 years
The Introduction
Hello everyone!
This is actually not my first blog 😜
Though those previous blogs just hangat2 tahi ayam la
Now, I have a sole purpose!
To share with you my journey, to be leaner and healthier!
And this is dedicated to all mothers out there, who is working - taking care of their kids - taking care of their home - taking care of everything - and made these as reasons for not living healthily!
So you're ready to change?
Let's move that arse and starts now!
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