leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Fuck           you,
                   s     h     o     r     t
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
"Rrrgh- are, are you insulting me?!" Dart bellowed. He thrashed around and snarled when she slapped his weapon away.
The shame of this situation fueled his mounting anger. The Autobot was in his clutches, then he wound up getting himself captured, disarmed, and then he shot himself. If he died here and Bolo went through his drives, he was certain the flier would crush his entire helm via face-palm.
"I was following you, Autobot scum! I detected you more than a hundred miles away, it was easy! I-"
He already said too much. Any mech capable of that kind of range, without external assistance, was well-known to be a communications mech... more valuable than the common grunt.
Only one option remained. He took advantage of this lull in action by firing both of his thrusters! The seeker zoomed off in the grass, hit the opposite bank of the river with a loud thud, and cartwheeled to a stop among a copse of hardy trees. Branches, twigs, leaves, and an abandoned birds nest infested his optics, his antennae, mouth, and all of his vents. When he vented, detritus flew in all directions.
The cuffs squealed from the heat of his thrusters, and his arm and leg had blackened painfully. Oh Primus that hurts! He gritted his teeth as he stumbled to one pede and gritted his dentae. With all of his might, he yanked hard on the cuffs, and tried to saw at it with his khopesh.
The cuffs began to give...
Another Dull Day In Paradise
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
"H-hey!" He protested, but his complaint was short-lived; she snapped the cuffs onto his wrist and ankle despite his flailing. When she pushed him, he tried to hop away, but wound up crashing face-first into the dirt, wings fluttering wildly. With effort, he popped out his arm-lasers, reached back toward the cuffs' weakest point, and...
...He shot himself in the arm. "WARRGH!!" He shrieked.
This would not do. He came so close to capturing an Autobot, and NOW SHE HAD CUFFED HIM WITH HIS OWN CUFFS?! He did not dare call for backup... the other mechs would never let him live it down! Instead, he clumsily scooted away from her, drew his shotel with his free servo, and reached for the cuff. Even when activated, it would take time to cut through the damned things.
The Decepticon was completely at her mercy.
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
me trying to flirt with a nerd
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Primus, this femme was strong! The moment this turned into a struggle, he knew he had made the wrong move. Too little, too late.
And then she shot him in the side, blowing off a panel and exposing a few delicate wires. With a yelp he tried to lurch away, and danced while holding his side. "Ow OW OW FRAGGING AAAAAAUGH!" He screamed. Despite their struggling, her height and strength gave her grappling advantage. He found himself snarling and kicking feebly at her shins. His wings arced in the excitement.
Another Dull Day In Paradise
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Dart began to reach for his own sidearm, but the femme was faster - remarkably so, despite her predicament. He froze with stasis cuffs in hand and complied with her demands... for now.
"You're in no shape to fight, Autobot. There's a lot more where that came from!" He bluffed. "You can either come along willingly, or a squadron of bigger mechs can drag you off by your finials!"
Before she could respond, he did the smartest most abrupt thing he could think of: he pounced at her!
Another Dull Day In Paradise
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
He hit? He hit! The seeker was shocked at his accuracy and dropped straight down, pitched forward and transformed. With his nose pointed straight at the earth he rolled to celebrate his small victory. I can't believe it! Wait 'till Bolo sees this! He thought.
Dart spiraled down with a noisy roar and landed in robot mode between the prone Autobot and her rifle. Once he sensed no motion and was certain she was knocked out cold, he approached her with his stasis cuffs in hand. "Lucky you, Autobot! You made this easy on both of us!"
The seeker reached for her wrist...
Another Dull Day In Paradise
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Dart trudged across the ruined cargo bay, careful to avoid throwing up more clouds of rust. "Something to eat? Heh, I prefer liquid intake, though I've eaten energon crystals when I was far from civilization. I'll keep your offer in mind... I wonder what's over here?"
The seeker navigated through a large hole and into a collapse corridor that spanned three decks. The gutted remains of crew cabins and public spaces were exposed, and all furniture and trash had since been reduced to wet dust. He detected various metals and numerous plastics, fibers, and wood pulp. His fog lights illuminated the dark walkway and scattered a small school of fish and an octopus that was roosting in a broken shower.
"This is just incredible! It's amazing how similar life is all over the galaxy. You know, I've been to hundreds of worlds and everywhere I go, ocean fauna mimics what I've seen here." With some effort, he shoved open a fire door. At this rate, only two decks had collapsed, forcing him to stoop in order to proceed.
"I'm sensing a larger chamber nearby, and a metallic cavity within. It... feels like a box? It's intact, but I cannot detect what's inside. Should we go have a look?"
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
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Play with any dance music in background and enjoy.
Saw a clip of dancing people. Decided to make a gif of Fulcrum dancing.
And now I’m making a 3 and a half minute long flash of MTMTE robots dancing.
What the hell.
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
The communications mech had been tailing the Autobot for some time, lagging more than one hundred miles behind. He still felt her presence within his 150 mile range and seamlessly tracked her across the American Midwest, taking great care to deter human military pings with false flags. He did not encounter Autobots very often on Earth, and he hoped this one would lead him to a hidden base. His commanding officer, Bolo, would love that.
When she landed into a small human settlement, he banked a wide circle around her. Why did she land? He wondered. Was this some kind of ruse?
A brief message to base was in order.
[ Dart: Autobot sighted, tracked for three hours. Flight path included. Target has gone to ground, no bogies detected. Orders? ]
[ Command: A task force will be sent to eliminate target with extreme prejudice. ]
[ Dart: Think I can capture her alive? ]
[ Command: You have a go. Don't get caught. ]
This was his chance! The seeker approached with his jammer on - at least, for a short time - and transformed into robot mode high above the riverside field. His subconscious system corrected for altitude, wind direction and speed... he was sure his aim was on target. The seeker primed a pair of EMP grenades and dropped them.
Another Dull Day in Paradise
A single propeller driven aircraft soared above a suburb in Oklahoma. The craft, a flat black, red tailed P47N looked like an old warbird painted to represent the 56th Fighter Group of old, save for the roundels. The aircraft was no simple Thunderbolt, it was an Autobot; the star of the US Army Air Force roundel replaced with the Autobot insignia.
Ugh, the bot inwardly thought to herself yet another boring day looking for Decepticons that aren’t there. With nothing to report over the Broken Arrow suburb, Scythia thought she might as well report in again.
"Base, this is Insecti-Razorback," she quickly corrected herself, still so used to calling herself by her old squad name, even now. It was taking some getting used to, "still no Decepticons." Her flight took her over an open field across a river from a forest reserve in the city, "I’m going to put down, stretch my legs. I’ve been in flight mode all day. Will resume patrol after thirty, over and out."
Scythia made a nosedive, stopping just above the ground to transform into her twenty foot robot mode; the first thing she did after she landed is stretch her back. “Oh sweet Primus did I need that break.” She stretched out her limbs before continuing another personal audio log.
"Still nothing, what’s with these guys? I honestly think things would be better if Thraex were in command around here." She had an audible tone of irritation as she spoke, "I feel like I’m following a bunch of paranoid maniacs. What’s next, are they going to ask me to start looking for Unicron? Hah!"
She stopped her log to look at the sky and relax for a while. She had the city itself to ‘patrol’ before she could call herself done. She took some comfort in that she could enjoy the views of Earth’s cities at least, small as they were compared to Cybertron. Might as well have some enjoyment to a pointless duty
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
I am always wanting to write Rated R material threads but I’m never sure of who would be comfortable doing so. Can roleplayers please reblog this post if you are fully comfortable writing mature subjects in your threads? { Blood, Gore, Rape, Murder, Alcohol and drug use, Hack&Slash etc. } I’d like to find out by this post who IS comfortable with these types of roleplays rather than making someone uncomfortable just by asking. Thank you!
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Dart stumbled as he was bumped to the edge of the nest. Stranger, and stranger still...
Once he steadied himself, he gaped at the younglings below. They squeaked, crawled over each other, clambered up the sides of the nest (and tumbled back down), scratched with their tiny claws, and they nipped and nibbled with tiny fangs. They were the cutest things Dart had seen in milennia. His optics drooped with adoration (though he was still confused and frightened). "I... I don't really understand what's going on, but are these your sparklings? They... they're so cu-BABYSITTER?!"
The seeker whirled on his new "employer" and flailed for balance. "B-BABYSITTER?! I- NO, NO no you misunderstand! I'm a, a scout! I just, er, run recon, and my fellow soldiers blow up anything shifty that I find!"
Dart had just given Falcor every reason not to release him from captivity. Good job, Dart.
"I, uh, I mean, not that, you know, I would EVER say anything if you were to so generously allow me to return to my duties, heh! Just, see, I, er, Autobobs-BOTS! AutoBOTS, yeah! They are the enemies who must face the wrath of Lord Megatron's might, and he really doesn't care about happy families such as your own can I go now please?"
Dart remembered everything he had seen in the human movie with the human named Ripley and that alien ship filled with hungry, parasitic young, he knew what happened to her crew mates who ventured too near those eggs and did not relish sharing that same fate! He pawed at the pouch’s vent, seeking some latch or release to bid his own escape when the walls themselves seemed to lurch and grab a hold of him. With blinding speed, he felt himself forced back up that slimy gullet and spat out upon the ground outside.
The seeker pushed himself up and dashed to the side, bewildered and frightened of this new turn of events. They were in a large chamber now - locked in, by the looks of that heavy grate top-side - and toothy Fallcore leered at him with all of the menace he had wielded back in the jungle ravine.
And there was… peeping? He felt out into the chamber for the two sparklings and beyond for their new coordinates. Just what was happening here?
He looked back to Fallcore with drooped wings and dirty chassis. The eggs that surrounded him, the eager (and probably terribly-hungry) young nearby meant he was not out of trouble yet. That he would be devoured at any moment remained quite possible.
That previous speech he had prepared in his head resurfaced, and now was a good a time as any to give it: “Umm… please don’t kill me?”
That was not how the speech went in his mind. Alas.
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Dart guided the slender, chilly-framed femme through the ground bridge. Even after millions of years of use, the vortex of energies had always disoriented him. Once on the other side, his grip tightened.
Awaiting them was a semi-circle of guards, all blistering with guns - guns trained directly at the femme. With a flash, the bridge evaporated, leaving them all secured in a windowless bunker. The seeker came to a complete halt and blinked at the lot of them. "Uh, I - sh-she's, uh, unarmed, guys, heh..."
The semi-circle parted to allow a hulking flier to thunder up to the two of them. He was easily twice Dart's height. Eons of intense battle had scarred his thick plating and shot his face through with a harsh scowl. "Soldier!" He barked, "All prisoners are to be restrained. Report!"
Dart grew uneasy. She was no prisoner, and the last thing he wanted was her energon on his servos. "Sir! This femme displays no Autobot nor Decepticon insignia. She literally fell out of the sky... I think we can hel- er, recruit her for our cause!"
The flier glared at him from behind his lurid, red visor. "You are out of line, scout," he remarked with derision. "I am the commanding officer of this battalion, and as such I have the final say. Did you even interview her?"
"Yes sir," Dart replied.
"Oh? Well what's her designation and affiliation?"
"She... has no name, no serial. Does not identify with any groups."
The flier tilted cocked his scarred helm. "Oh really? And you know this how?"
"Er, I- no designation, serial, nor any other personal identifiers showed on scanning. And she's, well, not wearing any insignia, so I thought-"
"You thought?" The flier laughed. "You thought, because she's not wearing insignia? HA! HAHAHAHAHA!"
Dart's wings drooped. This was not going as well as he had hoped.
"This is what we will do. Soldier, you will shut the frag up. I will conduct a proper interview with our security risk."
The flier turned to the femme - his internals and well-oiled gears betrayed a powerful frame and weighty mass. "I am Bolo. Look at me when I speak to you - why aren't you opening your optics, hmm?" Dart turned helplessly to face her, and remained quiet.
Against Time ((Closed RP))
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
-= Online =-
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
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It’s just a bit early (and messy) but I panicked because I get so caught up in my work that I forget to do birthday stuff for people. (I am a terrible friend).
HAPPY BIRTHDAY sneakymedulla !!!!!!! I figured you’d like a pic of Lockdown, so I took another crack at drawing the dork.
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
"hey, how do i get better at-"
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leap-before-you-look · 10 years
Professional or not, no matter what art style, I wanna see how many artists are out there.
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